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Portuguese and Català

Posted: Wed 09 Oct 2013, 15:00
by vicmz
Hello L18L, Bert, akarui.tenshi

When I first made the Portuguese langpack, Momanager didn't have a setting to read from 'pt' folder for both 'pt-BR' and 'pt-PT', like in Spanish one 'es' folder is enough for the more than 20 countries including Spain. The SSS won't work properly because I didn't put separate desk_strings files for pt-PT and pt-BR. I'll try to fix it so that anyone interested can keep adding translations. I'm about to travel so maybe you'll have to wait until tomorrow.


By making a catalanish langpack you'll give many people the chance to renew old (and not-so-old) computers instead of waiting to earn enough to buy new ones. This is extremely important in our time. When I first used Puppy I could simply have remained English and let other people do it in the future, but I thought, 'why not now?' Something similar happened for Italian and Portuguese, although I don't speak these languages natively I wanted to start something for other people to have a base in the future. Sadly, I couldn't find the time to make more translations. As you know, langpack maintainers release a langpack version with new/updated translations every now and then, but I'm already the mainainer for Spanish. Also, users morscerta (Brazil) and SpeedyDuck (Italia) had said they wanted to continue these langpacks, but there's no news from them yet. There's been the idea of splitting langpack_pt into separate versions for European and Brazilian Portuguese, you could then make this for real, since morscerta is meant to do Brazilian Portuguese. Note that Abiword and a few applications don't have a translation to European Portuguese, if the source of the current versions doesn't include one you'll have to do them from the beginning. I'll help you as much as I can.


Can I ask you a question? How can I modify the 'es' keyboard in Puppy so that instead of letter 'ñ' I can type dead_tilde? Currently, when I write Portuguese I use spellcheckers, I have to right-click every word that is meant to have dead tilde (informação, ecrã, definições). By switching to abnt-latin2 I have dead tilde, I can even type 'ñ', but then question marks (¿?) and exclamation marks (¡!) are missing, for my keyboard layout is not Portuguese.


Re: keyboard layouts

Posted: Wed 09 Oct 2013, 16:49
by L18L
vicmz wrote:Can I ask you a question?...
Yes but I cannot give you an answer and hope forum member oui can.

Are you sure the Korean dog is not a cat :lol: and the Indonesian a bird :?:
wuff wuff

Posted: Wed 09 Oct 2013, 19:32
by oui

Thank you L18L for your intervention.

West-European languages (and more) are absolutely no problem! Yes, using Puppy:


Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2013, 05:33
by vicmz

Thank you. It means I need another keyboard. I've tried to get a US-layout one but couldn't.


Korean bark is pronounced 'mong mong', I don't know what's mong mong or guk guk in Indonesian but certainly meong meong is cat sound. :lol:

About the Portuguese langpack, I tried to build a new one with FFMM and got 221 .desktop files in /usr/share/ (only 45 of them had Portuguese translations, the other files have... Spanish translations) and the 'es' folder along with the 'pt' one for ROX-filer - surprise! Momanager interprets Spanish as part of Portuguese language. :shock: I knew many people confuse both languages, but, come on! :lol: Alright, I suppose I need a separate clean install for working exclusively on Portuguese stuff. :D

Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2013, 05:58
by vicmz
Well, here it is, a European Portuguese langpack, small because the amount of translations found/made so far but it's a start point. Check and tell:
NOTE: the .mo files are stored at /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES. If they are stored on the pt_PT folder they don't work, or at least not in the latest Puppy Precise.

Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2013, 13:30
by oui
hi vicmz

My keyboard hardware is Ch (Swiss),
I see that the Pt keyboard layout from Puppy is about the same as my Ch layout :lol: :


Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2013, 13:47
by akarui.tenshi
vicmz wrote: the .mo files are stored at /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES. If they are stored on the pt_PT folder they don't work, or at least not in the latest Puppy Precise.
es_ES: Lo mismo también ocurre con los ficheros 'sss'
en: The same also applies to the files 'sss'

i had made a little language pack to the pt_PT, in very early stage (alpha stage :p), it doesn't include any .mo file

vicmz: Some desktop translations i consider that aren't right... like 'trash' in fact in pt_PT the right translation is 'lixo' but all Windows users are accustomed to seeing 'reciclagem'...


Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2013, 13:57
by L18L
oui wrote:I see it is possible to write all Spanish letters like ñ or ¿ or ü. What do you want more?
I have just succesfully tried

Code: Select all

# setxkbmap pt
# informação definições
this was typed in not pasted :D

Code: Select all

#  setxkbdmap us intl
bash: setxkbdmap: command not found
#  setxkbmap us intl
# Zæx©vbñµç

Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2013, 15:22
by vicmz
Thank you guys. No, AltGr combinations never work for me. The reason why in 'es' keyboard I can't type ~ (oh no! My new phone doesn't have dead tilde either!) and in 'pt' keyboard I can't ask questions ¿? or show emotions ¡! is that in my keyboard layout some buttons are merged, whereas in other layouts the same buttons are split into two. I have to get a keyboard that has exactly the same quantity and arrangement of buttons. New keyboards split the Enter key into to but the long Shift key remains.
akarui.tenshi wrote:
vicmz wrote: the .mo files are stored at /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES. If they are stored on the pt_PT folder they don't work, or at least not in the latest Puppy Precise.
es_ES: Lo mismo también ocurre con los ficheros 'sss'
en: The same also applies to the files 'sss'

i had made a little language pack to the pt_PT, in very early stage (alpha stage :p), it doesn't include any .mo file

vicmz: Some desktop translations i consider that aren't right... like 'trash' in fact in pt_PT the right translation is 'lixo' but all Windows users are accustomed to seeing 'reciclagem'...
Thank you for the feedback. When I do more translations I'll send them to you so that you can check. Do the other translations work? Rox filer, Abiword, etc. Some files in my langpack version where put manually, for example hunspell dictionaries.

Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2013, 19:13
by vicmz

This is version 2 of the langpack I posted today, including your translations and spellcheck dictionaries:
You can see the contents of the PET by using the Extract-Makepet right-click tool.

L18L... i have a doubt

Posted: Sun 13 Oct 2013, 16:45
by akarui.tenshi
Hi... L18L i have a doubt,

what is the meaning of this expression:

LANG="`grep '^LANG=' /etc/profile | cut -f 2 -d '=' | cut -f 1 -d ' '`"

I think that this expression means
LANG (the current language of puppy) "cut f 2" (use only two bytes to recognize the language?)

I'm confused, because, for example (in my case), pt_BR and pt_PT both of them have the same 2 first bytes 'pt' but they aren't the same language, they have differences like the US english and the UK english...

Re: L18L... i have a doubt

Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 07:15
by L18L
akarui.tenshi wrote:Hi... L18L i have a doubt,

what is the meaning of this expression:

LANG="`grep '^LANG=' /etc/profile | cut -f 2 -d '=' | cut -f 1 -d ' '`"

I think that this expression means
LANG (the current language of puppy) "cut f 2" (use only two bytes to recognize the language?)

I'm confused, because, for example (in my case), pt_BR and pt_PT both of them have the same 2 first bytes 'pt' but they aren't the same language, they have differences like the US english and the UK english...
cut -f 2 -d '=' means
cut field number 2 where field delimiter is =
thus everything after =

Code: Select all

cut --help

I do not understand the meaning of the next cut
"everything before blank" ?
should be dot.

if line
in /etc/profile
then LANG will be pt_PT

This line in /etc/profile is updated by script

Code: Select all


Where did you find this "LANG=...." ?

Do continue to post all of your doubts here please.
You are the first translator to a language where the letters after the underscore are important. So you might find some bugs. :wink:


Posted: Tue 15 Oct 2013, 15:29
by L18L
What's new?

Code: Select all

#131013 L18L delete harmful pot files
#131014 L18L WINDOW_WIDTH no more in preferences
#131015 L18L output directory MOMADIR for MoManager-* files configurable by preferences
#131013 L18L delete harmful pot files
These are the files that prevent momanager from creating an actual pot file.
Nothing harmful happens because they continue to exist inside devx file...

#131014 L18L WINDOW_WIDTH no more in preferences
window width is "computed" from screen width....1180px max.

#131015 L18L output directory MOMADIR for MoManager-* files configurable by preferences

These files are not needed if you are the maintainer of the language_pack.
They are needed if you want to contribute a single translation and send it to the maintainer or the developper of the app.

All files created by momanager (but not the languagepack) are written into this directory.
Type in whatever you wish as directory name, this directory will be created if it is not already existing.
Example1: MOMADIR=/root/MoManager-files (Bert's suggestion)
Example2: MOMADIR=/mnt/home/momanager-files (outside of save file)
Example3: MOMADIR=/tmp/momanager-files (no persistance!)
Example4: MOMADIR=/dev/null (no existence at all 8) )

Posted: Fri 18 Oct 2013, 20:22
by Bert
MoManager 20131015 is the best ever!

It 'remembered' my settings. Nice.
It stretched itself, filling about two-thirds of my screen. Nice.

So far , it didn't go after the bad ('harmful') guys in /usr/share/doc/nls, but I'm confident it will, when creating a new pet.

Just to illustrate the greatness of this new FFMM: I installed a new puplet, added the devx and, without thinking too much about what I was doing, clicked 'MoManager' in the menu... Up came the original still works, but feels like an old snail crawling through tired molasses...

Just incredible how L18L has implemented little incremental improvements over the months and how MoManager has benefited from all those careful steps!

Of course I was eager to use the new option to save the momanager-dump to another place than /root. I chose /mnt/home/momanager-files as the new directory and lord-and-behold, it was created. But, the first translation I saved was not sent to this new folder, instead it arrived in the old place: /root, which already looked like a composting pile with all these translation files littering it.
It will maybe take a few more translations to persuade MM to send the dump to /mnt/home/...?

To paraphrase current political news: "A source close to the steering committee, who prefers to stay anonymous, told us that FFMM has already been chosen as the default puppy internationalization tool." :lol:


Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2013, 11:17
by L18L

thank you for the nice words!

But I could not have done it without you
who has always given feedback and made good suggestions.

folder in /mnt/home,
I did not test it before, just /root/MOMA.
Now I changed it in preferences

Code: Select all

CONS_HEIGHT=20                # number of characters
#MOMADIR=/root/MOMA            # (existing or not) directory for storing resulting files
MOMADIR=/mnt/home/MOMA-files  # (existing or not) directory for storing resulting files
..and it has been used instantly (

Code: Select all

# pwd
# ls
MoManager-de-UExtract-2.3-in  MoManager-de-UExtract-2.3-in.tar.gz

other puplet
I have been trying it in luci528 without success (because window just 1 byte wide)


Posted: Sun 27 Oct 2013, 13:39
by L18L
Who needs it?
Everyone who uses FatDog64 or lupu5.2.8.6

What is new?

Code: Select all

#131026 L18L fit for fatdog64 has gettext in /etc; pupdialog needs declaration as dependency
#131027 L18L fit for lupu- 
In lupu5286 (Lucid Linux) the automatic window width and height do not work. Fix is:

Code: Select all

read ISSUE < /etc/issue #131027
if [ "$ISSUE" = "Lucid  Linux" ];then
 MM2_DLG="<window width-request=\"$((${WINDOW_WIDTH}+132))\"  height-request=\"450\" title=\"Forked Fast MoManager : Puppy files\"    resizable=\"true\" icon-name=\"${WINICON}\" window-position=\"1\">"
 MM2_DLG="<window title=\"Forked Fast MoManager : Puppy files\" resizable=\"false\" icon-name=\"${WINICON}\">"


Posted: Sun 10 Nov 2013, 10:38
by L18L
What's new?

Code: Select all

#131028 added animation for translation of Comment in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop 
#131029 support for language=Glade added (-j join existing)
#131104 insert 'export TEXTDOMAIN=' into * (temporary copy of *.sh.xml)
#131110 acknowledge Bert's instead of devx

#131028 added animation for translation of Comment in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop
:arrow: Fatdog's internationalized control panel uses them as tooltips

#131029 support for language=Glade added (-j join existing)
:arrow: supporting fatdog's use of internationalisation in gtk server

#131104 insert 'export TEXTDOMAIN=' into * (temporary copy of *.sh.xml)
:arrow: no manual insertion of "TEXTDOMAIN=..." required

#131110 acknowledge Bert's as alternative to devx
:arrow: nice idea :D

after 2 downloads re-uploaded disabling test on devx

edit after 4 downloads re-uploaded because "pet made in fatdog" did not work in puppy


Posted: Thu 19 Dec 2013, 18:46
by L18L
what's new

Code: Select all

#131206 make it fatdog compatible, LANGPACK=langpack | langpack_fatdog
Fatdog needs puppy's langpack.

Code: Select all

#131212 support t12s method
If you don't know what it is you won't need it

Code: Select all

#131219 enable quirky6.0: no check on pupmode
May be of interest if you cannot have frugal install, only full install

Thus it might be not for everyone. :wink:

...and here is a screenshot


Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 16:45
by L18L
New Year - new momanager

Version 20130101
containing just some fixes for bugs detected by Finnish translator zephyr2 who has no frugal install.

That is why I have extended momanager to work with full install, tested in Quirky6.0

EDIT: xgettext, etc do yet NOT work in Quirky6.1

EDIT: works in Quirky if you install gettext- from ... 2/quirky6/

FFMM is dead

Posted: Sat 04 Jan 2014, 11:59
by L18L
FFMM is dead
Long live momanager.
Yes, I will put your latest momanager pet into quirky 6.1.1.
see ... &start=207.