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Re: Retrovol 0.12 (Volume mixer)

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 18:41
by L18L
disciple wrote:I think you have a weird sound card, or something is weird about your system - maybe the linux driver that is used for your chip doesn't quite know enough about it and thinks that it has controls that it really hasn't. With most cards "master playback" is the best choice.
I agree about "best choice", my only issue is that I did not know where and what to use .

In Racy 5.4.93 now
both Master Front Playback Volume
and PCM Playback Volume work.

The sound Wizard asks:
Presumably you are here because sound does not work ?
If so, here are....

This should be enhanced by
:arrow: or because sound volume control does not work
and then hints what to try....

... a task for sound wizard 8)

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 22:08
by disciple
You might want to take that suggestion somewhere else where it is more likely to be seen... 
But I would have thought someone would naturally look in the retrovol settings if volume control wasn't working, not in some wizard. So the main thing would be getting retrovol not to crash.

Retrovol 0.12 (Volume mixer)

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 09:25
by L18L
disciple wrote:You might want to take that suggestion somewhere else where it is more likely to be seen...
:arrow: 3rd post at Suggestions: Wishlist for next release

Posted: Fri 10 May 2013, 04:39
by Pizzasgood
Hi, long time no type :P

I just uploaded a new version. I think I fixed all of the issues that have been brought up. Summary:
  • Three options for volume scaling - linear, logarithmic, exponential
  • Auto-mute when set to 0%, can be optionally disabled
  • Does not use the muted icon unless actually muted (note to themers: added a fifth icon for 0% but unmuted: audio-volume-none.png)
  • No longer crashes if the soundcard is missing or misconfigured
  • Now updates tray slider every second just like main-window sliders
  • No more level resetting if you change the volume and then scroll on the tray icon
  • No more getting stuck at 0% and 100%
  • Now using own git repository at GitHub
NOTE: As I speak neither German nor French, the bundled localization files have not been updated with translations for the new strings that have been added. If/when somebody posts updated files, I'll release a version 0.13.1 with them included (assuming I haven't made enough changes in the meanwhile to warrant jumping to 0.14; I don't have anything planned though).

I also didn't bother to build a separate package for 4.x. The package I uploaded was built on Precise Puppy (a version or two behind the latest, if it matters). If people need it compiled for something different, well, they are more than welcome to grab the source package and see to it ;) If ./configure complains about aclocal-1.13 being missing, you can probably get things working happily by simply running autoreconf --force and then trying again. Puppy Precise used 1.11, but my Arch Linux install uses 1.13 and it bitches at me if I leave it set for 1.11. So.

If there are any issues, let me know. Or use the issue tracker on the GitHub repository.

Would-be issue posters: Please remember that if you are having issues using retrovol, try using alsamixer. If it doesn't work with alsamixer either, then it isn't an issue with retrovol, but rather your overall audio configuration.

Posted: Fri 10 May 2013, 10:47
by Karl Godt
No longer crashes if the soundcard is missing or misconfigured
Was looking forward for it.

Works, if the main kernel driver (snd_hda_intel in my case) is unloaded when retrovol is launched .

But does not work if /usr/sbinalsaconf or /etc/init.d/[10]*alsa stop are launched, which would both unload all or most sound modules . :D
terminal1 wrote:# retrovol
Control hw:0 open error: No such file or directory
Segmentation fault
terminal2 wrote:# alsaconf ##hit first dialog cancel to quit program
# lsmod | grep snd
snd_page_alloc 4765 0

Looking forward for 0.14 :D

Nevertheless retrovol is the mixer of my choice, especially to enable the front speakers .

Posted: Fri 10 May 2013, 23:17
by Henry
Welcome back!

I had removed Retrovol months back and have been using Alsamixergui. (Basically the same as alsamixer, no tray slider)

Tried the new retrovol-0.13. Package manager says "Error, retrovol-0.13 failed to install."

I uninstalled Alsamixergui and tried again. Same.

Just reporting. Maybe I have an odd PreciseNop-5.4.3.
EDIT: Apparently not. I tried it on Precise Puppy 5.5.92, pfix=ram, with the same result.

Posted: Sat 11 May 2013, 01:02
by Karl Godt
The precompiled v0.13 .pet installed with no problems on a dpup by iguleder from 2010 with glibc-2.11.2 .

Will have tho check gtk and pango for
# retrovol
(retrovol:18037): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error prsing markup: Error on line 1 char 24: Invalid UTF-8 encoded text in name - notvalid 'Lautst\xe4rke: 82%'
Soundvolume = Lautstärke 8)

Simple volume control

Posted: Sun 12 May 2013, 21:26
by Henry
Just thought I'd add this to the discussion.This is how I've been doing it in PreciseNop-5.4.3 (and at least some others.)
1.Remove retrovol if present (package mgr, built-in files.)
2. Install This is the one that works. Yes, it's old. ...
3. Comment out the exe line in defaultaudiomixerr.
4. Open alsamixer in terminal. Adjust as in photo. The tray slider operates the master. (The xfce lower panel in the photo is autohidden, works also with jwm.)

Note: the curve and the mute point are correct. It's simple, small (10k), and just what I want.

Clarification, please

Posted: Mon 13 May 2013, 18:35
by Henry
Pizzasgood et al:

As noted above, the the new version 13 in the first post gave this: "Error, package retrovol-0.13 failed to install."

Now, I happened to see on Barry's blog2 that he has compiled it in Wary and in Ubuntu Lucid on the Mele 1000 (37K, 37K): ...

This one works. It's also smaller. Also, how does one get to the options you mentioned?

I have both Barry's new retrovol and my new absvolume control running in the same taskbar. It seems Barry is using the preferable logarithmic curve also. They are both well behaved and each slider updates the other. Win - win :-)

Forgot to mention that defaultaudiomixer needs to set for retrovol for self starting of course, if that's your choice.


Posted: Mon 13 May 2013, 20:25
by Pizzasgood
Henry wrote:Also, how does one get to the options you mentioned?
You right-click on the icon and go to "Configure Window". Alternately, pop up the main window and use File->Configure. The new options are right at the top of the "Main" tab.
Karl Godt wrote:But does not work if /usr/sbinalsaconf or /etc/init.d/[10]*alsa stop are launched, which would both unload all or most sound modules . :D
Hmm. I'll see if I can adjust things to avoid an outright crash in that situation.

Also, I noticed today that I implemented the "Exponential" mode wrong, so I'll fix that too. I'm not sure how I messed something that simple up. Since it's supposed to be the exact opposite of the "Logarithmic" mode, it obviously just needed the exact same base formulas, only swapped around. I must have been more tired than I thought to have missed that. Oh well, easy fix. :lol:

I'll try to get 0.13.1 out tomorrow evening.

Posted: Mon 13 May 2013, 20:55
by Henry

To recap: those interested should wait till your 13.1 appears in the first post.

or they can use Barrry's compilation from ...

which works well now for me.

Posted: Mon 13 May 2013, 21:01
by ASRI éducation
Henry wrote:To recap: those interested should wait till your 13.1 appears in the first post.
or they can use Barrry's compilation from ...
Good news!
Retrovol really is a handy utility.
Thank you Pizzasgood.

Posted: Wed 15 May 2013, 02:12
by Pizzasgood
0.13.1 is up. It doesn't exactly handle stopped alsa ideally (if you have it running from a terminal, you'll see a new error message each time it tries accessing the card, which is very spammy), but it didn't outright die when I tested. It might even theoretically be able to resume working when you bring alsa back up, but I was unable to successfully revive alsa without rebooting, so I couldn't verify that.

This one has a couple more strings available to be translated as well, due to rectifying a couple oversights from the last build.

The Exponential mode should work sensibly in this version. Or to be more specific, it should correctly be the opposite behavior of the Logarithmic scale. Whether those two settings are sensible is another story :)

I think that they might be too non-linear, so I'm considering adding a variable to control that. Tempted to add a little graph widget to show how it impacts the response curve too.

Posted: Wed 15 May 2013, 14:42
by Henry
Good morning,

Retrovol 0.13.1 works well here.
Tempted to add a little graph widget . . .
More complication? Well, if you must. I'll keep using the "simple volume control" described above.

capture bar retrovol never activated

Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2013, 18:18
by Pelo
never the capture volume is set up.
I know that.
Is there a reason why the capture volume is not raised ?
Bacon recorder settings
(Older puppies series 4 had a lot of sound setting problems )
Tuto video here after, click :
settings retrovol
cette configuraton est à utiliser, use these settings.
Retrovol is not responsible of non working audio, often audio is activated elsewhere, welcome barks ? for instance, so alsamixer and alsaconf fail.

Retrovol splash on Toutou linux 4.3.1

Posted: Fri 08 May 2015, 13:45
by Pelo
gvolwheel here
Retrovol splashes on Toutou linux 4.3.1, i;e you see it so fast that to toogle it you must be very speedy.
Try gvolwheel, and advise about it

Retrovol était responsable de ressources CPU environ de 40 %! Je l'ai tué et le système est retourné à son comportement sensible normal.

Modifying .xinitrc as told get my old kindy pup 431 speaking

Posted: Wed 23 Dec 2015, 04:28
by Pelo
Thanks a lot to this old topic.
Modifying .xinitrc as told get my old kindy pup 431 :) speaking
My computer Medion P1664 has always refused to run old puppies with audio. That is an huge progress. I now connect wireless too.
Happy Christmas 2015 everybody !

XFCE Puppies have XFCE4-mixer

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 06:34
by Pelo
XFCE Puppies have XFCE4-mixer included to activate capture and adjust volume . pet by Geoffrey provided here (for X-Slacko Slim)

Retrovol : 2016 retrovol-0.14.3-X is the version used by Woof-CE. Retrovol capture is delivered not activated in most Puppies. If sound is not recorded, launch retrovol. Often the reason is here.

retrovol 150% volume

Posted: Wed 18 Jan 2017, 17:27
by zagreb999
hi Pizzasgood

your retrovol is the best

can you make to increase volume
to 150% as in pulseaudio...


Posted: Wed 18 Jan 2017, 19:07
by disciple
Unless it supports pulsaudio as a backend rather than alsa, I think it couldn't set the volume any higher than alsa, so you'd need to do some magic with your alsa configuration to set up a software volume control it can use rather than the hardware one... or am I wrong?