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Posted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 12:25
by zigbert
Is it a good idea for me to make 'buildscripts' for the pSeries. They would only download pets, but if it could simplify the package building process...

Posted: Wed 15 Oct 2014, 14:48
by Iguleder
I think we should define some milestone.

Personally, I think the right thing to do is to create build scripts for all PETs in TahrPup (I mean, from both "common" and other repositories). I think we already have most of them.

Later, we'll be able to build all these packages under Slacko64 or Fatdog, to produce an ugly but working TahrPup64. The next step would be rebuilding everything from within TahrPup64, to produce a "clean" one.

The concept of build scripts could push Puppy forward :)

Posted: Fri 17 Oct 2014, 08:56
by 01micko
01micko wrote:Just some stats...
  • petbuilds : 32
    commits : 14
    contributors : 1 :!:
    forks : 0 :!:
  • views : 151 :?:
    unique visitors : 26
    clones : 1 :idea:
  • petbuilds : 46
    commits : 35
    contributors : 2 :!: Thanks @Iguleder!
    forks : 1 :!: ditto^^
  • views : 481 :?:
    unique visitors : 46
    clones : 3 :idea:

Posted: Fri 17 Oct 2014, 11:19
by trio
Hi Mick :)

Posted: Fri 17 Oct 2014, 13:08
by 01micko

You back or passing by?

Good to see you around :)

Posted: Fri 17 Oct 2014, 13:12
by 01micko
zigbert wrote:Is it a good idea for me to make 'buildscripts' for the pSeries. They would only download pets, but if it could simplify the package building process...
Not sure yet how scripts will fit in. Mostly is C or C++ sources (perhaps others). I'll think about that :) .

BTW.. did you notice a motorbike whizzing by? Or is it stopping to fuel up? :)

Posted: Fri 17 Oct 2014, 19:55
by gcmartin
I notice that @Trio throws a "hint" :wink: in his signature.

Posted: Fri 17 Oct 2014, 20:44
by zigbert
01micko wrote:Not sure yet how scripts will fit in. Mostly is C or C++ sources (perhaps others). I'll think about that :) .

BTW.. did you notice a motorbike whizzing by? Or is it stopping to fuel up? :)
Please give me a hint if you want me to add some buildscripts , and how you want them. It should be possible to make a script that always grabs the latest version of ie. pBurn at or at the mirror

The moto-dude is noticed and contacted. Hope he stays around :) ... what a team...


Posted: Fri 17 Oct 2014, 21:04
by gcmartin
Speaking of dudes who comeback and contribute, everyone knows about this resurrection by now.

Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2014, 13:30
by 01micko

initrd programs

These are compiled statically (by necessity) so that the system can boot. This unique initrd build system automatically downloads and builds all necessary programs for the initrd.gz in Puppy Linux.

This has been a dark art for centuries. (We all know 2 internet years is a century!). There is little to no documentation on this and searching reveals precious little as well. This is intended for new developers to get their teeth into the "engine room" and really find out what goes on underneath that agile skin.

See main post!

Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 08:23
by 01micko
zigbert wrote:Please give me a hint if you want me to add some buildscripts , and how you want them. It should be possible to make a script that always grabs the latest version of ie. pBurn at or at the mirror
I have had a think about this and such a script really belongs in woof as an option.

It would be nice if rcrsn51, shinobar, radky and others could set up something similar.

It is a pain in the a**s to maintain all these scripts and takes a fair bit of time to track them all down.


Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 10:00
by mavrothal
01micko wrote:
zigbert wrote:Please give me a hint if you want me to add some buildscripts , and how you want them. It should be possible to make a script that always grabs the latest version of ie. pBurn at or at the mirror
I have had a think about this and such a script really belongs in woof as an option.

It would be nice if rcrsn51, shinobar, radky and others could set up something similar.

It is a pain in the a**s to maintain all these scripts and takes a fair bit of time to track them all down.

woof-CE has woof-code/rootfs-packages/ that could accommodate all these 'no arch' pets but I can see how access issues may be a broblem.
I was wondering if a woof-CE/users/<user> repo where <user> will have exclusive rights to manage, may facilitate migrating the code there where could be easily picked by the woof-CE builder. The pets could still put their usual place if the developers want.
Alternatively, they could just have their own woof-independent repo where the latest version of the pet could be picked up. May be a bit more hunting but at least easier than hunting forum posts...

Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 18:53
by zigbert
I have no idea where this should be placed, but this script will download the most recent apps in the pSeries of zigbert.

Code: Select all

export LANG=C

#check server
echo "Connecting to server..."
wget --spider --tries 1 -T 3 -F --max-redirect 0 2> /tmp/download_zigbert
if [ "`grep connected /tmp/download_zigbert`" ]; then
	wget --spider --tries 1 -T 3 -F --max-redirect 0 2> /tmp/download_zigbert
	if [ "`grep connected /tmp/download_zigbert`" ]; then
		echo "Can't connect to server"

#get list of pets
LIST1="`wget -q "$URL" -O- | grep -F '.pet' | cut -d'"' -f2`"
`wget -q "$URL/pmusic" -O- | grep -F '.pet' | cut -d'"' -f2`"

#check each app
for APP in pbackup- pburn- pclock- pfilesearch- pfind- pmirror- pmusic- pprocess- pschedule- ptiming- pwidgets-; do
	#find most recent version
	APPLIST="`grep "$APP" <<< "$LIST"`"
	VER1="`cut -d'-' -f2- <<< "$APPLIST" | cut -d. -f1 | sort -un | tail -n 1`"
	APPLIST="`grep "${APP}${VER1}" <<< "$LIST"`"
	VER2="`cut -d'-' -f2- <<< "$APPLIST" | cut -d. -f2 | sort -un | tail -n 1`"
	APPLIST="`grep "${APP}${VER1}.${VER2}" <<< "$LIST"`"
	VER3="`cut -d'-' -f2- <<< "$APPLIST" | cut -d. -f3 | sort -un | tail -n 1`"
	[ "$VER3" ] && APPLIST="`grep "${APP}${VER1}.${VER2}.${VER3}" <<< "$LIST"`"
	echo "$APPLIST"

	if [ "`grep -F pmusic <<< $APPLIST`" ]; then
		wget --tries=1 -T 3 --user puppy --password linux --output-document=$HOME/${APPLIST} ${URL}/pmusic/${APPLIST}
		wget --tries=1 -T 3 --user puppy --password linux --output-document=$HOME/${APPLIST} ${URL}/${APPLIST}
	#set permission
	chmod 755 $HOME/${APPLIST}

Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 19:02
by zigbert
mavrothal wrote:woof-CE has woof-code/rootfs-packages/ that could accommodate all these 'no arch' pets but I can see how access issues may be a broblem.
rootfs-packages is just fine. We are a community, so permissions should not be an issue. For me, github itself is the issue. I have not overcome the feeling of spending my time on github instead of the actual coding...


Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 19:22
by mavrothal
zigbert wrote:
mavrothal wrote:woof-CE has woof-code/rootfs-packages/ that could accommodate all these 'no arch' pets but I can see how access issues may be a broblem.
rootfs-packages is just fine. We are a community, so permissions should not be an issue. For me, github itself is the issue. I have not overcome the feeling of spending my time on github instead of the actual coding...
Maybe you want to clone the repos and do all the coding locally on your machine. I actually use github only to track issues or pull requests but never for coding.

Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 19:55
by zigbert
mavrothal wrote:Maybe you want to clone the repos and do all the coding locally on your machine.
If it is so simple, I am not smart enough - yet :)
I have been cloning-coding-pulling-merging, but since 'we' don't want heavy /complex pulls it becomes more coding-pulling-merging again and again. YES, there are many benefits! - but I am still struggling.

Posted: Sun 19 Oct 2014, 20:43
by sc0ttman
zigbert wrote:
mavrothal wrote:Maybe you want to clone the repos and do all the coding locally on your machine.
If it is so simple, I am not smart enough - yet :)
I have been cloning-coding-pulling-merging, but since 'we' don't want heavy /complex pulls it becomes more coding-pulling-merging again and again. YES, there are many benefits! - but I am still struggling.
There is a git plugin for Geany ... might make things a little easier..?

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2014, 01:14
by 01micko
new2dir is no longer a requirement.

dir2pet from the main post is still needed.

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2014, 05:08
by mavrothal
sc0ttman wrote:There is a git plugin for Geany ... might make things a little easier..?
Do you have a pet/compiled just this plugin? Because the geany-plugins package from the repo needs 70MB in dependencies and adding only does not work

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2014, 08:51
by 01micko
mavrothal wrote:
sc0ttman wrote:There is a git plugin for Geany ... might make things a little easier..?
Do you have a pet/compiled just this plugin? Because the geany-plugins package from the repo needs 70MB in dependencies and adding only does not work ... ny-plugins


It's for geany-1.24.1 but it might work, if not just change the version number in the petbuild.

BTW, the geany-plugins.petbuild was generated with the new script, which will work for generic, sane sources, comes with a 'YMMV' warning. :P