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Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2016, 20:56
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Sailor.

To be perfectly honest, with Geoff's auto-updater it doesn't matter what version of FlashPlayer you've got installed; as long as you've got something for the script to check against & compare with, it'll always get you the up-to-date, current version. Simples!

It even offers you the current version of if you've got the beta of 23 installed.

And if you want 10.3, I believe there's a .pet for that one in Oscar's Smokey repo:-

Grab yrself a copy and keep it somewhere safe; that way you've always got it handy.


I've said it many times already, and I'll re-iterate it again; I hate having to use Adobe's players, of whatever flavour. But while there's still a multitude of sites that insist on using it, you don't have much option.

I think the funniest thing I actually came across the other day was a site that had a big banner at the top, saying 'If you insist on using that browser (IE, of course) on this site, don't expect to be able to navigate around the site. We loathe the way that Microsoft has attempted to manipulate the web for its own devices, so this is our way of saying f*** you, M$.'

Straight up, those were the exact words they used!

Anyway, I shall continue to try and make the use of PepperFlash as easy as I can for as many Puppy newcomers as possible (and even some of the less vocal 'regulars'). And Geoff's script does the same job for FlashPlayer.

There's no need to make things any more awkward than we have to..... :lol:

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2016, 21:27
by Geoffrey
Run this in a terminal to get the latest flash download link

Code: Select all

wget -q -N -P /tmp/latest_flash_update

LATEST_VERSION=`cat /tmp/latest_flash_update/index.html | grep -A2 Linux | grep [0-9] | awk -F '[><]' '{print $3}' | tr -d "\n"`


Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2016, 22:05
by Sailor Enceladus
Thanks Geoffrey. I hacked my getflash v1.5-6 with your url code into it and now it seems to work again. :D

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2016, 23:51
by Geoffrey
Sailor Enceladus wrote:Thanks Geoffrey. I hacked my getflash v1.5-6 with your url code into it and now it seems to work again. :D
Had a look at the getflash script, this should work retrieving either the 32bit or 64bit version url

Code: Select all

ARCH=$(uname -m)

case "$ARCH" in
 i?86) BIT="i386" ;;
 *64) BIT="x86_64" ;;
 *)exit 1 ;;
wget -q -N -P /tmp/latest_flash_update

LATEST_VERSION=`cat /tmp/latest_flash_update/index.html | grep -A2 Linux | grep [0-9] | awk -F '[><]' '{print $3}' | tr -d "\n"`



Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2016, 17:10
by rerwin
Here is an updated getflash that uses Geoffrey's method of obtaining the flash player and adds ASRI's 64-bit old version. The updated configuration file is now /etc/getflash.conf. The configuration file update option is removed, at least until the file becomes supported similarly to the getflash-conf file.

It tested successfully in xenial, tahr pup and slacko, both 32- and 64-bit versions. And it works in Wary 5.5.

EDIT: It mostly works, too, in precise and lucid. But the older flashplayer versions cannot be accessed. However, I could make a separate package that would fix that, if there is any interest. I assume that the main use of getflash is to get the latest version of flashplayer.

Please report any problems or recommendations. Thanks.

Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2016, 17:33
by Sailor Enceladus
Thanks a lot Geoffrey and rerwin. It's working great for me in Slacko :)

Posted: Sat 22 Oct 2016, 14:27
by Argolance

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2016, 19:53
by csipesz
i'm sorry - not good one, which I wrote here,...
Currently the getflash 1.6 function properly.

Posted: Fri 28 Oct 2016, 17:49
by Argolance
Looking at the "Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater" created by Geoffrey on one hand, and the latest release of "GetFlashPlayer" by rerwin on the other (many thanks! :)), I was wondering if it could be convenient to merge them (more) in a single application to get the advantages of both...
So, I adapted the first one to a blinking systray notification icon (instead of the original GUI), that is displayed only if new FP version detected/available. Getflash can be executed by clicking on it. Then, I added a button to the second, allowing user to enable/disable this notification as well as, temporarily, a check box to download/install the latest beta FP version.
For more details, please look at :arrow: this thread on the French Forum.
Thanks for your attention.


Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2016, 00:46
by Bud
Just logged in to thank you very much Geoffrey and rerwin.

WFM on Slacko,

Woof :)



Posted: Sat 26 Nov 2016, 22:47
by Bird Dog
Thanks Richard and Geoffrey the getflash update works great with tahrpup64-6.0.5 on my 6 core AMD.

Bird Dog

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2016, 14:24
by Argolance

Posted: Thu 22 Dec 2016, 04:10
by rerwin
Here is 1.6 updated for the 'npapi' change in the download URL.

The changes made are:

Code: Select all

diff -r getflash-1.6/etc/getflash.conf getflash-1.6.1/etc/getflash.conf
> #161221 rerwin: update DOWNLOAD_URL for npapi
< DOWNLOAD_URL='${FLASH_VERSION}/install_flash_player_11_linux.${INSTRUCTION_SET}.tar.gz'
> DOWNLOAD_URL='${FLASH_VERSION}/flash_player_npapi_linux.${INSTRUCTION_SET}.tar.gz'
diff -r getflash-1.6/pet.specs getflash-1.6.1/pet.specs
< getflash-1.6|getflash|1.6||Internet|39K||||GetFlash - install Flashplayer||||
> getflash-1.6.1|getflash|1.6.1||Internet|41K||||GetFlash - install Flashplayer||||
diff -r getflash-1.6/usr/sbin/getflash getflash-1.6.1/usr/sbin/getflash
> #161221 v1.6.1 rerwin: update for new version not 11; use only https URL
< AppVersion=1.6
> AppVersion=1.6.1
<       _V11X="flashplayer11-$NEWVERSION-$INSTRUCTION_SET ($NEWMB) - $(gettext "Latest version available")"
>       _V11X="flashplayer-$NEWVERSION-$INSTRUCTION_SET ($NEWMB) - $(gettext "Latest version available")" #161221
<        if [ "$(echo -n "$DOWNLOADURL" | grep 'https')" == "" ];then #150305
<         echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nwget -O - $DOWNLOADURL | tar --no-same-owner -xz" > /tmp/delayedrun_flashdl
<        else
<         echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nwget --no-check-certificate -O - $DOWNLOADURL | tar --no-same-owner -xz" > /tmp/delayedrun_flashdl
<        fi
>        echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nwget --no-check-certificate -O - $DOWNLOADURL | tar --no-same-owner -xz" > /tmp/delayedrun_flashdl #161221
Update 12/29/16: Re-uploaded the package after download #97, to remove the unintended file, /etc/getflash.conf.old, which did no harm but was clutter.


Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2017, 20:04
by rerwin
The getflash 1.6 versions are based on shinobar's version 1.5-6, which does not have the auto update feature introduced in 1.5-7. Version 1.5-8 contains small internal changes but is available only in woofCE, apparently never released as a .pet. Version 1.7 combines the 1.5-8 features with the change in the method of accessing Flash packages from Adobe provided by 1.6.1.

The new version of getflash looks about the same as 1.5-7 but omits the button that updates the configuration file from the internet. That source of the file has not kept up with the recent changes by Adobe and conflicts with the (Geoffrey's) new way of obtaining the Flash packages. The functionality is the same as in version 1.6.1 but restores the option to check for flash updates at boot-up time. (It has been submitted to woofCE.)

EDIT: Re-uploaded the package after download #3 to correct a bug in the updating of the user-installed-packages list.

The bug would lose the entry for any still-loaded flash packages, making them impossible to uninstall. However, uninstalling any flash package would actually uninstall the plugins of all installed flash packages. So, old flash packages should be uninstalled before adding a new one. Otherwise, just leave them in place, as the plugin got replaced with the new one, anyway.

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2017, 22:37
by Sailor Enceladus
Thanks rerwin. Downloaded with the getflash-1.7 pet in Slacko 32-bit then I restarted Firefox and tried a Facebook game and it's working.


Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2017, 05:40
by sszindian
Thanks for getflash-1.7, it put Xenial64.alpha back in the running with the new 27.1.0 (64 bit) browser!


Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2017, 17:28
by boxR
Flashplayer (PET) 32-bits package

Posted: Sun 26 Mar 2017, 22:52
by EdD
Thanks, rerwin et al. Installed the 1.7 version on 64bit Slacko 6.3.0. It update to the flash 25.xx and replaced it smoothly. Works properly in FF for me.


Posted: Tue 30 May 2017, 14:51
by ETP
Hi rerwin,

Adobe seem to have changed things again. :roll:

Re: getflash-1.7

Posted: Tue 30 May 2017, 21:58
by Geoffrey
ETP wrote:Hi rerwin,

Adobe seem to have changed things again. :roll:
Change " grep -A2 Linux " in /usr/sbin/getflash line 96 to " grep -A3 Linux " that should fix it for you.