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Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 08:42
by otropogo
bigpup wrote:...

Gparted has a check option, in the right click menu, when you right click on a unmounted partition.
It will run a check and repair if needed.
Not knowing what version of Gparted you used, I would go for the latest version.
Get it here:

Thanks. Is there a pet for it? My experience in manually installing linux apps is zilch. And in fact, I haven't been doing well even with pets.

If you are running only Linux operating systems, why use NTFS or fat32 to begin with? Use Linux formats that Linux is designed to use.

Probably because more reliable reference material is available for problems with Windows file systems. In my experience, Linux documentation is extremely poorly maintained, and ofter dangerously misleading.
One thing you have seen and indicated by your previous posts is leftover old files can and does cause problems.
Well, I've been using a lot of different Puppy versions lately. Slacko_5.2.9 distinguished itself primarily by providing native support for USB3 in Puppy. I wasn't going to dump it until I knew there was something better, because the difference in throughput is huge. I only discovered Slacko_5.3 today, and had never experienced this problem with any previous version of Puppy. For instance, I've never had a Puppy 4.2x sfs interfere with a Puppy 4.3.1. They've always co-exited on my hard drives without issue.
Consider the possibility of hard drive, connector cables, or memory going bad.
All would cause these problems.
Sure, but when you have one OS that crashes, freezes and/or corrupts data every time, and three others that never have an issue, with the same hardware, I think it's safe to say it's not a hardware issue.
Hard drives can be checked using manufacturers tools available for download at their web sites.

Memory can be checked using program Memtest86.
Free self bootable program found on internet.
Sure, and I've got all these programs several times over, one more than one rescue CD. I very rarely have any cause to use them, and frankly, many of these programs are not that reassuring. Memtest86 is one I particularly dislike. It used to lock up Puppy 2.13 Retro for me every time.
given the fact that I can't even view the partition in Windows, I decided instead to let Gparted have a go at it. I let it delete the partition, then recreat it as an extended file (as primary, it didn't give me any format options except ext2) in fat32 format.
This tells me you are doing something wrong in how you run Gparted. Should not be seeing this.
Gee. And what could I be doing wrong? There aren't a lot of options in Gparted as presented in Puppy.

Windows is able to see up to 4 primary partitions.
Or 3 primary partitions.
With one extended partition with any number of logical partitions inside it.
Anything above 4 you do with logical partitions inside extended partition.
Well, I did find when installing the newly formatted partition in Windows a second time that Windows still doesn't see anything except a formatted hard drive, which it calls "C". It looks like I'll have to Fdisk and repartition the entire drive.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 10:57
by chrismt
I can't get the Skype SFS file via the SlickPet. Some size error.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 12:01
by rcrsn51
otropogo wrote:
sh-4.1# ntfsfix /dev/sda5
Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device /dev/sda5.
Was sda5 mounted when you ran the command? Ntfsfix will only work on UNmounted partitions.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 19:09
by DaveS
I built a .pet for the lovely Goggles Music Manager


It includes all deps, including Xine. Just a click and go install.

Known issues.. damn I cant get the menu icon correct. I specify it correctly in the .desktop file, then the installation process changes it! [fixed..see below posts]
I have only included the icons Goggles uses, to keep thye size down, but I could not find the icon for Internet Radio! Got tired trying :)

Download from here:

password puppy
username linux

16M installed because of the deps, but if anyone wants an sfs, just say.

This .pet is Slacko specific, not suitable for other Pups.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 19:41
by rcrsn51
DaveS wrote:Known issues.. damn I cant get the menu icon correct. I specify it correctly in the .desktop file, then the installation process changes it!
In what folder are you putting the icon?

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 19:52
by DaveS
rcrsn51 wrote:
DaveS wrote:Known issues.. damn I cant get the menu icon correct. I specify it correctly in the .desktop file, then the installation process changes it!
In what folder are you putting the icon?

wrong thread

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 19:55
by MoebusNet
EDIT: posted in wrong thread * embarrassed*

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 20:14
by rcrsn51
DaveS wrote:
rcrsn51 wrote:
DaveS wrote:Known issues.. damn I cant get the menu icon correct. I specify it correctly in the .desktop file, then the installation process changes it!
In what folder are you putting the icon?
I can confirm the problem.

This issue arose in an early Slacko via Woof and patches were made at that time. Look at the file /usr/local/petget/ In Lines 333 and 342, you will see the folders where Puppy looks if it CANNOT find the icon that you specified in the desktop file. If your icon is somewhere else, Puppy should use it instead of searching.

But the code is still broken. Since it doesn't find your icon in either its actual location or in the search paths, it substitutes its own icon.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 20:31
by DaveS
rcrsn51 wrote:
DaveS wrote:
rcrsn51 wrote: In what folder are you putting the icon?
I can confirm the problem.

This issue arose in an early Slacko via Woof and patches were made at that time. Look at the file /usr/local/petget/ In Lines 333 and 342, you will see the folders where Puppy looks if it CANNOT find the icon that you specified in the desktop file. If your icon is somewhere else, Puppy should use it instead of searching.

But the code is still broken. Since it doesn't find your icon in either its actual location or in the search paths, it substitutes its own icon.
Acting on this I re-specified icon to /usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons and fixed it thanks.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 20:37
by rcrsn51
There may not be a problem with the code. I looked at my .desktop file and found a space in the "Icon=" line. When I removed it, the menu icon installed correctly.

Does your PET have the same problem?

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 20:43
by DaveS
rcrsn51 wrote:There may not be a problem with the code. I looked at my .desktop file and found a space in the "Icon=" line. When I removed it, the menu icon installed correctly.

Does your PET have the same problem?
Unable to confirm as I re-wrote the .desktop file to reflect the new location and uploaded the modified .pet. Possible though :(

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 20:59
by rcrsn51
In the new petget code a line containing a space, like "Icon= /usr/..." will definitely cause a problem. This was not a problem in older versions.

Note to BarryK: False alarm!

Code: Select all

[ -e "$ICON" ]

Code: Select all

[ -e $ICON ]

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 03:22
by otropogo
rcrsn51 wrote:
otropogo wrote:
sh-4.1# ntfsfix /dev/sda5
Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device /dev/sda5.
Was sda5 mounted when you ran the command? Ntfsfix will only work on UNmounted partitions.
Good catch. Thanks. I just tried it again, and got the following results:
ntfsfix /dev/sda5
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
NTFS volume version is 3.0.
NTFS partition /dev/sda5 was processed successfully.
Unfortunately, it didn't fix the problem. I still have two corrupted files, one a now empty 512MB slackosave.2fs from my first attempts running Slacko_3.29.6, and the other an html file more than 2 years old. I have no idea how or when it got corrupted. It's part of a batch that were created together, and I'm sure haven't been viewed for many months. But all were moved late September.

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 07:36
by 8-bit
What would happen if you created a dummy file with the same name, saved it and then tried copying it to that NTFS partition.
I normally get a popup that says that filename exists and do I want to overwrite it. Say yes and then delete the resulting file.

It may be worth a try.

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 12:05
by rcrsn51
Or open a terminal window where the file lives and try to delete it with a wild card. If the first character in the name was "a", use

Code: Select all

rm a*
Be careful what other files this would delete at the same time.

Re: Slacko Puppy 5.3

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 12:47
by KRuCi8L3
01micko wrote: Please report anything good or bad.
Thank you.
<slightly OT>
OK, a brief intro if I may? I am new to forum, not new to linux (although have not used it for quite a while due to NO PC).
Firstly, I wish to thank ALL puppy users and devs. I love it, and have for some time! It is a truly powerful tool and useful for many forms of production. A truly heartfelt thanks to you all.
</slightly OT>

Asus A42Jv laptop with Optimus/Intel/nVidia/Cuda hybrid (had I only known the grief that would come my way :?), Intel iCore5, 4gb ram, latest bios (interesting story there) etc.

Initial Notes:
Live CD Slacko 5.3 booted fine and detected proper lcd rez. All smiles as I had nothing but grief with Wary (my fault as I was too eager to get back to Puppy and try to learn Linux and maybe some basic programming again to read the fine print which clearly stated Wary is aimed at older HW.)

Alsa sound surprisingly enough worked OOTB and retrovol gave a host of output options which I have as yet not touched.

Initial Heavy Encryption, ext2 savefile to 2+gb partition (ext4) of a 4gb usb flashdisk seemed to go well. Reboot and loading that savefile did not.

As I am quite the noob at linux "command line", I wrote down the error particulars:
Kernel panic Not syncing Attempted to kill init!
Pid: 1, comm: init Not tainted #1
<Call Trace>
[<c12a2988>] ? panic + 0x4d/0x130
[<c1029179>] ? do_exit + 0x5a/0x59d
[<c1029868>] ? do_group_exit + 0x0/0x7b
[<c12a48a5>] ? syscall_call + 0x7/0xb
</Call Trace>

This left me at a blinking pipe symbol and no use of the machine so a hard shutdown was my only choice.

Any ideas? Obviously I did something wrong. Will my initial savefile be useable or not?

<slightly OT#2>
I cannot get ANY SFS dev file in any Puppy version to give me usage of MAKE. I googled and searched this and other forums but seemed to come up with only code snippets using make but no instructions on how to "install" or call make. I thought I remembered reading that all you had to do was mount the sfs and bash away to one's heart's content. I have several small bash and python sample bins/utils I hope to actually be able to use soon, so any tips here would be greatly appreciated. Initial tries at gcc does work a bit although I get constant errors and have only been able to either "configure" or read the help. :evil:
</slightly OT#2>

Tx for any help in finding the solution to the savefile problem. Apologies for any typos as this is my first ever laptop and I am a die hard hunt and peck, full sized keyboard typist.

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 18:10
by gcmartin
KRuCi8L3 wrote: ...Any ideas? Obviously I did something wrong. Will my initial savefile be useable or not? ...
Hi and welcome to Puppyland.

I just tested a similar laptop over the weekend. BUT, I did something a little different.
  1. I booted the LiveDVD (this was created as a multi-session media when burning the ISO.
  2. Tailored couple of apps for the owner
  3. Created a 4GB SWAP (to match RAM size) partition
  4. And showed them how to save the work (session) back to the LIve media by answering correctly ("Save to CD") at shutdown/reboot. (This fascinated them, for, they never knew a PC could be run totally from a DVD....totally.)
Should you want to repeat what I did, I would strongly encourage you to delete the "Save session" you have, currently, on your hard drive. (Puppies are very particular about what they find on your HDDs/USBs at boot time.)

This may work flawlessly for you as well.

Hope this helps

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 19:27
by 8-bit
As to your not being able to use "make", download the devx SFS file for Slacko 5.3 and the kernel source SFS file.
Be sure to save them to /mnt/home as your pupsave file can overflow really fast otherwise.

You can then use SFS-load-on-the-fly in the menu to load them.
After that, typing "make" or "gcc" from the command line should work.
And if you are trying to compile something, open the terminal in the directory containing the source for that application.

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 20:28
by otropogo
rcrsn51 wrote:Or open a terminal window where the file lives and try to delete it with a wild card. If the first character in the name was "a", use

Code: Select all

rm a*
Be careful what other files this would delete at the same time.
sh-4.1# rm sl*ckosave-x19
rm: cannot remove `sl*ckosave-x19': No such file or directory
sh-4.1# rm Zoomer_Rewards*
rm: cannot remove `Zoomer_Rewards_a.rĂ¡\207\214f': No such file or directory

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 20:49
by otropogo
8-bit wrote:What would happen if you created a dummy file with the same name, saved it and then tried copying it to that NTFS partition.
I normally get a popup that says that filename exists and do I want to overwrite it. Say yes and then delete the resulting file.

It may be worth a try.
In ROX the corrupted character is replaced by a single character, a domino for the rtf file, a rectangle with an X in it for the "a" in Slacko. In the Abiword file navigator, the corrupted character is represented by an "a" with an accent on it (forward slash) followed by two dominos (rectangles containing four dots) in both filenames.

I created a new rtf file with Abiword with the same name, and tried to save it to the same directory as the corrupted file. The result was a popup that says:
Writing error when attempting to save the file:///mnt/sda5/Zoomer_Rewards_a.rtf

I repeated it, just to make sure I hadn't done anything improperly.