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Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2010, 13:28
by pri
ecomoney wrote:Hi Pri

Interesting! Im going down the "thin client" make all of the machines in the cybercafe boot down an ethernet cable from a "master" computer behind the desk. This way no files are kept between customers (the computers have no hard drives in them!). Each time they are rebooted it is like they are having a fresh installation.
interisting system, can a billing work on it :D

Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2010, 13:49
by pri
screenshot :

Posted: Sat 27 Mar 2010, 12:29
by ecomoney
The current cybercafe Im dealing with doesnt need it (though Im planning on implementing it at some point). In the past Ive used CafePilot successfully]

This is cross-platform JAVA based for windows/linux. I did have a problem with the client crashing when I used it (leaving the machines to be freely used!) but it should be possible to make a script monitor the process and to restart it. The client also needs the i.p. address of the server in its config files (I cant remember which one!). Im working on a system of Samba shares for the clients to communicate with the admin machine, so it can "tell it" things like this.

Posted: Mon 29 Mar 2010, 12:09
by pri
hey ecomoney, look like that mode can be instaled billing like i use, but for name look like will be use his own ip. just make autowizard that can detect ip and use it as name.

Posted: Tue 30 Mar 2010, 01:16
by ecomoney
The clients could discover the i.p. address of the master computer via the SAMBA shares, and place that value in the cafepilot config files before starting it up.....but for the moment Im dealing with a really messy networking problem that I hadnt seen much for the last 6 months work!!! ... 734#405734

Me gusta no functiona pmount

Posted: Thu 11 Feb 2016, 15:45
by Mayou
wonderful baby Doll
when Puppy Linux was acting in schools or ... in cyber cafés.
the idea for this project,
Bugs : pmount is broken...