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Posted: Sat 03 Mar 2007, 06:00
by john biles
Hello Gekko,
I am very interested in including Gtk-Gnutella in TEENpup.
At the moment I have already finalized TEENpup 1.0.0 and it will be available for download in a day ot two.
In a few weeks time I will Update TEENpup to 1.0.1 and include any new Dotpups that would suit TEENpup like Gtk-Gnutella does.

I want TEENpup to get better and better and become more useful.

So keep them coming.

Posted: Sat 03 Mar 2007, 06:07
by Gekko
I got linuxdcpp compiled!! Yay me :P
They are dotpets and just plain tar.gz's, ... 382#101382

I can't wait for this puplet :D

Posted: Sat 03 Mar 2007, 23:16
by MU
Have you seen?
It is ready for download :)


Posted: Sat 03 Mar 2007, 23:53
by john biles
Hello everyone,
Now that TEENpup1.0.0 is available for download, here's some more info.
TEENpup still uses Seamonkey as it browser like Puppy.
I have included a few Themes to brighten it up and some Plugins to make it more useful.
If you look at the screenshot of Seamonkey, you will see the "Nemesis" theme installed as well as the weather forecaster and flashgot plugins installed.

I hope you enjoy TEENpup as much as I do.

Linux Desktop the way it should be.

Posted: Sun 04 Mar 2007, 02:57
by Lobster

I had a feeling this was going to be good and it is.
I am running it now.
The last ime I was this impressed
with a puplet was the release of Simplepup.

I am running it OK at 1024 x 1280 (hope I got those numbers right for once)
The recommended 128MB of ram is also not possible for all.
For most people this will be a desktop Linux to use and enjoy.

A fishtank. All kinds of great programs:
Q-Cad, Scribus, Cinepaint, Xara, Audacity,
View Your Mind (I may get one just to use this),
Gizmo VOIP, Net Radio, Zaxxon game, Dosbox

Many people have worked hard to create Puppy,
the basis, the Dotpups, the support - so much care and attention . . .
. . . and then it all comes together in somethng like Teen Pup
This is Linux Desktop the way it should be.

I Love it :)

Posted: Sun 04 Mar 2007, 03:52
by john biles
Thanks Lobster,
This tells me 2 things, my iso works and there just might be a place for TEENpup in a Puppy world after all.

Thanks again for your comments :D

Posted: Sun 04 Mar 2007, 05:45
by Gekko
Next on the list is making it 2.14? :P

Posted: Sun 04 Mar 2007, 13:20
by john biles
Hello Gekko,
Both of your packages appear to work in TEENpup1.0.0
Linuxdcpp worked after installing Java as you said it needed.
gtk-gnutella also appeared to work with no problems
I will include them in the next TEENpup Update.

Hey Gekko thanks and if you think something else needs to be in TEENpup, please continue your fine work in making tarballs. :D

Posted: Mon 05 Mar 2007, 12:45
by mbutts
tried to download the iso over night. came in this morning and see it stopped midstream last night and discovered that the site bandwidth had been exceeded. bummer.... seems like i saw a place to donate for upgrade to site specs.... will have to check..... so ill patiently wait for things to get back to normal..... cant wait to try the new pup.... on the plus side of life, i found my coffee cup after about a minute of searching.... so me thinks it's going to be a great day! :wink:

Posted: Mon 05 Mar 2007, 18:49
by MU
In 5 hours the bandwith is back again (1 pm german time).
The 75 Gigabyte traffic-limit was reached today, most requests seem to have been for Teenpup.

Code: Select all

# Hits:
	Page URL: 	

Last Hit:
	/isos/2007-01-to-06/ 	2007-03-05
	/ 	2007-03-05
	/isos/ 	2007-03-05
	/isos/2007-01-to-06/teenpup1.0.0.iso.readme.htm 	2007-03-05
	/files/ 	2007-03-05
	/isos/2007-01-to-06/ 	2007-03-05
	/isos/2007-01-to-06/ 	2007-03-05
	/isos/Puppy2installer-for-WindowsXP/ 	2007-03-05
	/isos/2007-01-to-06/.md5.php 	2007-03-03
	/isos/2007-01-to-06/teenpup1.0.readme.htm 	2007-03-03

Code: Select all

   	 Uniques:  	 Pageviews:  	 Hits:  	 Transfer:
Today 	49 	23834 	31719 	92.88 GB
Sunday 	107 	520 	3196 	66.16 GB
Saturday 	26 	111 	518 	8.10 GB
Friday 	14 	69 	408 	13.53 GB
Thursday 	23 	132 	932 	41.73 GB
Wednesday 	22 	108 	645 	26.30 GB
Tuesday 	13 	86 	473 	20.36 GB
Monday 	35 	209 	768 	9.18 GB
Total: 	240 	1235 	6940 	185.36 GB
If I get some more donations, I'll ask servage for a bandwidth upgrade.


Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 00:26
by nibl
John, could you upload TEENpup to another server so there's an alternative?

Maybe puptrix?

I've forgotten who runs that ISO collection.

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 00:33
by Previously known as Guest
When I gain access to it, I can mirror for a bit.

PM me to upload to my server.

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 01:36
by john biles
Hello MU,
Sorry about using up your bandwith because of TEENpup.

How do I donate to you as I've never done it before.
Also as I am the only one that works in my family, I won't be able to donate for a few weeks. To many Bills at the moment.
I am very grateful that you have hosted my iso and will be donating ever so often.

Hello nibl, I'm on dial-up and uploaded the iso from work. I'm off today and I did it on the hush hush, so may not be able to do it again for awhile.

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 02:14
by nibl
Once I've got it I can upload it to a mirror if you like. At 226MB it is relatively large, so it might be an idea to use one of the larger mirrors even if they are slower. I wonder if somebody can't start a torrent?

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 04:10
by Gekko
I will gladly start a torrent later today, it will be uncompressed so those who have downloaded directly can help in the uploading efforts. I can only get 20kb/s upload so I'll need help :D

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 13:24
by john biles
Hello Gekko,
Update on gtk-gnutella, When the Program opens, it opens with the top and left side of the GUI out of screen. Which make it hard to use and close.
I am using 1024x768 screen resolution.


Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 15:56
by oldog1984
it has been awhile but if someone could help me i will put it on link track i use utorrent but i really don't rember how to set it up i can help upload at about 40 to 50 kbs i think.... thanks alot guys :D


Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 15:58
by oldog1984
linux tracker is what i ment

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 16:43
by nibl
Okay, I was able to download it now. I could also start a torrent and I have 512kbps upstream. Only I have no idea how to setup a torrent.

I'll have a look around for some mirrors so MU's site doesn't keep going over least not so fast.


Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 16:51
by oldog1984
well i was able to upload the torrent at
stillwould like to add a better Description and pics of it have to do more reading to try to firure that out.. anybody wants to help seed do so thank you :D