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Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 08:41
by disciple
I suspect there are much lighter file managers that are good and useable... just not as good as Rox :)
Maybe the tree file manager that Puppy used to include?

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 10:08
by magerlab
openbox is very STABLE( no problems with full screen gxine for example) and fast ( + have a gui to configure)
I use it with fbpanel or lxpanel

also xfce4( not only a wm) is one of my choice ( xfwm4 themes and panel is the most cutomizable panel) even on eee pc( with iconbox plugin)
also with fbpanel or xfce4 panel you have unified look with gtk theme you choose
openbox and xfwm4 - no problems with unicode

as for speed - look at NOP and Boxpup created by Gray

E17 has no system tray ( needed by blinky or skype), so you have to use trayer

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 10:42
by dejan555
Fluxbox here, but I doubt you want it as default wm. It's both lightweight, usable and styleable, many distros make their light versions using it or include it as second choice.

For something called "Pupbuntu" your best choice would be probably xfce :P

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 12:25
by ttuuxxx
I don't like thunar, Really if we were making a puppy official release, I would go with Rox/Xfce combo, I like the look and apps of Xfce but hate thunar, Rox I think is 10 times better for the seasoned puppy user.

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 13:05
by magerlab
i think it's possible to use just xfwm4 and panel with/rox ( though now application menu on right click) desktop without thunar
maybe it's possible to find out what files can be ommited from xfce4 pet
i did not test yet but think that transparency might also work

only you need to set up icon theme in gtkrc.mine to see icons in xfce4 panel menu or to cahnge puppy menu files a bit ( add fullpaths to icons

.xinitrc autostarts xfpanel if xfwm4 runs


Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 13:31
by Drone-87401
dejan555 wrote:Fluxbox here, but I doubt you want it as default wm. It's both lightweight, usable and styleable, many distros make their light versions using it or include it as second choice.

For something called "Pupbuntu" your best choice would be probably xfce :P
Oh yeah, Fluxbox is for sure not w/out it's charms. I simply love Flux! It's simple, attractive & highly portable! Ya know I'm adding that one for sure! I think it is definitely one of the best WM. Hell, maybe I should just program my own WM! There's a concept lol.


Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 13:36
by Drone-87401
ttuuxxx wrote:I don't like thunar, Really if we were making a puppy official release, I would go with Rox/Xfce combo, I like the look and apps of Xfce but hate thunar, Rox I think is 10 times better for the seasoned puppy user.
Sir, that is a winning combination! Ease of use plus light on it's feet. One of my fav combos!

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 15:29
by technosaurus
jwm can do more than most people think

desktop backgrounds
pseudo-icons (more like buttons, but then single click is more intuitive)
unlimited trays anywhere on the desktop
separate popup menus for each mouse button (all can even be different than or the same as the "start" menu)
(and of course windows, trays, pager, taskbar etc...)

And thanks to Patriot it now supports window and tray translucency and better theming

(still need to update the event manager and other scripts to update the drive icons, to place/remove icons and other stuff that was previously hacked for Rox)

If someone were to patch it to allow only the background of individual trays and traybuttons to be translucent as well (not the icons labels etc...) it would have FULL icon support (not just button icons).

Re: other desktop environments

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 01:23
by ttuuxxx
disciple wrote:
Ttuuxxx wrote:what about? I've compiled it in the past, its small and lite.
Yes, I tend to ignore others like it because development is so slow and I can't find any particular reason to use them rather than a combination of apps like JWM and rox.
I also think that if it wasn't for Patriot and his JWM 2.0.1 Enhancements and Fixes ... 0feff496aa
we would still be using jwm V1, once Joe himself received word that Patriot had polished JWM with rounded taskbar buttons and there was talk about Patriot taking over the JWM Puppy Linux Branch, Joe actually appeared on here for like whole 5 minutes, Just long enough to take patriots new additions, and add them to V1 and bring out a new build of v2 that really hasn't been updated since.
That said if Equinox had a puppy developer give it a make over like JWM had, It could also be as good or if not better than JWM/Rox, but it would take some hard work.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 01:49
by ttuuxxx
But seriously for a 133 to run on puppy for stable everyday use, I would remove gtk2 and all of its deps, Use gtk1 because its might lighter, faster. Plus the Gtk1 wallpaper changer is nicer than any gtk2 ones to date, the nicest one for gtk2 Gposil adapted for puppy and isn't in the main release.
You could compile rox as gtk1, You could give it gtk2 icons, its not that hard to assign it icons, I did it for 2.14X. Seamonkey Gtk1 ... tk1.tar.gz
Then I would delete things like Gnumeric, Xorg and only use Xversa, every try 51MB Meanpup, Something like that but with networking/browser/overall looks updates. ... -opera.iso
Probably an updated version would be the best for type of version.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 01:58
by droope
XFCE : )

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 06:13
by ttuuxxx
Also you might want to look at this page its pretty good :)

also another good prime candidate for stripping down and maybe building a Gtk1/Xvesa version only would be Turrbo Pup extreme because it only uses 10MB of ram at bootup with full xorg , if it was gtk1 and xvesa only probably 6-7MB which would be a puppy first I think, next to the command line version one-bone,lol, plus a lot of wireless drivers could be removed.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 06:42
by disciple
You do need to realise that it would be a lot of work building a gtk1 Puppy if you want its functionality to compare with a normal Puppy.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 07:00
by ttuuxxx
disciple wrote:You do need to realise that it would be a lot of work building a gtk1 Puppy if you want its functionality to compare with a normal Puppy.
It would and it wouldn't, The first thing would to be getting it going, keep in mind its for a 133, would be rox, I personally would download a older version of rox,jwm,xorg from early 1 series, plus the gtk1.2,glib1.2 etc the list of deps I did provided previously. Then mount copy/edit the sfs removing all the gtk2,xorg,jwm.rox deps, and the rox,jwm,xorg, gtk1.2+others, and make the squash sfs, build a iso, burn and test. What works stays, what doesn't gets removed.

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 07:09
by James C
I voted for JWM but I'll put in a mention for LXDE as well....... :)

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 07:58
by zenfunk
Hm, I repeat myself here, but a GTK 1 Puppy sounds a lot like PULP. I didn't use GTK1 rox but emelfm instead, allmost all of the other proggies used are GTK 1, and yes, it's fast. :wink:

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 08:19
by disciple
Does anyone know if you can build a gtk1 gtkdialog? Puppy even relies on it for a lot of configuration stuff. If you can't then you'll either be spending a lot of time looking for or creating all sorts of guis, or leaving them out.
Which word processor would you include?

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 11:25
by bugman
currently using jwm without rox desktop, as in


Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 12:51
by ttuuxxx
disciple wrote:Does anyone know if you can build a gtk1 gtkdialog? Puppy even relies on it for a lot of configuration stuff. If you can't then you'll either be spending a lot of time looking for or creating all sorts of guis, or leaving them out.
Which word processor would you include?
earlier Abiword was gtk1, as gtkdialog goes yes gtk1.2 had gtkdialog, but have you ever checked the resources gtkdialog? Run pburn and check it out :) It wouldn't hurt to loose gtkdialog in puppy for older 133- pc's, its very resource hungry. Tcl/tk would be way better of a way to go, much lighter.


Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 20:00
by Drone-87401
ttuuxxx wrote: It would and it wouldn't, The first thing would to be getting it going, keep in mind its for a 133....
I am sorry actually let me rephrase all of that. I want it to run on my 133 test machine that way I know even the simplest of users could run it. My mach is a amd phemon II X4/6.5GHz machine. However, I know not all users have that type of speed - I just wanna make sure my product will be widely usable.

On another note, I would like to thank everybody here for posting so many great links! You are literally giving me volumes of information and data to look over, so as I can make a well informed choice. Thank you all for your time and civility on here!

-Ronald Lee Harsh