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Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 19:41
by 01micko

try this id3 version for pmusic, let me know if it fixes it, thanks,


Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 20:29
by rcrsn51
edoc wrote:What is the best way to uninstall the Default Firewall or to disable the settings that interfere with shared printers?

It sounds as though that feature needs a large warning re. the interference with shared printers as it could be the reason many of us had printer troubles over the past couple of months.
There is no firewall running by default. Did you install the LInux Firewall from the Network menu?

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 21:50
by sinc
edoc wrote:
bigpup wrote:This does not bother me but I found this in a review of Lucid Puppy in one of the Linux Magazines.

Something to think about.
I've tried previous versions of Puppy Linux and its derivatives and always dumped them because of one issue: the bundled packages cannot be uninstalled as they are read-only files. Is this still the same with Lupu?
I have asked about this in the past as well.

Example: Abiword is clutter in my installs as I always install OpenOffice and have Geany and the other smaller editors for smaller tasks. Puppy Package Manager does not present Abiword as an installed app which I may uninstall.

BarryK wrote:Yes, there is such a tool. I didn't create it though, I just developed infrastructure that lists all builtin files:

It was puppymartin who developed a removal tool: ... 950#422950

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 22:04
by edoc
Sorry, I was borrowing the phrase from a prior post.

Yes, the Puppy Firewall which pops-up and strongly recommends itself - and which offers a Default install protocol.

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 22:12
by rcrsn51
edoc wrote:Yes, the Puppy Firewall which pops-up and strongly recommends itself - and which offers a Default install protocol.
Where are you seeing this pop-up?
Linux Firewall wrote:The default installation will close all ports so that no services are available to remote hosts.

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 22:41
by tubeguy
Rockin' in the USA with an Australian OS and Japanese laptop. :wink:
Only issue I have so far is that glipper is not persistent, it disappears after reboot. There is a glipper thread showing in htop but no tray icon. If I run glipper in a console, a second glipper thread opens, the icon shows up and I can use it but the icon and thread disappear when the console is closed.

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 23:00
by edoc
As I recall it pops up on a new install when one is in the Network Wizard.

I think I first saw it in Quirky or Wary but it may have been spup.

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 23:39
by bigpup
sinc wrote:
edoc wrote:
bigpup wrote:This does not bother me but I found this in a review of Lucid Puppy in one of the Linux Magazines.

Something to think about.
I have asked about this in the past as well.

Example: Abiword is clutter in my installs as I always install OpenOffice and have Geany and the other smaller editors for smaller tasks. Puppy Package Manager does not present Abiword as an installed app which I may uninstall.

BarryK wrote:Yes, there is such a tool. I didn't create it though, I just developed infrastructure that lists all builtin files:

It was puppymartin who developed a removal tool: ... 950#422950
Barry K wrote:It doesn't really uninstall of course, as the main Puppy SFS is read-only, but it does hide the files.
Try this tool and see if you feel the same as me. It removes stuff but I have no idea what some of it is or does. if you want it back, now what?
Keep in mind this original quote came from someone new to Puppy Linux.

xfce bug with pmusic and gnome mplayer

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 00:36
by don570

01micko wrote

try this id3 version for pmusic, let me know if it fixes it, thanks,
some good news and bad news....
The good news first ....... I didn't get an id3 error message at the terminal
so your pet package may have fixed that problem.

The bad news is pmusic just shows "buffering" and gnome-mplayer does
absolutely nothing. There are no error messages to help diagnose this
......but I might have stumbled upon something that might be of
help. I tried to run ffmpeg to see if it was working.
I got messages about a missing library and
For instance here is the terminal output when I tried a conversion

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# ffmpeg -i /root/puppy-reference/audio/2barks.wav    output.ogg
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
There is no problem doing this conversion
on a regular lupu 5.1 frugal install.


test page for foreign languages

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 00:43
by don570
I am now able to see Hebrew and Arabic thanks to your fonts pet package.
A method to test for display of font characters in foreign languages is to
go to the following site which has been set up specially for this purpose.


Printer sharing

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 02:08
by kevin bowers
Yes, I can ping the desktop from the netbook; in fact I couldn't stop it short of closing the terminal, the <esc> key didn't work. Neither computer has a firewall installed, I was afraid it might disable printer sharing or something. Perhaps I should wait until I upgrade the netbook to a 5.1 installation; that is in the works anyway so maybe I need to move the timetable up a bit. Eventually the netbook will get a huge HD and run a dual-boot system with its original Windows 7 and Luci, but I'd planned to wait for 5.2. I guess it won't hurt to do the Puppy install twice, I've gotten pretty good at it.

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 08:29
by piratesmack
piratesmack wrote:I think I may have found a bug. I went through the 'Classic configuration experience' and set my hwclock type to UTC, but the script '~/Startup/settime' still sets the system time to localtime:

Code: Select all

#added by playdayz to make timezone persistent
hwclock --hctosys --localtime
Thank you guys for all the hard work you put into Puppy 5.1.
The attached patch fixes this issue

Apply with:

Code: Select all

zcat settime-hwclock-fix.diff.gz | patch -p0

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 12:04
Interesting discussion on the ability to uninstall Puppy packages. I think this is a variation on the modular Puppy theme that comes up every now and again.

I wonder if the original magazine writer would not use Windows because you cannot uninstall Internet Explorer, Notepad, Wordpad and all the other things that are part of the base package?

The key is that Abiword, SeaMonkey, ... are part of the Puppy base package. You may not like the choice but that is the way it is. It is still significantly smaller than Windows!

If you don't like the choice then you remaster Puppy with your preferred choice.

In previous Puppy series somebody eventually produces a 'bare bones' Puppy which consists of the real basic stuff and all the application packages taken out. I think this is what the magazine writer wants. One then uses the Puppy installer to install (and uninstall I think) the packages you want to use.

Alternatively, JRB created (for Series 4 Puppy) the SFS Loader which provided usage of sfs packages 'on the fly'. Want to use Open Office - get the sfs - Load it with JRB's tool - use it - Unload it with JRB's tool. Magic!

Starting with a 'barebones' Pup I think JRB's tool is the best thing we have got to create modular Puppies - which is why I think the tool should be part of the Puppy base and why I don't go on so much about modular Puppy now!

Of course, real good documentation behind all this would be helpful - so that it doesn't get lost, hidden in the forum somewhere.

Printer sharing

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 12:58
by kevin bowers

One more word on printer sharing and I'll give it a rest.

I've come to the conclusion that this version of CUPS is not going to share printers through my basic router. It's a Belkin G, I read in a review that it does not support "network mapping" whatever that may be. But I'm guessing that CUPS now depends on it for sharing.

I dusted off my old P2 box running Puppy 3.0.1. All computers on the network can see its printer, in Luci I don't even have to add it. On the Toshiba netbook CUPS even automatically set is as default. But all of the printers on computers running Luci 5.X are hidden, including the .pdf writers and such.

Interestingly enough, when I sent a test page from the netbook running 5.0.9, it printed the test page from the earlier version of CUPS (1.2.something). But so long as this doesn't give me compatibility problems I have the functionality I want, ie wireless printing from the portable.

"It ain't broke, let's not try to fix it."

Thanks to all, especially rcrsn51, for the time and attention to what amounts to a tiny annoyance!

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 13:41
by rcrsn51
Perhaps some other Lupu testers can comment on this situation. If you have a printer attached to your Lupu machine and have declared it sharable (both in the printer settings and in the Server settings) is it visible to other machines on your network?

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 14:19
by Béèm
ICPUG wrote:Alternatively, JRB created (for Series 4 Puppy) the SFS Loader which provided usage of sfs packages 'on the fly'. Want to use Open Office - get the sfs - Load it with JRB's tool - use it - Unload it with JRB's tool. Magic!
Thanks for reminding this SFS loader.
I don't think of it and use the classical method through the bootmanager.
I support strongly the idea to have the SFS loader be part of the basic application packages in lucid and in fact in all future puppies.

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 15:08
by Lobster
with this rather dramatic bug ... 179#443179

I am beginning to track the culprit
(not a cod from another dimension) :roll:

I think it is something to do with having Ubuntu Lucid
on the hard drive and some grub or MBR conflict . . .

Would this be possible?
How would I test how it was happening?
I have booted and saved from USB WITH the HD disconnected
and this went OK

So it would appear it is something on the HD . . .

xfce bug fixed

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 16:01
by don570
Regarding pmusic and gnome-mplayer not working with newest xfce ...

I was able to get Pmusic to work at least.
I installed id3lib and ffmpeg

... but I couldn't get gnome-player to work. I did get the following terminal output

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# ldd mplayer => not found => not found
but I am stumped. VLC Player can be used as a substitute.


Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 16:39
by raviji7
Does anybody have a fix for the Firefox/messed up screen issue instead of a work-around? This issue has been occurring on 4 of my laptops (IBM T20, IBM T23, IBM X40, some other generic brand) since Lucid 5.0 was released. I was hoping it would have been fixed with the release of 5.0.1, but wasn't, and now even with the 5.1 release, it is still not fixed.

Since these laptops are really old, Puppy is really the only distro that runs really well on these laptops, but unfortunately this screen refresh/messed up issue is forcing me to use 4.3.1 for now.

I am not some linux guru, but if there is something I can do to progress the resolution to this problem, I am more than happy to do it.

Missing dependencies in Puppy 5.1 install

Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010, 16:42
by Fox7777
Having all those missing dependencies means Puppy 5.1 was not ready and we have to use Puppy 5.0 instead. I couldn't find this anywhere in the forum and apologize if the problem has already been mentioned.