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Posted: Fri 03 Oct 2014, 13:55
by nubc
For those who tried it, how did you pick the desktop environment of Salix 14.1? (KDE, Ratpoison, Xfce, Openbox, Fluxbox) Please give details, and feel free to compare the different DEs. Did you notice that, at least for Xfce, the devs changed root access from "su" to "sudo"? Am I correct that I have to install Salix because it doesn't run as a liveCD? [Edit: I just checked the Salix website, and read that one dev is in charge of liveCD architecture.] Generally, does each DE/WM have the same apps, or do apps substantially differ between DE/WMs?

Posted: Fri 03 Oct 2014, 15:25
by James C
nubc wrote:For those who tried it, how did you pick the desktop environment of Salix 14.1? (KDE, Ratpoison, Xfce, Openbox, Fluxbox) Please give details, and feel free to compare the different DEs. Did you notice that, at least for Xfce, the devs changed root access from "su" to "sudo"? Am I correct that I have to install Salix because it doesn't run as a liveCD? [Edit: I just checked the Salix website, and read that one dev is in charge of liveCD architecture.] Generally, does each DE/WM have the same apps, or do apps substantially differ between DE/WMs?
I chose MATE because I prefer it. KDE is usually fairly bloated while Openbox and Fluxbox are usually lacking in bells and whistles. For me personally, XFCE is a close second to MATE it's just a matter of personal preference.

Salix live releases are generally a bit behind the install discs but I see they have both KDE and XFCE 14.1 live Beta's available now.I've tried enough of the live discs that I know what to expect so I generally just go straight to an install. ... o/download ... o/download ... o/download ... o/download

Lots of the older versions are available live at ... rce=navbar

The different versions usually share some of the same apps but have different file managers,burning apps, etc. Don't keep up with all the different versions so can't go into specific detail.

Posted: Fri 03 Oct 2014, 19:19
by James C
Another new install...... Korora 20 MATE. Based on Fedora 20.

[quote]Korora was born out of a desire to make Linux easier for new users, while still being useful for experts.

Originally based on Gentoo Linux in 2005, Korora was re-born in 2010 as a Fedora Remix1 with tweaks and extras to make the system “just work

Posted: Wed 08 Oct 2014, 04:19
by James C
New Vsido release.....
VSIDO is a front line Debian Sid installation built with the goal of providing both basic and advanced users the toolset needed to be productive, protected yet flexible enough to enjoy

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vsido@vsido:~$ uname -a
Linux vsido 3.16-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.3-2 (2014-09-20) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Posted: Tue 14 Oct 2014, 05:56
by James C
I decided to go very,very cutting edge....... I just installed Arch Linux. :)

There is a choice of about 15 WM/DE..... I installed MATE because I like MATE.

Probably not recommended for beginners.... if you feel the urge to try Arch I'd recommend reading over the Wiki....

The official Arch download page......

When installing you can choose between the stable LTS kernel or cutting edge.Latest and greatest for me.

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[james@evo ~]$ uname -a
Linux evo 3.16.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 6 08:22:27 CEST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[james@evo ~]$ 

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[james@evo ~]$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       3794184    1194852    2599332       9588      35380     599972
-/+ buffers/cache:     559500    3234684
Swap:      8294396          0    8294396
[james@evo ~]$ 

Posted: Tue 14 Oct 2014, 07:27
by James C
Tiny Core 5.4.

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tc@box:~$ uname -a
Linux box 3.8.13-tinycore #2511 SMP Fri Oct 18 14:41:31 UTC 2013 i686 GNU/Linux

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tc@box:~$ free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:       2065552       638600      1426952            0        70268
-/+ buffers:             568332      1497220
Swap:      2660028            0      2660028

Posted: Tue 14 Oct 2014, 16:14
by rokytnji

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System:    Host: biker Kernel: 3.15.2-antix.1-486 i686 (32 bit gcc: 4.9.0) 
           Desktop: IceWM 1.3.8 
           Distro: antiX-14-a3-RV_386-full Killah P 11 October 2014 

Posted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 20:29
by Iguleder
James C wrote:Tiny Core 5.4.

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tc@box:~$ uname -a
Linux box 3.8.13-tinycore #2511 SMP Fri Oct 18 14:41:31 UTC 2013 i686 GNU/Linux

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tc@box:~$ free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:       2065552       638600      1426952            0        70268
-/+ buffers:             568332      1497220
Swap:      2660028            0      2660028
I think this screenshot is simply beautiful - so clean! It inspired me enough to change the default look of RLSD:

Posted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 23:00
by rokytnji
nubc wrote:For those who tried it, how did you pick the desktop environment of Salix 14.1? (KDE, Ratpoison, Xfce, Openbox, Fluxbox) Please give details, and feel free to compare the different DEs. Did you notice that, at least for Xfce, the devs changed root access from "su" to "sudo"? Am I correct that I have to install Salix because it doesn't run as a liveCD? [Edit: I just checked the Salix website, and read that one dev is in charge of liveCD architecture.] Generally, does each DE/WM have the same apps, or do apps substantially differ between DE/WMs?
MY 2 cents. I run Fluxbox 14.1 just because I am comfy running and editing Fluxbox on the low powered Atom Netbook I have and I can read my Comic Books, Listen to and read Ebooks and PDFs, Watch Movies, Run MOC and INXI, Never strain the Atom 270,
Watch Youtube and Some other sites I know of without any video lagging.

So I guess a lot depends on your hardware, what you do, how you relax.
My little netbook runs smooth as silk on SaliX 14.1. It does everything
My dual core Acer C710 chromebook does and more (for my personal preferences, YMMV)

Hope that works for you. I can't comment on what apps SaliX XFCE, or any other
release comes with. I only run the one. If I need something. I figure out on my own
on how to install it. If the app is to demanding for the hardware I am on.

I switch over to my stronger hardware and run with that.

Porteus 3.1 rc1 LXQt variant

Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 19:08
by peebee
Porteus 3.1 rc1 is available

LXQt replaces LXDE as one of the variants

But - its version 0.7.0 which is a bit "raw" (version 0.8.0 has just been announced).

Compared to Puppy, the need to keep giving a root password is PITA

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2014, 06:42
by James C
Ubuntu MATE 14.10 is now up to RC status.

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james@james-desktop:~$ uname -a
Linux james-desktop 3.16.0-22-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 9 16:22:22 UTC 2014 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu MATE 14.10 release candidate is now available for download. This is the last release prior to the final 14.10 release and fixes a few issues that were present in Beta2 please make sure you read the release notes below because there are still unresolved issues you'll need to be aware of.

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2014, 13:56
by nubc
4MLinux 10.0 All-In-One Edition
size of ISO: 393 MB
desktop environment: JWM
default browser: QupZilla, lightweight multiplatform browser
QupZilla default seach engine: DuckDuckGo
file manager: Xfe (X File Explorer)
default apps: Xine, MPlayer, SMPlayer, Audacity, Wine, TestDisk, PhotoRec, Skype, XPaint, GNUParted, Firefox (in Wine), Seamonkey (in Wine), Thunderbird (in Wine), LibreOffice, VirtualBox, conky, wbar launcher

Two Mozilla browsers are available from menu tree, Firefox and Seamonkey, but these extra browsers run in Wine. QupZilla has integrated AdBlock.

4MLinux Blog (announcements, screenshots)

-won't play a YT video, get error, maybe flash is disabled?
-during boot, loading/unpacking of initrd.gz takes a long time, display fills with continuation dots
-since tray won't eject, assume that 4MLinux not running in RAM

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2014, 20:56
by rokytnji
-won't play a YT video, get error, maybe flash is disabled?
I run qupzilla in MX-14. If a is in the /usr/lib/mozzila/plugins
folder. Qupzilla should see it.

Not sure how the file structure is set up though in what you are using.
If the locate program is installed and working.

Code: Select all

since tray won't eject, assume that 4MLinux not running in RAM

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in terminal. See if you stay running or not?
during boot, loading/unpacking of initrd.gz takes a long time, display fills with continuation dots
Could be sysvinit or systemd related maybe?

Posted: Thu 23 Oct 2014, 03:41
by nubc
I'm looking at the announcement of 4MLinux 10.1 Allinone Edition Beta which says, "with Flash Player 15 support enabled." Maybe FlashPlayer support is disabled in earlier versions.

Posted: Thu 23 Oct 2014, 21:55
by Bert
Tested 4MLinux some weeks ago. Very nice JWM implementation. I liked the speed and clarity once up and running. However, booting time is horrible, loading initrd.gz takes ages (many minutes), filling the whole screen with dots endlessly, just like rokytnji reported.

Also, running the major browsers in their MS version thru wine must be one of the best ways to insult Linux :wink:

Posted: Fri 24 Oct 2014, 20:19
by James C
GhostBSD. Not Linux. :lol:

Posted: Sat 25 Oct 2014, 12:30
by bark_bark_bark
Which BSD is GhostBSD based on?

Posted: Sat 25 Oct 2014, 16:27
by James C
bark_bark_bark wrote:Which BSD is GhostBSD based on?
It's based on FreeBSD 10.

Posted: Sun 26 Oct 2014, 12:00
by Scooby
Can you boot ghostbsd as a livecd, that is directly from iso file?

With grub2 or grub4dos?

if so menuentry?

Other Distros

Posted: Mon 27 Oct 2014, 16:49
by Billtoo
I installed xubuntu 14.10 to my hp desktop pc.
It's working nice so far.