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Posted: Tue 30 Mar 2010, 08:52
by Iguleder
Building apup can be good for all i686 hardware, but bear in mind that the kernel and EVERYTHING will require i686 recompilation.

Posted: Wed 14 Apr 2010, 05:22
by tomberek
bump bump

Posted: Thu 06 May 2010, 01:09
by tomberek

Posted: Thu 06 May 2010, 13:42
by aarf
tomberek wrote: Should we set this up as a project? I'm not sure what the standard operating procedure is in the Puppy community.
the standard operating procedure is "go for it, then tell us about it later."

Posted: Fri 07 May 2010, 19:28
by ajbibb
I am trying, but this is not a simple thing. Subsequent to Woof being released Arch has decided to change their repositories over to xz compression. The base Woof scripts only deal with PET and tar.gz files. I have got the scripts revised to deal with xz, however there are other items that will also need to be addressed.

One of the items is discussed on Barry's blog, and deals with version numbers for some packages containing a variable field. He mentions Amarok specifically and basically put a quick fix into Woof to remove any such package. I have also found the variable substitution in three other package names, and unlike Amarok these we just can't ignore. One other item I have run across I am still trying to figure out if I need to fix or not. I believe Woof assumes that packages must contain the string 'i686'. This is not always the case as a select few Arch packages contain the string 'any' indicating they can be used for both i686 and x86_64 builds. I am still working on translating the Woof scripts so I am not entirely sure on this. I'm a C++ guy and the arguments supplied to grep in the scripts look to me like cartoon characters trying to swear.

I have made several attempts a building an Arch Puppy, but I was never able to get Xorg to give me a desktop. I have now taken the Quirky 100 configuration file and am using that as a base for my next attempt, basically discarding the Arch configuration file supplied in Woof. If I have any success I'll post it here, but it is likely to be a bit.

Posted: Fri 07 May 2010, 19:33
by tomberek
Anything I can do? Feel free to shed simple but time consuming tasks.

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 06:21
by tomberek

Barry's adding xz support

Posted: Fri 18 Jun 2010, 16:01
by fisheromen1031
Subsequent to Woof being released Arch has decided to change their repositories over to xz compression. The base Woof scripts only deal with PET and tar.gz files. I have got the scripts revised to deal with xz, however there are other items that will also need to be addressed.
It looks like Barry is adding xz support to Woof:

Posted: Fri 18 Jun 2010, 18:07
by big_bass
Arch has decided to change their repositories over to xz compression. The base Woof scripts only deal with PET and tar.gz files.

if you get stuck somewhere I had this working for a long time
even though its a non woof build or better said pre woof built

over 500+ xz compressed packages already
with package management included


Posted: Wed 14 Jul 2010, 01:41
by ajbibb
I had seen Barry's comments about getting XZ working for Slackware. I have not checked the Slackware packages, but Arch is (was?) in the process of converting from GZ to XZ so you need the scrips to check for both and uncompress as appropriate. I think I had gotten past that issue with the Arch build, and the scripts were actually fairly easy to revise. Incidentally, if anybody wants to see what I had managed to code I'd be happy to send my revisions to you.

My problem now is time. We are currently in the brief period of the year where it is not a million degrees below zero outside, so I am afraid I am not currently spending lots of hours indoors sitting at the computer. All too soon and I'll be back on it however.

On my last attempt I actually managed to boot up an Arch Puppy. Unfortunately I had to use VESA and it came up with a blank desktop, however XSoldier worked. Hardly a usable system, but believe me, it was progress.

Big_Bass, I will definitely check out your link to see if there is something I can use.

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2011, 16:12
by tomberek

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2011, 16:23
by nooby

DW presents Vector Linux and says that
with an added ability to build Arch Linux packages in a Slackware format
Could that approach be a way forward? Not that Puppy is slackware based at all but Spup do use such resources so some Devs already are familiar with it.

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2011, 20:45
by Rupp
nooby wrote:

DW presents Vector Linux and says that
with an added ability to build Arch Linux packages in a Slackware format
Could that approach be a way forward? Not that Puppy is slackware based at all but Spup do use such resources so some Devs already are familiar with it.
Nooby, why not just install Arch and use it?

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2011, 22:17
by johnnywinner
Hi nooby,

The forum announcement of RC2 says, "We have added the ability to build archlinux packages in slackware format in both the abs and aur with a special script unique to VectorLinux." This script takes an Arch PKGBUILD, like this one for libglade, and builds a package to Slackware's package specs rather than Arch's.

Lots of projects use build scripts. Salix OS uses slkbuild, inspired by the Arch Build System and SlackBuilds, to create Slackware packages, and Slitaz uses its own system to build from scripts. Iguleder has something called Puppy Ports in the same vein. I personally used slkbuild to build packages to use in Spup.

There's a lot more on the Arch Wiki about makepkg, PKGBUILD, and creating packages.

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2011, 08:04
by nooby
Rupp wrote:...

Nooby, why not just install Arch and use it?
I've tried to do frugal install of two versions of Arch.

Archiso and ArchBang

title Archiso-live don't allow me to write to the partition it booted from
root (hd0,2)
kernel /archiso/boot/vmlinuz from=/dev/sda3/archiso rw elevator=deadline load=overlay session=xfce
initrd /archiso/boot/initrd.img

title Archbang-live ArchBang-2011.01.24.iso wants to boot by Label from=/dev/sda3/archbang elevator=deadline apm=off noapic nodma nopcmcia pci=noacpi
root (hd0,2)
kernel /archbang/arch/boot/i686/vmlinuz26 fromhd=/dev/sda3 fromiso=/archbang/ArchBang-2011.01.24.iso
initrd /archbang/arch/boot/i686/archbang.img

So only archiso booted and archbang failed to find what it needed and failed to go anywhere,

If arch is that good then it would allow me to do a frugal install on NTFS.

or else them want to play as hard as possible for the noob to only get those that reformat their hdd.

Maybe I could get it to boot from USB? I don't have CDROM on the Acer D250.

Arch has existed for many years now. Why do them still fail to have an easy way to boot with frugal install on NTFS? May I guess them look down on such noob ways of doing things? Why else be that hard to get.

Not to rain on your parade but....

Posted: Sun 10 Jul 2011, 00:33
by mikeslr
Sometime ago I also was interested that a Puppy be created symbiotically using Arch Linux primarily because that distro is a rolling release enabling upgrades to its core and the building of applications to the hardware you have. I lost that interest when Amigo's script2pkg was brought to my attention. ... 637#518637.
Either iguleder chanced upon that thread, or Amigo's, or independently reached the conclusion that Puppy should remain Puppy, but develop an Arch-Like way of developing packages from source and maintaining a repository of scripts to do so. Better yet, he has initiated a project to do that:
See also his work on simplifying the build of kernels.

Modest of him not to mention it.

Frankly, I think this is the way to go, as Puppy "trumps" Arch if a small, frugally installable, expandable-as-needed via SFSes, user-friendly distro is the objective.


Posted: Tue 30 Oct 2012, 20:03
by dogbert0360
Well I understand this is an old post topic but I'm going to add my 2 cents...

I would like to see a Puppy using Arch Linux ( I affectionately refer to the Puppy as "Archie" ). From what I've read from this forum is that it has been very difficult to develop because of the rolling release concept.

Anyways, I hope this hasn't been scrapped and hope to see a beta soon. Please don't give up on this poor pup "Archie". Woof!

Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 03:17
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Yea, I have been trying to woof an Archpup as of late, again... :x
Will post if I have more than the minimal success I have had so far...

Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 04:30
by dogbert0360
Good to hear puppyluvr and hope and pray that you will have some success soon.

Stick with it and I know you will make it work. And when you do I hope that you will use the name "Archie" to name the new Pup.

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2012, 07:46
by antiloquax
I am interested in this idea. I use Arch on the Raspberry Pi and have it on my desktop (alongside Slacko).
There's a lot of things I like about Arch - these ease of updating being top of the list.
Keen to see how this project comes along.