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Posted: Sat 28 Jul 2007, 20:49
by Rhino
My plan is to attempt again to shrink this down to a smaller size by removing SeaMonkey and install Firefox or maybe even Flock as the browser. My concern is getting the streaming audio and video playback to work well. Gxine and the standard Puppy work quite well, but I'm not sure about getting all of those to work with Gxine in Firefox. I may have to play around with MPlayer a bit.

Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Posted: Sun 29 Jul 2007, 01:55
by Lobster
Flock is a good idea as it ties in with what you are doing and is forked from Firefox 1
We do not have a Flock based Puppy and getting in now and collaberating with the Flock people could get you publicity and support from them . . .

Mplayer is a good idea too

I would suggest one more thing . . .

In my opinion the most innovative and useful current puplet is Warrens Ezpup

You could do something similar with myPup

Flock + TV/web2 + link updates :)

This requires a different way of thinking about things. At the moment many people (including me) are creating their own puplets based on versions of Puppy. For various reasons the interest wanes and the innovations are forgotten and continuity is lost :? .

The ideas and effects in Ezpup enhance; adding to Puppy. By combining Ezpup and the latest version of Puppy, Warren (WhoDo) still has a distro . . .

In a similar way Rhino, you can offer a small easy to upload upgrade AND a distro

Hope this makes sense. Whatever you decide good luck :)

Posted: Fri 03 Aug 2007, 14:18
by Rhino
So far my tests with Flock are a little disappointing. It seems to crash occasionally in odd places. Fortunately, the flash stuff seems to work well. but I think the problem lies with incorporating the video plugins. It is probably more my fault than Flock's actually.

Flock is actually pretty neat. I hadn't tried it in some time. It has lots of stuff for blogging, pictures, and video.

I'll keep you all posted on the progress!


Posted: Sat 04 Aug 2007, 23:27
by edoc
Rhino wrote:So far my tests with Flock are a little disappointing. It seems to crash occasionally in odd places. Fortunately, the flash stuff seems to work well. but I think the problem lies with incorporating the video plugins. It is probably more my fault than Flock's actually. Rhino
Have you looked at Gnash?

online apps

Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007, 05:08
by Lobster
Any news?

meanwhile some more online apps

Online apps

Posted: Wed 15 Aug 2007, 21:28
by Boo2themoon
Hi all,
Another newbie here (Bill must be getting worried by now).
I have been trying to get free of Windows for a while now and the final hurdle for me was syncing my phone contacts. Calendar, to-do’s and notes with Linux. I couldn’t find a newbie way to do it. Until now.

Mobical web base pim. Website
Review ... calnet.php

Ok here is the rub, while the Mobical service is completely free, it will cost you mobile data charges when you sync. Here in the UK this is not too expensive as mobile operators like Vodafone now charge (I am advised) around 7p per mb on “pay as you go

Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007, 15:48
by klu9
Not sure if y'all know about the Office2.0 Database ( ) which lists many online productivity apps.

Some more info:
Back ground: ... ase-redux/
Rationale: ... office-20/

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2007, 03:16
by Rhino
Thanks for the great links Lobster and klu9. They should offer some nice improvements.

I'm waiting for Barry to release 2.18 before I release myPup again, so that I can take advantage of many of the bugfixes he has reported on his forum.

The more I use myPup, the more I am convinced this is a very worthwhile direction for a puplet.

Thanks guys!


Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2007, 16:46
by distortedstar
This a great project. While not really my cup of tea (I'm really a desktop app man), I know so many people that this would be perfect for. Thanks for making this contribution to the community!

myPup: Good Stuff!

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2007, 02:31
by laika
i just graduated from dial-up a couple of days ago and downloaded myPup (from SimplePup), and i'm loving it! so far, everything i need has worked without tweaking (i had to drop back to pppoe-setup to connect, but that was no biggee).

yeah, myPup is nice and uncluttered, and it looks very nice right out of the box. i'm not familiar with JWM (been using XFce with SimplePup), but it looks fine and it's responsive, and wbar is pretty cool, too.

i'm really enjoying myPup! thanks for making myPup free and available!

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2007, 02:58
by Rhino
Thanks! Please let me know of any suggestions for improvement or problems you run into and I will attempt to address them in the beta version. I'm very pleased to hear that the myPup concept is working out for you!


Posted: Sun 02 Sep 2007, 10:13
by Bert

Thanks for this great puplet! I really like the way you designed it, with Wbar and your JWM interface.
Everything seems to work fine, except youtube videos freeze after the first 10 seconds.

Looking forward to the next myPup!

best regards,

Posted: Sun 09 Sep 2007, 02:37
by laika
Rhino wrote:My plan is to attempt again to shrink this down to a smaller size by removing SeaMonkey and install Firefox or maybe even Flock as the browser.
i would've preferred Firefox on myPup. Seamonkey works great, but i don't need the mail and editor and such. to me, Firefox (haven't tried Flock) would seem more in keeping with your Web 2.0 idea.

this is certainly not a complaint, though :D

Posted: Sun 16 Sep 2007, 04:49
by blakamin
I cant wait for the next release!!!!


Posted: Mon 17 Sep 2007, 01:11
by Rhino
I will be checking out the latest new puppies to see if I can base it off of one of those, or if I'm better to keep it at 2.16.

I would like myPup to have some differences from the original puppy. I had also given some thought to basing it off of grafpup which has a little more polish to it and feels more "finished" than a standard puppy. I like grafpup's use of openbox.

It would be great if someone could write a script that would allow a user to make a new desktop or menu link where the user is prompted to pick a url and an icon and it creates the icon on the desktop and a menu entry.

I'm not a programmer, but it seems within the realm of possibility. If there are any takers, please send me a pm or just post here.

I hope to get rolling on a new release in the next couple of weeks. My wife is in the middle of her chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer and both of my kids are playing soccer this fall, so I don't have much time to play with puppy. I will be back on top of things asap. Even with that, I've decided I might complete my chemistry degree (already have a Master's in Biology) so...time is precious.

Posted: Mon 17 Sep 2007, 02:42
by Lobster
Grafpup or possibly NOP + something like

with rhino innovations

sounds good to me :D

Essiac might be helpful to your wife

Posted: Tue 18 Sep 2007, 20:49
by Rhino
Good news from the Google folks! Now they have a simple presentation app in their Google Docs and Spread. has always had that, but it requires java for some functionality. I will be testing the Google Presentation app and see what happens. I would really like to keep away from java and leave it as a d/l it only if you need it.

Re: Rhino and XUL online

Posted: Tue 18 Sep 2007, 21:00
by Flash
Rhino wrote:...Does anyone know how to open mozilla in a windowed mode from the command line?

Instead of:

Code: Select all

# mozstart
is there anything to add to the end such as:

Code: Select all

# mozstart -runina#$%*&#$%window
ROFL :lol:

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2007, 20:24
by ?xunil
can not get it to download fully.

Posted: Sat 22 Sep 2007, 23:55
by Rhino
I'm having the same problem...must be a server issue. As far as I know that is the only place that it is currently hosted. MU may be able to shed some light on why the d/l is not working properly. He very graciously hosts a lot of our puplets.