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Integrating Portable-wine as a platform

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2014, 13:55
by mikeslr
Hi shinobar,

Thank you for the instructions. I tried them and they successfully enabled me to open both an installed xp program and a portable xp program via menu entries. There was a slight delay in opening the installed program, less than a second; none noticeable for the portable application. More than a fair trade off for the advantages your application provides. Thank you again.


winetricks in Portable-wine? (Solved, sort of)

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2014, 23:46
by mikeslr
Hi again,

Does Portable Wine include winetricks?

If it does, how do you call it?

if it doesn't, how do you install it?


Edit: winetricks is merely a bash-script which in Puppy versions of wine that include it, and in winetrick pets is usually (always?) located in the /usr/sbin folder. The maintainer of the current version of the script --it can be downloaded as a text file and/or copied to a blank bash-script file-- suggests placing it in the /usr/bin folder. To do either in Portable-wine, first right-click its icon and select open to view its contents. Then right click the SFS and select mount. Once mounted, files can be copied anywhere in its structure. Unmount when finished. So it should be easy to install both winetricks and an appropriate desktop file to create a menu entry.
I have not, however, done this because currently winetricks can only be run via a terminal as the GUI is broken. The break is not in winetricks but rather appears to be a problem relating to zenity which the winetricks script calls to generate the GUI. My exploration substituting various scripts showed their interchangability, but failed to produce a working GUI in any current Puppy. The last functioning winetricks GUI was in Lupu, using a wine-pet specifically built for it, wine-1.3.x, AFAIR. That problem is not unique to Puppy Linux, and AFAIK has not, as yet, been solved elsewhere. I've posted about the problem in the User's sub-Forum. In the absence of a GUI, winetricks would require too steep a learning curve for my limited need of it.

wine-portable-1.6.2-2, wine-portable-1.7.14-1

Posted: Sat 15 Mar 2014, 02:06
by shinobar
#20140315: fix again on vfat, winetrics, set PATH

wine-portable(p4) works on Puppy-431 and later:
wine-portable-1.6.2-2-p4.tar.gz (stable)
wine-portable-1.7.14-1-p4.tar.gz (develop)

wine-portable(precise) works on Precise-Puppy and later:
wine-portable-1.6.2-2-precise.tar.gz (stable)
wine-portable-1.7.14-1-precise.tar.gz (develop) ... 5/precise/

Why two version?

Posted: Mon 17 Mar 2014, 00:37
by mikeslr
Hi Shinobar,

I find Portable Wine very useful. Thanks again for its development.
Currently, I have the wine-portable- on /mnt/home. As all my frugal puppy installs are to the same partition, all recognize the same partition as /mnt/home. wine-portable is registered in upup raring and, as I've mentioned earlier on this thread, I've been able to both install XP applications and run portable xp applications, both types with with separate menu listings thanks again to your advice.
I opened to this thread intending to report my success in installing e-Sword, which (if I recall correctly) has recently been a problem under recent puppies and/or wine versions. I discuss the technique here, ... 355#765355, During that discussion I "plugged" your application, commenting on its advantage when running several puppies, but also cautioning that you've created two versions, one for precise and later, the other for earlier puppies. Calling up this thread, I discovered that you've published new versions.

So to get to the point: Why two versions? And particularly, will wine-portable-1.6..2-2-p4 function under precise and later pups? If so, what are the advantages of using wine-portable-1.6.2-2-precise in later pups?
The reason I ask isn't merely academic. On my /mnt/home partition I have frugal installs of precise, raring and slacko, but also Lupu, Saluki and Carolina. So it might be the best use of my time and my computer's hard-drive space if I were able to use and register wine-portable-1.6.2-2-p4 in all my Pups.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Why two version?

Posted: Mon 17 Mar 2014, 03:43
by shinobar
mikeslr wrote:Why two versions? And particularly, will wine-portable-1.6.2-2-p4 function under precise and later pups? If so, what are the advantages of using wine-portable-1.6.2-2-precise in later pups?
I am not sure :lol:

wine-portable(p4) is based on the wine compiled on Puppy-431 by version2013. wine-portable(p4) has not all the dependencies but some. Maybe no problem for many applications.

wine-portable(precise) has the wine compiled on Precise Puppy 571JP and has all the dependencies. I am not sure in what case the wine-portable(precise) is superior than the wine-portable(p4).

wine-portable-1.6.2-2-precise works on Earlier Pups, BUT

Posted: Mon 17 Mar 2014, 17:53
by mikeslr
Hi shinobar,

The only way to actually find out what works was to test.

Edit: Balance temporarily deleted: Being re-worked to provide a report of all my tests to date in a format easier to follow.



Posted: Thu 27 Mar 2014, 04:03
by shinobar
wine-portable(p4) works on Puppy-431 and later:
wine-portable-1.7.15-1-p4.tar.gz (2014-03-27)

wine-portable(precise) works on Precise-Puppy and later:
wine-portable-1.7.15-1-precise.tar.gz (2014-03-27) ... 5/precise/


Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 10:21
by shinobar
wine-portable(p4) works on Puppy-431 and later:

wine-portable(precise) works on Precise-Puppy and later:
wine-portable-1.7.18-1-precise.tar.gz ... 5/precise/

Posted: Fri 27 Jun 2014, 07:32
by solo
I may be stating the obvious for some people, but I'm just going to post this anyway, because I ran into this myself.

Winetricks will not work on portable Wine if it is installed on a non POSIX partition. So if the filesystem of your partition is vfat, it will not work.
This is because in the process of downloading and installing packages, winetricks will attempt to create folders called c:, and z: inside portable Wine.
Portable Wine is located outside of the Linux filesystem (because it's portable), and thus, inside the vfat filesystem, and the vfat filesystem does not allow, among other things, folder names with a colon.

It works fine on POSIX filesystems though.

Registering Wine-portable when lacking rox right-clicks

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2014, 15:59
by mikeslr
Hi shinobar & All,

I discussed how to register wine-portable in Carolina here: ... 047#793047. The same technique sill probably work on any Pup using the XFCE window manager and/or lacking rox-filer "right-clicks."

Hi solo, or anyone else,

How did you acquire/install wine-tricks? I'm interested in seeing if Dragon Naturally Speaking 10.5 --which runs under wine in Ubuntu Precise and its clones-- could work if installed to portable-wine invoked from a Precise or Raring Pup. But even under Ubuntu, some files have to be installed via wine-tricks.


Re: Registering Wine-portable when lacking rox right-clicks

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2014, 18:45
by version2013
mikeslr wrote:
Hi solo, or anyone else,

How did you acquire/install wine-tricks? I'm interested in seeing if Dragon Naturally Speaking 10.5 --which runs under wine in Ubuntu Precise and its clones-- could work if installed to portable-wine invoked from a Precise or Raring Pup. But even under Ubuntu, some files have to be installed via wine-tricks.

winetricks usage and download:

Invoking winetricks in wine-portable

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2014, 20:57
by mikeslr
Hi All,

I'm out of practice thinking about Puppy and Linux. At my age, a couple of months being otherwise occupied can do that.
At least running the "p4" version of Portable Wine, even though there is no desktop file/menu listing, winetricks is already installed. It can be invoked via terminal using the code: winetricks


P.S. It helps if you don't hyphenate winetricks

Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2014, 11:14
by solo
I actually didn't realize I could run winetricks by using the winetricks- command.
What I did, and I suppose it amounts to the same thing, was to go to /mnt/home/wine-portable-1.7.18-1-precise and right click and choose -look inside-. Then, once inside, I would right-click the wine-1.7.18-prcise-xz.sfs and choose sfs-load, and pick the -no copy- option.
Once I have the sfs loaded, the wineserver is in place and I can use winetricks.

Kind of silly of me not thinking of using the

Another winetricks' problem

Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2014, 01:51
by mikeslr
Hi shinobar & all,

As I mentioned above, I have portable wine working on Carolina. The version I used there was wine-portable-1.6.2-2-p4. That version includes winetricks, albeit without the lovely GUI formerly available. If I recall correctly, that's a zenity/yad problem: no one has solved it or developed a workaround. But a couple of minutes reading regarding its command structure enables winetricks to do its job via a terminal.
Not so with wine-portable-1.6.2-1-precise. Adding the winetricks script to /usr/sbin --thanks solo-- making it executable, and starting it from the terminal generates an error message that winetricks.exe is not found in /drive_c/windows/system32. After which wine-portable shuts down.
A compiling issue?
Has anyone successfully invoked winetricks in wine-portable-1.6.2-2-precise? or any of the 1.7.1X wine-portables? Because of the time it takes to install all the programs I currently have in 6.2-1-precise, I'm reluctant start again from scratch.
By the way, how do you "UNREGISTER" a version of wire-portable? Is is sufficient merely to register a different version? That is, will registration of a different version "over-write" whatever was written by the registration of the previous version?
Thanks in advance,



Posted: Fri 29 Aug 2014, 10:14
by shinobar
Wine_MyPortable by Akkie2(Japanese forum member):
Wine_MyPortable_1.7.25_1.tar.gz (2014-08-29) ... t=download
- Wine development release 1.7.25.
- Claunch, GPad and some applications pre-installed.
- Winetricks in the right click menu
- Compled on Puppy Precise 571.


Posted: Mon 08 Sep 2014, 16:13
by shinobar
Wine_MyPortable by Akkie2(Japanese forum member):
Wine_MyPortable_1.7.26.tar.gz (2014-09-09,090-11 fixed URL) ... t=download

- Wine development release 1.7.26.
- Claunch, GPad and some applications pre-installed.
- Winetricks in the right click menu
- Compiled on Puppy Precise 571.

Re: Wine_MyPortable_1.7.26

Posted: Mon 08 Sep 2014, 19:51
by ASRI éducation
shinobar wrote:Wine_MyPortable_1.7.26.tar.gz
tar.gz = 564MB
decompressed = 1091MB
The file size is huge, is this normal?

Re: Wine_MyPortable_1.7.26

Posted: Thu 11 Sep 2014, 01:00
by shinobar
ASRI éducation wrote:
shinobar wrote:Wine_MyPortable_1.7.26.tar.gz
tar.gz = 564MB
decompressed = 1091MB
The file size is huge, is this normal?
Sorry, fixed.
Wine_MyPortable_1.7.26.tar.gz (2014-09-09,090-11 fixed URL) ... t=download

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2014, 00:38
by vtpup
wine-portable-1.6.2-2-precise on Racy 5.5:

Code: Select all

Wine: fatal ERROR
 Failed to create new Wine environment at

Posted: Wed 22 Apr 2015, 02:40
by johnywhy
thx for making this brilliant toy! Are there new steps for Carolina-Vanguard-R2? Having some issues:

using version: wine-portable-1.7.18-1-p4. Seemed to install fine. It's in the menus, and all wine tools appear to be working. Registered according to these steps (just running the Register script): ... 047#793047

But, my app won't run. App is eM Client

If i run from "Wine Windows Program Loader" , with NO virtual desktop, i see a spinner for a minute, but nothing opens.

If i run from "Wine Windows Program Loader", WITH virtual desktop, i see virtual desktop for a minute, but then it disappears.

If i run from command line, i get:
# MailClient.exe MailClient.exe . "MailClient.exe" ""
fixme:mscoree:CLRMetaHost_GetRuntime Unrecognized version L"v4.0"
err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winemp3.acm": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x23fb6e0,0x33ed94: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x23fb6e0,0x33ed94: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x24b7fb0,0x33e594: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x21e670,0x33df64: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x2420358,0x33df64: stub
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MailClient.UI.Forms.BaseForm.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlWindowTarget.OnMessage (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.WndProc (IntPtr hWnd, Msg msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 seconds
i noticed the first error seemed to concern, which i noticed is not available in the Carolina ppm. So i downloaded and installed from ... 3_i386.deb.

Then trying again from command-line, got:
# MailClient.exe MailClient.exe . "MailClient.exe" ""
fixme:mscoree:CLRMetaHost_GetRuntime Unrecognized version L"v4.0"
err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winemp3.acm": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x23fb6e0,0x33ed94: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x23fb6e0,0x33ed94: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x24b7fb0,0x33e594: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x21e670,0x33df64: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x2420358,0x33df64: stub
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MailClient.UI.Forms.BaseForm.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlWindowTarget.OnMessage (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.WndProc (IntPtr hWnd, Msg msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 seconds
# MailClient.exe MailClient.exe . "MailClient.exe" ""
fixme:mscoree:CLRMetaHost_GetRuntime Unrecognized version L"v4.0"
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x271e058,0x33ed94: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x271e058,0x33ed94: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x2756878,0x33e594: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x278d308,0x33df64: stub
fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount 0x278d338,0x33df64: stub
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MailClient.UI.Forms.BaseForm.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlWindowTarget.OnMessage (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message& m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.WndProc (IntPtr hWnd, Msg msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 seconds

Appreciate any help!
