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Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2008, 10:45
by Lobster
Lob, I think you're a tad confused. It happens.
Yes I am confused :?
Happens all the time

The names are not important or the numbers
The point I am making is the Next Puppy can have both 2.14 and Dingo code and from puplets and still be the next Puppy - Barry was even hinting a community edition would be a full Puppy. In that sense it might be 3.02

I suggest a co-leadership of the 3.xx series CE development between ttuuxxx and tronkel. Jack is happier in the background contributing ideas and C++ code, while ttuuxxx knows how to develop multiple versions and we now find out he also has project leadership qualifications.
That all sounds ideal if everyone is agreeable and the wiki
can be amended :)

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2008, 16:00
by ttuuxxx
I'm Just wondering if anyone has a forum that could be locked and only team members of puppy ce would have a password, so we can have discussions amongst ourselves. Its nice having open forums but it does take some of the surprise away from our fans. We also could divide the forum into sections, like graphics, packages, bugs, ideas, etc, then finally arrange the subsection into chronological order. So we all know what has to be done by who and when.

just an idea :)

oh ya one quick note
I think puppy 302 should of been called "BOSS" like the mustang or "Shotgun" like the shotgun, lol those are real manly names, oh well maybe puppy 3.51 "Cleavland" or "Windsor" or "Modified" lol I love my fords mustangs.
And for the puppy 4.0 series we could have a 4.27 Cobra Ce.

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2008, 16:23
by alienjeff
ttuuxxx wrote:I'm Just wondering if anyone has a forum that could be locked and only team members of puppy ce would have a password, so we can have discussions amongst ourselves.
Take a look at that again and see if you can spot a paradox. Hints: "open" source software, "community" edition.
Its nice having open forums but it does take some of the surprise away from our fans.
Your fans? Before you get too involved, ttuuxxx, it would behoove you to get your ego in check.

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2008, 16:37
by ttuuxxx
alienjeff wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:I'm Just wondering if anyone has a forum that could be locked and only team members of puppy ce would have a password, so we can have discussions amongst ourselves.
Take a look at that again and see if you can spot a paradox. Hints: "open" source software, "community" edition.
Its nice having open forums but it does take some of the surprise away from our fans.
Your fans? Before you get too involved, ttuuxxx, it would behoove you to get your ego in check.
now now Alien

I get tons of emails, mostly compliments on my Variants, People asking for more, etc. Sure I'm no Paris Hilton, but you haven't seen me in a bikini:)

ps i don't wear bikinis

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2008, 22:04
by cthisbear
" I'm Just wondering if anyone has a forum that could be locked and only team members of puppy ce would have a password. "

ttuuxxx.......bad hair day.....weird to say the least.....isn't that why we PM.
Not being nasty to I have told you before really liked your
FireHydrant 3.01C.

Open Source should equal Open Thoughts.


Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 01:15
by alienjeff
Either you don't know the definition of the word "forum" or you're choosing to ignore said definition. Which is it?

This may not matter to your minions but it does to me, and I suspect some others.

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 03:19
by Eyes-Only
Umm... I have to very strongly agree with Jeff and Chris on this one. This is the entire idea behind "Community Edition": It's because the entire Puppy Community colaborated together to make the edition being put out. Reviewing the history of Community Editions here and you'll discover that none were created in a vacuum.

Just my 2 pieces of wampum anyway for what it's worth.



Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 04:11
by wingruntled
ttuuxxx wrote:
I'm Just wondering if anyone has a forum that could be locked and only team members of puppy ce would have a password, so we can have discussions amongst ourselves.
I have been involved in development of new software and I have to agree with ttuuxxx 100% on his question. To tell you the truth I am very surprised there isn't a closed/hidden forum setup for the developers already. Nothing can be more distracting as a bunch of misc opinions from none developers (such as myself in this case).
Others opinions and bug reports come in after the developers release an alpha. It's them when all can have constructive input into the project.
As the old saying goes.
Too many cooks spoil the brew.

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 04:59
by ttuuxxx
wingruntled wrote:ttuuxxx wrote:
I'm Just wondering if anyone has a forum that could be locked and only team members of puppy ce would have a password, so we can have discussions amongst ourselves.
I have been involved in development of new software and I have to agree with ttuuxxx 100% on his question. To tell you the truth I am very surprised there isn't a closed/hidden forum setup for the developers already. Nothing can be more distracting as a bunch of misc opinions from none developers (such as myself in this case).
Others opinions and bug reports come in after the developers release an alpha. It's them when all can have constructive input into the project.
As the old saying goes.
Too many cooks spoil the brew.
Thats the stuff I'm talking about, A forum to get organized, without distractions, just straight down to business, The roles of everybody involved, maybe contact info like emails etc, lets face it PM aren't that good on here, your inbox gets full after 30 or so, kind of useless, Plus just tossing ideas around, and once we make a Alpha and then release it to the public and get the feedback. I'm not talking 100% lock-down mode. But less distractions gets more work done, I used to use the #1 puppylinux chat all the time and I had no time for anything else, Once I left the chat, I noticed how much more stuff i could do, now i only visit it on occasions, And let me tell you I get way more done.
A forum is perfect just for group posting, meeting notes in hard copy where we don't have to sort hundreds of other peoples postings. Really we are here to get the job done as quick as possible with the highest quality of standards.


Ps my website is finally up again, :)x100000

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 05:07
by alienjeff
To categorize community input as "distractions" is pompous at best, and arrogant at worst.

The forum and IRC are two completely different animals. Don't be an elitist.

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 06:54
by cthisbear
" Too many cooks spoil the brew. "

Perhaps we are forgetting another cuisine maxim.
" The chef is only as good as his waiter allows. "

" awry

1. Turned or twisted toward one side; not in a straight or true direction, or position; out of the right course; distorted; obliquely; asquint; with oblique vision; as, to glance awry.

2. Aside from the line of truth, or right reason; unreasonable or unreasonably; perverse or perversely. "


The mere fact that I am in agreement with alienjeff shows that the above may be in vogue.
Maybe this should be the plot or has someone done this before.

" The family often communicates with their off world (and usually unseen) boss, "The Big Giant Head", (BGH) who apparently only got the job by kissing "The Big Giant Butt".
When in human form, "The Big Giant Head" (William Shatner) is an arrogant, alcoholic sexual predator.
His orders are received by Harry, who unexpectedly (and often in inconvenient circumstances) stands erect, his arms stiff (acting as the antenna), and proclaims: "Incoming message from the Big Giant Head"

(originally, Harry did not have a purpose on the mission at all, but it was later revealed that he has a transmitter implanted in his brain which allows contact with the BGH. To make himself seem important, he subsequently described himself as the "communications officer").

Of course no reflection on anyone......a sense of proportionate humour may assist.


Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 08:30
by tronkel
ttuuxxx wrote:
I'm Just wondering if anyone has a forum that could be locked and only team members of puppy ce would have a password
I can see where ttuuxxx is coming from here. In order to get on with the job, you need an environment that is free from the responsibility of having to field all sorts of questions from other forum members about problems and requests for stuff.

There is though a way to have your cake and eat it here.

It's possible to keep the whole thing open if someone in the community is prepared to take on the role of "Press Spokesman"

His job would involve dealing with all of the questions and queries submitted by other forum members. This way, the people who are doing the building work don't even have to look much at the forum while they are otherwise engaged in the job they do best i.e. building the thing. Also just as important - the whole thing is visible to the community - nothing hidden.

Any takers?

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 09:15
by alienjeff
Enter disenchantment. Ciao.

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 13:36
by Caneri
My wife found this...this is not an endorsement just a link.

Might be of some use.


Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 13:55
by 2byte

This is a decent, free forum if you decide to go that route.

launchpad and googlemail

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 14:22
by raffy
Launchpad is a useful project development site. It just requires some familiarization. I haven't used it long enough to tell whether email exchange among members would still be needed.

For exchanging information among developers, googlemail should be able to give each subscribed member a threaded discussion by topic (as long as nobody changes the subject (topic) line).

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2008, 14:30
by wingruntled
tronkel or ??
You may want to talk to John Murga. The below quote is from the phpBB community.
Re: Make a forum readable/postable but invisible

Postby Lumpy Burgertushie on Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:09 am
create a forum, make it private/hidden

create a group that will have access to that hidden forum.
put everyone you want to be able to view/post, etc. that forum in that group.

only give those people the link to that forum/

I think this will do what you want.

This is the way we use to do it. Close to home :)

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2008, 02:31
by Pizzasgood
I agree with AJ. A hidden private forum is a Bad Idea. But I do see where having a separate (but not hidden) place for the actual developers to discuss their development related stuff would be nice. Someplace where threads won't be mixed with other unrelated threads, making coordination easier. By "development related" I mean the actual coding and implementing, not the discussion. Because for example, say I modify the install scripts. Anybody else who needs to add a modification to them is going to need to be aware of the work I do so we don't wind up breaking each other's stuff. Having a place to keep all this stuff and nothing else would make it much easier to track each other and know what's going on.

Because I'm confused and have been too busy to keep track lately, has it been cleared up about the whole 2.xx and 3.xx thing now? Are we now doing both 2.xx and a 3.xx CEs?

And for the record, I probably won't be participating much in either of these. I've been messing with Puppy too much for too long, and neglected a bunch of other things. I have given myself an ultimatum to have my Pebble and Isolinux/Syslinux stuff completely done by Sunday, at least for Ecomoney's project. I'll also get it all working for 3.01 (mostly is already). Depending on the time then, I might take a look at 3.02, but I really don't have the time for people to keep changing the rules on me like this. Chances are porting it from 3.01 to 3.02 will be trivial, so I'm not going to make that a high priority. Any monkey with Geany and TkDiff could do it, unless Barry changed the boot and install scripts significantly, in which case it would need to be a monkey who understands BASH a little bit.

For that matter, I don't even know if the 3.xx group wants that stuff in the first place. I'll do it for 3.01 regardless though.

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2008, 02:47
by Eyes-Only
Well, wonders of wonders even I agree with AJ on this. And just like he, "I came, I saw, I departed."

Not like it's a big loss as I couldn't have done anything anyway but perhaps test. But I'm not even gonna watch the link now. I'm more good somewhere else on the forum.



Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2008, 04:39
by Lobster
2.xx and a 3.xx CEs?
"Talking Stick" CE
(maximum stability for older hardware) based on Puppy 2.14r (retro)
"Ive cleared the decks in terms of my (ecomoney's) other work, and will be full-time on the job from now on until it is completed." Robert

Robert' who produces EcoPup is project leader

There is also a 3.xx CE series being planned