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Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 16:03
by musher0
in any case, i can confirm that this wallpaper utility works in wary 5.5 : ...

It doesn't show the pictures, but if you put links in the appropriate ROX-types (see above), it does.
You just have to think "picture to wallpaper" instead of "wallpaper from picture".

  • Make the links as indicated above.
    Browse to any picture folder.
    Right-click on the eye in the ROX-Filer, the thumbs will show.
    Click twice on the "+" icon to make the thumbs the largest.
    Find a nice picture.
    Right-click on it.
    Click on "wallpaper" in the sub-menu,
and voilĂ , you new wallpaper is in place.

Minor caveat:
For now,don't do anything involving a recycling of the PuppyPin directly.
At your earliest convenience, recycle the X server, and
the name of your picture will be properly registered in PuppyPin.



Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 21:26
by Karl Godt
wjaguar wrote:
Karl Godt wrote:Have
export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8
and then it gives me
expr: non-numeric argument
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 59: [: -ge: unary operator expected
This happens because the script expects decimal separator to be ".", and in some locales it is "," instead. And a chain reaction of unexpected behavior follows.

To prevent these things from happening, it is best to put "export LC_NUMERIC=C" at the beginning of a script, if it's making any kind of floating-point calculations.
Yeah found myself in there. If somebody would have told me, i had submitted a patch therefore, i could not remember it anymore :oops: .

Anyway the script seems to work to backup screwed wallpapers :D .

BUT : Filename with spaces are not supported throughout the whole script,
and instead of math gymnastics by dc it seems to be able to achieve all this with ash and bash math without the need for a delimiter for cut.
These two shell gymnastics worked for me, too :

Code: Select all

# echo "123,456" | awk -F '[[:punct:]]' '{print $1}'
# echo "123,456" | sed 's%[[:punct:]].*%%'          
Have still a hard time to understand these LC_* and .UTF-8 things .
As far as I have read the docs, ".UTF-8" was always the extension syntax, dunno why some distros had used .utf8, .utf-8 or .UTF8 . UTF-8 seems not to work for German in Puppy-4.3.x .

Anyway, wjaguar : You are doing a great job on mtpaint. Thanks muchly for it !

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 01:42
by musher0
Hello, all.

Sorry for the emotional outburst earlier today.

I've checked all versions 0.6.x of Wallpaper and the 01micko's "simple wallpaper seter" in wary 5.5 and they all have the same *.png problem. As to pwallpaper, you're out of luck if you want a backfdrop that's not in /usr/share/backgrounds.

If I understand correctly, you're saying it's a problem with the background-reshape script, that interprets decimals wrongly. I looked at BK's code : isn't there a way to make that dc calculator use rounded numbers ? Or use another console calculator utility that does ?

Just a thought. BFN.


Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 01:49
by 01micko
Karl, your patch is in slacko:-

Code: Select all

#Barry Kauler 2009
#the background image is at /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg
#this may have the wrong dimensions to suit either a 'normal' or a 'widescreen' monitor.
#for now, keep this simple, assume image is suitable for normal screen, truncate vertically
#if widescreen.
#v424 fix maths.
#v424 move ORIGINAL-* images to /usr/share/backgrounds_original
#110831 support png images.
#111013 Karl Godt: 'dc' can return , instead of . in numeric values, for non-english locale.

export LANG=C #111013 fix for 'dc'.

#accept optional image file as passed param...
[ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png ] && IMAGEFILE="/usr/share/backgrounds/default.png"
[ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg ] && IMAGEFILE="/usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg"
[ $1 ] && IMAGEFILE="$1"
[ "$IMAGEFILE" = "" ] && exit

#v423 precaution, if someone has chosen the backup original...
[ "`echo -n "$IMAGEFILE" | grep 'ORIGINAL'`" != "" ] && exit

mkdir -p "${IMAGEPATH}_original" #v424
IMAGEEXT="`echo -n "$IMAGEBASE" | rev | cut -f 1 -d '.' | rev`"

#[ "$IMAGEEXT" != "jpg" ] && [ "$IMAGEEXT" != "jpeg" ] && [ "$IMAGEEXT" != "JPG" ] && [ "$IMAGEEXT" != "JPEG" ] && exit
case $IMAGEEXT in
 jpg|jpeg|JPG|JPEG) IMAGEEXT='jpg' ;;
 png|PNG) IMAGEEXT='png' ;;
 *) exit ;;

#first boot, maybe trying different video modes, so this causes reset each time...
if [ ! -f ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} ];then #v424
 cp -f ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} ${IMAGEFILE} #restore. v424

if [ "$IMAGEEXT" = "jpg" ];then
 IMAGEDIMS="`jpegtopnm ${IMAGEFILE} 2>/dev/null | pamfile 2>&1 | grep 'stdin:' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ',' | cut -f 2,4 -d ' '`" #ex: 1200 800
 IMAGEDIMS="`pngtopnm ${IMAGEFILE} 2>/dev/null | pamfile 2>&1 | grep 'stdin:' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ',' | cut -f 2,4 -d ' '`" #ex: 1200 800
IMAGEHORIZ=`echo -n "$IMAGEDIMS" | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
IMAGEVERT=`echo -n "$IMAGEDIMS" | cut -f 2 -d ' '`

ROOTDIMS="`xwininfo -root | grep ' \-geometry ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 3 -d ' ' | cut -f 1 -d '+' | tr 'x' ' '`"
ROOTHORIZ=`echo -n "$ROOTDIMS" | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
ROOTVERT=`echo -n "$ROOTDIMS" | cut -f 2 -d ' '`

RATIOIMAGE=`dc $IMAGEHORIZ $IMAGEVERT div 100 mul p | cut -f 1 -d '.'`
RATIOROOT=`dc $ROOTHORIZ $ROOTVERT div 100 mul p | cut -f 1 -d '.'`
xRATIOIMAGE=`expr $RATIOIMAGE + 5` #allow for roundoff errors.
[ $xRATIOIMAGE -ge $RATIOROOT ] && exit

#v423 some math gymnastics involved here...
NEWVERT=`dc $IMAGEHORIZ $ROOTHORIZ div $NEWIMGVERTSCALED mul p | cut -f 1 -d '.'` #v424 fix.


#this method only cuts off the bottom of image...
#if [ $xNEWVERT -lt $IMAGEVERT ];then
# jpegtopnm ${IMAGEFILE} | pamdice -height=${NEWVERT} -outstem=/root/out #creates out_0_0.ppm
# [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit
# pnmtojpeg -quality=85 out_0_0.ppm > ${IMAGEFILE}
# rm -f /root/out_*.ppm

#this method cuts equal amount from top and bottom...
if [ $NEWVERT -lt $IMAGEVERT ];then #precaution
 [ "`which pnmcut`" != "" ] && PAMCUT="pnmcut" #older netpbm.
 TOP=`expr $CUTVERT \/ 2`
# jpegtopnm ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} | ${PAMCUT} -left=0 -right=${IMAGEHORIZ} -top=${TOP} -bottom=${BOTTOM} | pnmtojpeg -quality=85 > ${IMAGEFILE}
 if [ "$IMAGEEXT" = "jpg" ];then
  jpegtopnm ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} | ${PAMCUT} -left=0 -top=${TOP} -bottom=${BOTTOM} | pnmtojpeg -quality=85 > ${IMAGEFILE}
  pngtopnm ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} | ${PAMCUT} -left=0 -top=${TOP} -bottom=${BOTTOM} | pnmtopng > ${IMAGEFILE}


Christian.. is it not the same in Wary?

As a test

Get a png in root and make sure it is 4*3 aspect, or close enough. Then run

Code: Select all

background_reshape nameofpic.png
What happens?

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 02:26
by musher0
No problems with Wallpaper 0.6.2 in good old dpup 485... which uses a iso locale, iso-8859-1.
Vv-ee-rr-yy strange...

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 02:53
by musher0
01micko said:
> Christian.. is it not the same in Wary?

Can't answer that right now, I'm in dpup 485.
Is the code you quoted above verbatim from wary 5.5 or does it contain Karl's new edits?

As well, why are you sure that it's the reshape script that's zapping the *.png's?
Could it not be related to exclusive use of the /usr/share/backgrounds directory?

I also noted that the usual small guide files found in dpup 485 in ~/.config/wallpaper are not in wary 5.5, only a couple instead 4-5. Is that a problem?



Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 03:23
by Karl Godt
I have looked inside the whole scripts, and added code and changed a few things. Work in progress, but here's a small snap shot :

Karl Reimer Godt : March 2013 :
* Toggle when clicking the Clear button, to be able to bring back the PuppyPin
* Try to put common code in common.sau ( .sau for being sourced (sauce))
* Made that work
* Wallpaper slider to support seconds, minutes, hours
* Better support for Spaces in Directory Names or File Names
* slideshow is now not dependent on external scripts/wrappers

Removed original .snp shot and uploaded a more robust one.
background_reshape seperately attached for the records.
Please use background_reshape by wjaguar 5 posts further down!

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 04:34
by 01micko

Please hack on this version of Nathan wallpaper <<-- ... (it's at ibiblio and other mirrors too)

That is the latest and it should be in the common repo (isn't I guess) as jamesbond added some bugfixes.

I downloaded Wary, changed to fr_CA.UTF-8, changed to a png wallpaper with no issue. I can't think of anything in the scripts (even the 6.1 versions) that would cause your problems Musher0. Just do a cross check with the ~/.package/builtin_files/netpbm to make sure all the binaries are present and accounted for. I have seen before bad calls to pngtppnm zap png files, so this is the reason I think the background_reshape script is the cause. Did you try the little experiment I posted earlier?

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 07:35
by Karl Godt
Micko .. the Nathan wallpaper scripts seem to be already brocken out and scattered everywhere in the default Puppies.
Really no fun !
My attempt would make it portable and only use files in APPDIR to ensure there
are no incompats with scattered pwallpaper binaries and whatsoever.
The attempt to keep things slim might not make it easy to debug and help.
I consider this wallpaper-solo-way by Barry not being comprehensible to read and understand.
Will probably hack further. Looked shortly into 0.6.3, it seems only some GTK Global Variables new.
But it is not fun.
I agree that Barry should go his own way,
but I also agree, that any distro maintainer like you should have his own package!

/me gladly refuses to hack on Barry's code further.

For Christian : There are some codelines regarding Pwidgets. Dunno if they could also be the case of the trouble.

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 09:03
by Karl Godt
Now i have found the place and time to diff the mentioned packages and the one christian mentioned :

Code: Select all

diff -urp wallpaper_lupu- wallpaper-0.6.1-1/pet.specs
--- wallpaper_lupu-	2010-07-13 03:48:21.000000000 +0200
+++ wallpaper-0.6.1-1/pet.specs	2011-09-02 00:44:56.000000000 +0200
@@ -1 +1 @@
-wallpaper_lupu-|wallpaper_lupu|||Desktop|116K|pet_packages-5||+gtkdialog3,+programchooser|Set backdrop image|||official|
+wallpaper-0.6.1-1|wallpaper|0.6.1-1||Desktop|116K|||+gtkdialog4|Set backdrop image||||
diff -urp wallpaper_lupu- wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/AppRun
--- wallpaper_lupu-	2010-03-11 20:41:17.000000000 +0100
+++ wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/AppRun	2011-09-02 00:46:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ if [ "$#" -eq 1 ];then
 		echo "$1" > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/bg_img
 		fixwidgets -wallpaper_setter
-		exec "$APPDIR/set_bg" "$1"
+		#exec "$APPDIR/set_bg" "$1"
+		exec set_bg "$1" #110408
@@ -171,10 +172,24 @@ PREVDIR="`pwd`"
 echo $OLDMODE > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/backgroundmode
 #add button for sidebar if installed
-if [ -f $HOME/.pwidgets/pwidgetsrc ];then
- SIDEBAR='<button><label>Sidebar</label><input file icon="applications-graphics"></input><action>/usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/plugins/sidebar/sidebar &</action></button>'
+if [ -f $HOME/.pwidgets/pwidgetsrc ];then #icon fix 20110624, also in the main xml code for "edit" and "view"
+ SIDEBAR='<button><label>Sidebar</label><input file stock="gtk-media-pause"></input><action>/usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/plugins/sidebar/sidebar &</action></button>'
+#show image #20110624 01micko, requires new gtkdialog
+CURRENTIMG="`cat $HOME/.config/wallpaper/bg_img`"
+ln -sf $CURRENTIMG /tmp/current_wallpaper_selection.jpg
+	rm -f /tmp/current_wallpaper_selection.jpg
+	ISIMAGE="`echo $IMAGE|grep -iE 'jpg$|png$|jpeg$|gif|JPEG$|JPG$|tiff$|background$'`"
+	if [ "$ISIMAGE" = "" ];then IMAGE="/usr/share/doc/puppylogo96.png" #if file is not an image
+	fi
+	ln -sf $IMAGE /tmp/current_wallpaper_selection.jpg
+export -f swapimagefunc
 cd "$DIR"
 export BG_DLG="
 <window title=\"$LOC_MAIN\" icon_name=\"preferences-desktop-wallpaper\">
@@ -207,18 +222,22 @@ export BG_DLG="
     <frame $LOC_FILE_FRAME>
-      <height>300</height><width>500</width>
+      <height>180</height><width>500</width>
       <action>$APPDIR_ESC/slideshow -stop</action>
       <action>$APPDIR_ESC/set_bg \"\$IMAGE\"</action>
       <action>echo \"\$IMAGE\" > \$HOME/.config/wallpaper/bg_img</action>
-      <action type=\"refresh\">TEXT</action>
+      <action signal=\"button-release-event\">swapimagefunc</action>
+      <action signal=\"button-release-event\" type=\"refresh\">PIXMAP</action>
      <frame $LOC_CURRENT_IMAGE>
-      <text>
-       <input>cat $HOME/.config/wallpaper/bg_img</input>
-       <variable>TEXT</variable>
-      </text>
+      <hbox height-request=\"190\" homogeneous=\"true\">
+       <pixmap>
+        <height>180</height><width>270</width>
+        <variable>PIXMAP</variable>
+        <input file>/tmp/current_wallpaper_selection.jpg</input>
+       </pixmap>
+      </hbox>
@@ -246,12 +265,12 @@ export BG_DLG="
-      <input file icon=\"applications-graphics\"></input>
+      <input file stock=\"gtk-edit\"></input>
       <action>$IMGEDITOR \$IMAGE &</action>
-     <button>
+     <button height-request=\"30\">
-      <input file icon=\"image-x-generic\"></input>
+      <input file>\"/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/mini-eye.xpm\"</input>
       <action>$VIEWER \$IMAGE &</action>
@@ -272,7 +291,7 @@ export BG_DLG="
-gtkdialog3 --program BG_DLG
+gtkdialog4 --program BG_DLG
 cd "$PREVDIR"
diff -urp wallpaper_lupu- wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/functions
--- wallpaper_lupu-	2008-05-27 09:15:30.000000000 +0200
+++ wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/functions	2011-09-02 00:47:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ cd "${APPDIR}"
 cd "${CURDIR}"
 # Make sure working space and files are in place
 [ ! -d $HOME/.config/wallpaper ] && mkdir $HOME/.config/wallpaper
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ export ABOUT_DLG="
-gtkdialog3 --program ABOUT_DLG &
+gtkdialog4 --program ABOUT_DLG &
 ### end About ###
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ export PREFS_DLG="
-gtkdialog3 --program PREFS_DLG > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/preferences
+gtkdialog4 --program PREFS_DLG > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/preferences
 rm -f $HOME/.config/wallpaper/int
diff -urp wallpaper_lupu- wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/locale/english.po
--- wallpaper_lupu-	2008-05-26 10:42:43.000000000 +0200
+++ wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/locale/english.po	2011-06-24 11:44:14.000000000 +0200
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ export LOC_HELP="Help"
 # Image file frame
 export LOC_FILE_FRAME="Image file"
-# Current image frame
-export LOC_CURRENT_IMAGE="Current image"
+# Current image frame #now preview
+export LOC_CURRENT_IMAGE="Preview"
 # Mode frame
 export LOC_MODE="Mode"
diff -urp wallpaper_lupu- wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/set_bg
--- wallpaper_lupu-	2010-03-11 20:34:39.000000000 +0100
+++ wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper/set_bg	2011-08-04 07:26:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -6,27 +6,37 @@ APPDIR=`dirname "$0"`
 cd "${APPDIR}"
 cd "${CURDIR}"
-[ "$1" = "-clear" ] && IMAGE=""
+if [ "$1" = "-clear" ];then
+ cat $HOME/.config/ | grep -v '<backdrop' > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/pb
+ mv -f $HOME/.config/wallpaper/pb $HOME/.config/
+ rox -p=default
+ echo "[none]" > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/bg_img
+ exit
 MODE="`cat $HOME/.config/wallpaper/backgroundmode`"
-[ "$MODE" = "" ] && MODE="Stretch"
+[ "$MODE" = "" ] && MODE="Scale"
 [ "$MODE" = "Centred" ] && MODE="Centre"
 [ "$MODE" = "Scaled" ] && MODE="Scale"
+#w482 BK now have script that truncates an image vertically so that it has the right dimensions
+#for a widescreen...
+if [ -x /usr/sbin/background_reshape ];then #legacy compatibility
+ if [ "$MODE" = "Stretch" ];then
+  /usr/sbin/background_reshape ${1}
+ fi
 rox --RPC << EOF
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
  <env:Body xmlns="">
-   <Filename>$IMAGE</Filename>
+   <Filename>$1</Filename>
-echo "$IMAGE" > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/bg_img
Only in wallpaper-0.6.1-1/usr/local/apps/Wallpaper: wallpaper.png
And I am 99% sure it was the call to /usr/sbin/background_reshape ${1} that truncated the .png . Even if Christian has incompatible tools or libraries installed, the missing call to the reshape script , that only executes if widescreen detected -otherwise exits before- will likely saved his background joy by the older pkg. Have no widescreen, only normal ones, probably I can force it to execute by commenting the test line.

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 09:54
by Karl Godt
Nope, it is something with

Code: Select all

pngtopnm "${IMAGEPATH}"_original/ORIGINAL-"${IMAGEBASE}" | ${PAMCUT} -left=0 -top=${TOP} -bottom=${BOTTOM} | pnmtopng > "${IMAGEFILE}"

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 12:30
by wjaguar
Karl Godt wrote:Work in progress, but here's a small snap shot :
So I rewrote the eldritch horror which was "background_reshape". This new version should not be eating up anyone's files anymore. :-)

Probable cause was absence of some program used in the conversion chain - it was not checked against, and then conversion failure would leave the file truncated to 0.

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 16:01
by musher0
Thanks, guys. I'll peruse your edits when I'm back on wary 5.5.

I did come up with a solution, even though I'm not as advanced a code-writer as you people are.

Edit in reaction to Karl's comment, top of next page.
Indeed, I only have the merit of an "arranger" rather than that of a "composer", since it is an adaptation of the existing set_bg routine in Nathan's wallpaper utility, which in turn is itself an adaptation of the routine quoted in the ROX-Filer Manual, Appendix C. SOAP RPC.

This is a K.I.S.S. right-click script. It:
*avoids any language (thus any utf decimals ca-fuddle)
* sets any jpg or png at
* only the middle of the screen (it uses ROX's default utility to set the position).

Simple: if your pic is too big for your screen resolution, it will still be in the middle
If your pic is smaller, the default ROX color will provide a border.

Moral of this story: use mtpaint to resize your pictures to your taste, according to your artistic sense or impulse towards the picture. Automatic cutting can and will produce ugly results, even if it is a computer-language feat.

Also, who needs light grey all the time? If you want to change the default background color in ROX, look at line 40 in /root/.config/
It accepts 12-bit or 6-bit color codes, or the color names defined in /root/.rgb.txt. Now, this one should be a link from /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/rgb.txt (but it rarely is...) There you have +/- 256 pre-defined colors, plainly described in human language, to insert at Options line 40. That should inspire your respect. (:-) A good start.

Despite some research on the Web, I couldn't find a 12-bit color table, which the ROX-Filer Options seems to need. I have done some tests, and the following are satisfactory.
For ex., "chocolate4", or #8B4513, will become #8B0045001300 at line 40 of the ROX-Filer Options. I have also had good results with #8B4513000000, i.e. the hex color code followed by a filler of 6 zeros. (An explanation by a color expert will be welcome!)

Illustration attached.


P.S. For a more recent version, please see link in 1st message of page 3. Thank you.

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 17:22
by musher0
Thanks to you wjaguar and Karl_Godt, problem solved ! :)

Both your "reshape" scripts do an excellent job, although wjaguar's feels snappier.

Again, many thanks! You guys made my day! :D



Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 19:17
by Karl Godt
wjaguar, your's showing the hand of a professional ! Many thanks !

Posted: Fri 29 Mar 2013, 23:04
by musher0
Hello again.

You can find the latest version of my two little backdrop setting utilities for the ROX environment here:



Posted: Sat 30 Mar 2013, 00:55
by Karl Godt
musher0 wrote: I did come up with a solution, even though I'm not as advanced a code-writer as you people are.

This is a K.I.S.S. right-click script. It:
*avoids any language (thus any utf decimals ca-fuddle)
* sets any jpg or png at
* only the middle of the screen (it uses ROX's default utility to set the position).
You just took /usr/sbin/set_bg and "sell" it from the outside "as yours" . I am not going to look into your .pet s anymore. In fact, you really might have a .wh. blocking a needed binary or uninstalled one.

/usr/sbin/background_reshape is needed by /root/.xinitrc :

Code: Select all

#w482 reshape background image if widescreen...
[ $PUPMODE -eq 5 ] && /usr/sbin/background_reshape
and truly it was buggy in special circumstances.

This is what i got running a test dpup-001 pfix=ram in /tmp/xerrs.log as an example :
dc: stack underflow
expr: syntax error
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 44: [: -ge: unary operator expected
dc: stack underflow
dc: stack underflow
dc: stack underflow
dc: stack underflow
expr: non-numeric argument
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 70: pamcut: command not found
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 70: jpegtopnm: command not found
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 70: pnmtojpeg: command not found

Posted: Sat 30 Mar 2013, 07:38
by musher0
Karl Godt wrote:
> You just took /usr/sbin/set_bg and "sell" it from the outside "as yours" . I am not going to look into your .pet s anymore. In fact, you really might have a .wh. blocking a needed binary or uninstalled one.

Hello, Karl.

Think what you will. I'll simply re-state here the edit of my previous message.

Edit in reaction to Karl's comment, top of next page.
Indeed, I only have the merit of an "arranger" rather than that of a "composer", since it is an adaptation of the existing set_bg routine in Nathan's wallpaper utility, which in turn is itself an adaptation of the routine quoted in the ROX-Filer Manual, Appendix C. SOAP RPC.

So, given that the ultimate source is the ROX-Filer manual itself, it is very unlikely that use my little backdrop utilities will provoke "a .wh. blocking" of anything.

I apologize for not having been clearer earlier.

Beware of attacking anybody's reputation, Karl. "it might come back to bite you", as the English proverb says.

Respectfully submitted,
