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Posted: Fri 18 Jan 2008, 19:26
by MU
I updated the Addons and the build-system.
So if you use the new files, the update-dotpup is not needed.

The full Isos still build, I then will try again to upload to
If that is too slow again, I'll upload to


Posted: Fri 18 Jan 2008, 21:32
by MU
ok, everything uploaded, also the big "Standard"-Isos :-)


Posted: Sat 19 Jan 2008, 07:10
by MU
I had to rebuild the isos, as there was a bug in the shutdown script.
Let me know, if you already downloaded one, then I tell you how to fix it.
I also moved them to new subfolders to get not confused by all those files.

The build-system for developers still uploads, the rest is done.

Posted: Sat 19 Jan 2008, 09:14
by MU
I'm now uploading also to:

It will take around 2 hours until upload has finished.
I will add the build-system there after some sleep.

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2008, 17:30
by trapster

Code: Select all

# wget -c --referer=
           => `Mini-Muppy-008-EN.iso'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
12:25:34 ERROR 404: Not Found.


Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 05:07
by Tui
Anyone know how I can get a d/l copy of this one I
have had three goes at it without luck. Is there another server
to try? I have tried the suggestions made. Last being " wget -c "
a no go there.

I have run out of my monthly quota with thes 3 d/l almost completed.

Any help please?


Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 08:08
by MU
files were moved.


Code: Select all

wget -c --referer=
Or use Caneries mirror:

Code: Select all

wget -c

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 09:24
by jonyo
Ok, just managed do get dloads of mini & full 08. Canuck site seems way faster but had multiple interrupted dloads from both including some bad ones. Don't think I got a full dload from mu's site; kept stopping completely (sometimes when almost done..). I used opera for the dloads.

MD5 checks out for both but not getting the same # for the sfs package & got it twice from 2 separate dloads.
- # 85f396fbef8bf3a2899c066da1348693. Could someone verify?
Both sites show that it should be # 39732c5de4d37983227218c8574d4c45

I'll be testing out full 08 on a gateway mt3705 lap with intel dual core mobile pentium (think 1.6) processor, ati radeon xpress 200m graphics & a gig of ram. Wifi is r8185 & I'll be running live cd with a save file to (vista's on it) HD.

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 09:43
by Caneri

yup..the server has been hammered for the last while....and I need to correct this.

Unfortunately it will cause some problems in East Asia.

I'm still pondering what my solution will be..but probably it's not going to be a happy compromise...sheesh


Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 10:10
by MU
jonyo, 85f396fbef8bf3a2899c066da1348693 is correct.
I just uploaded a wrong .md5.txt.
I'll replace it with the correct one now.
Sorry and thanks.

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 11:31
by jonyo
Ok thx. Got the wifi going via linksys (think wusb 54g) usb adapter for now with a native rt2570 driver that auto loads and using rutilt with wep 64 hex.. Net wiz didn't work for that setup. There's a dodpet for r8185 (which is onboard) but haven't sorted that out & dunno at this point how it works? Pup auto loads r8180 & it can see the network, but I can't connect to it.

Main problem I have right now is no sound (tried the normal stuff), but shouldn't be a huge prob cos I do have sound with tmxxine 3.01. :) Looking for any tips on how to sort it out though? I'll search out some info in the meantime.. It's quite exciting as it is the first time I have sound on the lap..with ANY linux & I've tried many.

The only other minor problem is when a driver is loaded with ndiss, but is no good & has to be unloaded, the box that comes up to indicate that is half in German. :? My Sprechen Zie Deutsch :P is not too swift.. lol.
there was a bug in the shutdown script
I think some funny scripts are showing up on shutdown..but not sure at this point. At any rate, 'pute's shutting down fine & running good so far. :)

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 13:02
by MU
can you please post a screennshot of the german text? :shock:
You really downloaded the EN -Iso?

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 13:06
by MU
I think some funny scripts are showing up on shutdown
It displays a message what mounted partitions are unmounted, and what swap-partitions (Swapoff).
I added this, because on some systems it can last a while until they are unmounted.
So you see that it still works, and does not hang.

Is it this?
You should see something similar to:
unmounting ...
Swapoff /dev/...


Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2008, 20:19
by MU
I updated the german Mini-Muppy on both servers.
The big ones still upload, I'll report back when it is done.
the german seamonkey was incompatible with other addons.
I updated Puppys seamonkey now.
Also added "skipstone", another browser that needs seamonkeys libraries.
And the mplayer-plugin.

English Muppy-Users can install skipstone with a simple dotpup, see:


Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 10:50
by MU
All isos and addons and the buildsystem are updated now to the same state.
This will remain for some days or weeks.

This includes the Mplayer-Plugins, OpenOfiice 2.3.1 (formerly 2.3.0), Skipstone, fixed german seamonkey.

My colleague Stefan will have a look, too, but if he finds nothing important, this will be the next "stable" release we officially will offer at
The page there is updated less often as the forum-threads, where I announce also minor changes.


Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 18:11
by jonyo

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 18:50
by MU
hehe, oh yes I had forgotten to add my latest translation update.
The next iso will have it corrected.
It should be just this one sentence:
NOINTERFACES="No new interfaces were detected."

Line 63 in /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/

Many thanks for this hint, jonyo :)

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 19:00
by jonyo
Installed skipstone & working ok. I'll be upgrading to the latest seamonkey (1.1.2 right now). Not sure how to deal with the mplayer plugin?

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 19:12
by MU
You don't need to update seamonkey, just the german was broken.
Of course you can, if you prefer to have 1.1.7.
I was told that 1.12 is faster, so I kept it.
I'm also not shure, if skipstone works with 1.17.

The mplayer-plugin has a menu-entry in "internet".
That opens a dialog.
Here you can select, if you want to use it in Firefox, Seamonkey, or both.
If you click on "off", it is deactivated.
Then the default-applications will be used again.
For example Mplayer (as external program, not embedded in the browser).
Then some movies are not streamed, but must be downloaded completely to watch them.
This is, what the plugin avoids, it can stream sites.

See screenshot and Page to test it here:

It tells you to visit:

In the left box there, you see MPEG1 .
If you click on that without the plugin, that will be downloaded to disk.
If the plugin is active, the movie is displayed immedeatly in a rectangular area in your webbrowser (as stream).


Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2008, 19:22
by jonyo
Ok, Just stumbled on Expose2 window overview..neat! Option comes up when the cursor is at the top of the screen.

Not sure yet at this point if this problem extends to other stuff but when I try to move the clock on the desktop (click on it, hold & drag to another spot), often doesn't work the first time.