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Posted: Thu 20 Mar 2008, 22:51
by The Hamsters
go to usr/sbin/xorgwizard ->right click ->open with mousepad -> press "ctrl + j" and go to line 365- 369 and replace:

Option \"XkbRules\" \"xorg\"
Option \"XkbModel\" \"pc102\"
Option \"XkbLayout\" \"$XKEYMAP,gr\" #xkeymap0
Option \"XkbVariant\" \",extended\"
Option \"XkbOptions\" \"grp:alt_shift_toggle\""


Option \"XkbRules\" \"xorg\"
Option \"XkbModel\" \"pc102\"
Option \"XkbLayout\" \"$XKEYMAP\" #xkeymap0"

save and exit.
then just double click on usr/sbin/xorgwizard.

then: menu->setup->mouse/keybord wizard->advanced xorg keybord wizard->layouts->"your choice"->layout variants->"your choice"
finally press "yes".
go to options to select how to change group.
thats all.

Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2008, 03:36
by prit1
I must admit I really love your green theme and looks all through. I might keep this on my hard disk. Very professional and good looking puppy version. Great job.

I am yet to try out all the programs.

Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2008, 13:15
by PEddie

great one, perfect look with nice crispy fonts.
downloaded and figured out some points.

using CHOOSELOCATE is not bring up the point like in the old version of happy linux.
I can connect and choose DE@EURO but the desktop still stays in the base configuration.
The same result is happen, if I try to change the keyboard layout using MOUSE/KEBOARD WIZZARD.

...and, maybee it is a little bit subjective, it seems, that this version is a little bit slower than the happy before. Maybee it depend on the theme but no idea at all.

But in total, a very nice done, zou guys have a very well feeling of colors, themes and crispy fonts.

Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2008, 19:11
by Béèm
PEddie wrote:@Hamsters

great one, perfect look with nice crispy fonts.
downloaded and figured out some points.

using CHOOSELOCATE is not bring up the point like in the old version of happy linux.
I can connect and choose DE@EURO but the desktop still stays in the base configuration.
The same result is happen, if I try to change the keyboard layout using MOUSE/KEBOARD WIZZARD.

...and, maybee it is a little bit subjective, it seems, that this version is a little bit slower than the happy before. Maybee it depend on the theme but no idea at all.

But in total, a very nice done, zou guys have a very well feeling of colors, themes and crispy fonts.
I have the same problem trying to change to the Belgian keyboard.
On loading I see the message that it loads the Belgian keyboard, but in reality it's still us.

Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2008, 19:17
by Béèm
So I have been experimenting a bit more with HL.
Went into the panel manager and put the panels at my favorite place, being at the left side. On at the top the other at the bottom and whoops, no panels anymore. I can right-click to call the menu, but when selecting panel manager, it doesn't start. Even on a fresh boot I have no more panels.

For the rest the approach is very nice.

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2008, 00:37
by The Hamsters
@Beem: download the file , unzip it and put it at usr/share/locale.
now choose the language you want.
note:if you want just copy the file of your language and put it to usr/share/locale.
The file:

please try again for the keybord layout after you do the above.please use the instructions from my previous post.
to change keybord layout use "alt+shift".this is the default.of course you change that.
for your panel problem please give me some time to fix it.
help us to make HL better.Reffer any bugs.

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2008, 11:29
by xekarfwtos

for the keyboard layout, first you need to edit xorgwizard script (as mentioned above).
Change the keyboard layout using MOUSE/KEBOARD WIZZARD.
Then go to menu->setup->xorg video wizard and select the button in xorgwizard box
The xorgwizard script will run and load the correct keyboard layout for you.

xekarfwtos (member of The Hamsters)

Posted: Sun 23 Mar 2008, 22:15
by Béèm
Thank you, I'll try this.

Just one more thing.
I use very often notecase. It has become my electronic notebook of choice.
I am missing this in happy linux.

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2008, 08:20
by xekarfwtos
Béèm wrote:Thank you, I'll try this.

Just one more thing.
I use very often notecase. It has become my electronic notebook of choice.
I am missing this in happy linux.
It is easy to install notecase using petget. We will think about including it in the new iso.

Posted: Fri 28 Mar 2008, 09:37
by cthisbear
One annoyance in Happy.
I use Puppy to delete Windows files etc.

I cannot find a setting to stop the trash...I just want a straight delete.
Hyberfil.sys and pagefile.sys fail to delete .
This is a must have....copy and or move files...
to retrieve Windows data.

efaristo poli? ......Chris.

Posted: Fri 28 Mar 2008, 18:07
by Béèm
xekarfwtos wrote:@PEddie

for the keyboard layout, first you need to edit xorgwizard script (as mentioned above).
Change the keyboard layout using MOUSE/KEBOARD WIZZARD.
Then go to menu->setup->xorg video wizard and select the button in xorgwizard box
The xorgwizard script will run and load the correct keyboard layout for you.

xekarfwtos (member of The Hamsters)
Thank you , I am in azerty now.

Posted: Fri 28 Mar 2008, 18:25
by Béèm
Béèm wrote:So I have been experimenting a bit more with HL.
Went into the panel manager and put the panels at my favorite place, being at the left side. On at the top the other at the bottom and whoops, no panels anymore. I can right-click to call the menu, but when selecting panel manager, it doesn't start. Even on a fresh boot I have no more panels.

For the rest the approach is very nice.
Don't bother about the panels.
I found with pfind the command to execute 'xfce4-panel' and I have my two panels back.
Also I can execute again the panel manager.

So a strange thing has happened, but I know now how to repair.

Posted: Fri 28 Mar 2008, 18:37
by Béèm
xekarfwtos wrote:
Béèm wrote:Thank you, I'll try this.

Just one more thing.
I use very often notecase. It has become my electronic notebook of choice.
I am missing this in happy linux.
It is easy to install notecase using petget. We will think about including it in the new iso.
Installed the 1.5.8 found on ibiblio.
It's working ok.
Good you consider adding it in a next release.

Posted: Fri 28 Mar 2008, 19:37
by The Hamsters
you can use "shift+delete" but be careful!

parakalo (you're welcome)

yes there is no problem with panels. go to menu->settings->panel manager and you can do what ever you want.
try "osmo" calendar. excellent program. i don't who made it but it's the best.

Posted: Fri 28 Mar 2008, 22:25
by Béèm
I left the PC unattended with Firefox open and connected to internet.
All of a sudden I see a panel saying: Firefox is being updated please close Firefox and any other running program.
So I did.

After a while seeing that nothing happened, I started Firefox again, but it didn't run.
Executed Firefox from a rxvt and got the msg: /usr/lib/firefox/ line 131: 3358 Segmentation fault '$prog" ${1+"$@"}

What should I do?
Delete ./mozilla/firefox?

same problem in DSL

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 20:47
by Boo2themoon
I just had the same problem in DSL 2008.
The panels disappeared and after restarting them with xfce4-panel Firefox would not start.
Typing firefox into the console did nothing and when I tried to open the mozilla folder the computer froze.
After rebooting a couple of times everything is ok again.
Strange, seems xfce4 panel manager has a bug.