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Thanks for a good effort

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 02:07
by ozsouth
Playdayz, your Lucid 525 is very good. Thankyou for your efforts.

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 03:41
by Tui
Great work playdayz, thanks for luci v5.2.5 Can I upgrade it
With the v5.2.8 I have a full install of the 525 ?

Thanks Tui[/b]

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 06:17
by Tasgarth
It's not easy to conduct a project with an international team, virtual, multicultural. From the simple to the most competent tester ... Is exceptional.
You, 01Micko and other did ...

Bugs remaining in 5.2.x

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 08:20
by ilanrab
PaulBx1 wrote:
The project to update Lucid 5.2.5 has been cancelled. It was meant to fill the gap between Lucid 5.2.5 and Slack Puppy but it took too long and has become a distraction. Slack Puppy will be a better product in all ways and it is what deserves the community's attention now.
Guess I'll sit out the next one. Kinda hard to work up any enthusiasm after that.
Oh, and I'll indulge myself in saying "I told you so". (I mean about keeping this only to bug fixes, and a select few at that.)
Well, I guess a lesson was learned. Look at the bright side.
Is there a comprehensive list of the known bugs that remain in Puppy 5.2.x?

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 12:38
by 01micko
playdayz wrote:The project to update Lucid 5.2.5 has been cancelled. It was meant to fill the gap between Lucid 5.2.5 and Slack Puppy but it took too long and has become a distraction. Slack Puppy will be a better product in all ways and it is what deserves the community's attention now.

The last build Luci-528 has been released as a Puppy derivative named Two-Headed Dog. ... 999#551999
. ... 999#551999

Ah Larry,

I didn't lift a finger (since 520). How am I "cheif dev"? (re: "Two-Headed Dog"). I'm only an idiot that knows (sometimes) which button to push on my keyboard, and I haven't done that much lately in a Lupu sense.

However I think the puplet idea is not so bad. Not for my agenda, (erm I don't have one) but I think for your peace.

You've worked even harder than Warren did on 4.2 and that was an outstanding achievement. With due respect to my friend Warren I think lupu series eclipses 4.2X series and has expanded Puppy's demographic, interest and most importantly fun!

Be comfortable brother in the fact that your early inspiration with Karmic was ground breaking stuff with Barry's woof. Without that work, Spup, Dpup, Mpup, (Apup anyone? [even Wary/Quirky]) would not nearly be where they are now.

'nuff drivel.. Cheers, Mick

USB install. kernel panic after installing more software

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 13:19
by galen
here was my plan,
install puppy on 512M removable disk space of my Zen MicroPhoto.
I used unetbootin549 and install worked well, reboot worked; puppy527 was barking.
Then I added other quickpets, allowed puppysave.3fs (128M I think) and rebooted.
Dead dog kernel panic syncing, trying to bypass init I think was the error.

Re: USB install. kernel panic after installing more software

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 13:43
by rcrsn51
galen wrote:Then I added other quickpets, allowed puppysave.3fs (128M I think) and rebooted.Dead dog kernel panic syncing, trying to bypass init I think was the error.
You can fill up a 128 MB pupsave file fairly quickly by adding software. I would delete it and start again. Add one package at a time and test it.

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 14:52
by aarf
01micko wrote:
playdayz wrote:The project to update Lucid 5.2.5 has been cancelled. It was meant to fill the gap between Lucid 5.2.5 and Slack Puppy but it took too long and has become a distraction. Slack Puppy will be a better product in all ways and it is what deserves the community's attention now.

The last build Luci-528 has been released as a Puppy derivative named Two-Headed Dog. ... 999#551999
. ... 999#551999

Ah Larry,

I didn't lift a finger (since 520). How am I "cheif dev"? (re: "Two-Headed Dog"). I'm only an idiot that knows (sometimes) which button to push on my keyboard, and I haven't done that much lately in a Lupu sense.

However I think the puplet idea is not so bad. Not for my agenda, (erm I don't have one) but I think for your peace.

You've worked even harder than Warren did on 4.2 and that was an outstanding achievement. With due respect to my friend Warren I think lupu series eclipses 4.2X series and has expanded Puppy's demographic, interest and most importantly fun!

Be comfortable brother in the fact that your early inspiration with Karmic was ground breaking stuff with Barry's woof. Without that work, Spup, Dpup, Mpup, (Apup anyone? [even Wary/Quirky]) would not nearly be where they are now.

'nuff drivel.. Cheers, Mick
well said micko

Solved --Problem adding mtpaintsnapshot to tray

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 18:44
by mikeslr
Hi Playdaz & All,

Thank you Playdaz for another excellent incarnation of Lucid Puppy. With the following exception everything I've checked is working well in 5.2.7 RC2.
Sorry if this has already been covered. I'm only on page 78 of the tread.
I added to fbpanel's tray. As you can see from the attached, mtpaintsnapshot works from the menu --else I couldn't have taken the snapshot-- the icon I use shows up in the taskbar, has been added to .fbpanel config, but clicking the tray icon reports the absence of the executable.

Edit: Solved -- My error. (':oops:'). Settings via GUI configuration require that you first identify the executable, then the tooltip, separated by a colon. I had them reversed.


Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 19:32
by bigpup
The one thing that I do not see in Puppy is a core base version of Puppy.
One that contains all the needed programs.
Provides support for as much as possible.
Is bug fixed to the maximum possible.
Stays up to date with needed improvements.
Provides needed drivers for hardware as it changes.
Constantly improves because it is needed improvements not because OH! "lets try this"
Gives support for new users by providing a help section, that is true help..
Adjusts to the ever changing needs as computer hardware changes.

Every improvement and change that was being done to Lucid Puppy was trying to follow these principles.

Will changes and improvements ever stop? No

"Woof" seems to be the way to do this. Barry is always tweaking and improving
Woof, but who is really testing the changes?
Lucid Puppy was keeping up with the latest Woof, but stopped around version 5.2. Wonder what bugs would have been fixed by just using a newer version of Woof?

This is what I saw during this update effort to bug fix and improve Lucid Puppy.
People where finding bugs.
Programs where being improved. ( by the people who made the program and others )
Needed drivers where being provided in the drivers section of "Additional software" in the forum.
Solutions where being found and improved on.
The biggest thing was your ideas where looked at, improved on, tweaked, discussed, and used to improve not just change Lucid Puppy.
Too bad that stops now :cry:

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 21:04
by WhoDo
01micko wrote:You've worked even harder than Warren did on 4.2 and that was an outstanding achievement. With due respect to my friend Warren I think lupu series eclipses 4.2X series and has expanded Puppy's demographic, interest and most importantly fun!

Be comfortable brother in the fact that your early inspiration with Karmic was ground breaking stuff with Barry's woof. Without that work, Spup, Dpup, Mpup, (Apup anyone? [even Wary/Quirky]) would not nearly be where they are now.
I'll second that, Mick! There have been more advances in Puppy development during the lupu series than I would have dared to dream for Deep Thought. Well done, Larry. I as much as anyone can appreciate the mammoth task you undertook and the aplomb with which you completed it.

Cheers, mate.

How do you change themes in Openbox?

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011, 23:49
by mikeslr
Hi All,

Dumb question, maybe, but a "well minded search" reveals lots of links regarding openbox themes, but nothing jumps out saying "this is how you change them." Menu item Openbox Config implies that the theme "Natura" is available, but the only available radio buttons are "Install a new theme" and "create a theme archive." Clicking either opens to /, so neither seems appropriate.

So, how does one go about changing themes in openbox?


Re: How do you change themes in Openbox?

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 04:23
by DaveS
mikeslr wrote:Hi All,

Dumb question, maybe, but a "well minded search" reveals lots of links regarding openbox themes, but nothing jumps out saying "this is how you change them." Menu item Openbox Config implies that the theme "Natura" is available, but the only available radio buttons are "Install a new theme" and "create a theme archive." Clicking either opens to /, so neither seems appropriate.

So, how does one go about changing themes in openbox?

Just highlight the theme you want to use by clicking on it in the list. Seems too simple, no?

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 04:32
by bigpup
In Openbox Config
Theme tab
The themes listed are all usable by clicking on one. When clicked on it changes to that theme.
To get new themes you have to download a theme made for openbox.
Click on install a new theme button
Select the theme you downloaded
Select OK
It will be added to the list of themes.

Menu->desktop->desktop settings
The program SimpleBox openbox theme maker.
You can make you own themes and add them to this list in the themes tab in Openbox config.

There is some info about themes here for Openbox

Re: Lucid Puppy 5.2.7 RC2

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 07:28
by chrismt
playdayz wrote:The project to update Lucid 5.2.5 has been cancelled. It was meant to fill the gap between Lucid 5.2.5 and Slack Puppy but it took too long and has become a distraction. Slack Puppy will be a better product in all ways and it is what deserves the community's attention now.

The last build Luci-528 has been released as a Puppy derivative named Two-Headed Dog. ... 999#551999
Maybe the Two Headed Dog started to think by itself and tried to take control of other computers in the network, so the developer had to shut it down - just like some supercomputers in movies :P

But then it was a nice roll

Thanks for your works

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 12:03
by Sage
Hmm! Let the records show that I have always praised the efforts of the ertstwhile, pd. This is a magnificent project.
However, it is my contention that he is not only mistaken in his decision, but sets himself up to disappoint an adoring audience?
Of one thing I am certain. What I say will be misinterpreted and garner opprobrium. Nevertheless, some comments based on a lifetime's experiences.

This is essentially a scientific research project. As such it is unlikely to produce all the answers desired. Research is endlessly filled with disappointments punctuated by occasional triumphs. Many moons ago, I listened to an exulted professor of statistical mathematics explain why a computer programme that exceeded 7,(or was it 9?) statements and included a loop/recursion or w.h.y. could never, theoretically, be completely debugged. At that stage, I gave up all interest in programming.

Research requires dedication, persistence and a lot more. Interaction with fellow researchers is essential. They will give you the peer-review one needs. Hopefully, they will give unreserved criticism; without this you are sunk. Broad shoulders are needed. No-one has all the answers. As a neophyte researcher, I distinctly remember having to explain the oscillation of the nitrogen molecule through the plane of hydrogen atoms in the ammonia molecule to an aged fellow of the Royal Society who appeared to be unaware of this elementary fact.

On top of ongoing factual corrections, one endeavours to add polish to concepts/hardware as progress is made. Incredible focus is needed. None of this is for the faint-hearted. But plough on regardless, because your magnum opus becomes your ultimate legacy. Coming generations will recognise your name associated with a great product.

It ain't easy (cf. the LHC at CERN).

That is why I believe Playdayz has made the wrong decision. Fortunately it is reversible. Don't give up, accept the present plaudits and carry on regardless. Spup, you can look at in your spare time!!

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 13:30
by Béèm
Sage I didn't understand that English Oxford (or was it Cambridge?) story. :wink:
That is why I believe Playdayz has made the wrong decision. Fortunately it is reversible. Don't give up, accept the present plaudits and carry on regardless. Spup, you can look at in your spare time!!
There is also dpup to look upon. 8)

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 15:32
by Atle
Could someone talk 5 minutes to explain the different Pup's?

I get all confused. Dpup, Spup, SlacPup, Wary and Bones.

Its not really any good guide to find around on that, and I feel it keeps a lot of users away, as its "there", but you can hardly find out "why"

As for Playdayz, I respect him for whatever decision he makes, and hopes that maybe later there will be another round on Lucid/Luci/Lupu(you see?)

What is the benefits with Slackware Puppy remains to be seen and felt.

I just hope you developer guys can stay friends. That is the most important.



Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 15:40
by Sage
I just hope you developer guys can stay friends.
Only your very best mates will tell you when your wrong - nobody else cares.

Wisdom....and Patience......and......

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2011, 16:01
by Minnesota
Definition of SAGE
a: wise through reflection and experience
b: archaic : grave, solemn

You have made many posts and been around here long enough to know this is a volunteer organization. Worked on and contributed purely FOR FUN!

OK, some self accomplishment, and well.... any other adjective you want to add. BE NICE... the man stated some time ago, this was to be the last update. Short and quick... OK so it ended a bit abruptly. YOU do not know know why, none of us do...and frankly it is none of our business.

It is a very good PUPPY, innovative, and WORKS. The future is bright for more PUPPIES... the community is very active as you know.

I for one congratulate the effort! It is not easy listening to voices from every direction, pulling this and that way. As you so aptly tried to state. NO programming system is ever totally complete. Or totally up to the expectations of the developer. OH yes, one more thing to change, AH... Darn, one more, it will only take a minute....well... minutes turn into hours, hours to days. I have been developing systems for forty years. Trust me, it is always one more thing that can be improved.

Look back on a project completed years or even days before and you can see ways to improve it, things that could be changed. Ever talk to an Artist about a painting, or maker of they think the project is perfect?

In short. CONGRATULATIONS to all contributors! JOB ACCOMPLISHED and WELL DONE!