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Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 20:06
by big_bass
Hey vovchik

I know this was working correctly on slaxer_pup
but I upgraded bash to version 4.1 on TXZ_pup
and for some odd reason it wont save the image

I want to use this to make a logo

I think that the pikona bin may have to be recompiled
the app comes up fine but it doesnt save the image
Im puzzled of what you need to recompile this
and if HUG as to updated too

thanks in advance friend

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 21:14
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Let me try to compile it in Puppy 4.10 or in Lucid and see what happens. HUG has changed a bit (some calling conventions), as has Bacon, so I think I should use the old HUG (last one that worked), since it did what I expected it to do. I'll experiment. Lucid has bash v. 4.1.5, and bacon compiled fine with that a few days ago, although I didn't experiment with HUG in that setting. Try grabbing the latest bacon.bash and bacon.bac from Peter's site and compile it. Then try compiling Pikona using the bacon binary, once with a new HUG and once with the old. I wonder whether the saving doesn't have something to do with write permissions in the place that Pikona might be installed. Just and idea.

With kind regards,

UPDATE: I compiled pikona in Lucid and it saves. I had to use the old hug because the IMAGE command syntax changed and I haven't yet changed my source. But with the old hug it saves to the icn dir. What is important is that you use your IM, because the one in Lucid seems to screw up the alpha channel (renders it black). I suppose that could be fixed by also looking at changes in IM convert syntax. :(

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 23:24
by big_bass
Try grabbing the latest bacon.bash and bacon.bac from Peter's site and compile it. Then try compiling Pikona using the bacon binary, once with a new HUG and once with the old. I wonder whether the saving doesn't have something to do with write permissions in the place that Pikona might be installed. Just and idea.
well I figured out how to compile the bacon (that sounds funny) :D
then the pikona with HUG

main page

a mini how to of what I did

1.)download bacon bash
make it executable

2.)download bacon bac

3.)then compile it like this


Code: Select all

 ./bacon.bash bacon.bac
this is quite strange to compile the bacon bac by using the bacon bash
but thats what you do

this takes awhile and generates many files then they are deleted and only
the bin remains called bacon

-------this is the actual command ----------------

Code: Select all

  ./bacon.bash bacon.bac
Starting conversion... done.
Starting compilation... done.
Program 'bacon' ready.


now compile pikona


Code: Select all

./bacon.bash pikona.bac
Starting conversion... done.
Starting compilation... done.
Program 'pikona' ready.


still having a problem with the save file :?

so I 'll try again compiling this on a clean system
puppy pfix=ram

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 01:43
by big_bass
:D :D :D

all worked using your original app on a clean install
I have no idea what went wrong but the good news is it works as is

and the better news is I got the logo

made a TXZ package too and included a menu item and a launch script so the icons come up when the program is launched from the menu ... 3_SLXR.txz


Posted: Tue 09 Nov 2010, 12:55
by BarryK
Vovchik, did you consider using 'netpbm' instead of ImageMagick?

Puppy already has many of the netpbm utilities builtin.

Here is an overview of the utilities:

future pikona mod

Posted: Tue 09 Nov 2010, 13:57
by vovchik
Dear Barry,

I have thought of several things in order to remove the IM dependencies. MU once posted three little utilities he wrote in c (each of which is about 4k compiled) that would do the job, except that one of them - scale2png - screws up when it comes to the alpha channel at high bit depth. The code is tiny, so I should look at it and try to do a rewrite in BaCon or use the modded c code directly (BaCon allows for that as a USEC). I would just have to get the IMPORT stuff straightened out, since these CLI progs make use of GTK (mainly gdk_pixbuf). I have already written a tiny bit of test code that is CLI but uses the GTK libs, so I think I can manage. What I would really like is totally self-contained code - apart from shared libs that are available on each and every Puppy (X11, GDK, GTK). I will look at netpbm, too. Ideally, the graphic transformations should all take place within Pikona (in RAM). It would make the program much faster and prevent dependency hell.

I have attached Mark's source for the utilities that could, with a bit of reworking, replace IM. They were part of his Scale2pics package and have nice potential.

With kind regards,

Posted: Tue 09 Nov 2010, 15:07
by big_bass
Hey vovchik
thanks for posting the source .There is one more needed scale2png.c

that wasnt in the source there was only the bin .Here it is the "make" is the same

I'll post it here
MU once posted three little utilities he wrote in c (each of which is about 4k compiled) that would do the job, except that one of them - scale2png - screws up when it comes to the alpha channel at high bit depth.

char *quality = "75"; what would happen if that was 100 ?

unedited original source
call it scale2png.c

Code: Select all

#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>

GdkPixbuf *im , *im2;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {


  char *thefile;
  char *outfile;
  char *theheight = "20";
  char *thewidth = "20";
  char *quality = "75";


  if ( argc == 1 ){
 	return 1;

  thefile = argv[1];
  outfile = argv[2];
  thewidth = argv[3];
  theheight = argv[4];
  quality = argv[5];

  float theight = atoi(theheight);
  float twidth = atoi(thewidth);

  char newquality[1024];
  float q=atoi(quality);
  float newq=100-q;

  int q2=newq/10;
  sprintf(newquality ,"%d" , q2);
 //printf("quality: %s\n" ,newquality);

  char roxpic[1024];
  sprintf(roxpic , "%s" , outfile);

// printf("option: %s\n" ,option);

  char jpgname[1024];

  int zoom_quality = (int)GDK_INTERP_HYPER;

  im2 = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( thefile , NULL);

float w=0;
float h=0;
float rx=0;
float ry=0;
int neww;
int newh;
int newx=0;
int newy=0;


  rx=twidth / w;
  ry=theight / h;

	if(rx <=ry){

  im = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(im2, neww , newh, (GdkInterpType)zoom_quality);

  gdk_pixbuf_save ( im , jpgname , "png" ,NULL, "compression" , newquality, NULL);



printf("%d\n%d\n", neww , newh);

  return 0;


good news - bad news

Posted: Tue 09 Nov 2010, 17:45
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

The intermediate news is that I am almost finished porting scale2png.

The good news is that:

Code: Select all

quality = "100"
q = VAL(quality$)
newq = 100 - q
q2 = newq / 10
does not generate a "division by zero" error. :)

The bad news is that it generates a value of "0". :(

But the prog does not stop and keeps going.

With kind regards,

Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 04:45
by big_bass
if we had some real values to substitute "print out" to verify that all reduces down to a very simple math equation :idea:


aaphoto is a pre compiled bin but guess what here is the source :D

--png *PNG image output with alpha channel support ... files.html ... ource.html

Picscale 0.1a - updated

Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 16:00
by vovchik
Dear Puppians,

With the kind assistance of Peter (, I got a first"draft" of picscale working in BaCon. If anybody has suggestions on how to improve the quality of the jpg conversion, please let me know. A binary and source are in the archive.

With kind regards,

PS. I think I am moving towards an ImageMagick-free Pikona. All I now need to do is to figure out how to use gdk_pixbuf to overlay images. Dammit, it looks like I will, at long last, have to consult the documentation. :)

UPDATE: I updated the archive since I fixed the bad jpg rendering and cleaned up the code a little bit.

UPDATE2: In fixing the jpeg quality stuff, I managed to destroy png transparency. It is now fixed and the archive has been updated. Sorry about that. :(

Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 15:54
by big_bass
Hey vovchik

That was fast converting all that c code into BaCon!!

I am trying to follow what you did so I can figure out whats going on between c code and Bacon coding

these are some notes and questions I have

since this is a major move ahead to port to BaCon a heavily commented
first draft version is very welcomed

1.) the original code scale2png.c was small but not well commented at all so an abstract math equation for me because of not having a known value for w and h and other values

which makes the logical part of the rx and ry obscure

*I like how you made the variables clearer to read

I dont understand the less than or equal to in the ELSE
IF r_x<=r_y

I would hope for a check for less than --- then a condition
or an equal to --- then a condition
for debugging to see what value you get

I like how you did this part could you add (for debugging verbose )


' -----------
' -----------
PRINT "File ", new_file$, " created."
PRINT "Original image: ", org_file$
PRINT "New dimensions (w x h): ", new_width$, " x ", new_height$
PRINT "Quality of new image: ", quality$
PRINT "Verbose debugging info below "
PRINT "r_x =:",r_x$
PRINT "r_y =:",r_y$
PRINT "h =:",h$
PRINT "y =:",y$
PRINT "q =:",q$
PRINT "q2 =:",q2$
PRINT "new_quality =:",new-quality$
PRINT "new_q =:",new_q$
PRINT "t_height =:",t_height$
PRINT "t_width =:",t_width$

PRINT "OOPS.. something terrible happened and ", new_file$, " was not created."

3.) the IMPORTS need to be explained well commented how that was done

4.) what is very interesting is how the c part
of the code changes very little in the conversion except for the complex import part :D

thanks for all your work on this I will learn a lot from it

*maybe another simple c code example with imports( for one trying to learn)
then ported to BaCon


Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 17:23
by big_bass
two small scripts to get started with BaCon

Code: Select all


# Joe Arose  big_bass 11-14-2010
# call the auto-build-compile-bacon
# auto download compile install  and test Bacon and the 18 basic examples
# so you can easily update when needed

Xdialog --wrap --title "bacon instlaller" \
        --yesno "Do you want to install bacon  " 0 0

case $? in
    echo "Yes chosen."

rm -f  bacon.bash*
rm -f  bacon.bac*
rm -f  bacon

xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget
chmod a+x bacon.bash

xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget
chmod a+x bacon.bac

xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e ./bacon.bash bacon.bac

# copy bacon bin into the path
cp bacon /usr/sbin

Xdialog --title "Complete" \
           --infobox "\nInstalling bacon has finished.\n" 0 0 3000

    echo "No chosen."
    echo "Box closed."


Xdialog --wrap --title "test bac downloader" \
        --yesno "Do you want to download the bac examples   " 0 0

case $? in
    echo "Yes chosen."

# download and compile the 18  starter test files

clean up old projects
rm -f  /root/bacon-examples/test*

cat << 'EOF' >/tmp/basic-examples

mkdir -p /root/bacon-examples
cd /root/bacon-examples  #note if not done it goes to root directory

for i in `cat /tmp/basic-examples`
do xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget -c $MYURL$i

xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e bacon /root/bacon-examples/$i
Xdialog --title "testing compiler " \
           --infobox "\n$i compiled with bacon .\n" 0 0 3000

BAC_BIN=`basename  "$i" .bac`
xterm -hold  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e /root/bacon-examples/$BAC_BIN

    echo "No chosen."
    echo "Box closed."


Code: Select all


# call this dnd-bac-compiler

# a drag N drop bac  compiler    just drag N drop any *.bac file on the  
# script to compile it to a binary 
# run the binary by opening a terminal ./name of the binary 

xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e bacon "$@"

comments and source

Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 22:29
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Thanks for the nice words. I have ported a few c examples and they are on Peter's site. I also have my original c sources so I can post them here. I will try to annotate my code (IMPORTS mainly), but I got those from studying the gtk/gdk/glade calls, looking at Peter's nearly complete gtk.bac and gdk.bac and glade.bac files and, in a few cases, winging it after looking at the var types needed by the calls. It becomes easier after a few "iterations" and you get a feel for it after few successes. I have an entire directory of c gtk gui samples and forced myself to translate a number of them to BaCon. It was a good exercise and, when I got stuck, I asked Peter, who knows all there is to know about BaCon and GTK (he also wrote GTK-server). If you get stuck, just holler :) Mechanic (Doyle) is doing a lot of gtk stuff in baCon and can provide some guidance.

With kind regards,

Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011, 17:20
by big_bass
Hey vovchik

I am making a personal wish list for the next pikona ... c0def5547c

there is no template to make those .......yet
if you could have a template for faenza_icons
with a rounded corner thin squared glass overlay
many new icons could be made


I wanted to bump this thread again too :D

Faenza stuff

Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011, 18:03
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

I am looking at the Faenza stuff now. It should be possible, so I will give it a try.:)

With kind regards,

Faenza icons

Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011, 21:14
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Here are some basic templates for faenza-style icons. I only made one overlay (to be placed in the ovl dir). The rest should go into the bgd dir (as in the archive). One of these days I will have to do a new pikona without the image-magick dependency, since I now know how to do that by calling the gdk libs. It's on my list.:)

With kind regards,

Posted: Sat 12 Mar 2011, 06:18
by big_bass
Hey vovchik
8) 8) 8)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

what a great guy you are :D

it's perfect!


another overlay

Posted: Sat 12 Mar 2011, 10:50
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Glad that I could be of service. I like the pup. Here is another overlay image that might be useful for faenza-style icons. It just provides a bit of shading for the lower part of the image.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2011, 02:39
by big_bass
Hey vovchik

I was having a lot of fun with this today thank you again

I compile and package apps even though they look like slackware packages
because of the *tgz but they are not slackware official packages (they are better because they were recompiled from source on my machine the "imagemagick package" )
since I use slackware based formats on TXZ_pup
these should run fine on any "puppy version" in theory
I added these for anyone wanting to test out your excellent program
(I only repackaged it so others could enjoy your great app!)

this has the new faenza templates
and I added all the fixes and I added an apple ipod template
called AppIconMask.png ,AppIconOverlay.png , AppIconShadow.png

requires one dependency its stripped down to 1.9 mb ... 4_SLXR.tgz

extra only needed if you compile other packages requiring imagemagick ... 4_SLXR.tgz

extra the docs they are very large ... 4_SLXR.tgz


pikona for slxr

Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2011, 16:50
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Thanks for packaging it. I REALLY should do my mods soon so we can then skip the big IM stuff and just use the standalone BaCon binary.

With kind regards,