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Posted: Wed 16 Jun 2010, 00:06
by runtt21
I have finished compiling all of the extra modules .I got 48 out of the 52. :D

Now if I can just get e fixed this will Rock !!!

Posted: Wed 16 Jun 2010, 00:57
by joel
Nice to see it moving along, which modules wouldnt compile?

Posted: Wed 16 Jun 2010, 21:12
by runtt21
Debian,Snapshot,Mpdule & exalt-client.

Snapshot need emprint and that needed a ton of extra libs,We already have pupshots so its not needed.

You need to be using debian to use the debian module anyway.

And exalt-client needs exalt and that really needs to be compiled for the computer you are using.

Mpdule is a media player remote that could find itself so......

Posted: Wed 16 Jun 2010, 22:15
by joel
Yeah those seem to be unnessecary, not of much use. So I suppose no one will miss them.

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010, 22:43
by runtt21
BTW Both o2 and fox 3 have earlier version of "everything" load the module and then run it from the main menu but their version dont do anywhere near as much.

no modem detction at all.

Posted: Sat 19 Jun 2010, 05:24
by its-me-again
hi i have been trying to test macpup opera from cd.

1. iso checksum = ok. 2. cd checksum = ok 3. cd works = ok

when i tryed to detect my modem. there was nothing. no modem detected, no manual settings. just nothing at all. seems that stuff is missing or was never there to begin with.

puppy 431 and bruno puppy find my modem fine.

i conected my modem thru the network card and then the usb conection still nothing. what can i do. please can anyone help on this. is this common, adn is there a fix for this bug.

I want to get this fixed before i will install it and use it.

any ideas and sugestions as to what is rong would gbe great. i like teh look and feel of macpup.

Posted: Sat 19 Jun 2010, 14:24
by runtt21
"seems that stuff is missing or was never there to begin with."

O2 is built on puppy 4.3.1 , on the puppy side they are exactly the same. Mostly likely this is a Xorg issue with e17 on your hardware. Try using xvesa.

Posted: Mon 21 Jun 2010, 22:06
by runtt21
Development update : I started re compiling EFL and e17 today . Raster explained how to debug this but I need to change some CFLAGS to be able to do that. So complete rebuild.

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010, 09:01
by joel
So are you planning a new version of Macpup then?

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010, 20:59
by runtt21
I dont think there is ever a time when we are not think about a new macpup. Usually when we put a new one out ,the next one is in planing or under construction. But we are not as crazy as we used to be .Last year we released 3 pup each three weeks apart . Fox 2 ,macpup e17, macpup foxy e17. And with in a few months of that opera rolled out.

I have finished re-compiling everything and will start trying to debugging it tomorrow .

E-Physics Demo Johl's Attempt

Posted: Thu 24 Jun 2010, 01:04
by joel
I was playing with E-Live a while back and saw they had a neat demo using the Enlightenment libraries that show off the E17's physics capabilities. Its is an inter-active demo which allows one to manipulate simple plotted objects such as a rope, mesh material, etc in a "weightless" environment. Its a hard thing for me to explain right but regardless Ive wasted more time playing with this little demo than I have a video game in years, and I think other E17 users will also enjoy it.

This the first time I downloaded any program from svn, much less compiled from source. I am happy to report I managed to download, compile, and make into a pet package thats works! (after days of grumbling) I am astounded I did it right, so I wanted to offer it to any other E17 user. Forgive me if I neglected anything or if I did not follow and set sort of protocol (if there is one). Ive never done any of this before. I can asure you it does install fine, and I made .desktop files and icons for each of the 5 modes in the demo so it shows in the menu correctly.

Download it and try. I compiled it on Macpup Opera 2 - Puppy 4.31. I know that running this requires evas and ecore but if you are using a Macpup of the same version than you already have it. Hope someone else enjoys it as much as I.

BTW: If anyone does play around with it, can you figure out what you are supposed to manipulate in the Snow demo? With the rope, mesh, gravity, and collision it revolves around holding one point and the other points reacting to it. With the snow it flakes just seems to fall and the user does not manipulate it at all.

Posted: Sat 26 Jun 2010, 02:57
by runtt21
Good job Joel ! :D I ran it in o2 and then downloaded the source and compiled it in the new snapshot. To bad they haven't updated the package in 20 months :(

Posted: Sun 27 Jun 2010, 18:15
by runtt21
A new snapshot of E17 was released today , .49898 . I will start on it this week ,I hope it is more stable than the last two......

Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010, 20:59
by runtt21
The new snapshot is about the same as the last two. I made a little clip to show the issues. I know this kind of makes the new snap look bad , it isnt , everything else works great just these things.....

Posted: Fri 16 Jul 2010, 04:11
by runtt21
I am taking a break from working on the new snapshots and have gone back to making themes. I have uploaded the first version of the MP-calm with the clock that has the date on the clock face. I have been trying to add a clock to like this to themes since I built the ETK stuff for opers 061 but they have all had a issue with the clock position. It wont stay in the corner.You need to re size the shelf after loading the theme to get it right and something you need to do that every time you use the theme. This theme has that issue to. So the next version will have a standard clock.I should have it out this weekend. For now enjoy the first version . Its the on my macpup page. This is also based on Agust work. Stars are animated.


The same theme in the new build/test rig with the clock centered.Works great here....


Flash player update?

Posted: Sat 17 Jul 2010, 00:16
by paule
I have been playing with Macpup Opera 2.0 and so far am really impressed. It seems to have solved some screen border issues I was having with Macpup Foxy. Having said that I prefer Firefox which I installed via pet. It seems to update to the latest version fine, but I cannot seem to find out how to update the Adobe Flashplayer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

cheers, Paul

Posted: Sat 17 Jul 2010, 04:09
by runtt21

Posted: Sat 17 Jul 2010, 15:29
by paule
Thanks very much. This link takes you directly to the pet etc.

cheers, Paul

Posted: Mon 19 Jul 2010, 21:35
by runtt21
Updated version of the MP-Calm theme fixed the clock .I will have it uploaded in a while.


Posted: Mon 19 Jul 2010, 23:22
by runtt21
OK, the is up on my macpup page , Enjoy.