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Posted: Mon 30 Jun 2014, 22:54
by rcrsn51
OK. I am yielding to peer pressure on this issue and adding a "Search" tab. Its only function is to scan for all visible networks. The only thing you can do with the list is copy-and-paste an SSID into a profile.

Posted: Mon 30 Jun 2014, 22:58
by peebee
rcrsn51 wrote:So you know your passphrase from memory but not your own SSID ? :wink:
Sure do :)

I know my SSID to recognize it when I see it but don't remember its exact format as I never type it....

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 08:26
by greengeek
Just tried v1.6 using both WPA and WPA2 and it worked well. The scan feature is useful - I had forgotten that my WPA2 profile had a space character in it so I couldn't connect initially till I ran the scan to confirm the SSID and corrected my typo.

Automatic restart after boot worked too.

While I was testing the auto restart I was thinking it would be nice to have a button to allow selection of the "restart profile" rather than manually typing the profile name into /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto. (So there could be an extra button attached to the "Select a wifi profile" field as follows: 'Connect', 'Disconnect', and 'Choose auto' or 'Set as auto').

And maybe also a tickbox to say "enable peasywifi_auto' (untick to disable).

I do like this utility (I never really felt in control of Frisbee...)

EDIT : While I was testing the connection that had been established by the autostart I decided to disconnect it, then connect again. However - it did not reconnect to the profile specified in the /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto file, instead it connected to the profile specified in the main peasywifi window. This is obviously expected behaviour, but just a trap for young players. If you are manually connecting and disconnecting make sure you choose the appropriate profile and don't expect the autostart to kick back in until the next reboot or restart X.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 12:49
by rcrsn51
greengeek wrote:While I was testing the auto restart I was thinking it would be nice to have a button to allow selection of the "restart profile" rather than manually typing the profile name into /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto.
Done. There is now a separate Auto screen for setting up auto-connection. It still uses the file /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto, but creates it for you.

You will also notice the new "eth0" button. It kills the Wifi connection and re-enables your wired Ethernet port. I originally added this for testing purposes, but it may have a larger use.

The standard Puppy network managers like SNS control both wired Ethernet and WiFi. But all Puppies now auto-connect eth0 at bootup. So you would only need SNS to do a re-connection (I think).

If PeasyWiFi can do this for you, it might completely replace SNS. This would need more discussion.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 15:02
by Marv
Thanks for listening to the squeaky wheels. Version 1.7 tested from pristine install of Carolina 1.2 and working well. It is the only net manager that has correctly modprobed the lib80211_crypt_ccmp and lib80211_crypt_tkip libs on its own for the ipw2200 drivers. That card/driver can do WPA2 but usually is seen as non-WPA2. I do need the dropwait option for that card so have added it into your pet with the initial value in /root/.peasywifi set at 0. Pretty simple to do, I can upload the modded pet if you wish.

Thanks again.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 15:30
by rcrsn51
Marv wrote:Thanks for listening to the squeaky wheels.
I tend to get my opinions from the last person I talk to. :wink:
It is the only net manager that has correctly modprobed the lib80211_crypt_ccmp and lib80211_crypt_tkip libs on its own for the ipw2200 drivers.
That's interesting because PeasyWiFi does NO modprobing at all! It relies on the kernel to initialize the wireless interface. So what are these other network managers doing?
I do need the dropwait option for that card so have added it into your pet with the initial value in /root/.peasywifi set at 0..
Could you post a snippet of modified code instead, so other people can see it? Or post the whole PET if you prefer.

The nice thing about PeasyWiFi is that you can easily modify the script for special situations.


Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 16:51
by Marv
rcrsn51 wrote:
That's interesting because PeasyWiFi does NO modprobing at all! It relies on the kernel to initialize the wireless interface. So what are these other network managers doing?

Could you just post a snippet of modified code instead, so other people can see it? The nice thing about PeasyWiFi is that you can easily modify the script for special situations.

The encryption libs puzzle me a bit too. I started with the bare carolina, checked with lsmod after boot and only the ipw2200 drivers were loaded. Ran peasywifi sucessfully and rechecked immediately with lsmod and the crypt libraries were present and loaded correctly. With Frisbee, SNS, and Dougal, using wpa2 ALWAYS returns an "invalid password" using the ipw2200 until I manually modprobe the crypts.

Attached is a gz with the lines I modified or added in /usr/local/peasywifi/peasywifi. Short as I could make it. To run the modified version, the original .peasywifi must be removed so it will be rewritten with the modified one.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 17:10
by rcrsn51
Thanks for the mods. I hunted through jemimah's code and I suspected as much. I am going to change it slightly in case the dropwait argument is something other than -j. When I tested this in an old Puppy, it choked on "-j 0".

The module loading is a mystery. Maybe line 14

Code: Select all

ifconfig $INTERFACE up
is triggering it. Do a restart and try it from the command line using your interface.

[Edit] Here is what I suspect is happening. PeasyWiFi is using wext as the default driver and it is smart enough to load the required modules. The other managers are picking a different driver from Puppy's wifi driver database and it doesn't load the modules.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 18:52
by rcrsn51
Marv: I have posted v1.8. I changed DROPWAIT to the more flexible OPTION. See the Help for details.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 20:12
by greengeek
Just tried v1.8 on a slacko 5.6 derivative (no savefile) running on an Acer netbook and it works perfectly.

After running the 'make profile' the name of the new profile is not immediately reflected in the 'auto' tab so I can't select it straight away. Is this part of the same 'must_restart_peasywifi' requirement you mentioned before or might there be some way around this?

(would be nice to make a profile and set it as auto in the one session if poss - not that its hard to start peasywifi now that I realise I can use the taskbar icon instead of the menu :-) )

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 20:25
by rcrsn51
greengeek wrote:Is this part of the same 'must_restart_peasywifi' requirement you mentioned before
or might there be some way around this?
Not without a major restructuring. However, you could just manually paste the profile name into the Select a Profile box. But it would be safer to do a restart so you get the name right.
not that its hard to start peasywifi now that I realise I can use the taskbar icon instead of the menu

Thanks for testing. I think that we are close to the end of this little project.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 20:39
by Marv
rcrsn51 wrote:Marv: I have posted v1.8. I changed DROPWAIT to the more flexible OPTION. See the Help for details.
Thanks, I'll test it on the ipw2200s.

Edited once: Works just fine. OPTION="-j 15" used for my ipw2200 laptops. No dropwait needed for my iwlwifi laptops so the OPTION line is left at the default on them.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 20:54
by greengeek
Can I make one more suggestion before you wrap up? I think it would be really handy if there was some way to combine/extend the functionality of the eth0 and I/F buttons...

Imagine if I could click a button called "choose interface" and it would let me do the following:
1) Switch to eth0 (as your eth0 button does)
2) Set export interface to eth1 (extend functionality of I/F button instead of manually editing /root/.peasywifi)
3) Set export interface to wlan0 ( " " ") that the I/F window that currently shows the options for choice of wifi interface (wlan0 or eth1 depending on machine) could also show eth0 (if present) and allow selection between them - automatically updating the .peasywifi config as required.

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 21:19
by rcrsn51
Here are my thoughts on this idea.

1. I need to get some house painting done this week.

2. There are a number of situations, like Marv's, where people need to manually edit their config file. So it's worthwhile learning how to do it. This is Puppy Linux after all - people are expected to get their hands dirty.

Thanks for all your help.


Posted: Wed 02 Jul 2014, 13:07
by rcrsn51
Hi guys:

I have posted v1.9 and fixed a few things.

1. There is now a Config button on the toolbar that directly opens the config file in a text editor. So you don't have to hunt for it.

2. I have (hopefully) improved I/F detection. But this needs more testing.

3. If you try to access a non-functioning server, you may end up with a bogus 169.254.x.y IP address. But because your machine now has a lease for that address, you can't connect to a working server until you destroy the garbage lease. The Disconnect button now does that. Follow it with a reboot.

A bogus IP address can also occur if your WiFi adapter is not working correctly, usually because of a driver problem.


Posted: Wed 02 Jul 2014, 14:07
by Marv
Quick test of v1.9.
On the ipw2200 laptop, stripped everything including profiles back to the bare un-Frisbee'd kernel 3.15 Carolina 1.2. Rebooted, installed v1.9. Used v1.9 to connect, using config button to edit .peasywifi, search to look at ssids, profile, auto.. pretty much everything but the Encrypt feature. Just didn't think of that. All in all just works. And the Help is superb :!:

I will run it past the iwlwifi laptop but don't have anything else to test it on that isn't boringly intel. Hope the exotica owners will take it out for a walk too.

Posted: Wed 02 Jul 2014, 14:13
by rcrsn51
Excellent. I have to confess that it's easier to get my own SSID by searching for it than by typing it in. :wink:

Note that Encrypt cannot be used with Auto because there is no way to enter the PIN during bootup.

Posted: Thu 03 Jul 2014, 09:30
by greengeek
Tested v1.9 on my Tosh laptop Slacko 5.3 install and it works perfectly.

EDIT : - all perfect including the auto function - Peasy connects flawlessly after every boot or after an X restart.

This is a pleasing result because I have previously had to manually kick the network wizard into life every boot for the last year - even though Frisbee was installed and appeared to try to connect.

Interestingly - when I first tried Peasy on this machine it appeared to do it's thing correctly (and said 'connected') but no IP was actually acquired. There were some onscreen messages that were obviously nothing to do with Peasy (like a truncated version of yaf-spash - I think they may have been xpupsay or something similar) so I figured Frisbee must be interfering. I uninstalled Frisbee and now Peasy does the whole job perfectly.

(This is the laptop that shows wifi as eth1)

I like the way Peasy offers a nice balance between manual control and automatic behaviour. Especially like the config button to ensure the right file gets opened and I don't have to hunt for it.

Will try other machines over the next few days.

Posted: Thu 03 Jul 2014, 09:48
by rcrsn51
Thanks. I did some testing on a Puppy that had Frisbee as the default manager and it drove me crazy. I couldn't make it die no matter what I tried.

The whole point of PeasyWiFi is to be transparent. If it doesn't work for someone, we will be able to find out why.

The forum is littered with comments like these. "I cannot get network manager A to work so I only use B". "B is garbage. The only true manager is A." "I got tired of fighting with A and B, so I switched to C". "C works, but not the way I would like."

Connecting to WiFi is not rocket science - it just takes two commands.

Posted: Thu 03 Jul 2014, 15:19
by Sylvander
See this thread:
Puppy USB WiFi Adapter at the PC Guide Forums.
Cuc Tu couldn't manage to get his USB Network Interface dongle = "iogear gwu625" to work in "slacko-5.7 no pae".
I suggested he try PeasyWiFi.

Do the Puppy experts here think PeasyWiFi will help fix his problem?
Might someone more expert than myself give him some help?