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Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2011, 19:18
by laika
I'm thinking of trying Tiny Wary on an old laptop that I saved from the trash heap. 475mHz cpu, 128mb RAM. Wary works well with older and low resource computers, correct? Raffy's Safe Pup from 2007 works if not much of a load is thrown at it, but some of the newer Puppies won't boot in a graphical/X mode. I'm certainly not married to X, but I can't type and obviously there's more stuff available on a graphical desktop.
Trobin wrote:If anyone's interested.
Actually, I am curious about edbrowse. Does it compare with Lynx or Links, or is it something else altogether (does it speak)? What is its advantage to sight challenged people?

Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2011, 16:20
by Tman

Thanks for the link to Puppy for the Blind. I found it an interesting read and hope you get a stable working puplet based on the ideas which you have described.

Yes Wary is designed for older hardware, but for your system you might want to try: Classsic Pup 2.14X by ttuuxxx, which should work for even older hardware. Make sure you make a swap file, since your ram is very limited.

Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2011, 16:51
by laika
Tman wrote:...but for your system you might want to try: Classsic Pup 2.14X by ttuuxxx, which should work for even older hardware.
Thanks for that suggestion, Tman! Come to think of it, the old Safe Pup that worked somewhat may be 2.14, so this Classic Pup may be just the thing. Very kind of you to mention it.

And swap! Why didn't I think of that? It's been so long since I made a swap file because people are trashing a more powerful class of machine now :) This laptop is a bit of a throwback to more modest resources, but a perfectly good machine nonetheless. I'll wring some more use from it one way or another, but Classic Pup and a swap file are both excellent suggestions.

I've already downloaded Wary Tiny, so I'll give it a spin on a more current machine. Thanks for making it available to the community!

Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2011, 19:35
by Trobin
Edbrowse does offer a lot to visually-challenged people. In fact there is quite an active community of people using it.

It doesn’t speak, per se, but works quite well with screen readers and TTS systems, such as espeak, festival, flite, and others.

Mcewanw’s foksfeyercore installs Speech dispatcher, espeak, and yasr, which work well with Edbrowse.

Give it a shot. You might like it. I believe that Mcewanw tested Foksyfeyer on a 214 based puppy so it should work. Download it at the above link and follow the instructions.

One thing though, Edbrowse is based on a line editor, and won’t display anything until told to do so.

Edited to add that Edbrowse is included in Foksyfeyer.

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2011, 18:38
by Tman
Thank You, Trobin. I am not visually impaired, but may give Edbrowse a whirl just to see what it's like.

Since you've already downloaded Wary Tiny, it wouldn't hurt to see if it would run on your laptop. I haven't tested it on any system that old, so I can't be sure if it works or not. Let us know if it does, ok?

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2011, 23:33
by laika
Tman wrote:I haven't tested it on any system that old, so I can't be sure if it works or not. Let us know if it does, ok?
Good news, Tman! It works nicely on that old laptop. I haven't put any kind of load on it, but it's acceptably peppy from what I've seen so far. It gave me the option of letting it create a swap file along with the save file at the first shutdown, so I chose to let it do that. Next boot all that was taken care of. And even from a Pristine boot, it had more RAM available than others I've tried, both old and new.

The boot modes seem to be reversed; Normal Mode gives me Pristine and vice versa. I have to be pretty heavy-hand when tapping the touchpad, though moving the cursor is smooth and easy enough. I'm very happy with Wary Tiny's performance so far. If I can find another stick of RAM for cheap I might get it, but it seems reasonably useable as-is with Wary Tiny and the swap file.

I'll let you know what I think going forward. I'm excited about it. Thanks again for your suggestion of a swap file and for putting Wary Tiny out there for us to use!


Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2011, 02:44
by Tman

That is good news, indeed. As you know, Tiny is more of a barebones-type puplet. For a broader range of software, I still think you should give Classic-Pup a try. Also, my Solidpup is wary-based as well, but it may be slower than Wary Tiny for you because of the size difference.

I will have to check out the boot-mode options for the Live-CD. If they are reversed, then I will definately have to fix it. It's getting late here in Toronto. I will check it out tommorrow.

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, in Solidpup you can switch to Jwm which is supposed to be lighter and faster than Icewm. On my systems I don't notice the difference in speed between the two, but on your laptop, you might notice be able to notice it.


Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2011, 18:07
by Tman
It is confirmed that I messed up the boot menu for the Live-CD when I hastily changed it the last time. It seems I only reversed the title names for the first and second boot options, but did not reverse the necessary inputs (pfix=ram, pfix=fsck). This is kind of embarrassing. I am surprised that no-one has reported this problem before. Perhaps most puppians extract the ISO for a frugal install, which is what I do as well (saves time and CD's).

Thank You laika, for catching this. The bug is fixed now. I have updated the ISO as well as the download link on the first post. It is exactly the same as the last version, except for the correction of the grub menu for the Live-CD.

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2011, 20:52
by laika
Wary Tiny is really fast on my desktop box, Tman. Got online with
Roaring Penguin with no troubles. This is one sweet little pup! Dillo has
come a long way since I last used it. Pmusic looks interesting. I'll probably
add Midnight Commander and nano on that old laptop, but out-of-the-box
Wary Tiny has everything I need and without getting in my way. I'm very
favorably impressed by Wary Tiny.

I'm glad you found the feedback useful. That was a little confusing at first
when I was looking for the swap file and save file. It took we a few minutes
to realize that it was not my mistake. That's been the only little spot of trouble.

Thanks again for making Wary Tiny available.


Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2011, 22:12
by Tman
No problem. Wary runs well on my Athlon64 X2 5200 as well. I started this project as a one-shot deal, but if there is a demand for a barebones-type Wary, then when I have time, I might make Wary Tiny for future versions. Dillo is so small and it is superfast. The one major thing that it is missing is the ability to play flash videos. Currently I use Dillo as my defaulthtmlviewer and Firefox as my defaultbrowser (lots of handy plugins).

Glad you like it. Making puplets for myself gives me a sense of pride. But I also find joy knowing that others use and enjoy them as well. :)

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 17:40
by greengeek
Wow, Tman, this is great! I was looking for a small iso to burn to a credit card CD to keep in my wallet as a rescue CD (been using a DSL one till now but it's a bit clunky), and I think this tiny Wary fits the bill perfectly.

Just one question - How hard is it to alter the initial boot so that it drops into Pristine as a default? (Not sure if I followed your early discussion with f00 - I think he wanted the opposite of what I'm asking...?).

I was trialling it on a puppy PC and didnt want any existing data accessed. It was the first time I've seen a grub4dos screen and threw me for a second or two.


Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 20:16
by Tman
If you have no warysavefiles in your hard-drive, then the Live-CD should boot like a Pristine boot anyways, so remastering might not be needed.

If you really want to do it, and the boot order is all you wish to change, then just remaster. Don't change anything to the tmp/root and tmp/etc folders when it prompts you. But when it asks you to make further changes like adding extra sfs files, you need to go to the puppylivecdbuild folder (which was created by the remaster script) and edit the menu.lst file. It's easy, just switch them around with a text editor. They are the entries that start with 'title'.

I was going to recommend SolidPup, but I Googled wallet cd's and discovered they can hold up to 100MB.

Edit: Actually, you can just use ISOmaster if the menu.lst file is all you want to change.

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 02:34
by greengeek
Thanks, that tip about using Isomaster did the trick.

Now I have it exactly as I want it and learnt heaps in the process.

Much obliged!

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 02:51
by greengeek
Tman wrote:I was going to recommend SolidPup, but I Googled wallet cd's and discovered they can hold up to 100MB.
Must admit I had to chuckle when I googled SolidPup. Google wasn't sure I had asked for the right thing...

Feel free to delete the post if you don't find the pic as funny as I did... :-)

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 17:55
by Tman

I am not offended by Google's confused comment. Actually I want to thank you for that post because I may not have learned about Sneekylinux's review of SolidPup till much later.

He doesn't like the X7-Blue theme I created..awww :cry:. I put quite a bit of energy into that. There is a reason for the theme to resemble Windows; it gives a sense of familiarity. My goal is to get more Windows users to convert; not to get old linux users to stay.

If Bill Gates is a true philanthropist, he souldn't really care. And he's rich enough as it is.

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2012, 20:44
by mrreality13
i used tux's 214 for a while on my old lappy .but as a distro hopper/derivative hopper i tried this lil gem it works well on a p1@300 mhz w/96 megs ram-face book even loads -although takes almost a full 5 min..--lol//wifi worked on a linksis wpc11 ver4 otb

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2012, 23:00
by Tman
SolidPup is better than Wary Tiny (imho)

Try the Tint2 version. It's a little bit bigger at 97MB, but you get more bang for the buck. ( zero Icewm is still included. You can disable wbar to decrease cpu usage. ( the link for it is in the /root/Startup folder)


Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 18:06
by JackWagon
Wary Tiny works good on my Dell GX-110 OPTIPLEX PIII 800Mhz

Only thing that bugs me is xlock will not work from the desktop 'lock' button or PupControl>Desktop>Xlock>. Although It will run from gExec from PupControl>Install>Run Program i'm not experienced enough to fix it. There seems to be something missing. I read somewhere on the forum there needs to be a file(s) in /usr/local/apps/xlock/local directory, but it is empty.

Can I copy anything from a Luci 5.2.5 save file to make this work as intended or what do you suggest?


Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 18:12
by darkcity
does the file /root/.xlockrc contain your encrypted password?

if it is blank - delete and try xlock again :arrow:

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 18:23
by JackWagon
darkcity wrote:does the file /root/.xlockrc contain your encrypted password?

if it is blank - delete and try xlock again :arrow:
Yes, there is a password. As I mentioned, it works fine from CL.