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Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 21:57
by zigbert
4.0.0 Release Notes


I will look at your code and fix tomorrow - it's getting late (too late :) )


Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 23:31
by R-S-H

I got it starting now using the Nad5 theme, but it needs to be executed twice at first time.

I assume this is because of running from SFS?

What would be the effect, if I would keep only /root/.pmusic/pmusicrc inside the OS?




Ok, it's the same effect.
It starts at first time successfully but the icons are gone.
I'll wait until fixed 4.01 before doing some further investigations.
Want to have it running from SFS at first try starting into Nad5 theme

Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 23:56
by R-S-H

Just noticed a second issue.

There are two files named the same (one is in capital letters)




This is not usable when using FAT32 partition and wanting to make a symbolic link for /root/.pmusic. I'm using LazY Puppy from FAT32 partition. Any chance to make a change on the name of these two files?


Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 00:34
by R-S-H

Sorry for confusing, but my post, two posts above, is wrong. I did had an old file somewhere.

It does not need to be executed twice - it just takes some time at first start.

But: it doesn't start then into the Nad5 theme (i've set this in /usr/local/pmusic/pmusicrc) - it starts into Gtk theme!

/usr/local/pmusic/pmusicrc says: export THEME="Nad5" - it has 49 lines of text

/root/.pmusic/pmusicrc says: export THEME="Gtk" - it has 43 lines of text

Obviously it's not an equal copy but maybe a copy that is modified after copying somehow, somewhere?


Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 07:24
by zigbert
4.0.0 Release Notes

don570 wrote:The icons are too dark in Precise NOP
Be aware the are 2 kinds of themes. The default GTK theme is an layer over the OS-theme, and will look as the rest of the apps but with specific tweaks and icons for pMusic. The other available theme - Nad - overrides the global theme. Using this, everything should be visually balanced the way the author of the theme wants it.


Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 07:26
by zigbert
4.0.0 Release Notes


CD playing is fixed (with your soultion !!!)
Your hacker skills shows up once more.

Plugin updated

Thanks a lot

Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 08:04
by zigbert
You're right - It is locked to the Gtk theme - I have fixed it.

Thank you

Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 08:09
by zigbert
Version 4.0.1
See main post

- Improved and fixed Tray app plugin. (thanks to 01micko)
- Updated Nad5.
- Removed terminal outputs on first run. (if not using the --debug attribute).
- Bugfix: Playback of cd-audio. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Trackinfo/albumart doesn't update if track misses meta tags. (Thanks to R-S-H)
- Bugfix: Flip icon icon_source_manual.svg

Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 13:11
by 01micko
Confirmed the CD bug is fixed in 4.0.1 8)

I also compiled a 64 bit binary for the tray icon with latest source, so I'll attach just that, no pot or source files. Only for installation in FD64 or LHP64. (Be sure it's executable before installation).

Also, I gave Pmusic a brief run in my slackware64-14.0 install as user and it seems to work fine. :)


If you look carefully, you will notice the tray icon popup doesn't refresh for pause, probably a permissions issue, so the tray app may need work for multiuser systems, but for Puppy it's just fine.


Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 19:20
by zigbert
01micko wrote:Also, I gave Pmusic a brief run in my slackware64-14.0 install as user and it seems to work fine. :)
This is wonderful news. I have never tested it in a multiuser environment, but has coded with that in mind. I see that there is a problem with gtk as pMusic doesn't use the global theme in combination with the pMusic-theme. But that is minor...

Will upload 64-bit trayapp

Thanks a lot

Posted: Sat 15 Jun 2013, 21:00
by zigbert
1 week since the release of pMusic 4.0.0
5300 users has given it a try.
5 persons has replied here.
pMusic either works as expected or it sucks so badly it isn't worth fixing... Considering that it was released without any alpha/beta/rc-releases, it is hard to believe it's bug-free.

Posted: Sun 16 Jun 2013, 03:09
by mcewanw
Wanting to try pmusic 4.0.1 but I'm using slacko 533, which has an old gtkdialog. Do you know offhand the download link for the newest gtkdialog that should run on this Puppy version so that Pmusic 4.0.1 will run correctly?

Posted: Sun 16 Jun 2013, 06:36
by zigbert
I have compiled the latest Gtkdialog for Slacko 5.5 here. I guess that will work for Slacko 5.3.3 as well.


Posted: Sun 16 Jun 2013, 06:50
by mcewanw
Thanks Sigmund

Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013, 01:26
by oldyeller
Hi zigbert

when I try and download this I get this
This Account Has Been Suspended

Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013, 01:35
by 01micko
Yeah oldyeller, russoodle's server was compromised and is in the process of being cleaned up now.

I'll host it for the time being and when the server is back up I'll remove it.

Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013, 01:41
by oldyeller
01micko wrote:Yeah oldyeller, russoodle's server was compromised and is in the process of being cleaned up now.

I'll host it for the time being and when the server is back up I'll remove it.

Thanks Mick

Posted: Sun 30 Jun 2013, 22:09
by zigbert
I am working on an improved masstagger that take advantage of the infrastructure introduced in pMusic 4.


Posted: Sun 30 Jun 2013, 22:10
by zigbert
Since the repo is still down...

Posted: Mon 08 Jul 2013, 11:59
by Tui
Hi zigbert I have tried to download pmusic and comes back as
account suspended.

What to from here ?

Where now do I try ?

Cheers Tui