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Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2011, 02:36
by bigpup
gcmartin wrote:
playdayz wrote:. ... I have had anomalies that could have been due to installing software etc before creating a save file. ...

I am NOT a developer. I have always been a Live media PUPs users. But, over the years I have seen many discussions about when and where to do a "save-session".

Most recent (don't remember where) I seem to remember someone indicating that the problem of out-of-the-box (OTB) use of PUPs has to do with the presence of "/home", which in some PUPs become present ONLY in save session reboots.

  1. Is there some truth in this comment?
  2. If so, should there be a labeled requirement in all PUPs usage which instructs that "functionality is missing unless you reboot"?
  3. If so, is there some alternative to OTB Live media systems booting to alleviate this important need?
Thanks in advance
The thing that is at issue here is how much ram does the computer have. If you boot a live Puppy CD and your computer has a low amount of ram, you have no room for more stuff, without a save file.
Remember Puppy tries to load the entire operating system into ram. That is everything on the CD.
It just will at around 256MB of ram.
So the answer is depends on how much ram you have.
Making a save file first, before adding stuff to Puppy, is probably good advice.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2011, 05:39
by davids45

I have an ongoing problem with my desktop set-up that prevents me from creating a Save file for a frugal in the previously time-tested way. But I know how to get around this by:
1) creating an empty Save file with an old Pup which I can copy into the new sub-directory and re-name to match the DISTRO-SPEC prefix. This work-around doesn't work for a first-time Pup install.
2) install the right driver so I don't lose graphics on hitting <reboot> - which a first-time Pup would be unlikely to guess was the problem.

So I thought my particular situation (and perhaps others who have difficulties with Save file creation) would benefit from being given the option to create a Save file as soon as Puppy was up and running from the CD or iso. A new sub-directory would be needed too? I don't know what would happen if the new Pup-user then did a Full install which doesn't need a Save file.

Could such an option (create a Save file sooner rather than later) be added to the fancy start-up packages now in many Pups? The normal Shut Down Save File process would need to be aware of a previous setting up of a Save File?

David S.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2011, 19:22
by playdayz
I cannot yet go up to a 3.x kernel as there are some scripts in Puppy that are hard-coded to expect "2.6".
James C and other kernel adventurers, this is from Barry's blog. I am not trying to be discouraging at all--just something to look for. I think a 5-Headed Dog with the 3.0.x kernel would be great fun. First, we'll get a 3HD with all the trimmings ;-)
Could such an option (create a Save file sooner rather than later) be added to the fancy start-up packages now in many Pups?
Yes it could. It is an interesting question. Personally I think it would be a good idea to create a save file as soon as Lucid booted *but* the question is would that prevent enough problems to justify the extra step. I am a strong advocate of booting directly to the desktop because I think users, new users especially, like getting right into it, without going through the xorgwizard, for instance. By the same logic, new users would probably want to start using Lucid without having to reboot to create the save file.

Those are my thoughts anyway, but as I had said one of the puppy greats (MU) had people create the save file immediately in New Years Pup.

Re: 3.0.4

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2011, 19:34
by majorfoo
James C wrote:
sszindian wrote: Is this your build ? Where do you have it so one can try?
Just something I put together for a little testing.I'm running 3 installs of 529....the regular version, and my two test builds with and 3.04.
I'm undecided, I might do a bit more tweaking and upload something.If I do, I'll post a link.
Please post link so others can give this a try. Sounds very interesting.
Note comment above by playdayz regarding a five headed dog using 3.0x. I believe you would attract considerable interest in this.


Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2011, 04:36
by James C
playdayz wrote:
I cannot yet go up to a 3.x kernel as there are some scripts in Puppy that are hard-coded to expect "2.6".
James C and other kernel adventurers, this is from Barry's blog. I am not trying to be discouraging at all--just something to look for. I think a 5-Headed Dog with the 3.0.x kernel would be great fun. First, we'll get a 3HD with all the trimmings ;-)
Naturally I defer to Barry but......... the 3.0.4 iso boots,the installer works and all the apps I've tried work. :) Posting from it now.
Possibly a Woof thing, but then again I don't use Woof....I do things the old-school way. :lol:

Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2011, 04:45
by James C
My first 3.0.4 version was uni-processor so I just put the finishing touches on a Lucid-529-k-3.0.4-SMP version too.The cd boots and runs fine but needs more testing.More later.

Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2011, 05:16
by James C
While I'm testing....

# report-video
Three-Headed Dog, version 529 on Wed 14 Sep 2011

Chip description:
2.0 VGA compatible controller
Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
oem: Intel(r)865G Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS
product: Intel(r)865G Graphics Controller Hardware Version 0.0

X Server: Xorg
Driver used: intel

X.Org version: 1.7.6
dimensions: 1024x768 pixels (270x203 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/root/ as report-video,
and archived with xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log as report-video-full.gz

Processor : 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
Memory : 1012MB (181MB used)
Operating System : Puppy Linux 0.52
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Wed 14 Sep 2011 12:14:12 AM CDT
Resolution : 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Unknown
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter : ICH4 - Intel ICH5

Kernel : Linux 3.0.4 (i686)
Compiled : #1 SMP Mon Sep 12 01:13:02 GMT-8 2011
C Library : GNU C Library version 2.11.1 (stable)
Default C Compiler : Unknown
Distribution : Puppy Linux 0.52

# free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 1012024 516352 495672 0 39488
Swap: 2150396 0 2150396
Total: 3162420 516352 2646068

Posted: Wed 14 Sep 2011, 13:51
by aarf
is there a space in the control panel for this?
It is a shame particularly for MtPaint that the Help is no help at all... ( removed )
What might be good for apps. would be to have it`s local docs, and then if the local docs can`t be found because of space conscious distro. builders that insist on removing them, it would show web page docs in the default browser.
For mtPaint, it can be done quite easily; just create a file /usr/doc/mtpaint/index.html or /usr/share/doc/mtpaint/index.html containing this line:

Code: Select all

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=">
from ... 596#563596

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 00:26
by playdayz
For mtPaint, it can be done quite easily; just create a file /usr/doc/mtpaint/index.html or /usr/share/doc/mtpaint/index.html containing this line:
I am not understanding. Does the mtpaint Help not work in Three-Headed Dog? I just tested and it works in Lucid 5.2.8.

I just checked and the Help works for mptaint in Three-Headed Dog also. We have enabled the Help in as many programs as we can in Lucid, gnumeric, sylpheed, roxterm, and numerous others. Abiword was difficult so it has a separate Help listing in the menu--same with Homebank.

Some Security

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 00:29
by sszindian

Any chance we can get the latest clamav and f-prot programs in the PPM for 528 and 529?



Re: Some Security

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 00:32
by playdayz
sszindian wrote:playdayz:

Any chance we can get the latest clamav and f-prot programs in the PPM for 528 and 529?


Definitely, What would be really great is that if someone other than me could make the pets. They could use the current f-prot as a model.


->->-> libgtk-2.20.1 <-<-<-

This is an update from Ubuntu and it prevents excessive numbers of gtk warnings being thrown by inkscape (not inkscape lite). I would bet it did other good things. It should be in the next update unless testers find problems. ...

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 08:06
by tasmod
Just downloaded latest f-prot to make into a pet and decided to install locally to run a scan. (Totally Linux Puppy box)

Latest definitions downloaded.

What a surprise. 8)

For info, don't jump to conclusions.

What I'm on about next is Windows file/program stuff.

I ran a full scan and it found 8 files with viruses. Now, these were stored old files from a Windows installation. Not system but user stuff.
Two had trojans, which somewhat surprised me. I haven't used these old files in 3 or so years. They were in a storage partition.

Just goes to show. Originally they had been scanned in the day, now with new definitions it found the trojans etc.

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 08:27
by nooby

exactly why I also want to learn how to get xF-prot going on my four machines.

Either in Slacko B2 or Lupu-528 or Polar-pup5 or some other.

At least one puppy that works with XF-prot.
Now I have none because me too stupid to get what you guys describe.

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 08:29
by tasmod
OK, I petted the latest f-prot 6.0.3 BUT it is 23 meg.

Unfortunately I am now going out so I can't upload anywhere just yet. It will have to wait unless someone else does the same.

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 08:36
by tasmod

Please be aware that there are two names which somewhat confuse people sometimes.


This is the name of the graphical user interface that runs the f-prot.


The core engine with definitions file. This can be run from the command line to update or check for viruses.

You can download from the f-prot site and run it yourself but it expects to be installed in the 'opt' directory.
De-compress somewhere and then create a f-prot directory in opt directory, copy all files across.
Open a terminal there and run which is a python file.
This will setup the symlinks and also download the latest definitions.

Once this is done run f-prot --help in the terminal and check which option you want to scan with.

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 08:52
by tasmod
EDIT: Now removed to Additional Software / Security section of forum.

OK, I hadn't realised that I had included the definitions file in my pet.
I've removed it to keep download smaller.

Install Xfprot from below and then select F2 update button to download the latest virus definitions.


Edit: Hmm odd situation. Whilst doing some research on f-prot I was served with two different download pages from their website.

The upshot is a new f-prot version.

Now there's another anomaly, they flag it as 6.1.0 but it reports back on itself as 6.5.1 with v 6 engine.

So it's either v6.1 or 6.5 whichever report you use. either way it's the latest.

I've added it rather than replacing the 6.0.3

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 10:35
by nooby
I am in two headed 528 now and try to get f-prot going but I am not intelligent enough.

Struggled for hours.

Sure I went to and dl the zipped thing and extracted it and moved the f-prot to /opt and it fail to do anything. Nothing works.

I try pemasu desccription now and see what that one says.
Well that one get things going a bit but I don't know how to run it

F-PROT Antivirus version (built: 2009-12-23T13-43-55)

FRISK Software International (C) Copyright 1989-2009
Engine version:
Arguments: --output=/root/.xfprot/xfprot.log --report --archive=99 --adware --applications --scanlevel=3 --heurlevel=2 /mnt/home
Virus signatures: 20110914173940df9188fcacea3534131c48cb05f60d

[Error] <Not a scannable filesystem object> /mnt/home


Files: 0
Skipped files: 0
MBR/boot sectors checked: 0
Objects scanned: 0
Infected objects: 0
Files with errors: 0
Disinfected: 0

Running time: 00:01
Scanned: /mnt/home

How to print on 529 ???

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 18:16
by mpierrat25

No way to print from apps ( firefox, abiword et so on ) menu show only "print to file ".

cups printer wizard show 3 printers :
F2280 (my HP Deskjet ) : page test OK

CUPS 1.4.3
Puppy 5.2.9

works find on 5.25 / 5.28

Please help

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 18:21
by rcrsn51
No way to print from apps ( firefox, abiword et so on ) menu show only "print to file ".
Has this version had a GTK upgrade?

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2011, 18:39
by tasmod
EDIT: Now removed to Additional Software / Security section of forum.

XFprot 2.4

Graphical front end for F-prot.

Install this and f-prot above.

EDIT: Fixed icons version reloaded.

EDIT: Rewritten to accept f-prot v651