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Mame version

Posted: Tue 04 Jun 2013, 18:57
by CBrianA
I'm using the latest one - I think it's .49. I can run the games on my Windows machines with no problems. But to do that, I had to create a game configuration folder.

Wish I could be more specific, but it was one of those things that I had been trying to get it working one weekend and when I finally succeeded, I don't remember what I did!

Re: Mame version

Posted: Tue 04 Jun 2013, 20:17
by sc0ttman
CBrianA wrote:I'm using the latest one - I think it's .49. I can run the games on my Windows machines with no problems. But to do that, I had to create a game configuration folder.

Wish I could be more specific, but it was one of those things that I had been trying to get it working one weekend and when I finally succeeded, I don't remember what I did!
IF I remember correctly, you can drag the roms folder to / (the very top dir) (copy as a symlink) and rename to 'roms' .. So you should then have your roms in the path /roms/ ... Then MAME will find them.. But as I say, that's if I remember correctly. .. If not, also try /roms/mame/ or /roms/arcade/

Posted: Sat 08 Jun 2013, 15:43
by Levi88
Hi guys. I just installed Puppy Arcade 10 last night. I am attempting to look for and figure stuff out on my own, but when I go to download a graphics driver, I get this page with like 25 things all in text that I have no clue what to do with. :\ Well anyways, I did an install to my HDD ext2 format and my main goal is to get the N64 emulator going. My system is an HP m7277c Media Center PC with a 3.00Ghz dual core Pentium, 3GB DDR2 RAM, 200GB 7200RPM SATA HDD, Geforce 210 silent graphics card with 1GB and a Logitech dual action PS2 style controller. I will also note that the layout of Puppy is totally unfamiliar to me and I don't know the language for the terminal. I've been with Linux about 2 years, but have become quite accustomed to Ubuntu based and Kde desktop, so I feel like I'm in preschool again. :D Thanks guys
Oh yeah, I tried to do the N64 on fresh install, but it said my plugin settings might be wrong and something about a file attempting to access secure files

Posted: Fri 14 Jun 2013, 00:15
by sc0ttman
Levi88 wrote:Hi guys. I just installed Puppy Arcade 10 last night. I am attempting to look for and figure stuff out on my own, but when I go to download a graphics driver, I get this page with like 25 things all in text that I have no clue what to do with. :\ Well anyways, I did an install to my HDD ext2 format and my main goal is to get the N64 emulator going. My system is an HP m7277c Media Center PC with a 3.00Ghz dual core Pentium, 3GB DDR2 RAM, 200GB 7200RPM SATA HDD, Geforce 210 silent graphics card with 1GB and a Logitech dual action PS2 style controller. I will also note that the layout of Puppy is totally unfamiliar to me and I don't know the language for the terminal. I've been with Linux about 2 years, but have become quite accustomed to Ubuntu based and Kde desktop, so I feel like I'm in preschool again. :D Thanks guys
Oh yeah, I tried to do the N64 on fresh install, but it said my plugin settings might be wrong and something about a file attempting to access secure files
You can download all the Nvidia drivers available for puppy arcade at .... All packages start with "Nvidia-*" ... Not sure which one you'll need ... It will be one of them ... You could also check it out at the nvidia driver chooser webpage.. sorry about the late response..

Posted: Fri 14 Jun 2013, 00:16
by sc0ttman
For Japanese users of Puppy Arcade (all 3 of you!) here is a custom version of Puppy Arcade 10 for Japanese users: ... 8%b2%fe%29

Posted: Fri 14 Jun 2013, 01:43
by Nikukyu
sc0ttman wrote:For Japanese users of Puppy Arcade (all 3 of you!) here is a custom version of Puppy Arcade 10 for Japanese users: ... 8%b2%fe%29
Speaking the truth, in a half-hearted Japanese version, I do not support in any way. :?

Because, author of the Japanese version, because immature people who are not able to report the improvement of their own at all.

I'm sorry, but personally, it is derogatory to the author of this Japanese version. :wink:

Posted: Sun 14 Jul 2013, 08:36
by rfxcasey
Messing around with prboom. I have my original Ultimate doom wad file and works great when I select it in the pupdoom menu that first comes up when I click the prboom icon. Problem is, the pupdoom utility doesn't save the wad file location and keeps reverting back to the doom2 and prboom wad files. I've looked around to see if there is a config file I can edit to set my ultimate doom wad as default but I haven't found anything. Would be nice if pupdoom would remember your last choice of wad files.

First I put a copy of my ultimate doom wad in both the /usr/share/games/doom and /usre/share/prboom directories and named them 'udoom.wad'. Then I started prboom and told pupdoom to use those 'udoom.wad' files as the iwad and pwad files. That works fine, the game plays ultimate doom. After shutting down and restarting prboom, the default iwad and pwad file in pupdoom are set back to the doom2.wad and prboom.wad respectively as they originally were.

Then I tried renaming the two udoom.wads I put in /usr/share/games/doom and /usr/share/prboom and renamed them doom2.wad and prboom.wad respectively after renaming the original doom2.wad and prboom.wad with an x in front.

Well it didn't work like that. The only thing I could think might be the problem is there seems to be a symbolic link in the /usr/share/games/ directory that perhaps as some metadata or something that gets broken as there seems to be something other then the file name involved in the link. I've been tempted to create another symbolic link but I don't want to break anything beyond my ability to repair. I mean I guess I could rename or move the original symbolic link and create a new one.

Is there any way I can it fix so pupdoom uses my choice of wad as the default? Do I have to recompile a new pupdoom from source of is there a config file somewhere where I can set it?

Posted: Sun 21 Jul 2013, 07:45
by sc0ttman
rfxcasey wrote:Messing around with prboom. I have my original Ultimate doom wad file and works great when I select it in the pupdoom menu that first comes up when I click the prboom icon. Problem is, the pupdoom utility doesn't save the wad file location and keeps reverting back to the doom2 and prboom wad files. I've looked around to see if there is a config file I can edit to set my ultimate doom wad as default but I haven't found anything. Would be nice if pupdoom would remember your last choice of wad files.

First I put a copy of my ultimate doom wad in both the /usr/share/games/doom and /usre/share/prboom directories and named them 'udoom.wad'. Then I started prboom and told pupdoom to use those 'udoom.wad' files as the iwad and pwad files. That works fine, the game plays ultimate doom. After shutting down and restarting prboom, the default iwad and pwad file in pupdoom are set back to the doom2.wad and prboom.wad respectively as they originally were.

Then I tried renaming the two udoom.wads I put in /usr/share/games/doom and /usr/share/prboom and renamed them doom2.wad and prboom.wad respectively after renaming the original doom2.wad and prboom.wad with an x in front.

Well it didn't work like that. The only thing I could think might be the problem is there seems to be a symbolic link in the /usr/share/games/ directory that perhaps as some metadata or something that gets broken as there seems to be something other then the file name involved in the link. I've been tempted to create another symbolic link but I don't want to break anything beyond my ability to repair. I mean I guess I could rename or move the original symbolic link and create a new one.

Is there any way I can it fix so pupdoom uses my choice of wad as the default? Do I have to recompile a new pupdoom from source of is there a config file somewhere where I can set it?
Sorry about the late reply!!

I can't remember exactly how PRboom works, but it's a normal shell script, so to edit how it works, you just open it up in a text editor

defaulttexteditor `which prboom`

if the above command wont work, i think prboom is in /usr/local/rom-loader

I will get back with a little more info in a day or 2...

Posted: Sun 21 Jul 2013, 11:48
by rfxcasey
Took a little searching but I found it. Thanks.

Let me document what I did in case anyone else needs help.
First I took my Ulitmate Doom .wad file and renamed it udoom.wad. Then I copied it to

Code: Select all

Next I edited the pupdoom script located at

Code: Select all

with vi

Code: Select all

vi pupdoom
commented out the automatic download part and changed the default paths to the .wad files. I put the entire script here below in case someone wants to copy and paste.

Bye the way Scottman, now that I have your attention, can you please help me with an issue I'm having concerning sshd? Here is a link to the thread I have going over at the Linux Forums. Any help you could give would be much appreciated as I've been screwing around trying to get sshd to allow connections for days and days. Thanks. ... r-pup.html

Code: Select all


# download prboom wad file
if [ ! -e "/usr/share/games/doom/prboom.wad" ];then
	# ask to add doom
	Xdialog --title "Prboom WAD Downloader" --yesno "Prboom wad file not installed (required)\n\nPrboom is used to run DOOM games and requires its own wad file.\nThe 'BIOS-Checker' tool will automatically install this file.\n\n(Just click the 'Doom' button when the 'BIOS-Checker' appears)\n\nDo you want to download and install prboom.wad? (required)\n" 0 0
	if [ "$REPLY" = 0 ];then # download it if yes
		kill $XPID >/dev/null 2>&1
		sleep 1
		killall gtkdialog3 --program=BIOS_GUI
		sleep 1

# download free doom
#if [ ! -e "/usr/share/prboom/doom2.wad" ];then
#	# ask to add doom
#	Xdialog --title "FreeDOOM WAD Downloader" --yesno "FreeDOOM wad file not installed\n\nYou need a DOOM file, such as 'doom1.wad', 'doom2.wad', etc.\nThis tool can automatically install 'FreeDoom' for you.\n\n(Note, if you have your own DOOM wad file, you don't need this one)\n\nDo you want to download and install 'FreeDOOM'? (optional)\n" 0 0
#	REPLY="$?"
#	if [ "$REPLY" = 0 ];then # download it if yes
#		yaf-splash -font "-misc-dejavu sans-bold-r-normal--16-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1" -timeout 6 -placement top -outline 0 -bg green -text "Please wait for your Free DOOM download. 
#	You will then be asked to confirm installation" &
#		if [ ! -e /root/Downloads/ ];then
#			rxvt -background green -title "MAME frontend Install" -e wget -4  -t 0 -P /root/Downloads
#		fi
#		cd /root/Downloads
#		/usr/sbin/petget /root/Downloads/
#	fi

# set the paths if stuff is installed
[ -e "/usr/share/games/doom/udoom.wad" ] && PRBOOM="/usr/share/games/doom/udoom.wad"
[ -e "/usr/share/games/doom/udoom.wad" ] && FREEDOOM="/usr/share/games/doom/udoom.wad"

export CHOOSER="
<window resizable=\"true\" title=\"PupDoom 0.2\" icon-name=\"gtk-cdrom\">
<notebook labels=\"General|Game Options|Video/Sound|Misc.\">
<frame Select your IWAD (example: doom2.wad)>
      <entry editable=\"true\" accept=\"filename\">
        <label>Select the main game file</label>
      <button tooltip-text=\"Main game file\">
        <input file stock=\"gtk-file\"></input>
        <action type=\"fileselect\">FILE1</action>
<frame Select your PWAD (example: prboom.wad)>
      <entry editable=\"true\" accept=\"filename\">
        <label>Choose your modification file(s)</label>
      <button tooltip-text=\"Add-on game files\">
        <input file stock=\"gtk-file\"></input>
        <action type=\"fileselect\">FILE2</action>

<frame Select your DEH/BEX (optional)>
      <entry editable=\"true\" accept=\"filename\">
        <label>Select your further modification(s)</label>
      <button tooltip-text=\"More modifications\">
        <input file stock=\"gtk-file\"></input>
        <action type=\"fileselect\">FILE3</action>

<frame Custom Tags: example: -nomouse (optional)>
  <entry editable=\"true\">
  <button tooltip-text=\"Clear entry box\">
<input file icon=\"gtk-clear\"></input>       
        <action type=\"clear\">WORD1</action>

<frame Load Game(overrides all)>

 <action>if true disable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
      <action>if true enable:LEVEL1</action>
<frame Warp>
      <label>Use Warp? (Don't check unless sure)</label>
  <action>if true enable:WORD2</action>
      <action>if false disable:WORD2</action>
      <action>if true enable:DIFF1</action>
      <action>if false disable:DIFF1</action>

  <entry editable=\"true\">
<frame Skill>
<frame Monsters>
<checkbox tooltip-text=\"Disable all monsters in game\" active=\"false\">

      <label>No Monsters</label>
      <action>if true disable:F1</action>
      <action>if true disable:RE1</action>
      <action>if false enable:F1</action>
      <action>if false enable:RE1</action>
  <checkbox tooltip-text=\"Monsters revive after a period of time\" active=\"false\">
  <checkbox tooltip-text=\"Monsters move faster than normal\" active=\"false\">



<frame Video>

<frame Modes>
   <checkbox tooltip-text=\"Utilize fullscreen mode for the session\">
      <action>if true disable:WIN1</action>
       <action>if false enable:WIN1</action>
  <checkbox tooltip-text=\"Play the game in a window for a session\">
      <action>if true disable:FUL1</action>
      <action>if false enable:FUL1</action>
<frame Screen>

<frame Sound>

   <checkbox tooltip-text=\"Disable all sound; Kill the soundserver\">
      <action>if true disable:NS1</action>
      <action>if true disable:NM1</action>
      <action>if false enable:NS1</action>
      <action>if false enable:NM1</action>
  <checkbox tooltip-text=\"Turn off the effects, but play the music\">
      <label>No Sfx</label>
<checkbox tooltip-text=\"Effects only here. No music played\">
      <label>No Music</label>
<frame Input>
  <checkbox tooltip-text=\"Disable joystick input\">
      <label>Disable Joystick</label>
<checkbox tooltip-text=\"Disallow control over the mouse\">
      <label>Disable Mousegrab</label>

<frame Odds'n'Ends>
 <pixmap tooltip-text=\"stock icon\">
         <input file icon=\"gtk-help\"></input>    

 <text wrap=\"true\">
    <label>(c)Copyright Ale and Technosaurus. Thanks to Plinej, MU, and Zigbert.  All of which have no idea that they helped me and special thanks to Technosaurus for whom this would not be possible. </label>

  <button tooltip-text=\"Open the prboom.cfg file in a text editor to change settings\">
   <input file icon=\"gtk-info\"></input>
   <label>Global Config</label>
   <action>exec defaulttexteditor /root/.prboom/prboom.cfg</action>	
  <button tooltip-text=\"Execute settings and play game\">
   <input file icon=\"gtk-execute\"></input>
        <action type=\"exit\">EXIT_OK</action>

   <button tooltip-text=\"Exit\">
   <input file icon=\"gtk-quit\"></input>
        <action type=\"exit\">EXIT_NOW</action>

CHOOSER2==`gtkdialog3 --program=CHOOSER --center`

if [ "`echo $CHOOSER2 | grep EXIT_NOW`" != "" ]; then
exit 0

#Get all of the variables
FILE1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep FILE1 | sed 's/FILE1//'`"
FILE2="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep FILE2 | sed 's/FILE2//'`"
FILE3="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep FILE3 | sed 's/FILE3//'`"
WORD1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep WORD1 | sed 's/WORD1//'`" 
WORD2="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep WORD2 | sed 's/WORD2//'`" 
COMBO1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO1 | sed 's/COMBO1//'`" 
COMBO2="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO2 | sed 's/COMBO2//'`" 
COMBO3="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO3 | sed 's/COMBO3//'`" 
COMBO4="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO4 | sed 's/COMBO4//'`" 
COMBO5="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO5 | sed 's/COMBO5//'`" 
COMBO6="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO6 | sed 's/COMBO6//'`" 
COMBO7="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO7 | sed 's/COMBO7//'`" 
COMBO8="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep COMBO8 | sed 's/COMBO8//'`" 
LEVEL1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep LEVEL1 | sed 's/LEVEL1//'`"
WARP1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep WARP1 | sed 's/WARP1//'`" 
DIFF1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep DIFF1 | sed 's/DIFF1//'`"  
RE1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep RE1 | sed 's/RE1//'`" 
MON1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep MON1 | sed 's/MON1//'`" 
F1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep F1 | sed 's/F1//'`" 
VID1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep VID1 | sed 's/VID1//'`" 
WIN1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep WIN1 | sed 's/WIN1//'`" 
FUL1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep FUL1 | sed 's/FUL1//'`" 
NS1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep NS1 | sed 's/NS1//'`" 
NM1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep NM1 | sed 's/NM1//'`" 
MU1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep MU1 | sed 's/MU1//'`" 
DJ1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep DJ1 | sed 's/DJ1//'`" 
MG1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep MG1 | sed 's/MG1//'`" 
MBF1="`echo "$CHOOSER2" | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/=//g' | grep MBF1 | sed 's/MBF1//'`" 

# choose game to load really one through 7.  I tried a list here before, but it didn't pass 

if [ "$COMBO1" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 0 "
elif "$COMBO1" = "false" ];then
elif "$COMBO2" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 1 "
elif "$COMBO2" = "false" ];then
elif "$COMBO3" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 2 "
elif "$COMBO3" = "false" ];then
elif "$COMBO4" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 3 "
elif "$COMBO4" = "false" ];then
elif "$COMBO5" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 4 "
elif "$COMBO5" = "false" ];then
elif "$COMBO6" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 5 "
elif "$COMBO6" = "false" ];then
elif "$COMBO7" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 6 "  
elif "$COMBO7" = "false" ];then
elif "$COMBO8" = "true" ];then
  LEVEL1=" -loadgame 7 "
  LEVEL1=" "

#this is the original. Signifies only warping if box is checked and not null.
#this is an example of && being used at least. Update next version
if [[ "$WARP1" = "true" ]] && [[ "$WORD2" != "" ]];then
  WARP1=" -warp $WORD2 " 
  elif [[ "$WARP1" = "true" ]] && [[ "$WORD2" = "" ]];then

#difficulty setting 1 through 5  this is dependent on WARP1. This breaks actual prboom standard.
#Instead of being a command that can be launched separate I included it with the warp to
#make sense.  It's the way I use it, but it can be easily undone.  Remove the DIFF above and
#add it to the variable line followed by changing the things immediately below to -skill #
if [ "$DIFF1" = "ITYTD" ];then
  DIFF1=" -skill 1 "
elif [ "$DIFF1" = "NotTooRough" ];then
  DIFF1=" -skill 2 " 
elif [ "$DIFF1" = "HurtMePlenty" ];then
  DIFF1=" -skill 3 " 
elif [ "$DIFF1" = "UltraViolent" ];then
  DIFF1=" -skill 4 " 
elif [ "$DIFF1" = "Nightmare" ];then
  DIFF1=" -skill 5 " 

#Videomodes selection.  By being set to null at the bottom it doesn't register.
#used by the author chiefly.
if [ "$VID1" = "Default" ];then
elif [ "$VID1" = "320X200" ];then
  VID1=" -width 320 -height 200 "
elif [ "$VID1" = "320X240" ];then
  VID1=" -width 320 -height 240 "
elif [ "$VID1" = "640x400" ];then
  VID1=" -width 640 -height 400 " 
elif [ "$VID1" = "640x480" ];then
  VID1=" -width 640 -height 480 " 
elif [ "$VID1" = "800x600" ];then
  VID1=" -width 800 -height 600 "  
elif [ "$VID1" = "960x600" ];then
  VID1=" -width 960 -height 600 "  
elif [ "$VID1" = "1024x768" ];then
  VID1=" -width 1024 -height 768 " 
elif [ "$VID1" = "1280x800" ];then
  VID1="-width 1280 -height 800 " 
elif [ "$VID1" = "1280x960" ];then
  VID1="-width 1280 -height 960 "   
#Video scale or how to access other video modes. DOESN'T WORK!

#checkbox variable of Monsters. I kept original behavior. Nomonsters does cancel the others.
#It can also be used with new games as well as warped ones. Doesn't affect a loaded one though. 
if [[ $MON1 = "true" ]];then
  MON1=" -nomonsters "
#test checkbox for respawn
if [[ $RE1 = "true" ]];then
  RE1=" -respawn "
#Fast Monsters
if [[ $F1 = "true" ]];then
  F1=" -fast "

#fullscreen or windowed.  Would it make more sense to use the permanent switches here?
# This will be non-permanent for now.
#I can't see why anyone would use a window and a mousegrab so uncomment #MG1=" -nomouse" 
#if you wish to overridev prboom behaviour on its defaults.
if [[ $FUL1 = "true" ]];then
  FUL1=" -nowindow "
#Make it a window. Not permanent.
if [[ $WIN1 = "true" ]];then
  WIN1=" -window "
  #MG1=" -nomouse "
#Mute. NOTE this kills the soundserver and may improve performance
if [[ $MU1 = "true" ]];then
  MU1=" -nosound "
#No Music-sound server is running
if [[ $NM1 = "true" ]];then
  NM1=" -nomusic "
#No Sound Effects-sound server is running
if [[ $NM1 = "true" ]];then
  NS1=" -nomusic "
#disable mousegrab
if [[ $MG1 = "true" ]];then
  MG1=" -nomouse "
#disable joy
#by default this is off, but if your prboom settings echo joy on then you should be able to 
#shut it.
if [[ $DJ1 = "true" ]];then
  DJ1=" -nojoy "

#combodogbox.  Temporary setting to invite the marine's best friend aka a dog. Up to 3.
if [ "$MBF1" = "No!" ];then
  MBF1=" "
elif [ "$MBF1" = "Sure Pup" ];then
  MBF1=" -dogs 1 " 
elif [ "$MBF1" = "Bring a friend" ];then
  MBF1=" -dogs 2 " 
elif [ "$MBF1" = "Three's a crowd" ];then
  MBF1=" -dogs 3 " 

#this line is structured as prboom allows.  custom tags in the front and specifics later.
#A pure check interface is boring.  It's a small hack here, but one can load multiple PWADS.
#One can also just drag n drop multiples into each box, but that's kinda cumbersome.
#To load them use the custom tag box without tag. Drag and Drop is very helpful.
#Based on Technosaurus's template at
#bugfix was just moving the $WORD1 to be independent again
/usr/games/prboom $MBF1 $WORD1 $DJ1 $MG1 $VID1 $NM1 $MU1 $WIN1 $FUL1 $MON1 $RE1 $F1 $LEVEL1 $DIFF1 $WARP1 -iwad $FILE1 -file $FILE2 -deh $FILE3 

Posted: Sun 21 Jul 2013, 12:25
by sc0ttman
rfxcasey wrote:Unfortunately, everything I am seeing seems to be binaries at the moment when doing a search for both prboom and pupdoom. I'll continue to look.
sorry that's really dumb of me... yes you are correct..

but the frontend, the GUI where you can choose stuff is a separate thing - that is a shell script, and can be edited... the correct file to edit is /usr/local/rom-loader/paprboom .. and maybe its config file: $HOME/.paloader/paprboomrc..

if it's not that one, then it's this one: /usr/local/bin/pupdoom

Posted: Sun 21 Jul 2013, 13:50
by rfxcasey
Hey thanks for the reply, yes I've got it sorted now and yes I did find the pupdoom script and it is indeed text format. If you read back through my last post I've been having a bit of trouble of a different kind as well and wonder if you might take the time to see if you can help me out.

Here's a link to the thread ... r-pup.html

Posted: Mon 22 Jul 2013, 09:30
by ampersand
This hasn't been working to well for me. I copied the contents of the ISO to a folder in my C:\ drive and ran Grub4Dos which means I can boot into PuppyArcade fine but once I'm in hardly any programmes want to run apart form the emulators. I also never got a setup screen :?

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2013, 22:00
by sc0ttman
ampersand wrote:This hasn't been working to well for me. I copied the contents of the ISO to a folder in my C:\ drive and ran Grub4Dos which means I can boot into PuppyArcade fine but once I'm in hardly any programmes want to run apart form the emulators. I also never got a setup screen :?
just a guess, but do you have any save files for other puppies around on that drive, or even others?
have you tried re-installing puppy arcade by booting a live CD and running the frugal installer? .. you could try booting with pfix=ram to make sure no save files are being loaded..

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2013, 22:02
by sc0ttman
rfxcasey wrote:Hey thanks for the reply, yes I've got it sorted now and yes I did find the pupdoom script and it is indeed text format. If you read back through my last post I've been having a bit of trouble of a different kind as well and wonder if you might take the time to see if you can help me out.

Here's a link to the thread ... r-pup.html
i'm having a look at something similar at the moment (whenever i get time!), but i am no expert at all.. looks like you would know more about ssh stuff than me... but after i have finished with some stuff i will have a look and see if i can help..

Posted: Thu 25 Jul 2013, 03:29
by rfxcasey
i'm having a look at something similar at the moment (whenever i get time!), but i am no expert at all.. looks like you would know more about ssh stuff than me... but after i have finished with some stuff i will have a look and see if i can help..
I've pretty much gotten it sorted out now. For anyone interested or seeking info here is the thread. ... r-pup.html

Posted: Thu 25 Jul 2013, 16:44
by ampersand
sc0ttman wrote:
ampersand wrote:This hasn't been working to well for me. I copied the contents of the ISO to a folder in my C:\ drive and ran Grub4Dos which means I can boot into PuppyArcade fine but once I'm in hardly any programmes want to run apart form the emulators. I also never got a setup screen :?
just a guess, but do you have any save files for other puppies around on that drive, or even others?
have you tried re-installing puppy arcade by booting a live CD and running the frugal installer? .. you could try booting with pfix=ram to make sure no save files are being loaded..
Yes as a matter of fact; I have my Slacko 5.3 sfs on here. I've not got a CD drive but I'll have a go with a USB stick.

Posted: Mon 29 Jul 2013, 10:12
by ampersand
Ok I had a go with the USB and not loading a save file but my problems persist. I suspect it's a compability issue with this Amilo 1645 laptop, I've run into a few of them already on Slacko :?

Posted: Thu 01 Aug 2013, 13:35
by Semme
Scott- compatible binaries from which version distro.. Slackware*, Ubuntu*?

Posted: Fri 02 Aug 2013, 09:57
by sc0ttman
Semme wrote:Scott- compatible binaries from which version distro.. Slackware*, Ubuntu*?
debian lenny, puppy arcade is based on puppy 4.2...

Posted: Fri 02 Aug 2013, 12:53
by Semme
Thanks Scott- that'll work.