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Enlightenment file manager

Posted: Thu 28 Feb 2013, 01:37
by runtt21
To use EFM open rox, copy the home.desktop file from /root/my-applications into /root/Desktop. If the home icon doesn't show up right away on the desktop, change themes and then change back.

Re: Enlightenment file manager

Posted: Thu 28 Feb 2013, 23:36
by toomanyquestions
runtt21 wrote:To use EFM open rox, copy the home.desktop file from /root/my-applications into /root/Desktop. If the home icon doesn't show up right away on the desktop, change themes and then change back.
Thanks :)

Re: Macpup 529

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 19:16
by toomanyquestions
runtt21 wrote:MP529 is based on Precise Puppy 5.2.60.
I usually download a handful of .pets manually. Can I use these? Others? Or is it safest to stick to the ppm?

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 23:46
by runtt21
Those should be OK.

Non-PAE MacPup 529

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2013, 16:05
by ProgRob
Like some others on here I have a laptop that needed a non-PAE version of MacPup. So I have created two non-PAE versions of MacPup 529 based on different kernels.

The first is based on kernel 3.2.32 which is the same kernel used in retroPrecise Puppy. You can download the iso from here: ... 3.2.32.iso

As far as I can tell it works just like normal Macpup 529 except that it will run on a processor that does not support PAE. If it works for you then use this version.

However, for me, retroPrecise Puppy won't connect to the internet on the laptop that needed this (due to driver problems). So I also produced a version which used the kernel from Macpup 511 which is kernel You can download this iso from here: ... 6.33.2.iso

Again, this seems to work fine with the one change that the save file uses a hyphen (-) rather than an underscore (_). Try this if the other version doesn't work.

I'm a bit new to all this so I may have made a mistake in re-engineering these but hopefully they will be useful to people. They seem to run fine for me.


Posted: Wed 13 Mar 2013, 00:10
by runtt21
It has been a while But I will have a new theme available in a day or two. MP-Vision-2 by Agust and myself wallpaper by the great Sakasa. ... 423671.jpg

Posted: Mon 18 Mar 2013, 22:02
by runtt21
Now available on my macpup page in the 529 folder the MP-Visions-2 theme By Agust with a wallpaper by Sakasa customized for macpup by me.


Enjoy !! :D This is the first thing I am releasing that was built on the new Toshiba.

Posted: Sat 23 Mar 2013, 03:25
by runtt21

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2013, 18:21
by runtt21 is now in the mp529 folder on my macpup page. Enjoy !! :D


Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 12:48
by rokytnji

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 22:07
by runtt21 ... 605018.jpg

Yep, I have it. It's Ok I am not really excited by it.

I am planing on recompiling two or three different builds in precise 5.5 this weekend. We will see which works best. Right now I am leaning more to an older build.,185.0.html

Posted: Sun 31 Mar 2013, 18:23
by runtt21
Now available the MP-new-light-1 theme by Agust. In the MP529 folder on my page. Enjoy !! :D


Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 22:04
by runtt21


Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 22:18
by Dean
runtt21 wrote:Soon.....
Nice! 8)

Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 21:27
by runtt21
The is now on my page in the mp529 folder. This is an updated version of Victors original Darkness theme. It is an old school type theme with larger menu fonts and left side window buttons. Enjoy !! :D

I would also like to mention that last march 15th was the five year anniversary of the macpup project. :D

Posted: Thu 11 Apr 2013, 23:45
by runtt21
Agust originally did the Egypt theme for the leafers. We now have the version for macpup. The Egypt theme is now in the 529 folder on my macpup page. Enjoy !! :D


Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2013, 14:35
by Karl Godt
I would also like to mention that last march 15th was the five year anniversary of the macpup project. Very Happy
Then I would like to congratulate !

Am running MP529 frugal PUPMODE=12 today to see if I could get xorgwizard to load the vesa driver instead of the intel one. Probably need to "options i915 modeset=0" it to achieve it.

For the XKB Module there I would like to mention to search for fbxkb .pet on the forum . That works quite fine .
I have something like this into /root/Startup

Code: Select all

setxkbmap -rules xorg -model pc102 -layout us,de,dk,fr -variant "" -option grp:rwin_toggle,lv3:ralt_switch
which fbxkb && exec fbxkb
E17 tray behaves a little better when inserting a tray applet after e17 has configured as on Foxy3 . Am missing the recover xmessage menu a little bit for now to recognize when e17 loads an older whatever.cfg file .

Also have set mouse buttons to behave like in jwm to scroll from screen to screen :
Control Panel > Input > Mouse Buttons > Add > scroll down/up in the popup > Change to right/left Workspace + Check container .

[ * BTW Do you mean tourists as "leafers" ? Like the caravan of camels . Nevertheless, probably the first of the egypt themes i'll try. But today it is Moonlight-3 :) ]

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2013, 23:08
by runtt21
I call my buddy Jeff and his gang the leafers cause they use a leaf as the symbol of their distro. :lol:

Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 14:22
by backi
Hey Karl Godt !

Want to ask you you got your german keyboard working ?

Me from germany but cant get keybord working for german .

Any advice ? Thanks

Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 17:01
by Karl Godt
Example :
tail /root/.xinitrc from_some_other_Puppy _at_the_moment wrote:# rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin

#v2.11 GuestToo suggested this improvement...
[ -x $CURRENTWM ] && exec $CURRENTWM
exec jwm

Put something like this above #exec $CURRENTWM

Code: Select all

setxkbmap -rules xorg -model pc102 -layout us,de -variant "" -option grp:rwin_toggle,lv3:ralt_switch
to be able to toggle at least using the right Win Key (not sure if Laptop has right Win Key -> -option grp:lwin )

Note : There seems to be a "bug" in Xorg detected by npierce some longer time ago, that disables the toggling if -layout de,us and I did not played with it much because somehow I always added de to the existing us layout in the xkbconfigmanager, which always made us first , but the few times I played with it, npierce was right.

Note about xkbconfigmanager : It writes into the existing /etc/X11/xorg.conf , which would lose it's changes every time new Chip or Monitor is detected . That's why I put it normally into /root/.xinitrc .

Note about remaster : Make sure, your changes in /root ( and /etc ) flush into it ( .hidden files obstacles) .