Karmic Puppy uPup 4.58 w/ GLX/DRI - Latest Woof FEB 16

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#166 Post by 01micko »


Are you trying to use dir2pet under "puppy pfix=ram"? That is what you get when you do that in any recent puppy. I had no problem after making a save file. It may be dependant on "PUPMODE", but I don't know for sure.


EDIT: Today Barry announced latest woof. Don't rush out and build Upup-478 (???... that's fine by me if you shift to 47x) on account of that. This is a very stable and usable Upup, I use it often. I've done all my recent Startmount work in it. The big deal is that Barry also announced a bugfix to dir2pet. The behaviour you mention I think may happen under some other conditions as well. I reported that behaviour in Quirky-006 but felt like a real idiot when I discovered it worked fine once I saved, but, I think dir2pet did work correctly running "pfix=ram" in earlier puppies (I could be wrong there too, been awhile!)
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#167 Post by jrb »

playdayz wrote:In trying to use dir2pet in 4.58, I received the following error message.
I get the same error message and abort in puppy432 if I try to make a pet with no version number, i.e. eth0. If I rename the folder to eth0-1 it works fine.

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#168 Post by ninoid »

I have problem with keyboard layout.

Why in xorg.conf my layout change to 'cz' from 'hr' on every boot?


#169 Post by aarf »

aarf wrote:want to get this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/har ... ool.1.html working in upup. it manipulates mobile phones content.
searching in puppy package manager for obex returns obexd client and obex data server with a least a big 6mb of needed dependences. dont know if i need these.
any one want to give a step by step on how to proceed? or make a pet?
jemimah may have done the obex pets and dependency stuff at Bluez 4.61 with GUI

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#170 Post by shankargopal »


I'm new to Upup, though an old puppy user and using dpup now for several months. Thought I'd give Upup a whirl. It looks nice, I like the icon scheme etc.

But one question - don't know if this has already been addressed, couldn't find it when I skimmed the thread - I find Upup 4.58 very slow on this machine. I'm running it from a 16GB VFAT flash drive without a pupsave yet, on a machine that has 3GB RAM and a dual core E250 at 2.5Ghz (no, this is not my usual system, or I would be a very happy man :) ). Dpup, Puppeee, Lighthouse etc. and even Linux Mint in persistent mode fly on this machine. But in upup, windows don't redraw without a one or two second delay, the menu takes a second to open and another to redraw, etc. Seems odd.

I's an intel video card, xorg.conf attached (not a zip file, just change the extension).
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#171 Post by adXok »

Could someone answer to a few questions I have in mind regarding uPup?
I tried uPup but:

1. Tried to install Amarok and after all the dowload and dependecnies shecking it tells me tha t always something is missing

2. The list of downloads and dependencies is so long that the window cannot handle them and there is no scrollbar to go down the list? Why?

3. If I use uPup can I install whatever ubuntu packages (and their corresponding dependencies) into uPup and expect so they work appropriately and without telling me that something is always missing.

4. Isn't that the purpose of uPup after all or am I wrong about that?

5. When performing a full install I choosed to install GRUB on /dev/sdb9 (yes a logical partiotion on a second Hard Drive) but after restarting (and booting from sdb) I get a prompt:

Code: Select all

and nothing that could help me how to tell Grub to find uPup.

6. How to install GRUB appropriately so when booting from sdb it finds uPup on sdb9 and load it smoothly?

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#172 Post by playdayz »

@ adXok,
Tried to install Amarok and after all the dowload and dependecnies shecking it tells me tha t always something is missing
How did you try to install Amarok? If you tried from a pet package that would probably not work,a s the pet packages are built for Puppy 4.3.1, etc., and uPup is different under the surface.
3. If I use uPup can I install whatever ubuntu packages (and their corresponding dependencies) into uPup and expect so they work appropriately and without telling me that something is always missing.

4. Isn't that the purpose of uPup after all or am I wrong about that?
Yes it is. But the way to easily install any Ubuntu package would be with Synaptics which Upup does not have. Dpup does have it as I understand. The way Ubuntu packages currently are installed in Upup is to go to packages.ubuntu.com and search on the package you want and then download the necessary deb packages. This can get complicated but it usually works after a lot of trial and error.

uPup has just one main maintainer (me) and some very clever people who find and solve problems. My self-defined task is to use uPup to track the latest Woof, which is why there is no Synaptics--Woof doesn't have it. Someone might get interested in preparing Amarok for uPup, or you might give it a whirl.
. When performing a full install I choosed to install GRUB on /dev/sdb9 (yes a logical partiotion on a second Hard Drive) but after restarting (and booting from sdb) I get a prompt:

How did you boot from sdb? I do this myself and I install Grub on /dev/sda and in the install grub process I tell it to use the config file on /dev/sdb5/. The sdb5 is in my case of course--yours would be different. Therefore, grub boots from the mbr of sda and then looks for its config files (/boot/grub/menu.lst) on sdb5.

In my experience any combination will work as long as I am careful in installing grub to watch where I install grub and where I tell it to find the config file.

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#173 Post by playdayz »

@ shankargopal,
But in upup, windows don't redraw without a one or two second delay, the menu takes a second to open and another to redraw, etc. Seems odd.

I's an intel video card, xorg.conf attached (not a zip file, just change the extension).
I test on an Atom board with Intel graphics and don't have this problem, but I don't know much about Intel graphics. From the xorg.conf that is a resolution that I have never used. You might look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if you find any error messages. You might also exit to a prompt and run xorgwizard again and choose xvesa just to see what happens. Oh, yes, what happens if you open a terminal and run glxgears? If things are right you should get a graphic and a count of fps.

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#174 Post by adXok »

Thanks, playdayz
Seems that I have some trouble installing GRUB properly...

Second HDD (sdb) and I want to install GRUB to its MBR (no Windows on it, Windows is on sda). But it seems that GRUB installer tells me that sdb is not a linux partition?!? I am confused.

1. If I make a frugal installation (on a NTFS partition in /dev/sdb8/Linux folder) and GRUB asks me where to put its files (it must always be on a EXT Linux filesystem partition). Maybe the problem is that I want uPup frugal installed on a NTFS partition (folder). Pitty...

2. How can I manage this problem. I have GRUB.exe for Windows. Should I use it instead of uPup's GRUB? Think there is osme parameters like pointing to a partition and so on but as frugal installation doesn't have /boot folder I think will face to another problem.

3. I can try after all. Hope nothing goes wrong.

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#175 Post by Jim1911 »

Your solution could be Grub4dos since you have a frugal installation on an NTFS partition. See installation tutorial.

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#176 Post by adXok »

But there is GRUB Installation that tells me either I've made a frugal or full install that GRUB is going to install also. So why I cannot choose MBR of sdb instead (I had GRUB installed in MBR on sda form previous Ubuntu or whatever dostro, where there is Windows and it worked fine).

If I do not install GRUB and already have made a frugal installation on NTFS partiotion (/dev/sdb8/Linux folder) why I cannot boot Puppy form there? Is it that no /boot directory had been made during the frugal installation so I must install grub.exe (for DOS or whatever it is for NTFS partition)?
But anyway if in my NTFS /dev/sdb8/Linux folder there are only 2fs vmlinz files nad no /boot how could GRUB.exe boot Puppy!?


#177 Post by aarf »

upup458 has the xorg x16 and x 24 color issues mentioned at here
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Lucid Puppy Keyboard Strangeness

#178 Post by playdayz »

I am making good progress toward a Lucid Puppy, using Woof of March 24.

<Edit> Fixed the keyboard driver. Ubuntu has left out the kbd_drv, going full scale to evdev. However the kbd_drv from Debian Unstable seems to be working. It probalbywouldn't hurt us to learn how the new system works though, so here is a Keyboard section that almost worked ;-)

Code: Select all

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "evdev"
	Option     "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
	Option	"xkb_rules" evdev
#	Driver      "kbd"
#	Option      "XkbRules" "xorg"
	Option "xkb_model" "pc102"
        Option "xkb_layout" "us"#xkeymap0

<Edit> Fixed the gtkdialog by using gtkdialog from Puppy4. A lot of puppy programs and scripts require gtkdialog, and that is another that Ubuntu seems to have removed--this is a month before Lucid Lynx release though.

No wireless now though, but I am using Lucid Puppy at the moment on ethernet. Still no glx/dri either.

This might be all for today. Please let me know if anyone would like to play and I will post. Be prepared to hack though ;-)
Last edited by playdayz on Fri 26 Mar 2010, 22:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Lucid puppy

#179 Post by smil99 »

Yes please. I will like to play with it. Have been using your version of karmic-upup for some time now and I must say it rocks.

Kudos to all your efforts in puppy world.

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Lucid Puppy 001 - Needs Some Testing

#180 Post by playdayz »

I have posted Lucid Puppy 001, using Woof of March 24, 2010, bones 0.2, and the binaries for Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04, in a new thread in this Puppy Projects discussion.

Lucid Puppy -> http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 835#404835

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