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Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 04:22
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
As a contributer to the the Puppy 4 manual, the question of written information becoming obsolete was a major problem for me, as Puppy changes, sometimes drastically, between releases..

I believe a Wiki is a good answer...

Help needed for the English manual (4.21 - 4.31)

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 02:41
by raffy
Hi all. Allow me to bump this thread up.

After the attack on the site, the images of the English manual were lost. (prit1 has a copy, but maybe that will not be needed anymore*.)

If you can recreate the missing images (no wider than 500 px) and post here, then that will be a lot of help. These are the pages that need the images (Feel free to post the corrected article [if any] and the images here). Thanks!








* We are no longer retrieving the old images as they were based on a Puppy earlier than 4.21, and we want documentation for both 4.21 and 4.31 (if there is a difference, that is). Also, many of the screenshots were German (but thanks to oli for working on the English manual :) ).

ALSO, if you want to work on other languages and know how to handle a database dump, PM me and I will give you the Drupal database dump.


Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 18:24
by puppyite
Hi Raffy,
Time permitting I will make your screenshots.


Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2009, 21:46
by raffy
Gee, thanks for the help. FYI, I've had only virtual sleep since Monday of the site attack (3 nights ago), as matters like those can't de postponed. But so is my Friday work deadline. :roll: