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Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 00:15
by musher0
vicmz wrote:Hello everyone

Good job Nilson! :D
I have attached a slightly reviewed version of your Spanish locale.

Thanks for this app, SFR. Now I can easily explain (without heavier programs) why I often translate 'cursor' as 'puntero' (the mouse pointer, see pictures below).
Sorry if this is a bit off topic:
Strange, we don't seem to have the distinction in French, between pointer and cursor. The two terms seem to indicate the same thing.

Anyway, I got to go finish the FR translation!



Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 00:21
by musher0
SFR wrote:Hey Musher0, thank you for translation.
FYI: you missed two spots @ lines 193 and 235. :wink:
However, I just gettext'ed TAS, so you can use MoManager now, if you'd like, then I could add your translation to
From my side I made PL.

First post updated.

Hi, SFR.

Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the oversights.

I do not know how to use MoManager, so this is a "straight"
French version, with the oversights corrected.

Have a great day!


Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 01:04
by vicmz
Sorry, I had to review the Portuguese locale because of a translation mistake (see my former post). Anyway, Portuguese users can tell if there is anything else to correct. :wink:
musher0 wrote: Sorry if this is a bit off topic:
Strange, we don't seem to have the distinction in French, between pointer and cursor. The two terms seem to indicate the same thing.
A pointer is a cursor, too. The difference is that the text cursor shows where you are typing, and the mouse pointer shows where you are touching. It's a useful distinction because a pointer can do much more (open/close, turn on/off, drag and drop, select, etc.).

As for the distinction in French language:
Wikipédia wrote:Les ordinateurs actuels disposent souvent d'une interface graphique avec un deuxième curseur (appelé aussi pointeur) qui est piloté par un dispositif de pointage (le plus souvent une souris mais il peut aussi s'agir d'un Touchpad, d'un Trackball ou autre). Sur la plupart des ordinateurs ce pointeur est représenté par une flèche incliné vers la gauche, tandis que le curseur pour le texte est représenté par une barre verticale. ... e_pointage

Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 09:26
by SFR
Thanks - you're fantastic, guys!! :D
All added.

@Musher0: I made file out of your translation, please check if everything's ok.
vicmz wrote:
Bert wrote:a bit off-topic: I have often wondered why nobody creates a screenshot tool that actually uses the 'printscreen' key...just one key to hit and presto...probably more difficult to implement than I imagine
Not really off-topic, I think. I had the same question, too. Until Argolance developed a screenshot utility for ToOpPy that does use the Print Screen key, so our screenshot experts (01micko for screeny, SFR for TAS, Radky for PupSnap) could ask Argolance how he did it, if they want to include this feature in their utilities.
Yep, that's a hard one...
I don't know any pure, universal method to bind a key independently of current window manager.
As far as I can tell Argolance in his EasyShot (you meant that one, Vic?) has modified jwmrc-personal.
Similarily, in Slacko there's <Key keycode="111">exec:screeny</Key>.
Alas, these will work only in JWM...

Another way is to use xbindkeys, which makes the whole thing independent of current WM, but then again xbindkeys won't work if any menu is opened!

Eventually, one can use a dirty, lowest-level method like this:

Code: Select all

while :; do sleep 0.1; [ "`dd if=/dev/input/event0 bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump | cut -f8 -d ' ' | head -1`" = "00b7" ] && mtpaint -s; done
/dev/input/event0 = keyboard device (eventX may vary)
00b7 = PrtSc raw code (also may vary)
mtpaint -s = screenshot of the whole screen

Once launched, it should detect PrtSc in every (hopefully) circumstances...

Thanks again &

Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 10:32
by musher0
You are too modest! Code corrected... :)

Code: Select all

while :; do sleep 0.1; [ "`dd if=/dev/input/event0 bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump | cut -f8 -d ' ' | head -1`" = "00b7" ] && tas; done

Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 10:38
by musher0
SFR wrote:
> @Musher0: I made file out of your translation, please check if everything's ok.

Yep, everything ok!


Posted: Tue 09 Jul 2013, 22:54
by ASRI éducation
Thank you, TAS is a handy utility.

Take a Shot! - yet another screenshot utility...

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 08:11
by L18L
Good to know
if a cursor/pointer needs to be displayed in a screenshot
TaS :lol:

German attached

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 08:19
by simargl

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 08:35
by L18L
simargl wrote:
Bert wrote: have often wondered why nobody creates a screenshot tool that actually uses the 'printscreen' key...
Don't know about JWM, but in Openbox, you'd only need to install scrot and add this to rc.xml

Code: Select all

    <keybind key="Print">
      <action name="Execute">
        <command>scrot screen-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.png</command>
Just tried in JWM: it is built in (and/or pre-configured)!
see very last lines of $HOME/.jwm/jwmrc-personal:

Code: Select all

<Key keycode="111">exec:screeny</Key>

Maybe we should change it to point to a new /usr/local/bin/defaultscreenshot :idea: :?: :!:

Re: Take a Shot! - yet another screenshot utility...

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 08:43
by SFR
L18L wrote:Good to know
if a cursor/pointer needs to be displayed in a screenshot
TaS :lol:

German attached
Thank you L18L!
Added to NLS, see the first post.
a new /usr/local/bin/defaultscreenshot :idea: :?: :!:
Good idea, since there are so many of them floating around. :lol:


Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2013, 21:21
by don570
I have put TAS-modified in Right click menu utility

I found a bug ?? in TAS. I couldn't save to a FAT32 USB stick,
unless I switched off the date feature. FAT32 needs hyphens in date.

I made a small change to script.
I added a line to check for FAT32 USB sticks

Code: Select all

  [ $DATESTAMP = true ]  && check_disk 

Code: Select all


check_disk () {  # if FAT32 disk then colon is changed
fdisk -l > /tmp/fdisk.tmp$$
DISK=`cat  /tmp/fdisk.tmp$$ | grep  "/dev" | grep "FAT." | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
echo "$DISK" > /tmp/fdisk.tmp$$  #  note that there may be several USB sticks
sed -i 's%/dev%/mnt%g' /tmp/fdisk.tmp$$ #  substitute dev for mnt
grep -q "$DIRECTORY"   /tmp/fdisk.tmp$$  # check for DIRECTORY on the line
if [ "$?" = "0"  ];then
SAVENAME="$SAVENAME""_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`"
SAVENAME="$SAVENAME""_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`"
rm -f /tmp/fdisk.tmp$$

The above code wasn't enough because several USB sticks might
be mounted so I had to make a loop.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2013, 22:21
by don570
Here'a a picture of Rox window with the saved files on a USB stick...


Posted: Tue 20 Aug 2013, 10:44
by SFR
Hey Don

Thanks for reporting this! Well, it's obviously a bug, or at least an oversight. 8)
Actually, I decided to completely remove those colons, since there's also a problem with uploading a file, that has a colon in its name, here on the forums.
Now it's just %H%M%S.

First post updated!


Posted: Mon 27 Jan 2014, 08:15
by greengeek
Just in case it helps anyone troubleshooting their prtsc key there is some great background from npierce here:

Posted: Tue 03 Jun 2014, 19:28
by SFR
Version 1.4:

- output formats: removed - TGA, PCX, PPM; added - GIF
- added options to take sequence of snapshots
- 'Add datestamp' checkbox now adds only date
- new checkbox 'Add timestamp'
- program icon changed (/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/mini-camera.xpm)
- lots of minor fixes

Now, a bit about the new 'sequence' feature.
When you select any of output formats except GIF, then if "Number of frames" is greater than 1, a subfolder will be created in which the sequence of snapshots will be saved.
In case of GIF, the result is already assembled animation.

'Number of frames' can be 1-999
'Frames per second' can be 1-10

So (see the first screenshot) having 250 frames and 10 fps we get 250/10=25 seconds of animation if it's GIF (see the second screenshot) or 250 "loose" images if it's PNG/JPG/BMP/TIF.

Just take seriously the built-in warning regarding huge GIFs - if it's too big, an attempt to view it in image viewer may lock up the system!

The new version was tested only on Slacko-5.7, so heads up about behaviuor in other Puplets are welcomed!

First post updated!

Have fun &

Posted: Tue 03 Jun 2014, 19:31
by greengeek
All that in 220kb - nice!

Posted: Tue 03 Jun 2014, 19:35
by SFR
greengeek wrote:All that in 220kb - nice!
gifsicle --optimize=3 does that. :D
Unoptimized takes ~3.5M.

Btw, if gifsicle is present, optimization is applied automatically.


Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2014, 16:39
by musher0
Many thanks!

review spanish translate for new package

Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2014, 18:54
by nilsonmorales
Good job!!