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thinkpad x24

Posted: Thu 20 Jun 2013, 15:24
by gasem
I did a hard drive install of wary 5.5 to a thinkpad x24 laptop. wlan was a dlink pcmcia card. It all worked great. Picked up the audio, video, pcmcia including the flash drive, eth0, phone modem as well.

The computer is a unicore 1ghz mobile Pentium 3 and 256mb ram. The computer is USB 1.1 and the bios won't boot from USB and has no internal CD drive so the HD install is about the only alternative and it completely revitalized this computer. Just a vote to continue with support for this class of hardware. I could easily give this computer to some kid or pensioner who could otherwise not afford a computer and he/she would have a blast.

Posted: Sat 31 Aug 2013, 15:04
by futwerk
a few new backgrounds.

Posted: Sat 31 Aug 2013, 22:35
by Dewbie
Very nice, and might I add a subtle way of dropping hints. :lol:

Wary 5.5 still the business on K6-2 500!

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013, 17:25
by Jades
My full install of Wary 5.5 is still performing excellently on my K6-2 500, which is more than I can say about the current alleged reccommended Official Puppy for older machines, Precise Retro, which can't even boot. I think I'll be staying with Wary for quite some time.

Posted: Sat 12 Oct 2013, 23:14
by starhawk
Small problem on my Dell Latitude CPi (aka The Infernal Dell) whilst trying Wary 5.5 on it.

The sound doesn't work.

Somewhat bigger problem: /usr/sbin/alsaconfig won't run.

Start the ALSA Wizard from the Puppy Menu, it pops up. Select "Run ALSA Wizard" and the orange box pops up and I never see any text in it -- nor do I see the alsaconf dialog boxes. Running from the terminal is slightly different -- no output at all, it just hangs.

The sound card in question is a Crystal 4237B. It's legacy ISA junk (the laptop is a 1999 model, after all!) and it's particularly persnickety with Puppy -- somewhere in the early 4 series Pups, the driver that should work with it (confusingly enough, it's the -4232 driver IIRC) stopped working with it. IIRC most Pups based on 412 will work, but 420 and later Pups won't. No idea why.

Here's the Pups I've tried and what happens with them --
TurboPup -- (pup420 based) probably the fastest I've found that's almost modern -- but USB is not hotpluggable.
pUPnGO -- (pup412 based) tried several variants, oddly sound does not work despite being a 412 derivative. extremely fast tho -- ties with TurboPup.
pup432v3 -- no sound and a little slow all round.
Precise 57 -- no drivers for the sound card.
RetroPrecise 543 -- either no drivers or alsaconf broken (don't remember)
Wary 55 -- alsaconf does not start, no sound
Wary 53 -- alsaconf does not start, no sound
Wary 513 -- alsaconf runs (!) but freezes at "loading sound driver". Did not test to see if the driver actually loaded or worked (I highly doubt it!). I'll try again later and choose the other driver (I chose the -4236 driver this time, which can sometimes work -- rarely).

Oh right -- @BarryK -- blog comment incoming about keyboards ;)

EDIT: tried Wary 513 again -- ISA probe failed because the cs4232 driver (the one that's needed here) is missing. Oh well.

Wary and Racy 5.5, released March 3, 2013

Posted: Sun 13 Oct 2013, 06:47
by Monsie

Have a look at this set of instructions over at the Alsa Project regarding building the modules for your particular sound card. Since your computer is a 1999 model, I believe it is worthwhile including such a driver package for Wary Puppy.


Wary and Racy 5.5, released March 3, 2013

Posted: Fri 18 Oct 2013, 05:31
by Monsie


I'm currently running Wary 5.5 and I did find a couple of cs sound drivers... just wondering if you could install either one --possibly by re-naming one of them to match your sound card so that Alsa-Wizard would find it and set it up for you. I know it is a bit of a hack, but hey, it might work... :wink:


Posted: Sun 27 Oct 2013, 20:21
by starhawk
Sorry that I forgot about this :oops: sometime later I'll try compiling that driver... but I'm very (pardon the term) wary about doing it -- make and I do not get along well...

Posted: Tue 12 Nov 2013, 02:35
by musher0
Hello, all.

Would any of you know how to get the Win keys to work in wary 5.5?
I have a Microsoft Internet keyboard, and xorg.conf is correctly

Here is my problem. echinus 0.4.9 can have some functions activated by
the Win keys. Under wary 5.5, however, the Win keys seem to remain
dead. By comparison, the echinus configuration with the Win keys work
nicely in rerwin's sulu.

Someone suggested that I change the setting in xorg.conf to pc105.
Which I did, but to no avail.

I got the Win keys to work, but only temporarily, for a single session,
in wary-5.5, by overwriting wary's xorg.conf with sulu's xorg.conf.
(Copying from suluPuppy to the warysave file, and then rebooting in
wary 5.5.)

Could there be a keyboard driver missing in wary, but present in sulu?
Or is it something else altogether?

Beyond the possibility to use the Win keys in echinus, it would be nice to
be able to configure and use under Puppy the additional keys that the M$
Internet keyboard has.

Any lead will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and best regards.


Wary and Racy 5.5, released March 3, 2013

Posted: Tue 12 Nov 2013, 08:43
by Monsie
musher0 wrote:Hello, all.

Would any of you know how to get the Win keys to work in wary 5.5?
I have a Microsoft Internet keyboard, and xorg.conf is correctly

Here is my problem. echinus 0.4.9 can have some functions activated by
the Win keys. Under wary 5.5, however, the Win keys seem to remain
dead. By comparison, the echinus configuration with the Win keys work
nicely in rerwin's sulu.

Someone suggested that I change the setting in xorg.conf to pc105.
Which I did, but to no avail.

I got the Win keys to work, but only temporarily, for a single session,
in wary-5.5, by overwriting wary's xorg.conf with sulu's xorg.conf.
(Copying from suluPuppy to the warysave file, and then rebooting in
wary 5.5.)

Could there be a keyboard driver missing in wary, but present in sulu?
Or is it something else altogether?

Beyond the possibility to use the Win keys in echinus, it would be nice to
be able to configure and use under Puppy the additional keys that the M$
Internet keyboard has.

Any lead will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and best regards.


I think that I can steer you in the right direction, but I have not tested this...

I think that you have to map the Windows keys. There is a separate keycode for the left Windows key and the right Windows key.

X event viewer shows the following when I press the left Windows key after the command:

Code: Select all

KeyRelease event, serial 25, synthetic NO, window 0x1800001,
    root 0x4c, subw 0x0, time 1265567631, (193,62), root:(396,284),
    state 0x40, keycode 115 (keysym 0xffeb, Super_L), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes: 
    XFilterEvent returns: False
This tells me that the keycode for the left Windows key is 115 and that the keysym (encoded symbol for the key) is Super_L

To map this key:

Code: Select all

xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = Super_L"
Then, I think you have to save this info to your particular keyboard, for example:

Code: Select all

setxkbmap fr
if you are using the French keyboard. After this you may need to log out then log in again, or, re-boot to make your changes permanent.

Finally, with your Window key mapped, you should now be able to associate an action with the particular key within Echinus or other window manager.

Oh, and by the way, the keycode for the right Windows key is: 116 and the keysym is: Super_R. Also, I notice that the key description in the keyboard map file itself is called LWIN and RWIN but that the keysyms Super_L and Super_R are also used.

Hope this helps,

Posted: Tue 12 Nov 2013, 13:12
by musher0
If you want a clear explanation, ask a fellow Canadian! ;)
Many thanks, monsie! I'll try your suggestions.



Wary and Racy 5.5, released March 3, 2013

Posted: Tue 12 Nov 2013, 16:03
by Monsie

I forgot to mention (it was late for me when I posted previously) that you can check to see if the right and left Windows keys are mapped or not with xmodmap using the print keyboard map option:

Code: Select all

xmodmap -pk
Hope this works out for you,

Re: Super_L and Super_R keys

Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 00:30
by npierce

Any progress?

What output does Wary 5.5 give you for these commands?:

Code: Select all

setxkbmap -query
setxkbmap -print

5.5 wary does not power down

Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 02:21
by created4el
When I go through the menu to power off my P3 system running wary 5.5 installed onto the hard drive (formerly running 5.3 with jwm) it just sits there. It used to at least shut down but the power button had to be manually pressed and held to shut off the power. But as mentioned in 5.5, it doesn't even get to there.

After a bit of digging... the menu/shutdown/power off computer is linked to /usr/bin/wmpoweroff... in the wmpoweroff script it does a cat /etc/wibndowmanager...
that file contains fvwm95 but I am running jwm... so when I change the content to jwm then it shuts down... (or halts but doesn't power off... at least it doesn't just blissfully sit there like before...

Re: Super_L and Super_R keys

Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 03:25
by musher0
Edited Nov. 14, 2013
npierce wrote:musher0,

Any progress?

What output does Wary 5.5 give you for these commands?:

Code: Select all

setxkbmap -query
setxkbmap -print
Hi, npierce & monsie.

Thanks for asking, npierce, and monsie, for the additional information.
Sorry for the delay in responding: I was sidetracked by the publishing of
wolx-5.5, a French-speaking derivative of wary-5.5.

Also tomorrow and Friday, I have to fill in a translation contract, so I'll be

The Win keys in the echinus 0.4.9 configuration seem to be responding
well in wary-5.5 today, but with the general/generic keyboard entry
"pc105" in the keyboard wizard, not with the microsoftInet entry. This
computer has a qwerty MS Internet keyboard, and my instinctive reaction
was to specify "microsoftInet" as the keyboard. But it has to be "pc105",
otherwise, nada, no Win keys work on this keyboard.

Of course, this is only a one-guy test... I need to study monsie's leads.

Results for

Code: Select all

setxkbmap -query

Code: Select all

rules:      xorg
model:      pc105
layout:     qc
Results for

Code: Select all

setxkbmap -print

Code: Select all

xkb_keymap {
	xkb_keycodes  { include "xfree86+aliases(qwerty)"	};
	xkb_types     { include "complete"	};
	xkb_compat    { include "complete"	};
	xkb_symbols   { include "pc/pc(pc105)+pc/qc"	};
	xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)"	};
Various questions that popped up in my mind during my research/tests
on the Win keys in wolx 5.5, in no order:
  • - where are the keyboard drivers located in Puppy? (solved)
    - where are the keyboards settings located in Puppy? (solved)
    - is there an actual driver for microsoftInet keyboards or is it just a
    derivative of pc105? (solved)
    Edit: thanks to Monsie for the pointers solving the above 3 questions.
    (Please see next page, top message.)
    - does Puppy use the entire set of possible keyboards or
    just a sub-set?
    - is the entire list of keyboards in the keyboard wizard valid?
    (of course nobody has all those keyboards to check them and
    publish results centrally, but still.)
    - does openbox "steal" a keyboard vector of some kind for the Win keys
    so other wm's can't use it?
    - does xbindkeys do the same?
    Edit: Thanks to npierce for his answers to those questions, here: ... ost#736981
    - how do you get the "menu" key to work on any wm?
    (Would be useful for obvious reason! :)
    Edit: This one solved here : ... &start=120
Again, thanks in advance for any insight.

Bye for now.


Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 08:00
by Monsie
Thanks for weighing in Norm, :) I appreciate any additional help here...


I still think we are on the right track, but I admit that I am "flying by the seat of my pants" to some extent here in attempt to help... :lol:

Here is a screenshot of where the configuration files are for your particular model of keyboard. In my case, my keyboard is configured in the inet file. Notice the folder labelled pc If I open that folder, then I can locate the configuration files for the keyboard layout regarding the country and/or language that is in use.

Given your feedback, it looks to me that at least two keyboard files need to be configured (mapped) as located above: your microsoft inet file and the country/language file. Then, it might be a matter of making adjustments in your windows manager.

That said, I am interested in further feedback from Mr. Pierce.


Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 11:29
by musher0
Hi, Monsie.

In ref. to your message here ... 961#736410

I knew about xev, and have trained myself to read some of it, at least the
"keycode" information.

I gather "map" is used here in the sense of "establish", "draw the layout
of". To map a keyboard, is to establish or discover the layout of it, right?
More like surveying than simple geography. (This French-speaking
person's understanding of "map" in this sense, anyway. Please correct me
if I'm wrong.)

I've included the result of

Code: Select all

xmodmap -pk

and a partial screen capture, which I find a bit confusing : six key
symbols per keycode will do it! :o If somebody would give me a few
hints on how to read this table, I'd be grateful.

Thanks in advance and best regards.


Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 11:45
by musher0
Hello, again, Monsie.

In ref. to your message on top of this page.

I found my MSInet keyboard's partial layout at
/etc/X11/xkb/symbols/inet, as suggested in your illustration (thanks for
that), but it contains no reference to the Win and Menu keys. (Pls see

In view of this new information, my question becomes this:
Is there a way to specify both the pc105 and the inet keyboards in
xorg.conf? And of course, would it solve the problem?

Thanks in advance, to you or anyone who can provide directions
about this.

Best regards.


Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 12:20
by musher0
Hello again.

Found in the two first entries here: ... &qhqn=&KW=

that it is possible to indicate manually, in xorg.conf

Code: Select all

Option "xkb_model" "pc105+inet"
Now here's a "good" problem :) : how do I configure for Puppy usage
those ten additional buttons at the top of the MSInet keyboard? :)



Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 12:25
by musher0
Hello again!

Reporting success in mapping the "Menu" key to "ShowMenu Root" in
/root/.pekwm/keys. Nothing is simpler!

Now back to the Internet buttons: I will try mapping some at the next recess!