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Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2006, 21:48
by Guest
Thanks Mark. :D


Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2006, 23:11
by klhrevolutionist
Well, next iso should be a lot better. As I am trying to get kde-3.5.1 working properly. As for this iso I really did rush it. The dotpup downloader was taken out of the iso as I am also trying to get pacman or conary to work. Might have to settle for 0install. As for the kde components not working probably missing libraries
nothing big.

But with all of this info it will make it better for next time! Thanks.

Also, I included the webcam driver rarsa compiled. Can you all tell me if it is working for you, that is if it supports your cam. You can find out if your cam is supported from this link, if it is supported, go to kopete and open it. Then go to configure kopete then webcam configuration.


Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2006, 09:29
by klhrevolutionist
On the webcam, if it is not working run these commands
depmod -ae
modprobe videodev
modprobe spac5xx

Also, can anybody tell me how to make rox & kicker start ?

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2006, 09:42
by MU
maybe like this, just before "exec $CURRENTWM":

Code: Select all

CURRENTWM="`cat /etc/windowmanager`"
if [ "$CURRENTWM" != "startkde" ];then
 rox -o -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
I had no look at your .xinitrc yet, I assume it is based on Puppys .xinitrc.

Hm, in Icewm the rox-icons are already working.
In kwm not - and I don'thave an idea how to get them to work, just tried it...
But you can drag files from rox to the KDE-Desktop (create link).


Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2006, 12:31
by MU

Here is what I did:
As my CD-drive is broken, I had to install it to the harddisk.

Before I had used a frugal install, I had Puppy 107 installed with the XP-installer.
So I already had a working "grub"-bootloader.
Now I downloaded the KDE-Puppy.
I mounted the new ISO.
In my old Puppy:
mkdir /root/mount
mount -o loop /mnt/sda1/Puppy-107-KDE-3.5.0.iso /root/mount

Now I could copy the files from /root/mount to a Windows FAT formatted drive, and reboot to WindowsXP.

I created a folder c:/kdepuppy and copied image.gz and vmlinuz there.
I renamed my old c:/usr_cram.fs to c:/usr_cram.fs-107
I copied the new usr_cram.fs to c:/
I renamed c:/pup001 to c:/pup001-107
I unzipped a and renamed the new pup001 to pup002

Now I added this to c:/boot/menu.lst:

Code: Select all

title KDE-Puppy Linux 1.0.7
        rootnoverify (hd0,0)
        kernel /kdepuppy/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=18456 PFILE=pup002-none
        initrd /kdepuppy/image.gz
I booted and got the same error as with Puppy 107: usr_cram.fs not found.
So I patched image.gz to force it to use c:/
Download patched image.gz: ... r-WinXP.gz

Now it booted.
I ran xorgwizard - ok.
I typed "xwin" - does not work.
xwin startkde - no
xwin kde - no
xwin icewm - tadaa... that's it.

set up my adsl (installed adsl-start-dotpup), and copied /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf from another system.
Deleted the symlink /etc/ppp/resolv.conf

Can connect to internet, but konqueror does not start, the error mentioned before with libqt.
Looked at /usr/lib/qt - there is something wrong. It is an empty folder, but I cannot copy files there.
Maybe that is, because I also have the compilertools usr_devx.sfs installed?
So I copy all files from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.4 to /root/.usr/lib/qt and reboot.
(did I also type "ldconfig"? Don't remember)
xwin startkde
Yeah! KDE starts in 6 seconds-coooool!!!

Nasty Rox - it is good, because you can click on a dotpup to install it, but I don't like it to copy or symlink files or extract archives.
So I install XFileExplorer first:

And the KDE-menu has no Puppy-entries, so I install wxb-menue to get them:

Oh... but there is no /root/.jwmrc, needed by wxb-menue... so copy it from puppy 107: ... /jwmrc.tgz

Now I can access puppys menu.
I run pupget to install Gimp.
It fails to download, and then Gimp is not visible in Pupget any more!
So I download it from ... ackages-1/
And simply install it as alien package in pupget.

That's it!
For the long awaited first KDE-Puppy some acceptable small inconveniencies.
Hard to deal with for newbees, but I hope my small report may help them to get everything working.
The result is the fastest KDE you ever have seen! Great :!: :P

Also Abiword runs without further libs.

Many Thanks to Kenny and Bombayrockers 8) 8) 8)


Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2006, 14:16
by GuestToo
Nasty Rox - it is good, because you can click on a dotpup to install it
you should be able to use any file manager to click-to-install, if you can set up a File Association/Set Run Action for a certain file extension

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2006, 14:29
by MU
Thanks GuestToo.
But Rox has some other advantages, too, for example the picture-thumbnails.
So I will use both, xfe and rox.
They are a good team 8)

*gosh* this KDE is so damn fast... just activated shadows... and still new konqueror-windows just popup without delay...
It's faster than fluxbox on my machine :shock:

Add this to /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Code: Select all

     Section "Extensions"
             Option "Composite" "Enable"
             Option "RENDER" "Enable"
Then in KDE-ControlCenter:
Desktop- Window behaviour - Translucency - activate.
Windows are not redrawn correctly then, when you resize them, so in "moving" deactivate "Display content in resizing windows".

:P so cool that 8)


Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2006, 15:23
by klhrevolutionist
Well, yeah it's fast. What you expect, lol. Anyhoo. As soon as I can learn how to open these darn vmlinux linux.bin files, I would like for it to not load into ram, kinda like knopper.
I just downloaded puppy 1.0.2 in hoping to see that 2.6 kernel maybe try and use linux live scripts. But that does'nt look to good. So I did have a little luck with the pocketlinux installer once. But the only drawback was I could'nt get it to install anything :lol: only boot up and partition the ole' hard drive. Left stibbs at STX linux a message concerning this. But he is moving towards a live-cd with a efltk graphical instaler. He did mention putting a how-to on the non-live-cd-installer in the online magazine Linux Intern though.
Puppy can be so darn hard sometimes. Another option, which I have yet to fool with. Is to mess around with the install-hd2 script from puppy & see if I can somehow use it to boot into and install-puppy to the chosen partition. With my lack of skill this is sure to be great!!!
And porting the Wizards scripts might be easiest to do out of them all, only now I do I have all the required libs for kde! Which brings everythin g to weigh in at 550mb!!! Now for those with ram they may like the sound of that.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2006, 21:24
by MU
When I want to view the source of a webpage in Koqueror, leafpad opens with no file.
I found no setting to change this in KDE.
So I removed the symlink
and created one to kate:
ln -s /usr/bin/kate /usr/X11R6/bin/xedit

Now it works 8)

I'm still very excited about the good performance *wowowow* ehm.. *woofwoof*

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2006, 04:05
by MU
small bug:
is incompatible with Puppys wget.
Like that you cannot wget messagesfrom this board.
Use the one from Puppys usr_cram.fs instead.

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2006, 15:04
by MU
Serverstatistic February::

Requests: 543
MB transferred: 13584899

That's to say it was downloaded more than 100 times :)

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 03:13
by Guest
KDE- 3.5.0 PUPPY with boot bug(option 1,2,3,4). Display : /usr/X11R6/bin/X missing.

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 03:28
by MU
Did you run the xorgwizard?

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 14:46
by Guest
MU wrote:Did you run the xorgwizard?

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 21:55
by MU
what happens, if you run "xorgwizard" at the black prompt?
Does it work then?

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 22:25
by Guest
When I run KDE-3.5.0 puppy:
- 1...
5 ...

copying usr_cram.fs from CD to /
No space left on device
Mounting /usr_cram.fs file on /usr
CP: cannot create regular file

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 22:35
by MU
Do you have a Windows-computer?
Did puppy create a file pup001?

If this file was not created:
In Windows, download and extract to C:\
It needs 254 MB free space and is needed to store your personal files and configuration.

Then copy usr_cram.fs from the CD to C:\

Then boot puppy from CD.

Not able to install to HDD - What I am doing wrong

Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2006, 15:34
by SamSung
Hi I am having another go at trying to get PuppyKDE to hard disk. The hard disk is a small one 3 gig and given over to Puppy entirly.

I copied the seven files from the CD that make up the Puppy I have installed Grub and given grub the same parameters as mentioned by MU above.

When it boots it tells me that the usr_cram_fs file cannot be found as MU says happens on his Windows install. Windows is not on this PC let alone the disk, is it the same problem as MU encounterd and if so will the fix he used for Windows sort this and if so how do I go about applying it as I cannot run the KDE version from the disk.

Any help would be appreciated


Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2006, 16:09
by MU
try a grub-entry like
kernel /kdepuppy/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=18456 PFILE=pup002-none PHOME=hda1


Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2006, 16:31
by SamSung
Hi Mark
thanks for the help. I amended the line as described and I now get a kernel panic VFS Unable to mount root fs on 01:00.

Any ideas thanks


PS would it not be easier if I were to install a copy of the install to hdd script to my version of KDE puppy, I assume that is the reason it is not working because the script is not there.