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Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2013, 22:06
by e_mattis
Thanks guys!

Found out you can remove the *.desktop file and just link directly to the file in /usr/bin too :D

Thanks again!


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 00:00
by `f00
Remove *.desktop may not be the 'best' way to trim excess from the menu - never tried the "NoDisplay=true" line since commenting out the Categories=<whatever> line pretty much did the trick for me. Linking to the binary .. may have drawbacks in many cases (does the app use a wrapper? are there other options in the Exec=<string> line? is it a script in a non-standard path? where'd my icon go? wine ;) yaddayaddayadda).

Funny about early pups that didn't use XDG and templates, etc (different ballgame) - as a whole, XDG makes consistent menu updates easy to semi-automate and customize as desired. Sure there are caveats .. :lol: a fvwm95 package in wary 513 was kind of a disaster (fixmenus took way too long and various things needed a manual fix to even be functional).