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Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 08:40
by Béèm

The reason I start from an existing pup_save is, that I have 12 programs installed and I didn't want to loose them. The same counts for personalized setup. f.e. my internet connection worked right away as it had been configured before.

I did the same for KDE 3.5.8 and XFCE 442 and had no problem, so I am a bit disappointed that it didn't work for this Gnome, specially as I did the same thing with an earlier version of Gnome some time ago.

Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 08:51
by Béèm
Well, really no luck.
I started with pfix=ram and I wasn't offered to make a pup_save file.

So what now? (beta 1)

Forgot to say, that can't be installed.
Not enough room after it is in /root/.packages
Free space 25110 blocks, needed 82192 for expansion.
As I am still in the stage of pfix=ram I can't increase a pup_safe as there is none and I don't see how I can get more space.
Well I remember vaguely a trick to attach more space from another location to tmpfs, but I have to look for it where that advice was given.

So I am at a stop for the moment.


I found the trick, but it didn't work.
I am afraid I am at a full stop definitely
I have 256MB or ram and from this 119MB free as space to use.
I can't increase this anymore unless I install more ram.
So I am unable to follow the procedure exactly as more space (thus ram) is needed to install the

As the beta 2 was out I tried that one and I have the same issue.
What more is, as with the the beta 1 I am even not offered to make a pup_save. This option is jst bypassed.
I didn't encounter this before as I always do a migration/version update on the existing pup_save files.

Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 18:04
by Eyes-Only
Ah! Tant pis Beem! :( Je dis ca car Gnome en Puppy est vraiment fantastique et tres vite! Plus vite que KDE en Puppy j'crois!

English: Ah! Too bad Beem :( I say this because Gnome in Puppy is really fantastic and very fast! Much faster, I think, than KDE in Puppy!

It's too bad that a remaster of this couldn't be made. I tried but it requires a much better mind than mine unfortunately. Where I stumble is when it calls for a "pristine or edited /etc directory". You can't start with a "pristine" "/etc" directory in the remaster because several directories are there from the Gnome**.sfs and by removing those you cause breakage.

But keep the entire "/etc" and then it can't find your IP address. So for me it was a "no win situation".

However, even with adding the complete SeaMonkey Suite to Dingo Beta, plus Firefox, Thunderbird, two Libfiles needed to run Firefox/TBird, plus a new icon scheme for Gnome/Rox (OxygenRefit & ROX-Oxygen pack), my remaster came in at 225megs which should run on a 256megs of RAM, eh? Or try a "puppy pfix=noram" option perhaps?

That latter option may even help you in your current situation Beem? I've seen it mentioned as an option here, one of the "cheatcodes" that I guess isn't listed when Puppy boots up? Myself, I've never tried it. I should to see if it'll work.

Oh, by the way: When adding Firefox to the mix it does break Epiphany. I should add that note. But I prefer Firefox to Epiphany. (Actually I prefer Galeon but it's no longer being worked on.)

Anyway, would be nice to see this as like a Puppy derrivative as well?



Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 19:12
by Béèm
Oui je peux confirmer que Gnome est plus rapide que KDE.
C'est vraiment dommage, que ja procédure d'install ne fonctionne pas.
Pour moi il y a une erreur dans le concept de l'install, car quand on démarre avec pfix=ram il n'y a pas suffisamment de place libre pour faire l'install du DRI, ayant seulement 256KB. J'essayera le pfix=noram en espérant que cela fonctionne dans un install frugal. Merci pour le tuyau.

Yes I can confirm that Gnome is more performant then KDE.
It's really bad that the install procedure doesn't work. I think there is an error in the concept of the install as starting with pfix=ram ther isn't enough space to install the DRI having only 256KB. I'll try the pfix=noram, hoping it works in a frugal install. Thanks for the tip.

Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 19:18
by Béèm
I followed my friend's, Eyes-only, tip to use pfix=noram, but I don't have more space free. Still at 117MB, which isn't enough to install the DRI apparently.

Dommage, Eyes-only, mais bien essayé.

Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 20:09
by Eyes-Only
J'suis etonne mon chum! :shock: C'est chochant!

Hmm... did you try the "puppy pfix=noram" and then the "supposed fixed" that can be done for allowing "more size" for .pet installs? I forget precisely what that is---but it's something like changing a number in a certain file from "3" to a "1"---or even a "0"? Sais-tu le fiche du quel je parle mon chum et ou il est situe? J'ai oublie le nom du fiche. Zut! :( Is the file located in "/usr/sbin" perhaps?

Sorry I'm not of much help Beem. :( L'intelligence me manque beaucoup a la cause d'une accident a la tete et car une maladie aussi-la... mais j'crois que tu le deja sais, ouais?

Bonne chance mon chum,


Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 20:29
by Béèm
Ne t'en fait pas mon chum.
Ayant regardé des fois une série de Canada, dans lequel le personnage est un certain Katherine qui parlait souvent (en Canadienne bien-sûr) de son chum, je pensait que chum voulait dire mon petit ami, mais c'est peut-être plus générale. Aussi, je me souvient de ce qui est arrivé à toi.

Mais je progrèsse.
Mu (mark) m'a appris comment de faire d'un pup_save un pup_save vide.
J'en ai pris un, j'ai changé le nom et je l'ai visé.
Le boot à pris ce pup_save vide et j'ai pu installer le DRI. Merveilleux n'est-ce pas?

Je fais continuer les instructions donné à partir de ce point.

But I make progress.
Mu (mark) instructed me how to make an empty pup_save, so I copied and renamed one and emptied it. It was taken into account on the next boot and I could install the DRI now.
I'll continue the instructions from this point on.

Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 20:47
by Béèm
I am in gnome now.
I don't have the missing icons anymore.
I don't have that strange message anymore when gnome starts.
I could reduce the font size from 96 to 72. Nice.
My desktop doesn't match the one shown in the first post. I don't have any of the disk icons, but having a different setup that might be normal.
So I'll investigate further.

Also I agree with Eyes-only. I would prefer FireFox over Epiphany.

Posted: Sun 20 Apr 2008, 20:55
by Béèm
Configuration of the network done, I am able to write this with Epiphany.
So far so good.
Will continue testing.
And re-installing the installs I lost now. :cry:

Having problems with ayttm, I use pidgin instead (also in beta 1 and now 2)
So I installed pidgin in gnome.
The install went ok but I don't find it in a menu.
Starting from a terminal it's working ok however.
Is there a special trick to get installed programs in the menu.
I know in JWM it's fixmenus. In Gnome?????

I verifyed the date and time. But inspite the tiime is in the 24 hour format when setting, it doesn't display in the 24 hour format in the tray.
And I don't see a setting for this. How can this be achieved?

And oh, can I remind the question I asked before.
Is there a way to have somewere in the tray the remaining memory displayed?

Posted: Mon 21 Apr 2008, 01:44
by wow
Béèm wrote:I followed my friend's, Eyes-only, tip to use pfix=noram, but I don't have more space free. Still at 117MB, which isn't enough to install the DRI apparently
Resize your Swap partition or add a swap file. :wink:
Béèm wrote:I don't have any of the disk icons, but having a different setup that might be normal.
Please check if there are icons for your drives in 'Computer':
If it has only one icon for 'Network' HAL was not correctly installed(you must add the 'haldaemon' group and user before install HAL). The first step(start without any pup_save) is a must.
Béèm wrote:Having problems with ayttm, I use pidgin instead (also in beta 1 and now 2)
So I installed pidgin in gnome.
The install went ok but I don't find it in a menu.
Starting from a terminal it's working ok however.
Is there a special trick to get installed programs in the menu.
I know in JWM it's fixmenus. In Gnome?????
Run this command:

Code: Select all

and wait few seconds, if the menu wasn't refreshed try to kill gnome-panel, restart GNOME, or reboot the computer.

Posted: Mon 21 Apr 2008, 11:39
by Béèm
I did the addgroup and adduser commands.
But you refer to a HAL install. I don't see this in the instructions in the first post.
I don't have all the icons in computer (see pic)

I don't have a swap partition and didn't think of trying my swapfile.
But in any case, as I said before, in my installation whan starting dingo with pfix=ram, no pup_save is offered to make at shutdown. I immediately get the message Session not saved. I don't know why this happens and I made a post in bugs about this.

Therefor the only way to get out of this is create an empty pup_save file and work with this. I had to do the same thing with muppy008, where after pfix=ram no pup_save (well mup_save) file was offered to make.

I can try again with a swap file actif but as I can't get a pup_save to be created it seems to me, it's a waist of time.

As for Pidgin, I got a menu entry in other now. Great, thanks.

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008, 02:10
by wow
Béèm wrote:I did the addgroup and adduser commands.
But you refer to a HAL install. I don't see this in the instructions in the first post.
Not exactly, but it's the first step (no pup_save).
Béèm wrote:But in any case, as I said before, in my installation whan starting dingo with pfix=ram, no pup_save is offered to make at shutdown. I immediately get the message Session not saved. I don't know why this happens and I made a post in bugs about this.
I supposed that people testing Dingo knew about that bug (since pup_397).
To avoid it you can:
  • 1. Before booting from the LiveCD make sure that there are no pup_sav*.2fs files in your disks.
    2. If booting through "GRUB" add the "psubdir" option to menu.lst. Example: pup_398.sfs; zdrv_398.sfs; initrd.gz and vmlinuz are in (hda6)/puppy398

    Code: Select all

    title Puppy 4 beta 1
    rootnoverify (hd0,5)
    kernel (hd0,5)/puppy398/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd psubdir=puppy398
    initrd (hd0,5)/puppy398/initrd.gz
Béèm wrote:I can try again with a swap file actif but as I can't get a pup_save to be created it seems to me, it's a waist of time.
Yes, I know. The same happened to me with Dingo alpha 7.

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008, 19:37
by Béèm
This is the wording for the hal install:
wow wrote:If it has only one icon for 'Network' HAL was not correctly installed(you must add the 'haldaemon' group and user before install HAL). The first step(start without any pup_save) is a must.
Can you expand on that hal install?
How is it done?

Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 23:39
by wow
Béèm wrote:Can you expand on that hal install?
How is it done?
It's simple, HAL is already installed in the SFS. However it will not work if "haldaemon"(user and group) wasn't created. (yes, I know that I could compile HAL to use the root group and account, but that would cause more problems than it would solve.)

I did many tests before share this SFS and HAL sometimes refused to work if gnome.sfs was installed/mounted before add "haldaemon" or if it was installed to a previously created pup_save. So, to avoid problems to other users I had to write those install instructions.

Posted: Sat 26 Apr 2008, 21:00
by Chii
Hmm this is really great! The only reason I was considering to change to one of the big distros is because of gnome, but sure enough, it is here now!

I only have one problem at the moment: It will not let me edit files on an ntfs system. Is there a way I can remedy this? (It says i dont have the permissions and I can't really change 'em)

Posted: Sun 27 Apr 2008, 00:38
by Eyes-Only
Hi Chii, and welcome to the Puppy Kennels! :)

This is really odd and perplexing what you've brought up here because by default one is automatically logged in as "Root" in Puppy, which means the user has full-control of his/her computer. This is one of THE main reasons why I adore Puppy so much after nearly 20 years of total control of my machines. (What a shock the first time a computer told me I couldn't do something! It nearly flew out the window beside me! :evil: )

One thing, however Chii, and that is that Puppy DOES allow for a "standard user" whose name is "spot". I can't exactly recall how it's done but I believe you logout and on the command line (out of GUI/desktop that is) login as Puppyuser "spot" and then restart the GUI. Did you happen to do anything at all line that along the way as an experiment and forget to log back in as Root? I'm wondering if that may make a difference here?

The only other thing I could think of is this: And that is if your NTFS drive needs defragging---Linux will permit you to mount that filesystem as "Read Only" so that you can at least see pics and read files, but it will forbid working with files, saving to the drive, and other actions.

So try and see whether you're able to SAVE a file to your NTFS partition (and make sure it's really there). If it won't then chances are you may just need a defrag of the NTFS system.

That's the biggest problem working with NTFS is that M$ refuses to share with anyone how it really works so the code in Linux to work with it is mostly reverse engineering and a lot of guesswork hence why it's so flakey trying to interface with it from what I understand anyway. Too bad, eh? :(

I hope this has helped until someone with more knowledge than myself happens by!



Posted: Sun 27 Apr 2008, 04:59
by Chii
Aw thankyou! I'm so happy to be here ^^

I tried the defrag but to no avail, however i did get it working somehow. See, I went into pup mounter and unmounted and remounted it. It worked great!

However!! If i mount it by double clicking My Computer in Gnome, it does not permit me to write to it! Is this a gnome bug? If not, how can I make it so it doesnt happen?


Posted: Mon 28 Apr 2008, 00:28
by wow
Chii wrote:I only have one problem at the moment: It will not let me edit files on an ntfs system. Is there a way I can remedy this? (It says i dont have the permissions and I can't really change 'em)
If pmount can mount it read/write you can search the line which mounts ntfs partitions in pmount's code and add its mount options to gnome-mount (right clic on the drive icon >Properties>Drive>Settings>Mount Options)

Posted: Wed 30 Apr 2008, 01:04
by wow
@Chii: Forget what I said about pmount code, the problem is caused by HotPup when it adds an NTFS partition to /etc/fstab like this: "/dev/<device> ntfs default 0 0". It can be mounted read/write if you replace "ntfs" with "ntfs-3g" or if you remove that NTFS partition from /etc/fstab.
To solve this you can write an small script to replace that "ntfs" string or remove every ntfs partition, then add it as a "New Startup Program"(System>Preferences>Sessions).
Example script:

Code: Select all

#Remove every line containing "ntfs" from "/etc/fstab":
mv -f $FILE $FILE.bak
grep -viw ntfs $FILE.bak > $FILE

Posted: Wed 30 Apr 2008, 08:23
by HairyWill
good catch wow, that works for me
looking at /etc/HotPup/add_device_to_fstab in dingo beta 2 I see

Code: Select all

fsfunc() { # supplied with a line of text, sets FSTYPE
case "$@" in 
#	*iso9660*) FSTYPE="iso9660" ; return 0;;
	*Ext3*) FSTYPE="ext3" ; return 0;;
	*Ext2*) FSTYPE="ext2" ; return 0;;
	*NTFS*) FSTYPE="ntfs" ; return 0;; ## needs my modified "mount"
are we using dougal's modified mount, there is nothing in the comments at the top that indicate so. I wonder if setting
avoids the problem or maybe there should be an exception in the code that makes the fstab entry so that it handles ntfs differently?

What do you think?