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Right-click version 6.5.5

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 19:01
by don570
New version 6.5.5

Upgraded Bulldog finder 2.1 and Extract pet 1.7

Note: It works well on Pemasu's WHEEZY distro if the user first uses
the script(remove fake gz extension)
to delete all(most) of Pemasu's right-click menu entries.
Then install my pet package in the usual way.


Posted: Sat 30 Mar 2013, 18:22
by don570
version 6.5.7


1) upgrade to bulldog 2.2

2) dir2sfs was change to dir2sfs-alt
so that sfs file will be created with simpler name i.e. the name of the folder


version 6.5.8

Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 00:17
by don570
version 6.5.8

Available download...


1) upgrade to bulldog 2.3


Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 18:08
by liny
Translation to Hungarian

version 6.5.9 - Hungarian

Posted: Thu 11 Apr 2013, 00:06
by don570
version 6.5.9


1) upgrade to bulldog 2.4 - which uses comboboxtext widget
2) worked on mime and right clicks to open Audacity projects
3) added example
4) Hungarian language added

More languages always welcomed. I just need the
pot file to be filled with translations


Posted: Thu 25 Apr 2013, 19:57
by Bert
Dutch translation (NL)

Posted: Thu 25 Apr 2013, 20:15
by don570
I'll post a Dutch mo on Saturday.

version 6.6.0 of right click

Posted: Sat 27 Apr 2013, 17:40
by don570
New version 6.6.0 - Languages supported are now English,Dutch,
French,German,Hungarian, Russian, Spanish


1) Dutch language added.

2) I made small change to so that users that are currently
using a language that is not supported (such as Arabic, Norwegian etc)
will be told that they are installing the English version instead.

For people who want to translate their language, the pot file can
be downloaded , filled in with your translations and sent back.

I include script for experts who know how to use MoManager
(tip: devx file must be loaded and script must be located in an
executable path).


French Bulldog finder added

Posted: Sat 04 May 2013, 16:28
by don570
new version 6.6.1

-French translation of Bulldog Finder added
by esmourguit who maintains French language pack

Posted: Mon 06 May 2013, 17:42
by don570
new version 6.6.2

-Rewrite dir-to-iso script to provide yaf-splash warning while
ISO is created. Originally written by forum member RSH
Note that folder must contain special files to be bootable.
For instance 'grldr' is grub boot menu file
isolinux.bin is checked as well

Explanation of bootable disk ISO

For people who want to translate their language, the pot file can
be downloaded , filled in with your translations and sent back.

I include script for experts who know how to use MoManager
(tip: devx file must be loaded and script must be located in an
executable path).


Posted: Sat 29 Jun 2013, 18:17
by don570
I've been working on a Chinese version with forum member icake..

Here's how far I've got.



Posted: Sat 29 Jun 2013, 18:24
by don570
new version 6.6.4
Note: I'm currently working on a new opening screen, but the
software still works :lol:

New opening screen allows two languages to be displayed
alien2puppy script added
pupmd5sum and report-system locales added
extract-pet window lengthened
bulldog finder fr_FR locale changed to fr locale

New version 6.6.5

Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 18:42
by don570
Tutorial on how to convert precise, slacko or Raring to chinese

Lots more translations added, for example here is opening screen
for Chinese users..



Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 08:38
by smokey01
(Edited - solve the problem)
Don is there a Fatdog version available?

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 23:47
by don570
I did a version for an early version of Fatdog ... 887#669887
but it doesn't work correctly for recent Fatdog versions

Tazoc includes a lot of right click software to make his version
user friendly.

I reccommend him.


Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 02:17
by smokey01
don570 wrote:I did a version for an early version of Fatdog ... 887#669887
but it doesn't work correctly for recent Fatdog versions

Tazoc includes a lot of right click software to make his version
user friendly.

I reccommend him.

There are some difference between LHP and FD. I will have a look and make the appropriate changes for FD621.


version 6.6.6

Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2013, 21:05
by don570
New version 6.6.6


Upgraded following :

Bulldog finder 3.1
copy-fast 2.2
ffconvert 1.3.2 by Shinobar
report-system locales


Posted: Sat 10 Aug 2013, 16:27
by don570
New version 6.6.7


Upgraded following :

1) build gettext bug fix

2) Introduced puppy-rsync and removed puppy backup

Posted: Sun 11 Aug 2013, 18:27
by koulaxizis
don570 wrote:New version 6.6.7


Upgraded following :

1) build gettext bug fix

2) Introduced puppy-rsync and removed puppy backup

For people who want to translate their language, the pot file can
be downloaded , filled in with your translations and sent back.

I include script for experts who know how to use MoManager
(tip: devx file must be loaded and script must be located in an
executable path). is created. Send that to me. Thanks

Thanks for that! :)

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 18:47
by recobayu
Hi Don570, I follows your right click. this is very great.
I have an idea,
if i select a picture, whatever the format file is (.jpg, .png, or .svg), I can set that picture as wallpaper. So i tried to make this script

Code: Select all

aku=$(basename $1)
cp $aku /usr/share/backgrounds
set_bg /usr/share/backgrounds/$aku
but it failed. If you don't mind, could you repair my script and submit in your rightclick?