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Posted: Fri 03 Jul 2009, 23:37
by rcrsn51
@sidders: Did you see my message six back about the solution to your "Unsupported format - application/postscript." error?

When dealing with CUPS problems, you need to turn on full error logging. Go to /etc/cups and open the file cupsd.conf. Find the line "LogLevel info" and change it to "LogLevel debug".

Restart CUPS and run a print job.

Go to /var/log/cups and open the error_log file. Start at the bottom and work your way up looking for a fatal error message.

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2009, 15:26
by sidders
rcrsn51 , thx the fix worked.

Going forward, i have ripped cups out altogether and i will go back to trying a cups sfs.
The delayedrun has been sorted out, also been doing a lot of dithering.

Now its the save file. Which script is it that determines which save file is loaded? (pup_save to kid_save) I've had a quick look at sysinit, but couldnt find it there.
Going to start putting together some help files for oneclick (html) and look at the existing files

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2009, 18:42
by ecomoney
Great news regarding CUPS...should save a few trees :D

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2009, 22:14
by sidders
Found the init file. Unpacked initrd.gz. Will look at it later. Time for bed.

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2009, 22:46
by rcrsn51
Deleting CUPS and then reinstalling it as an SFS seems like a lot of work. Do you not get the same effect by shipping HanSamBen with no printers installed? Your average child is never going to figure out CUPS on his/her own!

Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2009, 16:51
by sidders
I,ve done it now. It still needs testing though.
Just had another call from our nursery, they have had another power cut and hsb refuses to play again (full install) . I did a little research and it seems that ext3 is a little more robust than ext2. So whilst on the init trail i think i can change the save files to 3fs as well as renaming them. I had a quick hack last night and failed. I an also assuming that the rc shutdown script and oneclick scripts will have to be tickled.

This may be a daft question, but the command mke2fs will create an ext2 filesystem, therefore mke3fs will do ext3?.

Its been a long night reading and trying to understand scripts.
Thx in advance

Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2009, 22:44
by sidders
Just a quick update on my slow progress.

Ext3 pup saves and partitions: ... 309#323309

The init script:

I have already tickled the init script to look for hsb_save instead of pup_save and it worked, but it needs more testing from a couple of fresh installs along with the ext3 thing.
If anybody can see a reason not to go down the ext3 route, let me know.

Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2009, 18:40
by sidders
Testing, testing, 1,2,3

Hit upon a problem with the installer, full install. I've changed the pup_412.sfs to hsb_412.sfs, changed the init and rcshutdown to mirror the hsb_....2fs.
The frugal is ok, i can change the script to look for ????.sfs, but its the full install. The script kicks in the puppy universal installer (PUI), which looks for pup_412..... So going to poke around and see what i can see.

The other problem that i envisage is to do with the sfs's. There are a couple of pets out there to install the sfs, but to do it in one from the install?. Need more time and more printers for the cups.

Abandoned the ext3 for the moment, doing too much without testing at each stage.

Posted: Sun 19 Jul 2009, 18:43
by sidders
Quick update

Cups sfs is working. I used JRB's choice pup cups and added Gutenprint, HPLIP and Splix. Tested on my HP G85 and it worked handsomley. Just got to get out there and try some other printers.

Tested the frugal install script along with the additional sfs's and again it worked. Need to stop bootmanager popping up every time it starts.

Had a look at the PUI script and its a massive challenge even just to pick out the bits for the full install :shock:

I'm going away for 3 weeks on thursday, but i will upload what i have before then.

Posted: Wed 22 Jul 2009, 06:41
by sidders
Version 3


I have to admit, given more time (a lot more) i could have carried on tweeking this for ever.
As i'm going away for 3 weeks under canvas with the kids. I thought i would post what i've already done.
Hopefully all points that have been submitted have been corrected.

The ISO contains the the hsb sfs (209mb) and additional Cups, Kde and Etoys sfs's. total 272mb. The sfs and save files are now hsb_412.sfs and hsb_?????.2fs. I have not done the remaster script, that will still produce a pup_412.sfs. Only just noticed as i have been doing everything manually

I played with the idea of ext3, then shelved it. Need to do more testing as it could impact on lower end machines.

The installer. I made a makeself file. If you go to /root/recycle_this_PC/ there is a symlink to the installer in /usr/bin. It will ask for a password: recyclePC (case sensetive) Then the script will kick in.
The frugal install including the sfs's worked as if by magic!. After installing i plugged in my HP G85 and installed it no problem. (had to set it as default)

The full install wasnt so pretty. I tried to work it myself, but as rcrsn51 pointed out theres a lot going on the PUI script. So i stuck with what was there and then puzzled over the SFS on a full install. The answer was the sfs installer from Dejan555, made into a Gui by trio. After the install you have to run fixmenus. So i started to do a script, then remebered the 'refresh menus' option in 421, so i stuck that in just below Help.
So to do a full install, you start the script, the PUI will kick in, carry on as you would with the full install, then close the windows and cancel the windows when the grub installer pops up.
To install sfs (full only). Mount the CD, /menu > utillity > SFS installer. Browse to mnt/sr0 (or whatever the cd is), select the SFS and install. Then go to menu > Refresh Menus.

Xonclock is in and will pop up automatically and the Xpuppy from puppyluvr is on the desktop.

Ctrl+Alt+H will hide the menus, with the exception of shutdown and Fun
CTRL+ALT+R will restore the menus

A folder in my documents/downloads/Printer_drivers is a sym link to cups/model for ppd files

After all the messing with scripts etc i expect bugs have crept in and i would dearly love a solid week to concentrate on this and get it right and test properly. I apologise i dont have that, but its evolving slowly with your help.
I will have limited internet access over the next 3 weeks, but i will endeavour to keep up.

The next step. Wipe the bugs and create some documentation. Get Technosaurus's lite version locked down as a kiosk type thing with dillo.

Documentation: sorry, can't contribute

Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2009, 00:02
by cj.veniot
My apologies folks, I had really looked forward to contributing to this project, throwing myself right into it, with some documentation.

I'm in the midst of a separation, shopping for a house, and just found out my father in law has cancer. When it rains, it pours. Needless to say, I am out for the count for the foreseeable future.

Kudos to all of you and the work you're putting into this project. I think this is a real gem. Can't say enough good things about it.

I hope that someday, somehow, I can participate somehow. For now, I'll be limited to the enjoyment of watching my little one using this product. Well, me too for that matter ... my memory stinks, so I'm having a blast with the concentration game.

Best regards, best wishes.

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 19:48
by sidders
cj. No worries, youve got to get your priorities right.

Back from hols and now going to get back into the Puppy mindset.

Just wondering if there is a way of using some shell command to highlight or redirect the commands used in a script to a file. I ask this in relation to the one click install, in particular the full install. so i could run a couple of installs and see what is happening in Barry's universal install script. Or is this not possible?.

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 21:30
by jamalexa
Is it ready for primetime in America. I would like to install it in a Pre k to K school but some of the apps are set for the UK. How could I set them to US?

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 21:52
by ecomoney
Welcome back Sidders.

Just a quick update, Ive got a netbooted version of HSB to work! This means that entire classrooms can be puppied in minutes. here is a "Classroom ISO", Boot it on one computer and it boots HSB on the others in the network.

Ive installed it for temporarily for testing at the cybercafe (it has 8 diskless clients and a single puppy admin computer to supply them with an OS).


IMHO, HanSamBen is getting ready for release, we need to start thinking about documentation, and how to get word of it out.

Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2009, 09:31
by sidders
jamalexa . You can changhe Gcompris by using the admin console. open a terminal

Code: Select all

gcompris -a
If there are any other apps, let me know and i'll look into it.

Ecomoney. I'm thinking about the documentation. I'll start with the Bios and booting CD.
The oneclick Full install could do with looking at, so i'll crack on with that and have just started turning the Lite version into a pure live cd.

Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2009, 10:39
by technosaurus
sidders wrote: Just wondering if there is a way of using some shell command to highlight or redirect the commands used in a script to a file. I ask this in relation to the one click install, in particular the full install. so i could run a couple of installs and see what is happening in Barry's universal install script. Or is this not possible?.

command > file

subsequent commands

command >> file


echo "this is the section where... to some variable" $VARNAME1 >> myoutfile.txt

Posted: Tue 18 Aug 2009, 05:25
by ecomoney
@ Sidders

Seeker has produced a package which makes puppy install .exe's for windows which automatically configures dual boots. I havnt managed to get round to installing it yet, but I do have some installer packages which were produced by it and can confirm that it works very well.

Posted: Tue 18 Aug 2009, 10:02
by cthisbear

Have a good holiday mate.

Now to muck up this thread.

Could you change the sound in the Cybercafe Puppy.
Tried it a few times on different comps.
A real pain to activate it.

Sidders. Still love Hansamben.
Downloaded Robs' variation today.
Haven't tested it...sorry.
Been converting a Vista comp to XP.

But for revenge also cheat frugalled the Cyber Cafe pup.

Regards to all...sorry to be a bother.


Coins Game

Posted: Tue 18 Aug 2009, 13:46
by jamalexa
Is there an American version of the game Coins?

Posted: Tue 18 Aug 2009, 13:50
by ecomoney
Hi Chris

Holiday has had to be put off until tommorow (dont ask..its a government thing) :evil: Glad you liked the cyber-frugal. PM or post on the mission thread and I will see what I can do sound wise.