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Posted: Sat 16 May 2020, 16:36
by soniabu
I partially solved it using the second function (Combine tif2pdf) which converts the images into single pdfs and then I use the Join function.

Hi everyone.
I use Peasypdf ver 4.2 with Bionicpup64 ver 8.
I was trying to use the Combine function to transform a jpg folder into a single pdf but I can't because the program is missing but I can't find it in PPM.
What I do not understand above all is that if I run the command from the terminal everything is done perfectly and I find myself as output the pdf with the merged images.(fig. 2)
Can anyone suggest me a solution?


Posted: Wed 20 May 2020, 14:25
by rcrsn51
The original version of img2pdf (from the Tahrpup era) used a Python2 app where the executable was named "".

It looks like you have installed a newer Python3 version where the executable is just "img2pdf".

The original version is still available in Fred's repo as a .deb package. I have no idea if it is compatible with Puppy.