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Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2020, 16:24
by esmourguit

Everything seems to be working normally.

What do you think of such a display? (see image).
I Modified line 574 <text width-request=\"800\" use-markup=\"true\"> and line 706 and 707 <text width-request=\"680\">
I cheated a little the photo: the width is ok, but I modified the height by hand, there was an empty window left at the bottom of the windows. How to remove this empty space?

On the other hand, would it be possible to obtain the translation of "$choice" in script, because it displays the answer in English and this could be difficult to understand in another language.

@ L18L, About momanger, yes the script is executable. It creates a base but doesn't open.

In the attached file, an update of the French file, plus the file /usr/share/applications/snap2.desktop
with the French translations and the translations of L18L into German.



Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2020, 18:40
by L18L

localize dates please

Code: Select all

# echo $(date)
Fr 20. Mär 19:23:37 CET 2020

Code: Select all

# date "+%x %X"
20.03.2020 19:19:54

Sorry, do not understand
What does not open?
Maybe Barry's post ... 05#1047705 can help you starting

snap2-4.27-20200320 uploaded

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2020, 01:14
by rerwin
I uploaded snap2-4.27-20200320 to add the scrollable "steps" and the .desktop file. Details are here: ... 82#1053182

I think the "$choice" and localized date issues are about the same thing: the identification of the backup archives. I do not see where those names are formed in snap2 and suspect they might be generated by rsync, which is what snap2 is a GUI for.

It seems interesting to try to develop a dynamic translation of those names and the date format for display. But is it really worth the effort? I wonder if rsync has translation/locale files for it. Could you look for such translations?

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2020, 06:37
by esmourguit

Thank you very much for your involvement and all this fine-tuning work.

I noted a problem with line 683 (in snap2) which does not appear in the snap2.po file.

Code: Select all

<checkbox$bol_adddefaultexcludeck tooltip-text=\"$(eval_gettext "If checked, the default backup 'exclusions' found in \$MYHOME/.snap2/$settingsdir/exclude/default will be used IN ADDITION to any top-level-backup-path-specific exclusions.")\">
About $Choices and localized date, it is not essential. I have not yet found locale or translation.



Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2020, 13:34
by L18L
times :roll:

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2020, 15:12
by rerwin
esmourguit wrote:I noted a problem with line 683 (in snap2) which does not appear in the snap2.po file.
Thank you for that report. It is fixed in new version 20200321 at the usual download message on page 7.

The new entry in snap2.po is:

Code: Select all

#: /usr/bin/snap2:683
#, sh-format
msgid ""
"If checked, the default backup 'exclusions' found in $MYHOME/.snap2/"
"$settingsdir/exclude/default will be used IN ADDITION to any top-level-"
"backup-path-specific exclusions."
msgstr ""
L18L, I see that the time of the backup is in 12-hour format without the "PM". Again, that seems to be an issue with rsync. If anyone knows more (anything) about rsync, I welcome advice.

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2020, 16:58
by esmourguit

I cannot save a Mirror backup folder in French while it is possible in English. Previously posted post of March 19.

The date is displayed correctly.

Attached is the new French file


Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2020, 00:08
by rerwin
esmourguit wrote:I cannot save a Mirror backup folder in French while it is possible in English. Previously posted post of March 19.

Code: Select all

++ gettext 'Add to Snapshot Backup'
++ gettext 'Add to Mirror Backup'
+ grep -E 'Ajouter à la sauvegarde|Ajouter à la sauvegarde'
+ maintab='page="0"'
+ '[' '' = '' -a /root/Downloads = '' ']'
++ gettext 'Add to Snapshot Backup'
+ '[' 'Ajouter à la sauvegarde' = 'Ajouter à la sauvegarde' ']'
+ ckandsave /root/.snap2/default.set/snapshotsourcepaths ''
This reveals that you have used the same translation for both of the similar labels. You need to include translations of 'Snapshot' and 'Mirror' in them. Otherwise, both buttons save to the Snapshot backups.

Next day:
I now see that my implementation of the operational correction is vulnerable to translators' choices. I think there is a better and simpler way to do it, so am looking into that. Thank you, JJM/esmourguit, for making that obvious to me. Onward, to correct the operation of snap2.

Posted: Mon 23 Mar 2020, 07:54
by esmourguit
Because of my incompetence, I did not want to change the code. I only modified these translation strings and it works.
Ajouter à la sauvegarde Instantané
Ajouter à la sauvegarde Miroir


Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2020, 19:05
by L18L
rerwin wrote:L18L, I see that the time of the backup is in 12-hour format without the "PM". Again, that seems to be an issue with rsync. If anyone knows more (anything) about rsync, I welcome advice.
Internationalization is to be found on TODO of rsync's website.

recent.1 is always last backup

Code: Select all

  <text><label>$(eval_gettext "Last \$settingsdir Snapshot:") $(ls -l  ~/.snap2/recent.1/backuplog* | cut -d' ' -f6-8)</label></text>
solves the problem, see screenshot, please.


Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2020, 19:37
by rerwin
I finally figured out where to put your 'date "+%x %X"' fix for the internationalized date, in snap2engine (duh!). That seems best, as it updates the config file.

I am also implementing translation of the words in the backup identifiers.

Beyond those two issues, is there anything else to be considered for fixing or internationalization? Snap2 seems, to me, to be almost ready for release.

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 07:38
by esmourguit

I applied in snap2engine, the modifications concerning the internationalization of the date proposed, and it works perfectly.
I also applied, in snap2, part of the L18L proposal concerning the following lines:

Code: Select all

<text width-request=\"680\"><label>$(eval_gettext "Last \$settingsdir Snapshot: \$lastsnapshottext")</label></text>
<text width-request=\"680\"><label>$(eval_gettext "Last \$settingsdir Mirror Backup: \$lastmirrortext")</label></text>
which I just partially changed as follows:

Code: Select all

 <text><label>$(eval_gettext "Last \$settingsdir Snapshot:") $lastsnapshottext</label></text> 
<text><label>$(eval_gettext "Last \$settingsdir Mirror Backup:") $lastmirrortext</label></text>
and also modified the file accordingly.

Following your request, I suggest if this is possible very simply to internalize the "mirror" backup directory, contained in the general directory for storing backups, called "mirror" in a more localized name and therefore more understandable? Like "spiegel" in german or "miroir" in french...



Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 11:53
by L18L
rerwin wrote:L18L,
I finally figured out where to put your 'date "+%x %X"' fix for the internationalized date, in snap2engine (duh!). That seems best, as it updates the config file.
For me it seems better not to change config file, just use what is already there: read 1st line of backuplog.txt (recent.1 and mirror).
I am also implementing translation of the words in the backup identifiers.
Thats's good. Hope you mean what JJ suggests:
esmourgit wrote:Following your request, I suggest if this is possible very simply to internalize the "mirror" backup directory, contained in the general directory for storing backups, called "mirror" in a more localized name and therefore more understandable? Like "spiegel" in german or "miroir" in french...
A proverb said and wrote:Good thing needs a while...

Release candidate for snap2-4.27!

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 01:36
by rerwin
I believe I have fixed all of the issues, so am considering the 20200325 version as a release candidate. It is at the usual place: ... 82#1053182
  • - The "Last...Backup" times are now in the same format as shown in the logs.

    - The remaining gettexts of backup names and other words are included, so that the logic uses English but the displays show and accept the translated the words.

    - The "broken pipe" messages are eliminated. They were caused by the implementation of "progress bars".

    - It seems to be a better form of gettext strings where the variables are included in the translations, because the translator might need to change the order of words and variables, such as in languages that read right to left. I made the exceptions in snap2engine because so many of the messages contain multiple variables strung together and usually at the end of a string.

    - I considered internationalizing the script,, but then concluded that it might be run on a remote machine that does not have the translations or support for them. I am only guessing about that, but assume there was a reason xanad left it alone. If anyone knows better about whether it should be internationalized, please tell me. I have it already done and can provide it for testing if anyone feels it is appropriate.

    - The difference listing of the message strings between 20200319 and the RC is attached.
Now is the time to report any outstanding issues anyone might have with this release candidate. I cannot think of anything left to be fixed.

Thank you, L18L and esmourguit, for your extensive work, reports and recommendations that enabled me to complete this project.

Re: Release candidate for snap2-4.27!

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 11:28
by L18L
rerwin wrote:I believe I have fixed all of the issues, so am considering the 20200325 version ...
Thank you very much :D

If you want to build the
de/LC_MESSAGES/ is to be found under ... 52#1053752

find all updates for next version of EasyOS-de at that URL above, please.
Thank you

Re: Release candidate for snap2-4.27!

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 13:10
by BarryK
L18L wrote:@BK
find all updates for next version of EasyOS-de at that URL above, please.
Thank you
Thanks, I have updated the de langpack, now '', will upload it soon.

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 17:33
by esmourguit

Here is the last update of in french.



snap2-4.27 released!

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 17:46
by rerwin
I made a change to the notebook headings, to separate the titles so that the dialog definition is not impacted by a translation that impacts the "|" separator. The new messages for translation are:
    Snapshot Backup Paths
    Mirror Backup Paths
instead of
    Snapshot Backup Paths|Mirror Backup Paths
The released version of snap2-4.27 with the above change is uploaded to the "snap2 rotating snapshot backups for Puppy" thread in Advanced Topics » Additional Software (PETs, n' stuff) » Utilities: ... 82#1053782

The message changes are attached.

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 22:58
by BarryK
@rerwin, @L18L, @esmourguit,
Great, I have got the latest snap2 4.27 and translations, EasyOS/Pup 2.2.14 coming very soon!

Just like to say, I greatly appreciate the effort you guys put in, getting snap2 into shape. We need a good backup manager in the pups.

Lloyd Standish, the author of Snap2, has not worked on it since 2012, but I thought he might like to know it is still alive. Sent a pm to his Facebook page, with link to this thread.

Re: snap2-4.27 released!

Posted: Fri 27 Mar 2020, 14:27
by L18L
rerwin wrote:I made a change to the notebook headings, to separate the titles so that the dialog definition is not impacted by a translation that impacts the "|" separator. The new messages for translation are:
    Snapshot Backup Paths
    Mirror Backup Paths
instead of
    Snapshot Backup Paths|Mirror Backup Paths
The released version of snap2-4.27 with the above change is uploaded to the "snap2 rotating snapshot backups for Puppy" thread in Advanced Topics » Additional Software (PETs, n' stuff) » Utilities: ... 82#1053782

The message changes are attached.
updated translation attached

move to /us/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/