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Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 03:17
by cthisbear
Updated Lucid ISO 005

Thisis the first time I have connected with wireless
on the Asus Eee PC with Puppy.

Ralink corp. RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe

Encrypted >> WPA2 >>

What a stinker.

Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
Socket Designation: PBGA 437

Ethernet controller : Atheros Communications AR8132 Fast Ethernet (rev c0)

Network controller : Ralink corp. RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe


Thanks ....Chris.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 04:40
by recobayu
thanks bigpup,
i found a solution about shutdown problem by musher0 at this thread:
and now, my puppy can shutdown normally.
thanks. :D

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 06:24
by Sage
Oh yes, there is a problem with shutdown and this may be a solution in some cases:
Thanks, aarf.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 12:39
Had a play with LupuPlus Libre last night.

Despite the fact my laptop only has 512K memory the result is awesome with a frugal Lin'N'Win install. A bit of a delay while waiting for Libre Office to load from hard disk but nothing exceptional.

This is the first time I have had Libre Office running with its in-built help working without asking for the internet! Knoppix has Libre Office as well but it asks for the internet if you click help. Perhaps they have not configured Java properly.

Libre Office includes the Base module. Puppy has a database at last - for those that need it! Haven't tested it though. Worth a test as this depends on Java.

Does Libre office include the Math module? Didn't see it on any menus anywhere.

I downloaded the -1 update last night so will install properly with save file tonight.

Very annoying that a minor update comes so soon after release. Now there is a -2 on the LupuLibre option. Not sure if that is bringing it up to LupuPlusLibre standard (some of it certainly is) or whether it goes a bit beyond. Annoying if it does. I don't like this rotational update approach! Upgrade all strands to the same standard at once.

To be perfect this Libre option could do with a lot of boring tweaking work to align everything with the Libre Office addition. For example PupApps needs a tweek although the new PupMenu automagically detects Libre! The help file from the desktop needs changes. Pup Help 101 probably needs some additions. I'm not asking for Playdayz to do this. what he has done is awesome. We need some polishers to give the final sheen.

I love this Puppy!

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 18:30
by playdayz
For anyone interested.

Three-Headed Dog Version Updated ISO APR 25, 2012 - Luci-001.005

The big news is that Help is working in Abiword and Homebank and the web links are working in many (or all) programs Help -> About. More big news is that there is a Libre version with Libre Office 3.5.2 installed and integrated with the desktop ... 539#552539
Does Libre office include the Math module?
The Math (Formula) module is included, but no menu entry. Menu -> Document -> Libre Office 3.5 is a way to start it.

No more updates for a while. I hesitate to mention it but it *might* be possible to remaster a Libre version to run in ram on that 512MB machine. If one started with 3HD Libre one would need to remove about 26-30MB to shrink the luci_001.sfs below 256MB. Abiword is about 6MB and Gnumeric is about 7Mb, so that would be a start. 3HD uses the separate z-drive for the drivers which saves some space. And wait a minute, I had to use a large guvcview to get it to work, so that is another 6MB! Anyone have suggestions for a couple of other 2-3Mb programs that could be removed? midori and xine-dvd might do it.
Libre Office includes the Base module. Puppy has a database at last - for those that need it! Haven't tested it though. Worth a test as this depends on Java.
Lupu Plus Libre has java built in--Lupu Libre doesn't. I used shinboar's latest jre ... 08&t=61287

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 21:23
by rerwin
recobayu wrote:thanks bigpup,
i found a solution about shutdown problem by musher0 at this thread:
and now, my puppy can shutdown normally.
Thanks for narrowing the problem down to the 3 wm* scripts. Here are the differences between the long-standing versions and your substitutes:
  • diff bin/lupuplus-005-1/wmexit bin/wmexit
    > #### Ajout par musher0, 7 déc. 2011
    > #### Pour le cas où on a un panneau rox en-haut.
    > [ -e ~/barre-dr.oui ] && /usr/local/bin/rox -t= && mv ~/barre-dr.oui ~/barre-dr.non
    > sleep 0.04s
    diff bin/lupuplus-005-1/wmpoweroff bin/wmpoweroff
    > ####
    > # Ajout par musher0, 7 déc. 2011
    > ## Pour le cas où on a un panneau rox en-haut.
    > [ -e ~/barre-dr.oui ] && /usr/local/bin/rox -t= && mv ~/barre-dr.oui ~/barre-dr.non
    > sleep 0.04s
    > # Fin de l'ajout
    > ####
    diff bin/lupuplus-005-1/wmreboot bin/wmreboot
    > #### Ajout par musher0, 7 déc. 2011
    > #### Pour le cas où on a un panneau rox en-haut.
    > [ -e ~/barre-dr.oui ] && /usr/local/bin/rox -t= && mv ~/barre-dr.oui ~/barre-dr.non
    > sleep 0.04s
Assuming no one seeing the problem has file barre-dr.oui in the root directory, the only addition that always executes is the "sleep 0.04s" command. I have added that to the lupu versions and placed the updated scripts into the attached package (which contains 2 unrelated minor mods). Here are the resulting differences:
  • diff lupuplus-005-1/wmexit /root/lupu528-IU002_rerwin_patch-8b-delta/usr/bin/wmexit
    > sleep 0.04s #120425 appears to prevent misbehavior in full installation.
    diff lupuplus-005-1/wmpoweroff /root/lupu528-IU002_rerwin_patch-8b-delta/usr/bin/wmpoweroff
    > sleep 0.04s #120425 appears to prevent misbehavior in full installation.
    diff lupuplus-005-1/wmreboot /root/lupu528-IU002_rerwin_patch-8b-delta/usr/bin/wmreboot
    > sleep 0.04s #120425 appears to prevent misbehavior in full installation.
Could those of you seeing the problem in your full installation please install this package and report whether it makes any difference in the shutdown behavior? TIA.

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 21:43
by radky
ICPUG wrote:To be perfect this Libre option could do with a lot of boring tweaking work to align everything with the Libre Office addition. For example PupApps needs a tweek although the new PupMenu automagically detects Libre!
PupApps uses the LO and OO prefixes to distinguish the LibreOffice executables from OpenOffice executables of the same name (for example, LO-swriter versus OO-swriter).

In Preferences of PupApps you will find the following LibreOffice options are available for LupuLibre 528.005:

Database: LO-sbase
Spreadsheet: LO-scalc
Wordprocessor: LO-swriter
Presentation: LO-simpress
Vector Editor: LO-sdraw

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2012, 21:44
by don570
I was able to convert pmirror so that it
can mirror 5 folders now.

I call the application 'Puppy backup 1.4'


Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 05:22
by bigpup
rerwin wrote:Could those of you seeing the problem in your full installation please install this package and report whether it makes any difference in the shutdown behavior? TIA.
Thanks to musher0 for tracking down the cause of the problem.


This shutdown problem some are seeing,
Glad to see your input on this issue.
(works fine for me without your fix, Lupu528.005).

I am not so sure it is only happening with full installs.
I have read posts by people, with frugal installs, having the problem.
Seems to be mostly, newer users trying newer Puppies (Racy, Slacko, etc..) and Lucid 528.005 versions.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 05:59
by Sage
This shutdown problem some are seeing,
Glad to see your input on this issue.
(works fine for me without your fix, Lupu528.005).

I am not so sure it is only happening with full installs.
I have read posts by people, with frugal installs, having the problem.
Seems to be mostly, newer users (and very old ones now!) trying newer Puppies (Racy, Slacko, etc..) and Lucid 528.005 versions.
...and Saluki ! First time I've ever encountered it. It's obscure and scarcely reproducible, but a damn nuisance.
So, we need to know from rerwin to which variants does his patch apply, please? And if not others than Lupu, can he help Jemimah and other developers?
The maestro has been invoked in one missive. Where is he on this issue?

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 06:00
by bigpup
Just let Firefox internal update do an update from version 11 to 12.
So far, it seems to be working OK.
Fingers crossed! :D
All of them!! :lol: :wink: :D

Hope it did not just add 6MB+ to the overall size. Seems that is their standard update download size.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 11:51
playdayz wrote: I hesitate to mention it but it *might* be possible to remaster a Libre version to run in ram on that 512MB machine. If one started with 3HD Libre one would need to remove about 26-30MB to shrink the luci_001.sfs below 256MB. Abiword is about 6MB and Gnumeric is about 7Mb, so that would be a start. 3HD uses the separate z-drive for the drivers which saves some space. And wait a minute, I had to use a large guvcview to get it to work, so that is another 6MB! Anyone have suggestions for a couple of other 2-3Mb programs that could be removed? midori and xine-dvd might do it.
I don't think there is any urgency for that, not for my needs anyway. At some point you have to draw the line and say running from CD is not suitable and a hard disk install is necessary for performance. LupuPlusLibre with its incredible functionality over a standard Puppy has crossed the line I think.

Another incredible thing for me is that we now have a fully functional Office suite to business standards with in-built offline help, AS WELL AS the normal stuff, all in an ~350MB download. No other distro with this functionality gets near to this size. How does Puppy do it?

The great sadness is that now we are not an official Puppy nobody gets to hear of it on Distrowatch or in Linux Format!
radky wrote: PupApps uses the LO and OO prefixes to distinguish the LibreOffice executables from OpenOffice executables of the same name (for example, LO-swriter versus OO-swriter).

In Preferences of PupApps you will find the following LibreOffice options are available for LupuLibre 528.005:

Database: LO-sbase
Spreadsheet: LO-scalc
Wordprocessor: LO-swriter
Presentation: LO-simpress
Vector Editor: LO-sdraw

Thank you radky. I must investigate a little more now that I have a save file set up. Your utilities are continually improving. The way you work quietly in the background and still converse with the user puts you among the higher echelons of Puppy contributors!

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 13:37
by chrome307
@ playdayz

I read on the forum that someone had updated 'Coreutils' for puppy and I have had an attempt myself.

Compiling worked okay and as suggested in the 'ReadMe or Install' file, I have disabled NLS as it will fail the tests.

The compiled pet file does install on Lucid 528-005 and everything appears to function correctly however the only problem I seem to have is that once installed it fails to install PET files. Is this something that someone could look at?


Pet file is here.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 13:39
by rerwin
bigpup wrote:Thanks to musher0 for tracking down the cause of the problem.

I am not so sure it is only happening with full installs.
I have read posts by people, with frugal installs, having the problem.
Seems to be mostly, newer users trying newer Puppies (Racy, Slacko, etc..) and Lucid 528.005 versions.
Sage wrote:First time I've ever encountered it. It's obscure and scarcely reproducible, but a damn nuisance.
So, we need to know from rerwin to which variants does his patch apply, please? And if not others than Lupu, can he help Jemimah and other developers?
Yes, it was musher0 who made the actual discovery that recobayu reported. Thanks, to musher0.

To make the fix available for every puppy, I removed the fixes other than for shutdown and added package to my message containing patch-8b-delta. That should be used anywhere the problem is suspected (unless "8b" is already installed).

But, from bigpup's comment, the real problem may be elsewhere. Adding a delay suggests that there is a timing issue where the delay allows something else to complete. If the fix is still insufficient, the delay could be increased to, say, 1 second to handle even extreme cases. The scripts are in /usr/bin, wm*.

One factor that might play a role is whether the CPU has multiple cores. Timing/serialization issues can surface when one goes from a uniprocessor to a multiprocessor CPU. Please include in any reports about this, the type of CPU in use. Thanks.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 13:47
by vtpup
I have the shutdown issue with a new dual proc under 5.2.8 v5 which only occurred after I updated the ath9k module -- I'm wondering if the timing issue relates to shutdown of wireless. Also same problem confirmed by a second user on another computer.


Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 14:41
by playdayz
Another incredible thing for me is that we now have a fully functional Office suite to business standards with in-built offline help, AS WELL AS the normal stuff, all in an ~350MB download
In a future version perhaps, no time soon, it might be fun to see how small we could get it without losing any function. BigPup has already suggested removing Abiword and gnumeric from the Libre versions. One advantage we have over other Linux distros is that even the Libre versions can run from ram, therefore they can be quicker--which solves one problem I have always had with Libre/Open office. Another obvious advantage is that Puppy is lean to begin with.

I am interested in your comment ICPUG about java and Base--perhaps java should be included in all Libre versions for full functionality.
we are not an official Puppy nobody gets to hear of it on Distrowatch
I certainly hope that we will see Libre versions of the official Puppies--I regard Lupu Libre as kind of a test bed where we can figure out such things as including java, etc. I am developing a system for easily making Libre versions of other Puppies.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 15:10
by Sage
Please include in any reports about this, the type of CPU
Ta, rerwin.

Don't believe in multiple cores, never use them. For Puppies it's overkill^2 and defeats the prime directive.
Never use wireless, either. Keep safe, keep wired! Sagger rules!
It was a 754 that exhibited the shutdown feature. Haven't had time to apply your patch(es) yet. Puppies coming so thick and fast only have a Saluki 20 as a current release on FULL. Not seen the shutdown item on any other Puppy/HW and I've tried all of 'em.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 15:24
by Sage
Interesting. Ran the patch "" on above machine. Menu shutdown now removes tray completely - nothing else. CTRL-ALT-BKSPCE, then <poweroff> guarantees return to desktop every time!

Later: did the Saluki 20 - 21 upgrade (FULL). Whatever that does, it overwrote the above grief and [so far!] it's shutting down to order! Should be a clue in there somewhere for rerwin/Jemimah?

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 18:16
by jim3630
Sage wrote: Should be a clue in there somewhere for rerwin/Jemimah?
the clue was given to you PEBKAC. your the only one reporting this in Saliku.
and you failed to report in Saliku thread "your grief" is not present in 021

Where was JAVA fixed

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 20:16
by gcmartin
playdayz wrote:Another incredible thing for me is that we now have a fully functional Office suite to ... as including java, etc. ...
Thanks Playdayz

This integration is coming at the right time, for, Internet rates are at an all-time high, and 2006+ PCs, are more than a match for the Office Performance we get from your offering in Puppy+3HD+...

  1. As was reported to you, there is a problem with JAVA as was delivered with your first Office PUP ("lupulibre"). Today, I noticed a version for 3HD. Did you or someone "FIX" the JAVA problem that was reported? And, if so, which versions contain that fix in PUP528 and 3HD?
  2. Will LupuPlusLIbre update have the JAVA fixed in it?
Thanks in advance