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Re: FATSlacko

Posted: Tue 01 May 2012, 19:53
by gcmartin
l2ulinux wrote:I want to know which is better?

Billtoo wrote: Running from live dvd with savefile.
Jim1911 wrote: Frugal installation on an ext4 partition.
l2ulinux wrote: Install to USB drive

Want to learn best way.
I have an approach I have used since Puppy began offering SAVE-SESSIONs to the Live media, easily. I run a Live media environment for several reasons that make sense to me for a RAM based OS where while running, the RAM houses the complete running file-system until mounts occur.

The caveat....the SWAP! I always use a SWAP partition on EVERY system I boot Puppy on. (If it doesn't have one already I create one.) Or, I will whip-out my trusty 4GB USB that is strictly a SWAP device when I demo PUPs.

My recommendation to everyone who runs PUPs from LIve media is to "insure you have a SWAP partition!" I have found that it makes all the world of difference as it is forgiving in certain cases and a savior when the number of tasks running spike RAM. (Do NOT use a SWAP FILE in the Puppy filesystem!)

Even though this is NOT a panacea, This WORKS!!!

Hope it helps


Posted: Thu 03 May 2012, 03:09
by l2ulinux
Up and running 4 hours 32 mins with no problems so far.
Memory use at about 365 MB. After install of Xnoise, running Seamonkey and listening to Internet Radio.

Posted: Thu 03 May 2012, 23:38
by vanchutr
Fatslacko is good.
But I can't remaster it to keep my personal apps without pup_save.
Someone will give some instructions (about remaster problem).


Posted: Fri 04 May 2012, 12:11
by Billtoo
I downloaded the source code for hardinfo 0.5.1 and before compiling
it I added libsoup from the salix repository.
./configure followed by make and make install.
Now the network updater is enabled and you can syncronize with the
central database to get the latest benchmark results for other
computers and more.
I also found that I had to run each benchmark before generating a report
or the generate report option would fail.
I can see what a slug this pc is now :)

Re: FATSlacko

Posted: Sat 05 May 2012, 00:08
by gcmartin
Billtoo wrote:I downloaded the source code for hardinfo 0.5.1 and before compiling
it I added libsoup from the salix repository.
./configure followed by make and make install.
Now the network updater is enabled and you can syncronize with the
central database to get the latest benchmark results for other
computers and more.
I also found that I had to run each benchmark before generating a report
or the generate report option would fail.
I can see what a slug this pc is now :)
Thanks @Billtoo.

This has general widespread applicability to ALL 32bit PUPs. Could you make a PET of your work?

And, @BarryK will need to upload this into WOOF.

Here to help

Posted: Sat 05 May 2012, 05:22
by jim3630
FATSlacko frugal install pfix=ram to ext4 hdd on dual p6100 hp laptop. broadcom wifi auto-detected on wan0 by sns and connection made without issue. display changed with first run xorgwizard, ppm updated, get flash got without issue. libreoffice quick like the rest of the system. savefile ext4 made rebooted with persistence. mesa installed via slickpet and glxgears very smooth. resting state after reboot very low ram usage.

looks very nice. thanks for the work!

Posted: Sat 05 May 2012, 18:01
by emil
This sounds very interesting - why not make it an official variant. This would be the standard configuration for many people (Libre Office, VLC).
greetings and thanks for all the work - emil

Posted: Sun 06 May 2012, 19:44
by gcmartin
Getting Started using FATSLACKO's LAN Sharing subsystem. See here!
This easy guide helps anyone to get started.

Here to help

Some early feedback

Posted: Mon 07 May 2012, 15:18
by Volhout

First of all, this is a good decision, to integrate the packages that everybody would install if they really want to use the distro. Use it as a W*ND*WS replacement.

I currently run from SD card on a eeePC 1001HA (1.6GHz N270 with i945 graphics and RT3090 wireless, 1Gbyte RAM).

2 first observations.

- After I install on SD card, select Frisbee for network connection, I cannot see any wireless networks. The problem lies in the fact that frisbee uses a white "paper" and draws text with white "ink". I detected this because my environment has many wireless access points, and I saw the scroll bar schrink in size.... After shutdown-restart this is fixed (save file is created).

- It is very nice that Libre Office is integrated. But the file extensions are not detected (created a presentation, saved in .odp format (teh defautl libre office format). But the file is not recognized as a Lbre Office format. Rightclick, Open With ... works. Maybe it is possible to support at least the default formats for libreoffice ????

All in all everything looks smooth (I had good experiences with, so I hoped it was not broken in final...). Will continue to work with this version unless I hit some major bug. This is a keeper .....



Very pleased!

Posted: Mon 07 May 2012, 18:42
by maddog
I installed FatSlacko on a test box (can't remember the stats of the machine and I'm at work right now). Very pleased with this distro and saw no problems. I hope to see it continued as the only thing I needed to install was Firefox 12.

Very good work here! :)


Re: Some early feedback

Posted: Mon 07 May 2012, 21:02
by 01micko
Volhout wrote: - It is very nice that Libre Office is integrated. But the file extensions are not detected (created a presentation, saved in .odp format (teh defautl libre office format). But the file is not recognized as a Lbre Office format. Rightclick, Open With ... works. Maybe it is possible to support at least the default formats for libreoffice ????
Yes, sorry, I thought I had the odp mime-type in there.

This patch fixes it.
Thanks for report.


Posted: Tue 08 May 2012, 09:52
by Volhout
Thanks 01micko, that fixed it.

Posted: Tue 08 May 2012, 14:12
by Eyes-Only
Just curious Micko: What's the Qt version? 4. what? I ask because I'm wondering whether or not I could use this as a testbed for pemasu's RazorQT's desktop environment - which requires Qt-4.8.0 if I remember correctly.

Thanks for letting me know! :)

Good luck with this "puplet" my Puppian Friend!


"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"

Posted: Tue 08 May 2012, 21:16
by 01micko
Ah jimmi.. it's 4.7.3 sorry. Outa luck then eh?

I will be compiling some more qt apps down the track, maybe even qt-4.8, but probably not until Slackware goes 14 or whatever number is next.


Posted: Wed 09 May 2012, 12:53
by Eyes-Only
Thanks Mick! I thought it might be worth a shot at least. lol! ;)

( Dang it... I had a long reply here and lost it when clicking around! lol! That'll teach me! )

Cheers Mick!


Posted: Fri 11 May 2012, 00:33
by gcmartin
But, I wasn't sure if I THANKED YOU for adding IPSCAN (AngryIP) to the PPM. It really is a useful tool for any of us LAN users..

Maybe next release will have it in the system's Menu>Network>AngryIP.

This is a very forward-thinking distro. Impressive.


Posted: Fri 11 May 2012, 06:59
by Volhout
I saw in the first post mesa was mentioned. Could not confirm.

When I check glxgears, it gives an error "I couldn't get a RGB double buffered visual". Under HW info, OpenGL is "unknown".
Running on eeePC (i945 video)
If I run Slacko 5.3.3, and install mesa package, OpenGL works.
Not on FatSlacko.

Any idea ?


Re: glxgears

Posted: Fri 11 May 2012, 07:15
by 01micko
Volhout wrote:I saw in the first post mesa was mentioned. Could not confirm.

When I check glxgears, it gives an error "I couldn't get a RGB double buffered visual". Under HW info, OpenGL is "unknown".
Running on eeePC (i945 video)
If I run Slacko 5.3.3, and install mesa package, OpenGL works.
Not on FatSlacko.

Any idea ?

yes, wrong xorg.conf, my fault. You need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf @ line 32 put # symbol at the beginning of the line, restart X, glxgears will then work.

EDIT.. ok I made a pet with a proper fix

FAT is beautiful

Posted: Fri 11 May 2012, 13:08
by frktons
Hi everybody.
Just arrived in Linux and Puppy world.
Being a Linux noob but not afraid of getting my hands into something new,
I'd like to ask a couple of simple questions.
I've read something about the Puppy project in general, and I have to say
that it looks fantastic.
The FAT derivative is also more intriguing. Many things already there, ready
for use.
First question:
Considering the reports about missing things or bugs or whatever comes,
the distro is going to be corrected so that the new iso contains the patches
needed to make it works Out Of The Box (as they say)?
Second question:
Many of us (I suppose) own far more powerful PCs than the minimum
required to run a Puppy, so what about making distros even fatter with
other programs people tend to use, like: Chromium, Jdownloader, Skype
and so on?

I think many of us can use a 4-8 Gb partition for a full HD install with
a 2 GB SWAP extra partition.
I'm probably saying stupid things for experts Puppy geeks, but as I said I am only a noob :shock:

Thanks for your time


Posted: Fri 11 May 2012, 13:34
by Jasper
Hi frktons,

The future is unpredictable, but read the two posts immediately above yours and consider when you last saw a developer publish a solution within 16 minutes. Of course that's quick, even for Puppy, some volunteers sleep sometimes and some even have paid jobs and other unpaid tasks.

As regards your second question, have a look at Slickpet and also Puppy Package Manager (PPM) where you can use the Find box to see if any of the packages you would like installed are readily available.

Finally, you may like a frugal installation or some other choice rather than a full installation - so perhaps take your time for trials and thoughts.

My regards

PS I'm no expert - just a fully satisfied user.