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Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2009, 21:31
by Keef
Compaq Armada 3500
PII 300mhz
2GB CF card in IDE adapter
Frugal install (manual)

I used to use 214R for quite a while (a minimal setup using Ratpoison), but on a more modern laptop. I was a bit disappointed it didn't run that well on the system described above
This new revision is a lot quicker, and looks really good.
There are a few issues though. I had never used a subdirectory for 214R, so I tried that initially (using the guide earlier in the thread), and got it to boot (eventually). Problems occur on shutdown, with some changes being lost. I got this error:

merging initrd/pup-rw/ into initrd/pup_ro1
tail: cannot open "+2" for reading
No such file or directory

Also got this with an install to root. Tried both methods with and without an empty savefile.

Eventually got round this by sticking with the root install and removing PMEDIA=ideflash

This is my menu.lst for reference:
title 214X
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0
initrd /initrd.gz

I've gained a swapfile that I've never had before though.
Anyway, I have also installed Opera 10 turbo which works well.
Tried FirePup, but it is a bit erratic - adding bookmarks locks it up.

The Armada does not have an internal floppy, so gparted goes on walkabout trying to find it. I copied over gparted_shell from the patched version, and also got hold of probedisk2, and symlinked it to probedisk.
Now able to select the drive to open gparted with, *but*, pmount then only shows the (non-existant) floppy drive!
Mut works fine though.

On first boot, geany threw up this message:
'geany needs to move your old config file before starting. Your old config directory "/root/.geany" couldn't be moved to "/root/.config/geany" (invalid cross-link)'

Once I sorted out the savefile issue, I no longer get the message. Geany runs ok, either way.

Posted: Thu 04 Jun 2009, 15:50
by ecomoney
I notice on this thread about the icewmpackage you made, 2.14r would not work because of the non standard menu layout 2.14r uses....I believe you said you had fixed that in 2.14X?

Posted: Sat 06 Jun 2009, 06:55
by prit1
@ttuuxxx ... working on 2 series is a joy on my machine. Wireless works perfectly everytime. Feels faster. Thanks for resurrecting this. Have got it installed and will definitely be watching this thread.

Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2009, 05:28
by ttuuxxx
Well guys I've been working endlessly on this Seamonkey issue, And I've narrowed it down to something wrong with the backend, Its not Seamonkeys fault or flash, well it is to do with flash, but thats not it, I've installed 2 other Seamonkeys from grrrrr Mozilla that I downloaded, one was a gtk1 and the other was gtk2 both compiled as i686, and they both crashed with flash at the same websites doing the same thing, with different flash's installed. So I'll look at what I've compiled and installed in the past and try to work this flaw out. I know that libpangocairo was difficult to compile, it took a lot to get this compiled the first time, many attempts, its also a known fact when you look it up on google, you'll find lots of users finding it difficult to compile, I wish I had Barry's secret recipe for that, like which libs he used for a base for it.

Anyways I'll plug along with it, I also have the latest gimp, if anyone wanted it, its a 6.5MB pet, but its has almost all options compiled with it. Like it opens PS,MS graphics etc. heres the link. ...


Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2009, 19:09
by ttuuxxx
Hey guys, I fixed the flash crashing error, well I can view the pages now that used 2 crash which is great news :)
Also last year I compiled a application called GtkHash, well I figured I would compile it for 2.14.1X Soooooo, I remembered that last time it had about 20 different file hashes and I figured well thats probably the reason why it was so large, like 250kb pet, So This time around I looked to see if I could disable all but 2 hash files, and yes I could, I kept md5 and sha1. since those are the most used on puppy and made the package, lol this time the whole package was 57kb, now thats a great size. So I'll include it with the next release, also I found another gtk2 picture viewer thats really small (47kb) and hasn't been on puppy yet, so I'll toss that one in also for testing. it has Fullscreen and slideshow, gif viewing, mouse and keyboard zooming. Not bad for the size :) Anyways Tomorrow I'll put it all together and release it :)

Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2009, 19:22
by ttuuxxx
Also guys if you could post some sites where the browser was crashing for you, I could test the sites and make sure that its now fixed, Thanks for your help :)

Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2009, 20:29
by ecomoney is a good site for testing flash

a lot of crashes occur when flash is unloaded...i.e. a page with flash is navigated away from...with no other flash pages open.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 00:00
by ttuuxxx
ecomoney is a good site for testing flash

a lot of crashes occur when flash is unloaded...i.e. a page with flash is navigated away from...with no other flash pages open.
Thanks for that :), lots of flash on those pages and It didn't crash :)
so far so good :)

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 02:48
by clarf
Hi ttuuxxx, great news about seamonkey. :wink:

I have a request, could you please include HardInfo in 2.14.1X. I installed 0.5.1 version and it works perfects, it´s also small enough to be included in the ISO.

Thanks ttuuxxx.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 03:18
by ttuuxxx
clarf wrote:Hi ttuuxxx, great news about seamonkey. :wink:

I have a request, could you please include HardInfo in 2.14.1X. I installed 0.5.1 version and it works perfects, it´s also small enough to be included in the ISO.

Thanks ttuuxxx.
Ok I was thinking about adding that, also I found a small dvd slide show maker, well its 500kb pet size but its real super easy to use, It will make vob or vfl files if ffmpeg or VFL is installed, but the good thing is that it makes the file as mpg if you don't have the 2 libs above, which can play in gxine fullscreen, It took me a bout 3 seconds to grab a few icons to test it with, and I had them sliding left and right, fading in and out etc. What a nice program to send family and friends images that fade in an out in 1 file, I might add it so people can try it and if we are really dire need for space, I could remove it.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 03:53
by ttuuxxx
What do people think about gtkam ? Its a 756kb pet package for the latest version. Kind of big, but really useful for anyone with a digital camera.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 04:16
by ecomoney
I would say if they can only afford a computer old enough to be suitable for puppy 2 series....they wouldnt be able to afford a digital camera

Good work for getting the flash stable!

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 04:30
by clarf
ttuuxxx wrote:Ok I was thinking about adding that, also I found a small dvd slide show maker, well its 500kb pet size but its real super easy to use, It will make vob or vfl files if ffmpeg or VFL is installed, but the good thing is that it makes the file as mpg if you don't have the 2 libs above, which can play in gxine fullscreen, It took me a bout 3 seconds to grab a few icons to test it with, and I had them sliding left and right, fading in and out etc. What a nice program to send family and friends images that fade in an out in 1 file, I might add it so people can try it and if we are really dire need for space, I could remove it.
Thanks ttuuxxxx. That slide show maker could be very useful, I´ll be happy to try it.

In my 2.x series I always delete some example files to free space:

There are some videos and pdf files in /usr/share/examples/video (about 128 KB) and /usr/share/examples/ps-pdf (47 KB), if those files are needed by new users to test apps, we can just compress them or make smaller versions.

In /usr/share/images there is a reference_image.ppm file, this image format is uncompressed and could be replaced for a smaller one (about 176 KB).

There are 2 MB used in /usr/share/doc just for readmes.

Please take a look on them.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 05:12
by ttuuxxx
Hi clarf hardware info is in, I made it twice, one with icons, and one without icons, the reason why it comes with 250kb of icons, when I deleted the icons this was the results
with icons -->
without icons -->
so out goes the icons, I did system link the systems icons but and saved 100kb, but when I ran it, it didn't pickup on the system links. So Best just to drop them.

ps since your eager, here's a pet to the mpg image slideshow maker.
to use it
Click --->Slideshow -->New and give it a name
Click --->Import the slides ---> and select each picture you want to use, jpeg,png, xpm etc
Click --->Slideshow --->export and your done :)

more advanced method is
Click --->Slideshow -->New and give it a name
Click --->Import the slides ---> and select each picture you want to use, jpeg,png, xpm etc
Click on a image slide at the bottom, then select on the right hand side transition type, and try different ones with different images.
repeat above step until each slide has a transition then
Click --->Slideshow --->export and your done :)

How easy is that?????
man thats a nice program.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 05:24
by ttuuxxx
ecomoney wrote:I would say if they can only afford a computer old enough to be suitable for puppy 2 series....they wouldnt be able to afford a digital camera

Good work for getting the flash stable!
I can't believe you actually said that, man thats narrow minded, Teenpup is based on 2 series, it had thousands of downloads. Some people just find it works faster and more stable, I think so, If I wasn't always building some sort of puppy base, I probably would settle for 2 series, The reason why I would pick it over 4 series????? I bet your wondering now, lol
Gimp, plain and simple, 4 series can only use the older gimp unless you change glib and update it, ok yes we all know that, Butttttttt say you edit a png, jpg etc on gimp on 4 series and save it, great it saves:) but if you then edit the picture still in gimp and try to resave it over top of the one you just saved, the save screen is washed out and you can't, the way around it was to save it as a .psd file and it will let you save numerous times, but png,jpg, etc no sir-re-bob lol
but on 2 series with the latest gimp or the older gimps from 4 series work on it also, and yes you can resave on png, jpg etc. strange and its not libpng either at fault on series 4, because I recompiled it, and it wasn't fixed, on series 2 also Has the latest libpng with Apng patched :) must be cairo playing up in series 4.0.
anyways that works for me. Plus Seamonkey is stable now, what more would someone want? lol


Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 05:59
by ttuuxxx
Well Guys I'm going to put it together now, should be only a couple of hours before I upload it, I'll test it first and maybe have some dinner ,lol
I think we'll still be just under the 100MB which is good :), I'm tempted to add gimp, but hey I won't, I should make a small version of gimp up, maybe call it "Shrimp" lol most of gimps size after all the doc and locals are removed is plugins, really 90% of the plugins and only a few are really worth keeping, I think theres over 200 plugin in gimp, thats why the slow startup, it has to load each plugin.
anyways off topic again :)

214x1 on EeePC901

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 21:41
by mawebb88
Thought I would give this a wirl but unfortunately there are no network interfaces detected:

In 412 the interfaces are eth0 (module=ATL1e) and rt0 (module=rt2860). Any chance of these in 214x?

Rgds Mike

Nb my menu.lst entry for the record (took some time for me to get it)

Code: Select all

title Puppy214x1
	rootnoverify (hd1,0)
	kernel /puppy214x1/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 pmedia=idehd pdev1=hdd1 pupmode=12 SFSFILE=ext3,hdd1,/puppy214x1/pup_214R.sfs ZDRV=ext3,hdd1,/puppy214x1/zdrv_214R.sfs PUPSAVE=ext3,hdd1,/puppy214x1/pup_save.2fs
	initrd /puppy214x1/initrd.gz

Posted: Tue 09 Jun 2009, 01:53
by mikeb
So this is where where you have been hiding :D .
Ok to business.
glibc 2.3.6 Tls version works great and gives support to the newer wine releases and some other apps. I have actually sneaked in glibc2.4 and 2.5 and puppy 2.12 was still running ok.

Seamonkey and flash 9 ..yes it crashes...but what is your secret fix!!!.
Otherwise firefox 1.5 (or firepup) and flash 9 becomes stable (puppy 2.12 again) if the open/save file dialog is forced to the built in one. Firefox 2 has a setting for this and can take simplemail extension which is really good now so giving an alternative to the seamonkey suite.(oh and there is a html editor extension too)

I use vlc (slackware 0.8.6c) on it and never had fullscreen problems though I switched to xfce 4.2 early on which is small and stable. Your vlc will work if the newer avcodec libs are used from puppy 4 and the wxwidgets plugin from the vlc pup...indeed pik n mix seems to work with this app. :)

qt3 is no problem and I found a qt4 set that work ok avidemux 2.4 running on puppy 2.12 ok.

Puppy 2.16 has aufs available (same kernel) update that may be worthwhile.
The newer xorgwizard needs dccprobe for better detection ...had to grab this from 4.xx.
I use a 1.1.23 cups from an old pup...never had a problem with it but I recently updated just the gutenprint and works a treat.

Ok there's probably more but tis late



Posted: Tue 09 Jun 2009, 02:27
by ttuuxxx
mikeb wrote:So this is where where you have been hiding :D .

Ok there's probably more but tis late


Thanks mike I was wondering when you were going to join in with festivities :) I'm holding back on the next release a bit, I managed to stop it from crashing, but it still has the utf8 issues, strange that it doesn't crash. lol So I'm trying to get utf8 working properly first, I'll spend a bit of time on it and see what happens :)

Posted: Tue 09 Jun 2009, 03:09
by mikeb
Yeah have noticed that utf-8 complaint but doesn't seem to relate to stability.


ps where's my party hat?