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Posted: Wed 15 Aug 2012, 10:24
by Ray MK
Hi oldyeller

You could be right - I'll try a few pae puppy's and then a few non-pae puppy's and see if there are any obvious diiierences.

I think that BK carefully selects his kernels for similar reasons.

A solution might be to offer users a PAE and a non-PAE kernel option.
More work but more happy users.

Thanks for your thoughts and for all that you do for Puppy.

Very best regards - Ray

Posted: Wed 15 Aug 2012, 22:10
by `f00
My issues (on page 11) are mostly if not all self-inflicted. Been checking in a 'stock' racy53 and much of the same 'til I figured out MY BAD cap @153k

Leave the finished isos up if you like, I'm sure many will appreciate all your efforts!

For sure BK is doing his selections with an almost instinctual feel for what works. I'm not all that wild about xorg76 (my ATI vidcards are really borderline for accepting radeon rather than xvesa driver), but the racy kernel is fine on my old gear.

C'est la Vie . . .

Posted: Fri 17 Aug 2012, 05:02
by Subito Piano
Well - after all this time (weeks feel like years in this forum) - v7 up and running, a really great job! I added SpaceFM for dual-pane, works nicely (maybe it should be in by default, idk how much call there is for dual-pane FMs).

Precise is not slacko? What is it based on?

Posted: Mon 20 Aug 2012, 01:56
by `f00
definitely more-or-less (in 'dog' years, anyhow)

I for one am very much sold on dual-pane fmsº (solid advocate of xfe, even made a custom duo that uses two versions for different looks and setups since I'm a lazy sloth when it comes down to using a 'final' product). Yep, other good reports on spacefm here'n'there - have to get a round tuitt, too many square ones recently :lol:

I believe Precise is a 'buntu-type deal going with that family (repos, philosophy and so on)

º about the only one I didn't personally care for was vifm (but if you're used to vi, it's probably better than sliced bread for getting things like sandwiches done when you're hungry now)

Posted: Mon 20 Aug 2012, 02:26
by Subito Piano
heh, heh - about ten minutes after i shut the laptop down for the night it hit me - "DUH!! "Lucid pup based on Ubuntu Lucid, Precise pup must be based on..."

I didn't want to bother editing my post, i wanted to get in bed! :-P

It's great the Precise will be LTS for FIVE years...on the other hand, there's something comforting about good ol' Slackware. :-D

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2012, 09:45
by Jejy69
Hello !

Precise checkmate updated, see the first post ! :)

Cheers !

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2012, 16:11
by James C
Precise Checkmate looking good here on my old P4 test box. :)

Posted: Fri 07 Sep 2012, 08:24
by Jejy69
Slacko version updated !
Pcmanfm 1.0
Libfm 1.0
Gpicview 2.3
Lxpanel 5.10
Firefox 15
I added SpaceFM, for an advanced use. It's the latest version 7.11.
You can use SpaceFm, or Pcmanfm (default ) for your desktop.
New Appearance !
All locales included.
xinitrc fixed, big thanks to Eyes-Only, Puppy's notifications area is loading now, & rox is not launched at the startup.

Posted: Sat 08 Sep 2012, 09:24
by peebee
Jejy69 wrote:Hello !

Precise checkmate updated, see the first post ! :)

Cheers !
Hi Jejy69

C'est magnifique - excellent job as always.

Just a few very small "nitpicking" comments offered in the spirit of making it "even better":

1. little ghosts of open windows remain in the window buttons on the tray even after the window has been closed - attach #1

2. pnethood opens rox rather than pcmanfm - and icons for directories seem to be missing - attach #2

3. the image in psd seems to be corrupt - see attach #3

4. usual puppy icons for common puppy file types such as .pet .sfs. .2fs etc. are not displayed in pcmanfm

Hope this is helpful.


problems adding packages, problems with burniso2cd

Posted: Sun 09 Sep 2012, 16:59
by oligin10
Hi guys, any one having problems adding packages? Every package I have tried to install (audacious, xfburn, chromium) crashes. Audacious worked fine in Checkmate Finale. Xfburn had problems in Finale. Didn't try chromium in Finale. Also, burniso2cd failed to burn an iso. Just wondering if anyone else having these problems. Thanks, Rob

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 06:01
by James C
Still no free time but looking pretty good so far. :)

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 06:28
by James C
Quick install of Chromium....... doesn't launch. No time for further checks but I got this...

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 07:51
by Jejy69
Hi !

Thanks to report this issues !! :D
I created the first patch, to fix this bugs. :)

-Puppy icons ( .pet .sfs .ext2, 3, 4 etc...) are present now.
-Pnethood use Pcmanfm instead of Rox.
-PupShutdown picture fixed.
-Browser libs added, you can now use Chromium and others.
-Rox folder icons issue fixed.

I used your libs seamonkey package, thanks Peebee.
Only for Lxpanel, the famous ghost... I think it doesn't refresh... A lxpanel bug ?

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 11:08
by peebee
Jejy69 wrote:I created the first patch, to fix this bugs. :)
Confirmed - except for ghosts - all fixed :-)

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 11:10
by 01micko
If you use the slacko based version then in PPM (slackware) there is a package "seamonkey-solibs" created for the purpose of chrome browsers. Best to update PPM databases though as the versions may have shifted up a bit since slacko-533's release.

Although.. it may work ok if you add the firefox install dir (/usr/lib/firefox? I didn't check) to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Usually in /etc/profile its /usr/lib/seamonkey.

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 12:46
by peebee
peebee wrote:all fixed :-)
Spoke too soon.....

Chromium ( crashed with segfault - this was when trying to download a pdf file from a link - "save as"...

Code: Select all

# chromium
[] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
[] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
[] Not implemented reached in <unnamed>::DBusPowerSaveBlocker::DBusPowerSaveBlocker()
Segmentation fault

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 16:26
by Jejy69
Ouch.... :(

I searched on the internet, it seems that this is a bug in Chromium. But no solution has functioned ...

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 20:12
by peebee
Jejy69 wrote:Ouch.... :(

I searched on the internet, it seems that this is a bug in Chromium. But no solution has functioned ...
Hi Jejy69

The Chromium pets:

work fine on the ordinary Slacko 5.3.3

so something in the way you have removed Seamonkey and substituted it with Firefox in this version is causing the problem - I surmise....

Perhaps you should change tack slightly and ship with Seamonkey instead of Firefox?

Just a thought

Firefox slowed after Flash installed

Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 07:33
by dennis-slacko531
It's probably not relevant but it seemed to slow noticeably. This is my first try of your win-mgrs. I started with Xfce earlier tonight, then got the Lxde and prefer it. I'm going to install it on a neighbors old P4 (single core/256m ram) tomorrow.

See you around. The install icon is cool, and so is the Debian/Pup mixed logo. I hope maybe my little "tip" helped. :wink:

Slacko version

Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 09:18
by Volhout
Have been running Slacko 5327 and 5330 on my favorite netbook simply because it's compatibility with the hardware. On other machines I use Lubuntu a lot. When I got notice of this distro, I wanted to try it immediately.

Installed the Slacko version (and update) on a SD card.
Running in an Eeepc 1001HA (N270 atom), and it runs flawless and fast. Wireless connects immediately. Great.

One remark: there are 2 network icons in the tray.
- the standard grey one saying "Active interfaces: wlan0 ....."
- a pretty one saying "wlan0(Wireless ......" with a whole lot of detail about the connection.
but be assured, this is a good distro !! if the only negative remark is in such a small detail....

I am not sure what mail client you had in mind ? Are you using "simple mail" that is an add-on for firefox ?

Thanks for this piece of work. I sure hope this version will receive as much attention as the precise version.