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Posted: Sun 04 Jul 2010, 14:55
by nooby
trying to get a Java app to run, unsuccessfully so far
Java seems to be difficult. I remember there are a thread that try to say how one can successfully do get it to work. But I am not motivated enough to spend time searching for it. I hope you have that motivation though. :)

Wow you are a HAM radio operator. I admired such for some 55 years or so.
I desperately asked the military to teach me Morse or CW but I was not fit for the elite. To bad performance getting the code. So no license for me.

Yes I know there are licenses for us who don't get morse too.

I've listen to G amateurs since 1960 at least but I am only doing internet now and no shortwave. Too much QRM from all computers and TV.

Good luck

Posted: Mon 05 Jul 2010, 13:13
by DaveWBX
Hi Again...

Yes, have been a HAM op, since I was 16 (now 53!) so it's just part of the normal toy cupboard for me :) Not that active from home (not enough of the right sort of time!) and since the hand held in the car broke (the RX went deaf) recently not much mobile either.

I have a full 100W HF set in the 4x4, and am trying to get things to the stage, where I can just "plug-n-play" if I want to, when setup in some campsite somewhere. PC wise, I'd like to have something that though I'd not exactly be happy if it broke or got badly damaged, it wont cause me any serious hassle. At the moment, the only decent portable PC I have is the works laptop I'm using now in my lunch break, I definately do not want to damage that, though it does travel with me a lot.

I've used Puppy on/off for the last few years, for odd things, usually getting some old clunker PC to work well enough so someone can play on the web, and it has been very good for that.

It's only because of that "happy time" experience, I thought I'd try to go further, but find just too many dots that are not joined up as it were. Mind you, that seems common in the Linux and open source world overall.

It's Sooooooo frustrating to know what I want to do can be done (I've seen screen shots of *Exactly* what I want to do) but can find no one who seems to know enough to tell me how to do what I want, the right way the first time. In particular, regarding the needed Java Run Time Environment install.

Dot Pup's and dot Pet's are a great idea, and where present install and work well. But if such a file does not exist, it's a show stopper.

As standard Puppy does not seem to support building app's from sources, but I know libraries are available to allow that, but so far the one link I found on another Puppy site is dead.

As to the HAM radio, take the ticket, even the basic Tech/Novice will get you access to air somehow. If not from kit of your own, then via the 'net and other peoples remoteable stations (subject to them letting you!) If you just want to listen, look up the GlobalTuners network (google, you'll find them) no licence needed, and you can listen to real off air stuff via your PC, from anywhere in the world.

Cheers and 73 etc.


Posted: Mon 05 Jul 2010, 13:44
by nooby

I don't promise but if I by accident come to see or remember how to search for java how to then I try to find this thread and tell you. :)

Surprised that none else remember. Maybe few need Java.


I sent a PM to a guy I trust to know way more than me. Hopefully he send answer here or him tell you to start a new thread. With java in the title.
Or maybe he give link in a PM to me. Anyway if it would be good if you start a new thread about your java problems.

Java in Firefox

Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010, 17:55
by wuwei
Hi Nooby,

thanks for the compliments and the message. But I just stumbled into this Java issue in context with Lucid Puppy and tried a few things. Fortunately they worked.

So Dave, you'll find my relevant postings when you go to this thread

Go to the bottom of the first page and use the "display posts" function by author and choose descending. You will find a bunch of my posts then on page 1 and 2 of the search. The third one is relevant for installing Java.

Further check playdayz' post on this page ... &start=825
and his pet here ...

As for your other well thought of wishes....
Puppy is unique in many ways. One is that it has no central development. It's a bunch of individuals with more or less skills that put out one Puplet after another. Any new main Puppy from Barry gives birth to a lot of Puplets created by others and abandoned even faster if something better comes along. To create a Wiki or any kind of database that has all relevant information on any one subject for all those Puplets is outright impossible, or would be an enormous ongoing task, to say the least.

But one can use the wellminded search for one, and create your own data base. This is how I do it. Any how-to I might need will be copied to a text file or a pdf file and archived with a meaningful title. In addition I collect pets and isos. All of this on a separate partition or a separate folder somewhwere outside the Puppy partitions. This way I can setup a new Puppy with all my trimmings in less than 30 minutes. Prerequisite is a Linux partition with Grub for the Puppies. Then a frugal install of a raw Puppy takes less than 3 minutes after the iso has downloaded (no CD involved).

Some other collection of good FAQs here

Hope this gets you started in the wonderful and somewhat chaotic world of Puppy.

Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010, 20:42
by nooby
wuwei , thanks for taking time providing all that info.
I've been thinking of java too but seems to not know when one need it.

Don't bother to explain. I am too lazy anyway.