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Re: re: rjbrewer

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 02:23
by rjbrewer
JonT wrote:rjbrewer, my laptop (Inspiron 1100, 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE video) is not the same as yours but perhaps similaar. I have had the same response as you from flsynclient on the first boot. However,if I run xorgwizard (mine needs the "intel" driver, not "i810"), flysclient works. There is also a nice touchpad section in the generated xorg.conf, but it seems that the flsynclient settings are the ones that count.
Thanks for the tip JonT, but each Dell laptop with a different 800
series graphic has it's own kind of craziness.

It did help on my Fluppy install which said it "couldn't find a float point".

Interestingly; I dragged the Fluppy flsynclient files to my 4.3.1 retro
(, which didn't come with flsynclient, and it works perfectly.

Quickpet issue

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 04:44
by shinobar
mikco, 2 issues on quickpet.
  1. As kevin bowers said, i think wget timeout setting of 1 second is too short in some situation.
  2. In case downloaded pet was coruppt by accident, petget fails and quickpet sais 'Failed to download. Try again...'
    But the coruppt pet left at /tmp and quickpet try to reuse if it unfortunately has corect size. So, retry fails again and again. i think it is not rare case.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 05:34
by 01micko
As kevin bowers said, i think wget timeout setting of 1 second is too short in some situation
Hmmm... ok... as Kevin Bowers states in that link (which I missed sorry) it can take 5 to 10 seconds to open a gateway on his sat connection.

Trouble is if I set the loop that slow it becomes "Slowpet"... I can get Firefox in that 10 seconds.

Ok, a proposed solution to that issue is to set the loop count sleep as a variable.. default as is with 2 second increments ranging up to 15 or 20 seconds. That could be configured in preferences and a more appropriate splash message displayed. "Error timeout bla bla, try a different timeout setting in preferences" or words to that effect.

The other option is to ditch the loop all together. PPM won't install a corrupt package anyway and make the action to delete that package and user can try again later. However this presents a problem for dialup users who may have their connection chopped off 4 hourly, and a large pet such as Google Earth or even Chrome browser may take that long on a remote dialup connection.
In case downloaded pet was coruppt by accident, petget fails and quickpet sais 'Failed to download. Try again...'
But the coruppt pet left at /tmp and quickpet try to reuse if it unfortunately has corect size. So, retry fails again and again. i think it is not rare case.
I disagree. The integrity check done is in bytes. I think it would be extremely rare for a corrupt package to sneak through. If a package is incomplete then wget knows this and will continue, (-c option).


Over the coming days I will release a testing version for scsijon and Kevin Bowers to test. (And other so that we know that changes don't affect anyone else's experience :wink: )


quickpet issue

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 06:38
by shinobar
01micko wrote: a proposed solution to that issue is to set the loop count sleep as a variable.
I didn't mean that.
I think 'wget -T 1' option to check internet connection is too short. it can be "wget -T 10" or so.
It does not take time when the internet is alive and fast.
Can be a problem if there are no connection, 10 seconds silence...?
well then...
start 'wget -T 4'
if failed popup 'Failed. Retry? Yes/Cancel'
retry 'wget -T 8'
again popup
next 'wget -T 16'

Anyway 1 second is too short. i feel start 4 and max 16 seconds.
01micko wrote:The integrity check done is in bytes. I think it would be extremely rare for a corrupt package to sneak through.
Can be extremely rare case i faced to. the first downloaded firefox pet had same byte size but different checksum.
But anyway, quickpet knows the petget failed. why not sweep out the file from the cache which the petget failed?

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 09:06
by 01micko
I didn't mean that.
I think 'wget -T 1' option to check internet connection is too short. it can be "wget -T 10" or so.
It does not take time when the internet is alive and fast.
Can be a problem if there are no connection, 10 seconds silence...?
well then...
start 'wget -T 4'
if failed popup 'Failed. Retry? Yes/Cancel'
retry 'wget -T 8'
OK, I took a look in petget and Barry has the "-T" param set to "-T 20".. ok so I did that, doesn't make sense to me to add it to the loop.

Also added the sleep preference, it was easy and may be useful to some, especially on slow equipment and connection.

Also added delete if petget fails to install, but it stays if only download fails.

scsijon and Kevin Bowers please test, and anyone else can test too.


Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 11:45
by sinc
rjbrewer wrote:I lost my wireless connection after about an hours use of 5.1.
Had this happen with 507 and 508 too.
Both sns and regular wizard have the problem.
Never happens with any other Puppy installs.
I have this happen on my dell 5100 on all the new pups past 431. I get connected with no problem but lose my connection and have to reboot or rerun connection wizard to connect to the internet again. Somehow pwireless2 doesn't do this. I stay connected with it (or it reconnects automatically for me, I can't tell). I have to use pwireless2 or I can't stand using the internet with it disconnecting all the time.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 12:15
by edoc
In spup 040 when I moused-over the Network Connection icon in the taskbar it would show Rx & Tx, which told me if I had a live connection or not. Is that possible to add in Lucid 5.1?

Someone had Conky configured parallel with the taskbar on the desktop (it had lots of data in it) -- that would be a much more robust alternative -- in addition to the icon info.



Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 12:16
Re JonT's response to rjbrewer.

This looks very interesting. I wonder if flsynclient uses the touchpad section in xorg.conf as its detection method for the synaptics driver! Not very good with the new Xorg when working in automatic mode. Might try removing the touchpad section in xorg.conf to see if flsynclient stops working again!

Re: flsynclient

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 12:30
by DaveS
ICPUG wrote:Re JonT's response to rjbrewer.

This looks very interesting. I wonder if flsynclient uses the touchpad section in xorg.conf as its detection method for the synaptics driver! Not very good with the new Xorg when working in automatic mode. Might try removing the touchpad section in xorg.conf to see if flsynclient stops working again!
I have found configuring the touchpad via flsynclient ONLY works after running the Xorg wizard in the old way.

no or bad internet connection 5.1 Full-Featured

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 12:30
by Béèm
It started several releases ago but pretty intermittent. So I didn't report.
Now I have it permanently for the moment.

At each connection to the puppy forum I get 'address not found' try again.
I push try again and I get the next post or whatever I did.
Sometimes this permanent and when I look in /etc/resolv.conf the nameserver line has disappeared.
In some cases addidng this line by hand restores the connection and other cases I have to redo a dhcdcp for a lease or even redo the connection through the connection wizard.
I use Simple Network Setup.

This starts to be annoying.

Re: flsynclient

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 13:35
by rjbrewer
DaveS wrote:
ICPUG wrote:Re JonT's response to rjbrewer.

This looks very interesting. I wonder if flsynclient uses the touchpad section in xorg.conf as its detection method for the synaptics driver! Not very good with the new Xorg when working in automatic mode. Might try removing the touchpad section in xorg.conf to see if flsynclient stops working again!
I have found configuring the touchpad via flsynclient ONLY works after running the Xorg wizard in the old way.
It works if I drop out to X and use xorgwizard, choosing i810 a couple
times, and then choosing intel; but only working with live cd or usb
without save files.

Not working with a full or frugal install so far.

any hints or suggestions

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 15:00
by Minnesota
Any hints or suggestions as to why I and a friend get this when trying to set up a pop transfer for email? Anyone have emial working? Anyone with a pop3 transfer? One window back you can see it is trying to save two emails.

Re: any hints or suggestions

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 15:20
by rcrsn51
Minnesota wrote: Anyone have emial working?
Did you see my reply to your original message here on Page 124?

Icon stuff

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 15:28
by gjuhasz
For enthusiasts and for those who want to use icons for more apps, tons of them can be found here:

And especially for those who need to extend the iconset in Lupu 5.1:

GANT icons

Tok-tok icons ... 4057.shtml

You may still feel the lack of some icons, such as for Skype etc. I think licensing issues prevent them to appear here.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 15:46
by playdayz
Minnesota wrote:
Anyone have emial working?

Did you see my reply to your original message here on Page 124?

I believe we can fix that with the next Instant Update. And until then rcrsn51's fix works, right? Plus there are Eudora, Mutt email, and Thunderbird in the Puppy Package Manager. Plus Seamonkey has email (edoc).

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 16:15
by edoc
Seamonkey 2.0.6 E-mail is working fine here.

Will try emial again

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 17:19
by Minnesota
Has nobody else tested Sylpheed in Lupu?

The first time you run Sylpheed, it creates a mailbox folder called Mail in /root and a hidden .sylpheed-2.0 configuration folder. However, Lupu already contains an old configuration folder. So when you run Sylpheed the first time, it thinks that it is set up correctly. Since its Mail folder does not exist yet, you can't send or receive messages.

Deleting the configuration folder and running Sylpheed again solves the problem.
NO CLUE "Sylpheed" was the name of the email program in Puppy from the icon, never tried to use it before... sorry.......

Will give a try shortly.. thanks....

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 17:24
by playdayz
So when you run Sylpheed the first time, it thinks that it is set up correctly. Since its Mail folder does not exist yet, you can't send or receive messages.

Deleting the configuration folder and running Sylpheed again solves the problem.
This is fixed in Instant Update 002 - now on Lupu News and linked in the first message in this thread. Thanks.

Thank YOU SIR:

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 17:32
by Minnesota
THANK your sir:

A good man you are!

Congratulation on this version, it represents a LOT of work and effort. I especially thank all who helped and are helping in the clean up of menu's and all to make the this version easier and easier to use for novices. Please keep up the good work. It is the how about taking a break and enjoy yourself..... can' send a brew, but have one for me!




Finally found the fix.. is there a way to have some sort of update button? on the desktop or as part of quickpet...or.. have I missed this???

Anyway... applied fix 002....solved Email download... THANK YOU again... it works... very slick. Plan is to use this more and more.... HAPPY PUPPY HERE :).

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 18:09
by playdayz
Finally found the fix.. is there a way to have some sort of update button? on the desktop or as part of quickpet...or.. have I missed this???
Yes, as part of Quickpet.

There is a new Instant Update (002) posted on Lupu News under the News tab in Quickpet. It provides libjpeg7, latest index of puppy-lucid repo, enables laptop function keys for volume, brightness, etc., sets Netsurf home page, removes buggy Icewm Xtreme-ReAnimated theme, configures Sylpheed email, fixes USB bootflash, links fsck, and adds Dusk IceWM theme.