How to tell grub which pupsave file to use? (SOLVED)

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#16 Post by ICPUG »

vg1, sullysat

I'm not sure psubOK is used to solve the depth problem. Crash intially defined it in the init file as:
all puppy files in PSUBDIR

This means to say all puppy files, including the pupsave, are in the psubdir folder so don't bother searching anywhere else.

Later on in the thread it was used in conjunction with PSUBDIR to ensure the pupsave could be on a separate partition - still in a folder defined by psubdir.

Query to vg1 - have you tested 4.3beta yet? Do you know if Crash's beautiful code is in 4.3?

As far as sullysat's problem is concerned then psubOK is irrelevant. Just don't use it.


Comments on your menu.lst

I don't think psubdir works for 2.14R. I may be wrong cos I haven't tested it. It depends on whether the 3.x init file was backported to the 2.14 series. Contrary to what was said earlier psubdir should work in Puppies based on 3.01 as well as any in the 4 series.

You keep using root=/dev/xxx kernel parameter. This went out a long time OK and is not needed for recent puplets. Does not cause a problem if included though.

I wonder if not using a PDEV1 parameter is causing the difficulty. Suggest adding PDEV1=hda2 (sda2 with recent kernels) to the kernel line.

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#17 Post by sullysat »

Thanks for all the help folks! I had no idea this thread would get such interest, but I do love figuring this stuff out and I appreciate the inputs.


I'm teaching this morning but I'll try your suggestion when I get home. I have noticed that the whole pup_save function is a little less than intuitive and I just might be guilty of moving them after saving somewhere else. I'll try it and see what happens.


Thanks for the explanation of psubOK. I figured from your other comments that it didn't apply to this problem but I hadn't ever seen it before.


Thanks for the comments on the grub file. The syntax that you mentioned as being old is just what the system generated. I had assumed, because the system generated it, that grub needed to know the path to those files. Is there a better or more up-to-date and proper way to do that?

Puppy 2.14 does work from the subdirectory, or it was before I tried to update it. That may have something to do with the way ttuuxxx has tweaked it though. I don't know. What I did was install it, then move the files and edit grub. I also had to borrow the idehd file from the 3.01 subdirectory, but it was working just fine except that it was still asking me which save file to use.


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#18 Post by vg1 »

ICPUG - I tested p476i, Crash's code is not in.

Sully - re my 2nd para above, do you get the choice with only one pup_save per folder, or with several? Do you get it when booting all your puppies, or a specific one?

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#19 Post by davesurrey »

Hi sullysat,
Just seen this thread.
I have 9 puppies all frugal sitting in one partition and they never ask which pup_save file to use. So it is possible.

I see you have a full install of puppy 421 on sda1 and frugals of ttuuxxx's 214, Puppy 4.0 and HanSamBen on sda2. Correct?

I assume all of the frugal files are in their respective subdirectory. ie vmlinuz, initrd.gz, pupXXX.sfs and pup_save.3fs plus any zdrv.sfs that comes with the 214X version. No idea about HanSamBen by the way. I assume it's based on puppy 412.

The universal installer in puppy 214X is less than wonderful. I have seen it install initrd and vmlinuz in entirely separate partitions so you might want to do a through search of your drives (definitely check sda1) to check that you don't have any other copies of these files lying about.

Okay, then I think the 214 version grub stanza may be causing a problem, if you are getting this when booting into 214.

Not sure where the cross over was but think it was only in later 2-series puppies when use of a psubdir became possible. However ttuuxxx's 214X is based on puppy 214.1R which could use a psubdir. However I think to avoid it asking which save file to use it needs a different grub stanza.


Code: Select all

title        Puppy 214X8 frugal on hda2
rootnoverify   (hd0,1)
kernel     /puppy214R/vmlinuz  root=/dev/ram0  PMEDIA=idehd  SFSFILE=ext3,hda2,/puppy214R/pup_214R.sfs   PUPSAVE=ext3,hda2,/puppy214R/pup-save.3fs
initrd   /puppy214R/initrd.gz  
This assumes your partition is formated ext3. If not then change accordingly. Note the use of capitals unlike that for puppy series 4.
I assume your pup-save file for 214x is called "pup-save.3fs.
Change it accordingly if it isn't.


1. I agree with ICPUG above that root=/dev/xxx is not really needed for 4 series frugal pups. In fact I'd take it right out. But it is needed for 214 though.

2. Note that for the grub stanza above, the kernel line is ONE line although in this forum it shows over 3 lines.
ie start of kernel line is "kernel". End of kernel line is "/pup_save.3fs"
Last edited by davesurrey on Fri 04 Sep 2009, 14:15, edited 2 times in total.

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#20 Post by sullysat »

Thanks davesurrey,

I've still got one appointment this evening, but I'm going to go over all of this when I get home and make those edits and the ideas that others have offered.

I really appreciate all the inputs here. There really is no better way to learn than to try stuff and I'm really enjoying the process.

I did a search but didn't come up with anything, so let me ask while I'm thinking about it. Is there a resource for puppy specific grub commands? Does the wiki have that info?


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#21 Post by davesurrey »

Hi Sully,
I've never seen any resource apart from the manuals or 3 and 4 series at that describe what to use in the grub stanzas for Puppy.

Except of course what's in the various threads on this forum.

Learnt by trail and error and occasional the good advise from folk on here.

Good luck. :-)


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#22 Post by ICPUG »


I've learnt something. It's the Puppy Universal Installer (PUI) that throws out those outdated kernel parameters!

While the PUI works in certain instances it sometimes doesn't. Every so often someone suggests a major look at PUI and get it working better. It doesn't happen. The better way, as far as I am concerned, is to do it manually but I appreciate that is not much help to newbies. My opinion is that the 'Beginners Guide to Installing Puppy' here on the beginners forum should be the first port of call - not PUI! Never mind - because PUI is not perfect it has spawned lots of users to create different ways of installing Puppy in whatever way you can think of.

When you ask about a source for Puppy specific grub commands I presume you mean the kernel parameters that can be used, like PMEDIA, root, ...
If so, then yes they were on the old wiki here:

This page is a bit out of date - it doesn't cover the newest stuff in 4.2.1 for example.

As far as I can tell this page has not been transferred to the new wiki. This is just as well as there are significant omissions/errors that need correcting.

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#23 Post by sullysat »

Thanks for the info ICPUG!

I'll take a look at that link and see if any of it will help with the older frugal installs (2.14 specifically).

I'm hoping to get caught up enough for a more detailed update later today, but at this point, using the 'pupsave' parameter, I've been able to get all the frugals working properly (boot from subdirectory and automatically load the right save file).

I'm still trying to sort out the 2.14 install though. It was working from a subdirectory before I started messing with it, but now it isn't, nor is it loading the save file correctly. I'll revisit this today and see what I can do.

Once I get it sorted out or decide I'm still stumped, I'll let you all know. Thanks again for the help, comments, and advice.


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#24 Post by sullysat »

OhhhKAY! Everything works!

Once I knew that there was a command to identify the path and filename for the pup_save file, it was just a matter of editing those entries for the version4+ pups.

The 214R pup posed a variety of issues, however, most of which were solved once I found vg1's entries in that thread about the differences between that puplet and a standard 2.14 puppy.

So thanks to all of you for your help, advice, and comments. Hopefully this info will help someone else down the road. I'm going to list the grub.lst file below and go try to figure out how to mark the subject solved.


# GRUB configuration file '/boot/grub/menu.lst'.
# generated by 'grubconfig'. Mon Aug 31 18:49:38 2009
# The backup copy of the MBR for drive '/dev/sda' is
# here '/boot/grub/mbr.sda.7371'. You can restore it like this.
# dd if=/boot/grub/mbr.sda.7371 of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
# Start GRUB global section
timeout 30
color light-gray/blue black/light-gray
gfxmenu /boot/grub/deep_stage1
# End GRUB global section

# Linux bootable partition config begins
title Puppy Linux 4.2.1 Full (on /dev/sda1)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

# Linux bootable partition config begins
title Puppy 4.0 Frugal (on /dev/hda2)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /puppy400/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd psubdir=puppy400 pupsave=/puppy400/pup-save_400f.2fs
initrd /puppy400/initrd.gz
# Linux bootable partition config ends

# Linux bootable partition config begins
title HSB v2 (Puppy 4.12 for kids) Frugal (on /dev/hda2)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /edupup_412/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 pmedia=idehd psubdir=edupup_412 nosmp pupsave=/edupup_412/pup_save-hsb.2fs
initrd /edupup_412/initrd.gz
# Linux bootable partition config ends

# Linux bootable partition config begins
title Puppy 214R v8 by ttuuxxx Frugal (on /dev/hda2)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)/puppy214R
kernel /puppy214R/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda2 PUPMODE=12 DEV1FS=ext3 SFSFILE=ext3,hda2,/puppy214R/pup_214R.sfs PUPSAVE=ext3,hda2,/puppy214R/pup_save_214R.3fs
initrd /puppy214R/initrd.gz
# Linux bootable partition config ends

# title Install GRUB to floppy disk (on /dev/fd0)
# pause Insert a formatted floppy disk and press enter.
# root (hd0,0)
# setup (fd0)
# pause Press enter to continue.
# title Install GRUB to Linux partition (on /dev/sda1)
# root (hd0,0)
# setup (hd0,0)
# pause Press enter to continue.
title - For help press 'c', then type: 'help'
root (hd0)
title - For usage examples, type: 'cat /boot/grub/usage.txt'
root (hd0)

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#25 Post by Crash »

I confirmed that there is no reference to psubok or psave in the 4.3 beta release.

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#26 Post by ICPUG »

Thanks Crash!

Are you going to tell Barry? I've already been chastised in his blog for daring to suggest he started 4.3 from the wrong base (4.1.2 instead of 4.2.1). He doesn't see it that way, because the development method IS more advanced than either, but here is another example of things being solved for 4.2 getting lost.


Thanks for your detailed menu.lst to solve your problem. I wonder why you need the pupsave parameter whereas many of us get by without it! One day we will work it out.

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#27 Post by sullysat »

ICPUG wrote: Sullysat,

Thanks for your detailed menu.lst to solve your problem. I wonder why you need the pupsave parameter whereas many of us get by without it! One day we will work it out.
I wonder too, ICPUG, but as long as it works, I'm not going to complain!

Of course, ttuuxxx has put out beta version 10 of the 214R puplet, with a bunch of changes. We'll see how much that changes the boot parameters. I suspect it will, given that some folks have mentioned it already.

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#28 Post by Crash »

Regarding psubok and psave:

I just downloaded the 4.3 beta .iso yesterday, so I didn't know what was in it till then. I guess I should post the observation in the 4.3 beta bugs section? It's not a bug, but I think it is useful capability that should be re-inserted. It's only a few lines of code.

Completely off the subject:
It looks like the init code that Pizzasgood changed didn't make it into 4.3 beta either. Some of his code fixed things that had been an irritant for a long time.

Regarding PUPSAVE:

The wiki has no reference to the PUPSAVE parameter. Maybe someone can add it? Also, is this material available on the current documenation thread?

It is useful information that should be available there, too. Maybe it is, but I can't find it.

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