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Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2014, 12:04
by Bert
From "impossible" to three possibilties :D

The yad code by sfs is working, as are gtklogfileviewer and the Xdialog tailbox.
With yad I cannot get the scrolling-in-reverse. Would have to create a log file and that does not auto-scroll in real time.

The reason why I wanted this to succeed in gtkdialog is I also need to add a custom button to this window. So far, I haven't found how to do this in xdialog.
(yes, I'm a totlal noob in coding) When I want a button "pizza" in gtkdialog, poof! it's there, opening a window "pizzeria" and smelling good :wink:

So I'm not against using xdialog. The tailbox is in fact really fast! It's just that I find it hard to understand its iron logic.

Thank you both, Mike and MochiMoppel!


How to create a tailbox with gtkdialog?

Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2014, 12:28
by L18L
MochiMoppel wrote:
Bert wrote:Is there a working example of such a "rolling" display someone could point me to?
Unless you insist on gtkdialog, Xdialog is reliable, small and fast:

Code: Select all

xev >> /tmp/xev.log &
Xdialog --tailbox "/tmp/xev.log" 30 100
And this also works as "one-liner" ( without temporary file )

Code: Select all

xev | Xdialog --tailbox "/tmp/xev.log" 30 100
mikeb wrote:....why reject good alternative tools for the job....
dialog is older so give it a try:

Code: Select all

xev | dialog --tailbox "/tmp/xev.log" 30 100
(works for me, too)


Code: Select all

rxvt  -e xev | dialog --tailbox "/tmp/xev.log" 30 100

forget it please :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2014, 12:32
by mikeb
gtklogfileviewer /tmp/pburn-log Close -center 0 600 350 "Pburn Log"

'Close' is the button name....


Re: How to create a tailbox with gtkdialog?

Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2014, 12:48
by MochiMoppel
L18L wrote:And this also works as "one-liner" ( without temporary file )

Code: Select all

xev | Xdialog --tailbox "/tmp/xev.log" 30 100
Very unlikely :lol:

Re: How to create a tailbox with gtkdialog?

Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2014, 12:50
by L18L
MochiMoppel wrote:
L18L wrote:And this also works as "one-liner" ( without temporary file )

Code: Select all

xev | Xdialog --tailbox "/tmp/xev.log" 30 100
Very unlikely :lol:
Yes you are right.
It worked only because the temporary file still existed :oops: :oops: :oops:

Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2014, 23:39
by Bert
Just came home from a family reunion and read the new replies...
Mikeb wrote:gtklogfileviewer /tmp/pburn-log Close -center 0 600 350 "Pburn Log"

'Close' is the button name....
Yes, I know. The question is: can I either define a new function to this button OR define an "extra-button"? I've really searched through all the xdialog documentation and tried every example, but it is not at all clear another button than the stock "exit/OK/Cancel/Help/Print" can be created.
To stay with my silly example above: I can rename a button to "pizza", but there is no explanation anywhere telling me how to let this button open a new window "pizzeria", instead of doing one of the stock actions (close/cancel, etc..)

I'm deviating from the subject a bit, but I presume brokenman must have had similar questions when he started this thread.

Posted: Mon 24 Feb 2014, 00:21
by mikeb
hmm think i made a temp miniscript generated which had a follow on action.... I guess though ideally the source could be modded the add a button action.


Posted: Mon 24 Feb 2014, 13:06
by MochiMoppel
Bert wrote:The question is: can I either define a new function to this button.
OR define an "extra-button"?
All you can do is add the buttons you already mentioned and a checkbox, but all have predefined functions and return values.
I can rename a button to "pizza", but there is no explanation anywhere telling me how to let this button open a new window "pizzeria.
And you could call your pizza cheesecake and it would still be a pizza...

Posted: Mon 24 Feb 2014, 16:02
by Bert
And you could call your pizza cheesecake and it would still be a pizza...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you MochiMoppel

Think I've solved it: by simplifying my script, omitting a warning dialog and using the return value of the Cancel button. ( if [ $? -eq "1" ]; then...action)

Simple, a bit crude maybe, but effective 8)

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 02:07
by MochiMoppel
Wait! Here comes your pizza. Thunor provided the ingredients, zigbert the topping and I mixed it all together. It scrolls - sort of. Newest entries at the top, not the tail, so it's a headbox. I don't know if there is a way to turn this into a veritable tailbox. And don't try this with highspeed logs like in the previous xev example. Gtkdialog will choke, unlike Xdialog.

Code: Select all

(for (( c=1; c<=180; c++ ));do
echo `date` >> /tmp/date.log
sleep 1

export  DIALOG_MAIN=' 
 <window width-request="300"> 
          <tree headers-visible="false" > 
             <input>tac /tmp/date.log</input> 
       <hbox homogeneous="true"> 
          <button width-request="90">
          <input file stock="gtk-cdrom"></input>
              <action>xmessage "PIZZA!!!"</action> 
          <button use-stock="true" label="gtk-ok" width-request="90">
       <timer interval="1" visible="false"> 
gtkdialog --program=DIALOG_MAIN

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 13:16
by Bert
Very nice!
(... and creative use of gtk-stock-icons :) )

I tried it with a wget logfile as input. It didn't choke gtkdialog, but was seriously lagging, so of little use for that purpose. It also had a jerky refreshing, not the smooth scrolling the xdialog tailbox and the gtklogfileviewer have.
Tried "" with the timer and/or "sleep" removed: it then just statically displays the last process.
And I wasn't able either to turn it into a scrolling tailbox.
( a tailbox seems easier for human brains than a headbox..? )

Thanks for your help!

Posted: Wed 26 Feb 2014, 00:39
by don570
Zigbert used Xdialog --logbox in his program 'pmirror'
to show the files being copied in real time .