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Re: Perl without core modules?

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2018, 20:55
by perdido
h2-1 wrote:It looks like maybe stock Puppy ships without core features for Perl, that's not something I can fix. glob is a required tool, it can't work without it. I can work around individual core modules missing like Sys::Hostname but I can't work around actual core features not being present. Perl without core features/modules isn't very useful, so I'll leave this up to Puppy packagers, and make a note about the issue. Glob isn't a module, it's a function in Perl, it's part of perl itself, so if that is missing, there's nothing I can do beyond suggest the required devx package is added as a dependency of inxi in Puppy.

perdido, your example shows two possible bugs, first, a failure to show a charge of 0, that's an easy mistake to make in Perl, that should be corrected in 2.9.00-424-p

Second is something I've seen in two sets of output, and I can probably fix if someone whose pinxi optical drives show:

/dev/scd0 /dev/scd1 and so on. Those are links to the real /dev locations, and I can tell from the following what is happening there if you paste and run the following code in a terminal, and then show me the output:

Code: Select all

perl -ws -e 'my $f=readlink("/dev/scd0");print "$f\n";'
That is a link, which could be seen in the dev-links in the /dev/sr0 devices lines, so it's possible there's some small change in the output that the programming isn't handling.
No devx loaded.

Code: Select all

# perl -ws -e 'my $f=readlink("/dev/scd0");print "$f\n";'
This computer has a single optical drive.

For what its worth, the drives in puppy linux are in /mnt/ and not /dev/


Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2018, 22:33
by peebee
LxPupSc-18.03 now get: (downloaded to /root rather then /usr/local/bin)

Code: Select all

# ./pinxi 
Made: /root/.local/share/pinxi
Unknown PerlIO layer "scalar" at ./pinxi line 2959.
Error 32: Error opening data for reading: /bin/bash --version 2>/dev/null 
Error: No such file or directory
Woof-CE built pups have perl-tiny.... ... /FIXUPHACK

line #7 shows files included - is there.....

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2018, 23:03
by Terry H
pinxi runs fine OOTB against Stretch pup 7.5 and also the new bionic pup alpha, it doesn't require any interventions for perl. As shown above It doesn't run against slack based puppies as is.

As I have modern PC's the 'time' for pinxi vs inxi, is quicker, but inxi runs in under 3 seconds, so not that noticeable.

As for running with the devx. Puppy ships in basic format minus the tool chain and other development utilities and libraries. These are contained
in a squash file system file that can be loaded and unloaded on the fly as required to do development functions.

As for the repositories details, it would be best answered by a developer.

scalar is another core feature

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2018, 23:38
by h2-1
scalar is another core feature. The error messages people post are showing the first thing that makes the compilation fail. so some people had a missing Sys::Hostname some missing core feature glob, your example is missing core feature scalar.

While I can't comment on the wisdom of removing core features from a language, given Puppy's unique position as a very small distro, the fact is, it's not reasonable to expect any Perl program to work without Perl built in functions.

perdido, it does indeed make a difference re /mnt, or /dev mounts, or it may make a difference, to be on the safe side I tried filtering out mnt and media, but technically the data it's working on can't have /mnt in it unless the result you posted had been /mnt/sr0 not sr0 so I can't actually see where that's failing, but I tried a small fix just on the off chance that is the cause. I believe the /mnt thing is where the cd mounts however, and isn't related to /dev, which is where the kernel itself puts those identifiers.

oh, interesting

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2018, 23:41
by h2-1
Terry H, I had no idea that puppy was built with different core distro components, that's interesting.

Thanks for clarifying that. I'll have to leave the packagers to sort out those details.

On very old hardware, just FYI, the speed difference is very noticeable, on one ancient machine I have, it's about 23 seconds for inxi vs 12 seconds for pinxi, and pinxi is doing a lot more work internally.