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Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 06:13
by John Doe
I imagine right now he's pretty cheesed off with all the crap from various individuals.
agreed. I could imagine that also.

As mentioned, his resolve to let it stand for what it is and support the greater cause is also noted over here. All well said above.

Several of the individuals that seemed to raise the most decent also seemed to have mentioned in their reasoning not getting mod status. This troubles me because it seems like poor logic. It seems they expected rather than respected. It takes a lot of work to run a server and forum of this nature, not to mention the level of trust that goes into allowing people elevated levels of access.

Perhaps we should move everything to alt.os.linux.puppy? Would that be better?

I'm used to 10 years of usenet where no one mods and it's a free for all.

btw, let Gn2 back in. I noticed a juxtapos of two of my posts in a thread which Gn2 may have done to boaster an argument [weak at best] but I forgive and forget (maybe you could too).

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 09:14
by Ted Dog
alt.os.linux.puppy like the idea (the pan newreader pup is somewhere)

MS2K gave me a lot to think about over his stay here, but the DW piece, tarnished my image of his contribution. To borrow a line from a TV sitcom 'he's a bad breaker-upper' and to do this in that way is to give the most pain to those who have worked, and paid for a labor of love.
Nothing could hurt more, if he were a child, I could understand, little ones lass out like that, but adults should not !

Sage = loved your bit about PhDs I too, worked with two top science research labs over the years and that made me laugh. Must be true worldwide. But I would gladly work at either place again, great times <wipe tear>, ah great times!

Ok, I've wasted enough time here, MUST CHECK if 2.17preAlpha is release just yet....

Oh and If I must say, I love you guys in the most hetero way possible.

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 11:30
by Gekko
I personally don't like the layout of newsgroup. I hate the layout.

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 13:35
by PaulBx1
Geez, I can't believe even Lobster is getting a share of the slaps around here. :x

Silly to get into a snit because you weren't offered mod status. Now I've seen them all... :roll:
btw, let Gn2 back in. I noticed a juxtapos of two of my posts in a thread which Gn2 may have done to boaster an argument [weak at best] but I forgive and forget (maybe you could too).
I come at it from the opposite point of view. This forum is John Murga's property. He can ban anyone he wants, for any reason he wants. It's called "freedom of association", and private property rights.

I'm an admin on another forum, and we make it clear to those who join that we expect a net positive contribution from everyone. If any member gets abusive, or becomes continually disruptive or more trouble than they are worth, we boot them (after delivering a couple private warnings of course). We've had to do that maybe 3 or 4 times. It's one of the most civil forums I've been on.

If I were him, I'd boot not only gn2, but also Mark South. And a couple of others too. Yeah, they have made some useful contributions in the past (if you can figure out what the heck gn2 is talking about), but the forum owner does not need any more headaches than he already has. Mark really went beyond the pale with his DW rant.


Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 14:35
by raffy
we make it clear to those who join that we expect a net positive contribution from everyone
- that's a good forum reminder. :)

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 16:00
by Artie
I tried to promote the idea of a newsgroup a while ago but gave up since it seemed too difficult.


Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 16:34
by alienjeff
John Doe wrote:Several of the individuals that seemed to raise the most decent also seemed to have mentioned in their reasoning not getting mod status. This troubles me because it seems like poor logic.
Seems (ahem) you meant "dissent" and not "decent."


Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 17:16
by JohnMurga
Flash wrote:John, it looks like you have more friends than you knew. Don't lose sleep because some grouch says something bad about this forum, or Puppy, or you. For one thing, I doubt that many of the people this forum caters to will ever read it. And even if they do, most of them will make up their own minds. Who they gonna believe, him or their two lying eyes? :D
I know, the whole thing just caught me by surprise at a time when RealLife(TM) was also taking it's toll a little ...

Either way I am very touched by the support the forum and I have received.

And I calmed down a while ago :-)

Thanks to everyone


PS: And if Puppy gets more attention as a consequence, GREAT :-)

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 17:19
by jonyo
Maan..dunno how many times i've spelled it wrong :oops:
alienjeff wrote:
John Doe wrote:Several of the individuals that seemed to raise the most decent also seemed to have mentioned in their reasoning not getting mod status. This troubles me because it seems like poor logic.
Seems (ahem) you meant "dissent" and not "decent."


Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 19:24
by Dougal
John Doe wrote:Several of the individuals that seemed to raise the most decent also seemed to have mentioned in their reasoning not getting mod status.
What I don't understand is why anyone would want to be a moderator?
What's the great fun in having to read through everything that goes on in the forum, then decide if threads need to be moved to another section, or maybe renamed? And did that person say something "bad"? Great intellectual challenges.

A lengthy Amish exposition about his fantasy Puppy?
Lobster's detailed reply to MS's DWW article (especially before it was properly formatted -- which raises a question: are moderators moderated?)?
Some philosophical ramblings from Gn2, written in his unique style of shorthand?
Another manifesto from Kenny "I fried my brain on drugs as a teenager and now think I'm the Kwisatz Haderach" KLH?

All the above invoke the same reply from the "Page Down" button -- something a moderator does not have the privilege of...

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 19:46
by jonyo
I'd think the mods can only do so much & do not (cannot) read everything (no time).

Main job'd be when something..clearly, is gettin outa hand.

Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 20:37
by veronicathecow
Hi, John, I'm not active puppying at the moment due to work commitment but wanted to add my support for the fantastic forum that you run. I can only guess at how much time it has taken you. Without it I would have been stuck many times. I really don't have time to work out who said what etc, life to short to argue guys/girls so lets all choose to be the highest person we can and get on with making Puppy the best distro in the world for all users., Johns doing a great job, many many thanks.


Posted: Sat 30 Jun 2007, 22:13
by raffy
I posted this in the comments section of that Distrowatch article:
Clarification: This is to point out a basic difference in personal style, which can help readers understand why Mark South eventually felt alienated in the Puppy Linux forum. As I said earlier, Mark South is still a member in John Murga's forum - I hope this post helps him in some way.

Curious observers may want to see how Mark South's style sits with that of the bigger Puppy Linux forum community. The thread retrieved by PaulBx1 (see 267 above) is a good starting point:

That was ONE YEAR ago, so that was about the beginning of Mark's story. If you think about it, Mark South is unlikely to survive the forum for long because of his basic difference in style from that of the bigger Puppy community.


Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2007, 00:23
by willhunt
Ted Dog Wrote...........
alt.os.linux.puppy like the idea (the pan newreader pup is somewhere)
Now your talking post distro to newsgroup! let newsgroup servers take the
bandwidth hit and allow everyone to host there own distro just post to
newsgroup. Newsgroups are a really great way to allow everyone to share there
project because the newsgroup servers handle the bandwidth which in most
cases comes from your ISP so they are very fast!

you know all this bull over some "REAL" ppl releasing on there own dime
What IMHO is the best distro for getting M$ users to take the plung! just
really tick's you off!!

In the TWO years I've been posting and using puppylinux everyone has been
the greatest and this forum has been one of the most sanely run I have had
the privlage to participate in I could only wish to get this kind of support
anywhere else on the Net For Gratis!

I for one would like to thank "team Puppy" for making my linux experience
most enjoyable and a painless transition to linux Please keep up the Great

BTW: John if you really were reaping in what you sowed you would be a rich
man Indeed

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2007, 01:02
by GeoffS
I don't normally post to these threads however:-
Thank you very much John for hosting this forum - without it I would never have got myself going on Linux.
Thank you to everybody who has replied to my questions.
Thank you to everybody who has replied to all the questions, without you the forum would not exist. I should also thank those who ask the questions, without them the forum would not exist.
In all groups there are those who have abrasive personalities or are thoughtless and there will be those who are unduly sensitive. In fact, some of these traits would almost certainly go with the 'nerdy' type.
Accidents do happen (we are involved with computers :lol: ) and somebody will take it personally. Bad luck, it must not be allowed to destroy everybody else's enjoyment.
Thank you all,

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2007, 04:11
by WhoDo
Dougal wrote:Another manifesto from Kenny "I fried my brain on drugs as a teenager and now think I'm the Kwisatz Haderach" KLH?
:lol: Ah, Dune. Fascinating yet sometimes somnulent. You have me ROTFLMAO, Dougal! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2007, 04:58
by John Doe
alienjeff wrote:Seems (ahem) you meant "dissent" and not "decent."
That's funny. In retro perhaps it was a fraudian slip. (a/e ;-))

I was thinking while posting that that perhaps this was a great PR ploy.

Anyone else watching for the "MS2K Bumb" on distrowatch?

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2007, 05:15
by John Doe
PaulBx1 wrote:I come at it from the opposite point of view.
Thanks for the comment. Actually I agree with every bit of reasoning you gave. We actually have the same view.

Perhaps I should have dropped a '?' in that quote, at one point.

JohnM can do what he wants (and I'm not going to hold my breath or lash out). It was a request not an order.

Last time I mentioned it, it was shot down also by other friends. If the community doesn't want it, that's fine. I'll carry on. The only reason I repeated it was because I felt like there actually was a bit of genius in the caos.

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2007, 15:23
by jonyo
Hope a very small minority here are payin attention 8)... but doubt it :cry:
PaulBx1 wrote:I'm an admin on another forum, and we make it clear to those who join that we expect a net positive contribution from everyone. If any member gets abusive, or becomes continually disruptive or more trouble than they are worth, we boot them (after delivering a couple private warnings of course). We've had to do that maybe 3 or 4 times. It's one of the most civil forums I've been on.