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Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 13:02
by rhadon
Hi everybody,

I've had the same problem as ecube. Not only with this version, also with Barry's Karmic Puppy. Jaunty Puppy worked out of the box.

With EeePc 900, Celeron, driver ath5k, wlan with wpa.

Running network wizard, I got " missing".
After installing from ttuuxxx (thank you :D ) i got "Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory".

Now I tried the commands, suggested by playdayz
# ifconfig wlan0 up
# iwlist wlan0 scan
# wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
Now got the message, that was missing. I found in Barry's Jaunty Puppy (476?), copied and a symlink for Running last command again. It was accepted but no wlan.

Now running network wizard again and it worked :D :D .

OK, I did a lot more, installing other versions of wpa_supplicant, wpa_gui and so on, a lot of symlinks and a lot of commands. At least the steps above work.

Hope this helps to find out, what's wrong
Now I can try the rest of this good looking version :D

~ Rolf

upup and audiovideo

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 18:08
by stevesr0
Flash is problematic on my machine (Fujitsu T4220 with intel chipsets).

I have failed with the default Seamonkey and with the beta Iron for linux, even after installing an additional flash pet (10.22) which worked in previous puppies. I do get flash with a Seamonkey 2.0.1pre (not final release version) which included a flashplayer.

Finally, in trying to use internet radio, I obtained a complete locked black screen of death, which I have never experienced with puppy.

All of this is running from a Live-CD and NOT saving any changes between reboots.

Still like the distro and love the idea of being able to select from all the Ubuntu apps.


Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 20:00
by Béèm
I finally got time to make a test.
With this version I could create a save file after first boot, which is a success, as some versions give problems with this.

But I couldn't configure a connection with the network wizard.
The network device, eth1, was found
The access point was found and the WEP key was entered.
The profile was stored.
The profile was used.
The test for a network was unsuccessful.

When I went back in the wizard and loaded the profile, the WEP key was gone.

But when I used Pwireless to setup a connection, it worked and could go unto the net.

As for the name upup-432 I am surprised that the woof sysem came up with this and I am worried.

Having also a upup-450 and even a upup-460, how will migration of save files be handled.

Is 432 higher (more modern in characteristics) then 450 or 460?

Has Barry expressed something about this in the meantime?

For me it brakes the line of logic people are used too.

more on wireless

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 23:55
by playdayz
Rhadon, Thanks. We know now two libraries that should be there. And with your method plus my hack of starting and stopping the usb/wirelss I can get Connect to consistently run. Someone is bound to be able to put these together. We can keep experimenting until the pattern becomes apparent ;-)

Here's the karmic version of libnl1 -> ... 5_i386.deb

Libreadline is in a post by ttuuxxx on the previous page, but ehre is is for convenience -> ...

I installed both of those libraries (but I find that it does what is below without those libraries)..

At least it will do the following consistently. If I "modprobe -r zd1211rw" (to remove the usb/wireless driver which in my case is zd1211rw), and then I "modprobe zd1211rw" to put it back, then the first time I use Connect then it will scan and find the network and get online. After this I can click Connect again and it fails to find a network.

It does still work for me to do the manual method.

When I erased my Pup_save file and started again from scratch, Connect worked for me the first time just as it should. But I then went back to Connect and it didn't work in the same way it has been not working. I think it would be worth while to try a fresh boot on the computers that haven't been working right on Network Wizard (which might be all of them ;-) Using modprobe to remove and reinstall the driver module, also seems to work consistently, if you know what the driver is.

Rhadon, could it be that you just rebooted when it worked?
Now running network wizard again and it worked Very Happy Very Happy .

more on wireless

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2009, 23:57
by playdayz
Steversr0, Are you using/trying to use the Flash 10.32 that is included in this uPup20091120 (4.32)?

Could you open a terminal and enter glxinfo or glxgears and see if glxs/dri is installed and working?

On ttuuxxx's 4.50 and 4.60 Flash 10 would not work at all, but Flash 9 would. I am thinking that maybe having the glx/dri installed is helping the Flash 10 run nicely on my machine. So if glx/driw as not installed and working for you that would support my weird theory ;-)

Is there anything else you might have changed before you started trying to use Flash?

I am going to reinstall mine because something I did, who knows what, broke gtkdialg....

Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2009, 13:09
by rhadon
HI playdayz,

I tested a little bit more and now I can definitively say, all I need are with link to and with link to (all in /lib) to get Network Wizard working. At last I don't need any command from console.

I tested without any savefile. Also removing and reloading ath5k with modprobe before running the wizard didn't help without the two files.

I installed kino_1.3.3, project-x and devede from repo. Devede doesn't work, too many dependencies.The others are working fine.

I also installed Skype, Everest, Truecrypt, Tvbrowser. All are working fine.
Also Opera-10.10-portable works out of the box.

~ Rolf

booting on OLPX XO-1!

Posted: Thu 10 Dec 2009, 22:48
by mavrothal
Way to go playdayz!
Your Karmic uPup with an OLPC XO-1 kernel did boot my XO-1 all the way to the desktop!
The xorg wizard did not auto detected it but after adjusting the frequencies and picking a resolution load the correct driver and resolution (1200x900) all by itself!
The mouse does not work yet (I believe it need the evdev driver for touchpad and keyboard) and the desktop application icons are all the same but i was sure glad to see the puppy logo on the screen :lol:

..and here is a picture

Re: uPup Made with Woof 20091120 w/ GLX/DRI

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 16:33
by oui
playdayz wrote:If you have an ATI card[/b] that doesn't start correctly, you might try among the "ati," "radeon," and "radeonhd" drivers.
it works pretty with "radeonhd" on my acer emachine laptop (with AMD64 ATI Radeon) but only one time. after that, puppy turn the lightness of the lcd screen down and it it not possible to start again directly with puppy any more...

i have to start ubuntu to get "new lightness" :idea:

after ubuntun, I can start uPup 450 again one time...

(same problem with puppy 431!)


Response re glxinfo and glxgears test

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 19:34
by stevesr0
Hi playdayz,

I tried both glxinfo and glxgears and I didn't get an error message (but I am not expert at interpreting the glxinfo output).

Is it normal for 32 GLX visuals and 128 GLXFBConfigs to have values of "Slow" and "None"? These are the only values reported and alternate with each other.

Glxgears popped up and kept going very nicely and smoothly. Without urging from me, it closed itself without an error message. I assume that is normal?

Having checked that, I tried flash again from the site that crashed previously, using the default SeaMonkey install (1.1.18). Today, it is working just fine.

I haven't tried the voicemail gxine system crash yet. I will write back after sending this message with the results of that test.

I will also recheck the results after installing the Iron-linux you referenced in another thread (that you said worked with upup 432).

All of this is being done via the live-CD without saving the setup between sessions.


Additional response about av problems

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 20:09
by stevesr0
During the same boot, after I tested the SeaMonkey 1.1.18 browser for flash, I installed and tested the Iron-Linux browser. This still reports an error (the crashed). The browser stays open and responsive, however.

Next, I tested the function of audio by launching an internet radio station and attempting to listen via the "iTunes" version (a .pls file).

This worked fine with the SeaMonkey browser via gxine. However, with Iron, a little window with a down facing arrow opens and then a browser window launches with the title about:blank. No error message.

Then, I checked the voicemail in my Yahoo account. With the SeaMonkey browser, I get the new Yahoo interface and when I select a voicemail message, a message window opens with a link that with my usual puppy running (4.2.1), launches a gxine browser window and plays the message. With this pup (upup432), the screen becomes black except for the mouse cursor, and the system abruptly becomes nonresponsive. I have to use the power button to shut and restart the system.

Before this, I checked the vociemail in the Iron browser. Yahoo did not support this browser with the new email interface, so I ran the old interface, which seemed to work fine. However, when I attempted to run the voicemail message, this led to the display of a new blank tab with the title about:blank.

Let me know if there is anything else you would like me to check.

At this point, it looks as if I can use this version of seamonkey to view flash and listen to internet radio, but not Iron. I can't use a browser on upup432 to check my voicemail on Yahoo.

I was able to do all these things with the SeaMonkey 2 pet that includes the 10.22 flash (I will retry that and get back to you if that has changed).


Additional addendum: flash in Iron with upup 432

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 20:40
by stevesr0
I checked the file. There is only one version on the upup432, located in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (and with a copy in initrd).

I noticed that the owner and group of are ftp/ftp unlike the two other files in the plugins directory which are root/root.

Is this as it is supposed to be?


New Version uPup 4.51 Made with Woof 2009-1211

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 23:07
by playdayz
New Version uPup Karmic 4.51 Made with Woof 2009-1211

Posted in the first message of this thread, a uPup, that is a Puppy based on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic made with Woof 2009-1211, numbered 4.51, this is the development of the uPup 4.32 that started this thread.

Posted: Sat 12 Dec 2009, 05:34
by James C
Downloaded the latest release and did a frugal install on my P3 test box.
Already installed Firefox 3.5 and have had no flash related problems from either FF or SeaMonkey..... :)
Seems pretty stable.

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2009, 01:41
by playdayz
I added links to

Flashplayer 10.0.42 and
Flashplayer 10.1pre, as well as
Seamonkey 2.0 and
Firefox 3.6b6pre and the
Go-OpenOffice 3.1.1

to the first message in this thread.

@stevesr0, thanks for all the testing.
Glxgears popped up and kept going very nicely and smoothly. Without urging from me, it closed itself without an error message. I assume that is normal?
No I don't think it should close by itself. First off, if the gears spin then that means glx is installed and running. You can also see that in Menu -> System status and Config -> Hardinfo -> Display and scroll down to the glx section. But I let mine run for 30 minutes and it just kept reporting every 5 seconds, not stopping. Did it close the glxgears window and also the terminal window?

Concerning Seamonkey. There is a link in the first message to Seamonkey 2.0. In my experience it is significantly faster than 1.1.18. Barry has found some problems in one of his blog posts, but they are not deal breakers, imo.

Also in the first message there are links to Flashplayer 10.0.42 and 10.1pre. I have been using both of them with Seamonkey 2 and Firefox 3.6b6rpe without mishap.

#oui, Maybe it would be worth while to compile the ATI Catalyst driver; that way you get the Catalyst Control Center as well as the driver. It is proprietary but I can live with that myself. You would need a full install or a frugal install with 1GB Save file, mainly because SitHeelSpeaks gcc 4.4.1 will take 300-400MB. But this uPup (and I think the others) won't compile without it. Someone might could fix that. I had good luck with SitHeelSpeaks version though. There is some discussion in the first message. You would need the devx, SHS's gcc, and the kernel sources, all links in the first message, plus the ATI Catalyst install, also a link. If it is not enough, please ask questions.

Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2009, 17:53
by ecube

upup451 looks very good to me


The md5sums seem to have been swaped.
I get 821777303bff3e2d01877965da8092bc upup-451.iso
175de6625dfb7d43d0aa691612916b19 upup_devx_451.sfs

My Belkin USB2.0 WLAN is working and autoconnects at reboot.

Trying to setup CUPS printing failed due to "500 Internal Server Error". But installing the cups-1.3.10-1-uj pet made installation of my Okipage 14ex printer possible.

On a different subject. Should you be interested in the difference between Woof tarballs, the attached perl script may be useful. For example:
To compare woof-20091210085845.tar.gz to woof-20091212121034.tar.gz, you type

./ 20091210085845 20091212121034 to get

---- No files deleted from woof-20091210085845.tar.gz ----

---- Files added to woof-20091212121034.tar.gz ----

---- Updated files ----

---- For detailed information use option -v ----

Regards, Olov

Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2009, 18:48
by playdayz
The md5sums seem to have been swaped.
I get 821777303bff3e2d01877965da8092bc upup-451.iso
175de6625dfb7d43d0aa691612916b19 upup_devx_451.sfs
Got it. Thanks.
My Belkin USB2.0 WLAN is working and autoconnects at reboot.
That is good news. Mine too.
Trying to setup CUPS printing failed due to "500 Internal Server Error". But installing the cups-1.3.10-1-uj pet made installation of my Okipage 14ex printer possible.
Install *and* print correctly? Just being careful. cups-1.3.10-1-uj is the one that is supposed to be in there. It is in there but it is possible something gets whacked by something else that is there and adding the pet restores workability. I should be able to compare before and after--thanks for the good info. I have successfully avoided cups all my life but I guess I am old enough now ;-)

And thanks for the script. Have you posted it where others using Woof can find it? Maybe as a comment on Barry's blog; he will want to see it I would think. I have been thinking I could make a contribution by building a Woof Karmic Puplet for the "milestones" in Woof development, in which case the script could be extremely useful. Woof-karmic is my everyday Linux now so this is something I would be doing anyway.



Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2009, 21:02
by mavrothal
I'm using your uPup 451 on the OLPC XO-1 laptop and so far I had 2 problems.
Wireless connects to open Access Points but not encrypted ones. I guess I could live with this.
Sound is not working because the card is not detected (Marvell sc5535) but then alsaconf fails to run because the required mktemp command does not exist.

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2009, 23:23
by playdayz
hey mavrothal, The is in this repo ... ackages-4/
You can scroll down and then download it. I think if you are using Seamonkey you need to Right-Click and choose Save Link As. That should work with any browser. It will be in the next build of uPup Karmic, especially if you report that it solved this problem. SHS's gcc 4.4.1 from the first message in this thread would also work, but it takes much memory (~400MB in all to install the pet).

At what point does the wireless fail to connect to encrypted access points? Have you tried Pwireless? It is under Menu -> Network -> Network applications.

CUPS Problem

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2009, 04:02
by davec51
I like the look of Upup. When I tried to connect my remote printer (HDPhotosmart 4600 series with an XP server), I get the message, "internal server error." Is this a Upup problem, a CUPS problem, or some sort of deep psychological problem of mine?

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2009, 07:46
by mavrothal
playdayz wrote:hey mavrothal, The is in this repo ... ackages-4/
You can scroll down and then download it. I think if you are using Seamonkey you need to Right-Click and choose Save Link As. That should work with any browser. It will be in the next build of uPup Karmic, especially if you report that it solved this problem. SHS's gcc 4.4.1 from the first message in this thread would also work, but it takes much memory (~400MB in all to install the pet).
Sorry I have already installed shs's pet (and upup devx). So I guess to try your pet I have to remove them, and is a full install...
Anyway, mktemp is fine and alsaconf runs but can not find the card at all.
At what point does the wireless fail to connect to encrypted access points? Have you tried Pwireless? It is under Menu -> Network -> Network applications.
The wireless connects to encrypted APs but dhcp fails to get a valid address.
Pwirless does not work at all! the scan does not detect any access points though it sees the interfaces. I do not know if the fact that the XO-1 has wireless in eth0 "confuses" the Pwireless.