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Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2011, 14:33
by konaexpress
@Battleshooter You have some nice looking stuff going on! Are you using lua scrips with Conky?

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2011, 19:16
by battleshooter
Thank you Dejan, lucb and konaexpress :)

@ konaexpress Yes, I am using lua scripts with Conky. I'm planning to upload a pet of the Conky and Imlib, but I've just been trying to see if I can put together a script to easily change Conky configs.. If that doesn't work out though, I can still just upload the Conky pet if wanted. :)

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2011, 19:44
by sc0ttman
battleshooter wrote:Thank you Dejan, lucb and konaexpress :)

@ konaexpress Yes, I am using lua scripts with Conky. I'm planning to upload a pet of the Conky and Imlib, but I've just been trying to see if I can put together a script to easily change Conky configs.. If that doesn't work out though, I can still just upload the Conky pet if wanted. :)
Please do upload the .pet, with instructions on how w ecan also be so awesome! I know where to get lua, I already have Conky, but I've no idea what to do next ;)

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2011, 08:14
by battleshooter
Hey Scott, I've uploaded the pets with steps over here. Hope it can be useful to you. :)

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2011, 18:13
by grimoire

That's nice battleshooter!

Posted: Fri 28 Oct 2011, 03:40
by battleshooter
An imitation of KDE4. It's actually Fluxbox and this Conky theme set to show Amarok now playing instead of Exaile. I know it could be closer to KDE4, but I like the way it looks right now. More lighter.


Haha, I should really stop showing off.... :)

Posted: Fri 28 Oct 2011, 14:08
by stu90
Some real nice looking pups -
I wish such themes and styles were a puppy default, looks so much more fresh, modern and organized than the traditional desktop icon clutter.

Posted: Fri 28 Oct 2011, 15:09
by konaexpress
stu90 wrote:Some real nice looking pups -
I wish such themes and styles were a puppy default, looks so much more fresh, modern and organized than the traditional desktop icon clutter.
Yep! Those do look great, and I agree about a fresh look.

Posted: Fri 28 Oct 2011, 15:30
by konaexpress
Here is a link I found for a nice clean one you can download @ ... 8#/d2gjf3n


Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011, 11:29
by SFR
Lupu-528 with:

1. Fluxbox + Chockolade theme,
2. "Celtic2_preview" cursor theme (,
3. "Antiquity" desktop icons by ARu - AWSOME stuff! (,
4. and desktop background made by DaVinci and myself :wink:


Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 10:37
by battleshooter
I've convinced myself that I'm not showing off, I'm merely demonstrating how great Puppy is. :) So here's the Conky theme konaexpress mentioned:


Puppy Linux

Posted: Tue 08 Nov 2011, 15:57
by Major448
My special little puppy ...


Posted: Tue 08 Nov 2011, 19:00
by steve_s
Battleshooter: love that kde look, but love xfce more, great combo!

Major448: love that background, the wolf penguin combo!

Posted: Tue 08 Nov 2011, 19:15
by konaexpress
steve_s wrote:Battleshooter: love that kde look, but love xfce more, great combo!

Major448: love that background, the wolf penguin combo!
Yea, love that clean look. Wish I could get puppy running on my Mac, this has been tuff. Any VB puppys out there? As soon as I get a puppy up and running at full screen, I will come and play too.

See you boys when I get there.

Posted: Wed 09 Nov 2011, 07:20
by starhawk
Made this one meself -- using the primary reason that my netbook is still WinXP. It's called CorelDRAW X3, and it's just plain awesome for graphics.

Resolution is 1024x768. There's still a few tiny, tiny things I need to fix but it's late here (2:20am) and I'm lazy :P

This is the wallpaper I'm using on the CPi... as there are no icons and the "dock" is autohide, this double-counts as a screenshot 8)

Hope ya'll like!

Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 04:29
by starhawk
Fixed version :D

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 05:15
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.


Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 17:00
by tubeguy

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 17:16
by Billtoo

Posted: Sat 03 Dec 2011, 03:45
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.