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Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 05:49
by James C
Did a frugal install of 458 on my trusty P3 test box and installed Firefox 3.6.....everything is working fine so far in brief testing.

Concerning the version numbering.......... in order to keep things orderly on this box with 9 Puppy installs I use the number and first letter of the base distro. 458U, 484D, 451S and so forth. Just an idea..... :)

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 09:06
by pemasu
Thanks for the Iron tip. Havent change the font yet or installed extra fonts. Noticed that there is issue with default fonts.

Xdelta would be highly appreciated. No need to download full iso. And it is easy to use from commandline as well with the GUI.

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 10:42
by 01micko

I can't find my upup-457.iso anywhere. I have a feeling I downloaded it when I was running as "pfix=ram" and didn't save.

I made a 456 to 458 Xdelta but it is around 30meg. If people want it I'll post it, but the usual thing is to keep these things sequential as to not cause confusion, so I prefer not to post it. :cry: (sorry aarf)


So far 458 seems quite solid and stable, no complaints :) .

pemasu, your Iron sfs won't work for me, I get "Illegal operation" error from a terminal in 458.


Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 14:08
by pemasu
01micko. Thanks of the info. It might even be permissions problem. I have noticed that when i have ftp uploaded I have had issues with permissions. I check them and make new upload over the existing one. I will try downloaded one first.

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 14:33
by aarf
01micko wrote:Bugger!

I can't find my upup-457.iso anywhere. I have a feeling I downloaded it when I was running as "pfix=ram" and didn't save.

I made a 456 to 458 Xdelta but it is around 30meg. If people want it I'll post it, but the usual thing is to keep these things sequential as to not cause confusion, so I prefer not to post it. :cry: (sorry aarf)

i have 456 and 457
also a tested 456:457delta at about 9mb and
md5sum f0c73dc17ed1d706ea927c667a9fe3d7
which i am currently uploading to it may get moved somewhere else on there. may take a while to upload and i dont have an upload meter or idea how long. download is about 10k/sec.
edit: it is there now, size is different so check the md5sum

i am happy to download 30mb, or if you want to use the 456:457 for a new xdelta457:458 your choice.

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 14:42
by pemasu
01micko. Using now newly uploaded and downloaded version of iron.sfs. I changed permissions. Dont know if it helps. But Iron works for me in 457. 458 not installed yet. Please, test and report.

Aarf. Thanks of xdelta and download link.
Delta link is ...

457 to 458 xdelta file still needed. Going to download the 458.iso.
.... uploading now 20 Mb ...
MD5 sum 0ae23da8ad368f1a7ec48dcc07f3ab0a
Sorry my naming, I have tendency to save files as simple as possible.

Playdayz. Font change in Iron to Deja Vu Sans did the trick. Looks nice now.

Is it ok to use old savefile with the latest version.

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 21:02
by playdayz
I will start investigating how to use xdelta. I have never used it before. That is a good request--it should be done.

BTW, if anyone wants earlier uPup iso's, just change the name of the download in the first message from the current upup-458.iso to the upup that you want, for instance, upup-457.iso. They are all still there on the server.

I will watch and see how your xdeltas go. If it works smoothly I can mirror on my server so it will all be together.

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 23:32
by Jim1911
Hi playdayz,
This upup458 is the most solid version yet. I haven't noted any problems.

I've added pwidgets, firefox 3.6, wine, and even have e-Sword951 running under wine.
Jim :D


Posted: Mon 22 Feb 2010, 02:45
by timremy
hello playdayz,

upup 458 nice for me.

but then 457 was nice too.

great work.


Posted: Mon 22 Feb 2010, 04:04
by playdayz
Is it ok to use old savefile with the latest version.
If I understand correctly what you mean (if it is a question), Puppy is designed to be able to update while using the same pupsave file. That is what will happen I believe if you use a newer version and select the pupsave from a previous version--it will ask if you want to update. I have not been testing the update functio-- that is an oversight on my part and I will add it to the list. If your pupsave has important things in it I would suggest backing up before attempting to update. Others know much more than I do about this--perhaps they will have comments. Or possibly, it was not a question and you were reporting that you had successfully updated???

Posted: Mon 22 Feb 2010, 09:37
by pemasu
Playdayz. Yes, it was a question. I have frugal installs in their own subdirs. I have replaced initrd.gz, vmlinuz and sfs from the newer version and used the existing savefile. But I have read that sometimes this will cause wierd behavior and errors. Anyway I decided to start with new savefile.

Iron prints with HP Laserjet 1020. Google Chrome has bug which prevents printing so this comes as pleasant bonus.

Posted: Mon 22 Feb 2010, 16:44
by aarf
pemasu wrote: .... uploading now 20 Mb ...
have created a MD5 sum correct upup458 from this delta on a FAT file system and booted it.

Posted: Wed 24 Feb 2010, 04:08
by aarf
there were some problems at initial install as before with read-only and portable opera and then that seems to have corrupted vmlinuz when i tried to create pupsave to the read-only drive. also possibly my defective SDcard reader was at fault somewhere in there too.

however after the initial problems i created a pupsave before attempting to use my portable opera and now all is fine and my portable opera works.

further on the plus side desktop recorded and now pwireless2 (see issues) are working in upup458.

Posted: Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:24
by nooby
I downloaded the iso again because something must have happened to it during download last time so now with a fresh start all worked. I am writing from 458 now.

If I find anything unusual I report.

Posted: Thu 25 Feb 2010, 22:41
by playdayz
hey pemasu, I posted the link to your xdelta file right under the main download link to uPup 4.58 in the first message in this thread. I will try to make one of my own for the next release, but I am not sure how soon a next release will be needed. If that is inconvenient for you, to have the link posted, let me know and I will move it to my server, cool name your server has btw.

Also, on the update procedure you describe (manually putting the new files into the same directory as the old pupsave), I think that it would be the same as booting a new version and letting it update an old installed version. But I would sure back up beforehand. Starting fresh is always safer.

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 06:19
by pemasu
Playdayz. Yes, you can use it freely. The xdelta was for use for everyone. Main thing is to make it easier to upgrade by using them. Naming principle should be better by me however. 01micko has posted guide howto use xdelta at howto section I think.

Second thing. Download place is not my server. It is freely uploadable server for Puppy use, granted by Drone-87401 in this thread:

I just grapped the opportunity. I have only small quanta at Lighthouse Pup server where I have couple apps. I mainly upload there sfs apps which I use commonly. One sfs app for every puppie principle. Of course Iron doesnt work with other puppies I believe. Makes Upup more preferable :D
Autoupgrade feature might cause problems with sfs apps. At least I got Thunderbird unworkable. The reason still not solved.

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 07:48
by aarf
want to get this ... ool.1.html working in upup. it manipulates mobile phones content.
searching in puppy package manager for obex returns obexd client and obex data server with a least a big 6mb of needed dependences. dont know if i need these.
any one want to give a step by step on how to proceed? or make a pet?

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 11:28
by 01micko

I had no luck with your iron sfs... I changed user and group (all execs) from ftp/ftp to root/root and still no luck... not your fault. I have an AMD athlon... it needs the P2 build of Iron!!! Who would have thought when this processor is as fast as a P4?

Ah well, such are things in the linux world! I am posting from Iron from playdayz' link in the main post.


Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 20:39
by pemasu
01micko. Sorry to hear iron.sfs didnt work. Good to hear that user/group chown wasnt right. Still have a lot to learn howto ftp upload preserving chown and chmod attributes right. And maybe my access rights gives hiccup. Maybe using nowadays mypuppylinux site more.

Benchmarking Iron I got 2.5 x better result with Iron and Upup than FF 3.5.8 and Stardust >

But adventures to be continued....

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2010, 23:03
by Jim1911
Occasionally, the UUID is required in order for grub to properly recognize a puppy installation. To find the UUID, Gparted is run, highlight the partition that you want information on, then look at Partition, Information to find the UUID. For some reason, it is missing on the installed version 4.5. I installed the latest 5.1, but it has the same problem so I believe that something is missing in upup that it needs. This problem with Gparted doesn't exist in 431, dpup, Lighthouse, and others that I've used.